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Super Massive Random Points

Monday, March 30, 2009

I really loved that random things ever since I came across it on Facebook. Ever since then I've done quite a few blogs of randomness which is SO me (I can picture my online chat mates nodding their heads in front of their computer monitors).

Oh come on, a little bit of randomness in your life is not all that bad. Plus, it keeps your mind sharp and keeps you on your toes when you have to frequently adjust and see what I am referring to when I say "Wa, that sucks."

You'd have to find out whether I was referring to someone, something, or our last topic of conversation.

Ain't that cool?

Yes I know it is.

And because knowing how I am long-winded as well as random, I named them super massive points instead, so readers are mentally prepared. Now I shall do my best to tear myself away from the drama because I am trying my best to collect a list of random points of Randomness :)

1. I have decided that I do not regret not going to Perth. Sure there is pangs of guilt because I really owe myself that much, you know. As any UWA student I deserved to go up on stage to receive the white paper from an angmoh guy who doesn't know which is my name and probably won't see me ever again for the rest of our respective lives. But, yea. I don't regret it anymore then I don't regret not eating instant noodles for supper on some nights even though I am hungry :)

That part of my bachelor degree life is over and I truly really look forward to nice guided trips to awesome places like China (no matter what some of you think about it, I think that a person ought to, to a decent extent, recognise your own roots).

2. I have the most awesome of all awesome dreams and can almost always recall them superbly vividly. It can include anything ranging from dogs, zombies, space crafts and Superman.

3. I really really like the way Chubby smiles irregardless of what you all think about him. *grabs Chubby and takes a deep sniff*

4. Does not understand why people are 'pantang' about hanging windchimes in their house. I get all sorts of answers.. especially those concerning what ifs. What if it suddenly rings really violently when there is no wind at all? My answer is: I don't know whether there's any wind at all. My aircon's on!

5. Would like to reiterate her unwavering support for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

6. Looked like this when I was young:

7. And cannot believe it either.

8. Loves to read the Comics section everyday on Straits Times life. Had 'witnessed' Zoe and Hammie from Comic Strip 'Baby Blues' growing up, and had welcomed together with their parents, their youngest sibling (whose name I forgot). Here's a short one to share:

9. Is proud to update all of you on Bobby's improving condition. While, improving my sense of the word sometimes means a last minute U-Turn to the Grim Reaper. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed but I've removed Bobby from the Hospital Tank already.. actually, he had just been transported back a few minutes ago and went straight to try and bite a dead shrimp (which I had to remove to maintain water quality).

You see, the keyword is TRY. He didn't manage and gave up after a few weak-hearted attempts. I shall monitor him over the next few days and let you all know if he is going to pull through :(

See, this is the BEFORE treatment photo that I shared with all of you a few days ago:

And here he was in this photo taken yesterday:

In case you didn't notice, the familiar cheeky playful 'gleam' in his eye is back as well :)

Cutest thing about Bobby is how he floats to the edge of the fish tank when you point your finger against the glass. He'd push his nose up against the tank too, and then look at you in such a way that both his eyes becomes 'pa-jiao'.

A cross-eyed pufferfish is definitely in the Top 100 ranking of cutest animal on the planet!

You're probably noticed that the water condition is also very different. Well, that's because after I added the medicine, alot of slime and goo gradually fell off the fish (much to the delight of the ghost shrimps in the hospital tank). Speaking of those 2 ghost shrimp buggers; they were meant as food for Bob, but you know, sick things don't eat much so they became friends and I was quite glad, really, that the shrimps helped to clear off most of the goo.

10. Have maybe realised the reason why she likes these 'points of random' method so much: I don't have to kill many brain cells just to figure out a good way to link various irrelevant blog topics together!!!!

11. Nothing is going to stop me from watching the 9pm show on Channel 8 tonight (except, maybe, a blackout)! I think the name is 煮妇的假期. And it's the FINAL EPISODE tonight. There's something about irresponsible, philandering and cannot-be-bothered husbands that makes my blood boil while watching this drama serial, thus I feel very 'emo'. PS: Aiqin should just divorce her hubby in the show

12. This is not very random because I'm going to talk about TV commercials (since the above point already talked about something related to TV). Anyway, I am a sucker for commercial ads. I usually readily believe whatever they say on the commercial. My current infatuation is with regards to MagicClean's new duster that is able to pick up and hold alot of dust!

But I must state, though, I do not buy ads relating to slimming. If you have so much gawddamn money, you should just save it up for a branded bag and then go jogging!

13. Since I'm on it, I would like to state I believe the best way to lose weight is to not only eat less, but also to start jogging. Have you seen people who start to jog? I mean, look at them! They look a hell lot more alert and slim! Jeez, it's making me envious.

14. I'm in love with E71. The white colour one, and am gonna grab one as soon as my plan ends. In June. :(

15. Moderately pissed about my current unemployment status, yet there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

16. Thinks that my OSIM (Brookstone) nap blanket is the most shiockedelic thing in the world (ranking second only to my chou chou). It's soft, it's comfy. As a value-add characteristic, it even smells like Chubby! (Refer to above Point 3 mentioned earlier). Say.. isn't Brookstone the name of some government conspiracy in the Bourne shows?

Oops. Sorry. That one is Treadstone.

17. Had once pondered throwing away all the room decors in her room... and then replacing them with those miniature places from Lord Of The Rings. Unfortunately, this little idea of mine died as soon as I saw the price tags of the 'miniature scenes' at the shop in Suntec. Not only that, I find that I can't throw away as many things as I thought I could.

18. Doesn't really watch Anime. The only thing I come close was Bow Wow (家有奸狗) and Skip Beat!

19. Now that I'm on to cartoons, I have to admit I'm probably one of the very few people in the world who bothers trying to follow storyline :( Take Diablo, Diablo2 expansion and Warcraft III for example.

Guys, it's not all about the leveling up, okay? You've got to take some time back to enjoy the story that the people at Blizzard put so much thought into!

20. Loves to drink Yakult, amidst a list of other beverages like Coke Zero, Carrot Juice and the occasional Teh-C Peng.

21. Loves BBQ-ed/plain Marshmallows and Oreo Cheesecake. But I think that one of it is too over-eaten and the other, too under-eaten. Guess which is which.

22. Is secretly more biase towards Shreky than Donkey, although Dondon is the one who lives in the nicer-looking and more expensive cage.

23. Does not understand why she has to watch Korean drama with the sound on (loud enough to be clear) when she is always reading the English subtitles. I have absolutely no clue waht they are talking about anyway!!

24. Since I'm on it, I would like to declare my love for John Hoon (Kim Jeong Hoon). I don't know which website I got this photo from but he's darn good looking!

Ladies, please stop drooling. Guys, please stop staring. Anyone else in-between, please behave.

25. I think that one of the greatest funny incident is that Des bought me a Tiger carved out of.. well... Tiger's Eye. It's like a joke or something. But I have to admit that the Tiger was really nice. Moreover, I just did that Facebook zodiac thingy that identified me as a Fire Tiger *Roars Fire*. Fierce enough eh?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:17 pm

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star~

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:11 am

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He's Just Not That Into You

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm reading a book right now.

If you've read up to this part of my blog you should have easily guessed what book it is.

Okay, I'm still at the beginning part. To sum it up, this fella is giving some pretty good advice to a group of attractive and talented women (who are supposedly the story-writers of Sex In The City), and I thought that I'd like to share one paragraph of what he said, with all of you :)

Basically one of them said that she went on a date with this guy, and when he sent her home and she invited him upstairs to her apartment, he told her that he is going to have a meeting tomorrow morning and don't think he should come up stairs.

So Mr. Adviser replies:

When a guy is into you, he lets you know it. He calls, he shows up, he wants to meet your friends, he can't keep his eyes or hands off of you, and when it's time to have sex, he's more than overjoyed to oblige. He don't care if he's starting his new job as the president of the United States the nex morning at 0400 (that's 4a.m. ladies!). He's coming up!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:01 pm

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3M Nexcare Acne Patch

It's a miracle! I can actually recall the full name of this product despite having thrown away the packaging eons ago!!!

Not only me recalling the name is miraculous, but also, the product itself is a gift bestowed from the Heavens!

Okay. Quite obviously, I'm exaggerating.

Now the thing about this poor product is, some people do not know how to use it!

I think even the product's instructions are quite general.

Now, let me share with you a guide from my fair share of experience with this product.

Firstly, let me give credit to Jesslin for introducing the product to me.

Because of her lack of pimples, she had a huge supply of it and passed some to me to try out.

This resulted in me learning the do's and don'ts of the Acne Patch sticker.

Now firstly, no matter what the product say and claim to be very transparent / transluscent and almost invislble, DO NOT BELIEVE IT.

So far, unless I know I'm going to stay at home the whole day, I DO NOT use the acne patch outside of the house because it is just TOO BLARDY OBVIOUS. For the unobservant people here, it actually has a yellow tinge to it.

I know that the skin tone of most Asians has a certain shade of 'yellow' to it, but surely it shouldn't look like a drop of pee stuck firmly imprinted on your face (thanks to the special and effective 3M technology).

As much as you think it would drop off, none of the hundreds of Acne Patch stickers I've used actually came off on its own accord, unless I ripped it off from my skin personally.

The next important thing is WHEN to actually stick it.

When I just got the product, I made the absolutely stupid and wasteful decision to stick on whatever spot that was going to pop a pimple. You know, there are always the usual signs, painful and sensitive to touch at the area where the pimple is going to pop out, accompanied with redness and maybe even a slight bump forming already.

Though the product claims to be able to suck out oil, and it really does (you can see the oil stain against the sticker the next morning when you peel it off your skin), but then you will also realise that it doesn't do much damage control either.

I then found out the best way. Wait until the 'head' of the pimple is visible, or you can actually feel it when you touch the pimple.

Of course, experts always say DON'T TOUCH YOUR PIMPLE. Just leave it there and treat it as if it doesn't exist (which makes me wonder why everytime go facial they will squeeze it for you anyway?). But surely touching your pimple ONCE a day to feel whether the head is erupted or erupting wouldn't hurt abit right?

So yea, ONLY when you can feel the head or visibly see the pus THEN you use the Acne Patch.

I tell you, the next day when you peel off the sticker, be sure to stand in front of the mirror.

You will get the most awesome-o feeling of awe when upon slowly and gently peeling off the sticker, the pus gets miraculousy PULLED out of the pimple too!

(Of course, please don't be a dumba$$ and leave it at that if you obviously know there is some amount of leftover pus inside and squeeze it out!)


Now children, let's summarise today's lesson.

The Who What Where When How of 3M Nexcare Acne Patch.

Who: You

What: Acne and Acne Patch

Where: Only at home. Make sure you don't have friends who visit you out of nowhere *recalls a certain birthday surprise party and shudders with terror*

When: Before you sleep.

How: Paste it over and just press onto it to make sure it sticks firmly. Remember, use the more sticky side of the Patch on your skin! I don't know why I even have to mention this....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:00 am

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yes my dear readers. I haven't done it for a long time but here's bringing back the WORD OF THE DAAAAYYYYYY!!!!

Blasphemy (noun) ; Blasphemies (plural)

1. impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.
2. Judaism.
a. an act of cursing or reviling God.
b. pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) in the original, now forbidden manner instead of using a substitute pronunciation such as Adonai.
3. Theology. the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God.
4. irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred, priceless, etc.: He uttered blasphemies against life itself.

Interestingly enough, the reason why I came across this word was that I overheard it in South Park's latest episode. Needless to say, it was meant to ridicule the banks.

Obviously. As you can see from the following example. Please don't whine about it. It's just a short 1min 45sec clip. Surely you have the time to spare!?

If anything, I would advise the turning up of the volume. I never understood. This is the legit version, the original version of South Park yet the sound quality is so soft.

I would like to share with all of you the picture of my pierced tragus before it gets ugly and infected and pussy. Oops... I mean Pus-sy.

Anyway, now, in my opinion, is the hardest part of the healing process. Tragus Piercings are damn weird. I mean, they don't hurt alot on the first few days but then after that the pain hits you like a bang. Heck, even the actual piercing didn't hurt that much.

I've always felt that my body was abit retarded when it comes to the healing process. It was like this with my ear lobes. I can pierce my lobes on the same day as my friend and hers is completely well and healed and got over that crust-inducing healing stage and then it became my turn to barely start that phase of healing.

Yes, the weird part is the pain that usually comes within the 1st week of the piercing. The jaw hurts. Seriously. I have trouble smiling and even opening my mouth wide enough to eat.

Apparently this has got to do with the nerve / tendon of the jaw being situated close to the tragus. The tragus is abit swollen due to the fresh piercing, and thus affects that area of the jaw.

So, it is quite ouch. It's not really classified as pain. More like a dull ache. Like you are reeling back to your senses after someone has kicked you in your jaw.

Speaking of which my Dad did that Facebook thing about zodiacs and which element / zodiac animal you are... Like for mine, I know that I'm a Tiger baby girl, but I just realised that my element is that of Fire.

This is exactly weird because I went to Chengdu the other time and according to the time of my birth and gawd knows what, I'm supposed to be a Water Tiger.

Now Fire and Water are such different elements, I don't really like the idea of thinking I'm a Fire when I'm actually a Water, and vice versa, though it's not going to affect any way in which I lead my life. Maybe I'd stop keeping the fish.


I love Cherry and Bobby too much to give them up. No, actually it's more of my general love for pufferfish.

Did I forget to mention that the other day when Des and I were at Seaview and paying for Bobby and the other ill-fated green spotted baby puffer, this other customer looked at us and commented "Pufferfish? They are very hard to keep."

I wanted to boast to the stranger that I had kept my Cherry for coming to two years already when he added another comment "I never have been successful in breeding them."

All idea of boasting came to an end. You don't expect me to tell that guy "Well, let's not talk about breeding. I have trouble stopping Cherry from killing everyting else alive in the tank. "

At least Cherry has the decency to be quite afraid of human hands in the tank (when I need to put my hand in to fish the tank ornaments out for cleaning).

Hey, you noticed? Cherry and Chubby both starts with C and ends with a Y. I didn't realise it until I typo-ed and typed Chubby instead of Cherry.

That aside, Dad was born in the year of the dragon (Please do not be so kaypoh until go calculate his age). His element is a water.

In Mandarin, it's called Shui Long 水龙, Water Dragon.

However, in Mandarin, there is this thing called the Shui Long Tou as well 水龙头. Which means tap. Excuse me if I used the wrong Chinese word for it. That's the word the prog just came up with so I assume it's correct.

The idea of the joke, came from the victim himself, otherwise I would have not thought of it.

Well, back to Bobby.

Bobby.. is sick.

Yes. Already.

Apparently I've been thinking it was Finrot, resulting from one of the fights he got at the fish shop.

You see the thing about most fish shops is, although I have to acknowledge some of them do their best as economically possible, but because of the quarrelsome and territorial nature of puffers, most of them are often injured with their tails partially nipped off.

I got Bobby knowing that his tail had been nipped off quite abit, but it grows back over time. Most importantly, the way I choose fish is usually because of their responsiveness. I like to point at the tank and see which greedy bugger comes right up.

Puffers have this super cute habit of pushing their noses (well, more like mouth) against the fish tank glass to look at you. Well, I must add that this only happens when the puffers are in a healthy state. Well, healthy AND hungry.

I know of some shops where you can point all you want at the puffer tank and the puffers all lie at the bottom of the tank, only moving their eyeballs to stare mindlessly at your finger while they seemingly pant as if out of breath.

In case you're worried about Cherry going near Bob, well, I've a tank divider that separates them.

I must add though, that Cherry was being an arse. On the first day when I had just installed the tank divider, I actually woke up a few times in the middle of the night and switched on the tank light only to see Cherry scurrying back to the safety of his cave.

(I like to assume Cherry is a girl) She was trying to act angelic I suppose, because I had clearly woken up to something that was trying to knock the divider aside. It was quite obvious.. by the sounds that woke me up... and by the weird slanted angle my divider had gotten into.

At the other corner of the tank, the newbie puffer huddled in fear behind the volcanic rock tank ornament.

Besides, right now, due to Bobby's condition and the fact that Finrot may be contagious, I have placed Bob in the hospital tank in well-aerated water. I've consulted XK too and he said it looks more like an infection.

In fact, here's a picture of Bobby and the bad-looking tail.

Looks super 'Ouch' right?

PS: Just a reminder kids, that Earth Hour will be taking place this Saturday at Singapore time 8.30pm! Remember to off the lights!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:26 am

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Letter to Parents from Daughter in College

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Mum and Dad,

It has been 3 months since I left for College. I have been remiss in writing and I am sorry for my thoughtlessness in not having written before.

I will bring you up to date now, but before you read on, please sit down. You are not to read any further unless you are sitting down, okay?

Well, then I am getting along pretty well now. The skull fracture and the concussion I got when I jumped out the window of my dormitory when it caught fire shortly after my arrival are pretty well healed by now. I only spent two weeks in the hospital and now i can see almost normally and only get those headaches once a day.

Fortunately, the fire in the dormitory and my jump was witnessed by an attendant at the gas station near the dorm, and he was the one who called the Fire Dept. He also visited me at the hospital and since I have nowhere to live because of the burnt out dormitory, he was kind enough to invite me to share an apartment with him.

It's really a basement room, but it's kind of cute. He is a very fine boy and we have fallen deeply in love and are planning to get married. We haven't set the exact date yet but it will be before my pregnancy begins to show.

Yes, mother and dad, I am pregnant.

I know how much you are looking forward to being grandparents and I konw you will welcome the baby and give it the same love, devotion and care you gave me when I was a child.

The reason for the delay in the marriage is that my boyfriend has some minor infection which prevents us from passing our premarital blood tests and I carelessly caught it from him. This will soon clear with some penicillin injections I am now taking daily.

I know you will welcome him into our family with open arms. he is kind and although not well educated, he is ambitious. Although he is of a different race and religon from ours, I know that your oft-expressed tolerance will not permit you to be bothered by the fact that his skin colour is somewhat darker than ours. I am sure you will love him as I do.

His family background is good for me too, for I am told his father is a very important gunbearer in the village of Africa where he comes from.

Now that I have brought you up to date, I want to tell you that there was no dormitory fire; I did not have a concussion or skull fracture; I was not in the hospital; I am not pregnant; I am not engaged; I do not have syphillis, and there is no Negro in my life.

However, I am getting a D in Sociology and an F in Science; and I wanted you to see these marks in proper perspective.

Your Loving Daughter

(Above extracted from Snopes.com)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:37 am

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Idol dramas are unrealistic. That, we all already know.

But I think sometimes it's the audience that is unrealistic.

I mean, sometimes we watch a drama, and we tell ourselves, how come got such a good guy, treat that girl so well, and yet she doesn't feel anything towards him?

And then said audience decides for herself that if ever around her such a person exists and treats her really well, she would have accepted him.

Thing is, usually these treat you very good guys DO exist. And you know them too, but they are less cute, less obvious to you because THIS is real life.

Nice guys always finish last.

Just a random thought, so, yea, this is not really a long naggy post that is usually my trademark.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:21 am

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Looking for a job?

Monday, March 23, 2009

I just have to say this.

If out of nowhere a company whom you never sent your resume to, calls you, there is a 99% probability that they are from some self-claimed Financial / Banking sector company.

Go down and ta-daaaaaaaa.. It's insurance related.

I hate it.

Why can't they stop it!

It's weird that these are the companies that get us into so much trouble in the first place. Are they trying to make up for their mistakes by cutting their CEO and higher management salaries and in return using the money to hire more people to join the workforce?

Is this some sort of pretense that everything is okay and fine and recovering at the worst-hit industrial sector?

I'm sick of it! And stop wasting my time! Omg!!

And right after an interview, a car swerved into our lane today. Turned out from a small road DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK.

We almost kissed their backside.

No, not exactly. Because the blardy driver swerved in, our side bonnet almost hit them! If we hit their back bumper with our front bumper, that one the arse can argue is because we tailgate, but this is our side bumper leh!

After braking and swerving away from its path, guess what, I stared at the car in front to see their rear mirror.. whether the front driver looked back in horror or not.


The fugger must be talk to girl until so happy, CAN STILL BE SMILING SUMORE.

Wtf. How do people like this pass their license? It's not P-Plate you know!?

I bet P-Plate also drive better than this!!

Now this is the 2nd thing that pissed me off today.

3rd thing. . . since most things come in 3s, I reckon I should squeeze in a 3rd item.

Hmm. . . The 3rd thing is very mild. In fact, you can even say that I asked for it.

I pierced my Tragus. Yes I did. For the 3rd time in my life.

It's a bit sad you know, if you think about it. Other than my lobe piercings that were done before I was 7, virtually every other piercing had somehow expired and I had to have it repierced.

Happened with the higher lobes. Happened with the tragus too, and then my very infamous multiple nose piercings that everyone laughed at because they thought it was a pimple *roll eyes*.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:54 pm

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The city needs my help. It cries for protection and I will answer the calls to save her.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Now the above random and mind-boggling sentence comes from the latest episode of South Park.

You see, the thing about South Park is that it usually is very straightforward.

Well, usually.

The last time they had this type of hidden identity, it was all the way back in Season 1 (Fyi, they're now onto Season 13).

Yup, in the wrapping-up episode of Season 1, called Cartman's Mom is a Dirty S***. The word is so bad I had to have more of the alphabets censored.

Give you all a hint. It's something that ZX often calls himself. I recall he even said that he doesn't know that this word is so insulting because he used on a girl once and everyone in the group killed him for it.

So yea, there is another hidden identity in South Park.

The appearance of a masked superhero (I have a feeling they were trying to do a parody of that recent Watchman movie). At the end of it, because the villians have been trying so many times to expose his identity by threatening the safety of the city, our masked hero decides to reveal his identity.

Except, the most frustrating part is....

You know how everyone has the SAME face SAME mouth in South Park? The only way you differentiate all of them is by their clothes.

So if you have the spare time to watch the little video below:

In case you were wondering, that fata$$ who calls himself The Coon is none other than fata$$ Cartman himself. So obvious lor.

But who the heck is Mysterion?

I am so pissed off by the fact that everyone in town sees the unmasked little boy and goes "Ooooh".. and "Wow".. moreover it was obvious when Mr. Garrison said the kid was from his class.

It all the more makes you wonder who the heck it is!

Who! In! The! Class! is Mysterion!?!?!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:37 am

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Itching Itchy? What Bug's aBugging?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Now sometimes you get weird itches on specific parts of your arms or leg and you wonder what the hell bit you?

I just chanced upon a revelation, courtesy of Fang. IT may not necessarily be something that bit you because dry skin can also cause a hell of an itch!

You know what's the worst part? Even after you've scratched and broke your skin, hell, it may even bleed a little, the surrounding area of your dry and scaly skin continues to itch so much that you continue scratching the wound anyway.

It's not just irritating, the wounds and continuous addition of new sites also causes a great eyesore.

For a long time now, I do my best to wear long pants wherever I go. Jeans are specifically uncomfortable on my dry skin because when it itches, I can't reach the itch!

I would have loved to viciously tear at it with my fingernails!


But that aside, Fang was the one who enlightened me about dry skin causing such itchiness.

So last night, I actually applied this body butter that I bought from The **** Shop thousands of years ago during the GSS. Obviously you know what shop it is.

Now let me tell you that body butter is one of the best moisturiser to use in an office. Which was why I bought it in the first place. Like the specific N**ea Cream that comes in the trademark blue tin can, it is extremely oily and takes some time to be absorbed into your skin.

Thus, if you work in an office environment and frequently encounter super irritating yet painful paper cuts *just the thought of it makes my goosebumps surface!*, you will find that the presence of these ultra gooey moisturisers really help ALOT.

But, one thing for sure. You do not apply such stuff on yourself right before you go to bed.

Which was exactly the mistake I did last night.

Sure the moisturiser worked its wonders on my dry scaly skin. Oh, do you know that my skin is so dry that if the room lighting and angle of the light is correct, you can actually see my white skin flakes flying right off as I scratch my legs!

No kidding!!!

But last night my legs didn't itch at all, thanks to the body butter. But it sure was a hell load sticky!!

I mentally pictured that the gooey body butter was actually sticking all sorts of dust from all over my bed onto my legs.

And I forgot to mention as well that Chubby likes to curl into a ball there. I was half-afraid that maybe he would stick to my leg too.

Tip to all: If like me, you have this sort of skin, body butter is ideal BUT please use it sparingly. Preferably not before you go to bed. I'm sure there are a trillion more better moisturiser options that are non-sticky.

If you're wondering why am I being such an idiot by using the moisturiser while already knowing the 'feel' of it, well, let's just say I'm being a lazy arse because the moisturiser is right beside my lappie.

In fact, I'm re-applying it now. But, of course, sparingly.

So I would like to thank Shufang because finally I stopped scratching my leg at night, knowingly and unknowingly. Consciously and subconsciously.

And also, I have mentioned her in this blog post a few times because.....


It's her birthday!!!!

Birthdays are one of the greatest reason for all of us to get together.

Okay, who was the smartarse who once said... because I was complaining: We never ever meet for no reason. It always has to be somebody's birthday or something.

And smartarse (whoever you are), replied: Well, at least it's an occasion for celebration. It would be pretty sad if the only reason we're meeting is for sad events.

You smart arse. Thank you for making it sound better. But I'm sorry because due to Cindy's limited memory recall, I cannot remember who you are, haha!


I find that my memory is deteriorating at an extraordinary rate!! Like, Fang had long ago told me that she wants to celebrate it at Waraku at MS, and I actually asked her twice.. along with a whole list of other things.

And when I was sending out the mass-SMS to everyone regarding sharing the cost of her present, I almost forwarded the SMS to her instead because I almost forgot she was the one who's birthday we were celebrating.

Now this is bad!

I need more things to keep my mind preoccupied. . .

(For effect, Oscar decided to crawl onto my foot at this point. Damn Chubby must have left the balcony door wide open again.)

Anyway, here's the photo of all the nice people who have gathered for this special happy occasion :)

I must add that it was pretty neat at Waraku. We had our own private room and all, those that required us to take off our shoes, and check out their seats! You had the option of sitting cross-legged or hanging your leg down and kicking the one sitting opposite you.

I believed Des had accidentally kicked all 3 persons sitting opposite him (Jo, Fang and Lex).

I must also add that this is the first time in my life I actually tasted Choya and I declare it as my favourite alcoholic beverage, though honestly, it has no kick. Maybe we'd try the concentrate next time. . But I guess it can actually beat my preference for Baileys Irish Cream!

Yes, it's that good! You should all try it!

Then again, I find that it was a great opportunity for me to see my good ol' jie meis again.

Eh, speaking of which, you two really my jie mei. One is in March and the other is in Sep. HAHA!!

Before meeting them, I must admit that it's been more than 2 years when I've shopped and walked SO MUCH I thought my legs were going to break!!! A good work-out, considering that I have been putting on weight by sitting down on my fat arse and typing away busily on the keyboard, blogging.


Oh, and other than Choya, here's one more great beverage. I've recently found that other than the usual favourite Chocolate flavour, I am super in love with strawberry as well!!!!

Please ignore the angmoh who somehow appeared in the picture.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:00 pm

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Stupid Things That People Do

I know I should be blogging about Fang's Birthday but then the photos just reached me and I'm kinda lazy and also I have another 4 days before I MUST DIE DIE put her photos up because the actual day is on the 20th.

I just chanced upon this topic about the stupid things people do.

I'm not talking about silly things. It's the STUPID things.

Silly is.. like.. when.. a guy buys a huge bunch of flowers and then stands among the crowded MRT control station area while waiting for his girlfriend to reach. At the same time, tolerating the awkward (and sometimes envious) glances from passers-by.

Stupid is.. like.. when you know your boyfriend is two-timing you and you still stick to him.

I don't get it you know. While you are young, and have the freedom to explore, why do you choose to stay with a two-timing person?

The guy is not very rich, nor is he handsome, and apparently.. he is also not very smart because in some cases, the girl even knows who the hell the OTHER girl is, and yet you persist in staying with him.

Oops. I sound like I am talking about a particular case already right?

Okay let's not make this sound too personal.

Anyway, believe me, the grass is always greener ON THE OTHER SIDE. Look forward and there can only be better things.

For example, if you don't change your boyfriend, you are being stagnant.

If you step onto a particular piece of floor tile and ALWAYS fall down, even an idiot will know that you should never step on that same piece of floor tile again to avoid falling down.

But if you stay with that two-timer, it's like you KNOW.. but you CHOOSE to purposely walk up to that same floor tile to step on it; you end up falling down again and again and again.

Well, I do know that some people actually enjoy the feeling of pain, to the point that they get all parts of their bodies pieced or tatoo-ed, but then that's an experiential type of pain. You are.. torturing yourself mentally.

Even Joon, a little cutesy pie lovebird also know that if Ah Gong comes near, it is usually because he tries to be funny by whacking her head so she retaliates first by biting him really hard (that his fingers even bleed before). Then again, he asked for it. HAHAHA.. Okay, before I sidetrack.

Anyway, when you have a steady, doesn't it mean that you see a potential of this person becoming your lifetime partner? Either by cohabiting, or marriage, whichever floats your boat.

You want to be with a two-timer for the rest of your life? If so, I really nothing to say liao.

Okay, I know some of you have a 'steady' but you do not have the slightest intention of being together forever. If the feeling is mutual, I rest my case.

And then awhile ago, Bang comes and tell me nowadays there is such thing as 'Friends with Benefit' and described to me a particular situation. You know what I call it? Multiple-Night Stands.

Not one-night-stand wor. Its Multiple.

One thing that all parents want their children to possess, amidst a list of other good qualities... is self-love. And which part of this is self-love?

Oh, now talk about self-love brings me to another worrisome topic. Suicide.

I know there are all sorts of reasons to kill yourself. Be it stress from this or that. But I think one of the worst reason is to kill yourself because of BGR-related problem.

I hope whoever considers this method of solution before has also considered that your ex whom you 'selflessly' killed yourself over will attend your funeral.

Depending on the level of guilt he will, at most, shed some tears.

And then he will go home, take a bathe, change, and then go out with his NEW girlfriend. See!? Imagine that!!

Or.. guess what? He might even bring his new girlfriend to your funeral (assuming you didn't leave any suicide note and no one knows why the heck you killed yourself). If you think that the guy should know that you are going to kill yourself over him, well tell you what, most guys are stupid. You drop that hints they still DON'T GET IT!

So make sure you at least announce to your good buddies if you are harbouring such an idea, and they, being your GOOD BUDDIES, should at least be able to stop you from doing such a silly thing. Oh, sorry, not silly. I mean, STUPID thing.

Also, I suggest you don't kill yourself unless you are very certain that you are strong enough to be a really powerful and fierce ghost, and you will haunt them and use those red colour plastic chairs that they always rent to the bereaved family during funerals and whack the boy, and the girl too, if she's guilty for knowingly dating your then attached ex.

Now, other than imagining the above, also picture the sight of your grieving family members, your parents, especially, who more often than not, are wondering what the hell happened that made you kill yourself.

Would you not take a closer look at your parents, at how they have actually aged over the years? Probably aged more than they should because they had to work so hard to earn for the family to bring you up, and you blardy as hell go kill yourself over someone unrelated.

I am very convinced that.. let's say you've been with this guy for.. like.. since you were 20 years old.

I don't care how long you have been together, but my theory is that if you have been living the past 20 years of your life (before you met him) NICE, WELL, AND HAPPILY.. then you jolly as well can live the rest of your life WITHOUT this fella!

Agree or not?

Even physically... If you concentrate on the same guy in front of you for too long, your eyes also will become pa-jiao. So focus on the more distant objects located elsewhere. It is full of cute guys waiting for you to make your move! Okay, not exactly make your move lah. . Girls should show some restraint.. but you get what I mean.

There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:58 am

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Thinking of Thoughts

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Now this subject title is a tease. Because one celebrity (guess who?) who was interviewed once said of this guy she's dating, describing him as a really 'deep' person.. who "thinks thoughts".

That's like wow. What on earth is she trying to imply.

You'd get slammed for grammar if you write such a thing in an O'Level composition. It's like saying "I jumped the jump" or.. "I ran the run".

Okay enough of that. I'm blogging so abruptly because I said something to a friend on MSN today. Nope. Not quarrel, not misunderstanding. No arguments involved.

But I thought it was a very heartfelt revelation.

I was saying in the conversation that the only thing I would like to alter about me now is to go jog and slim down, tone up.

Friend: You should.

Me: Don't want. Cos lazy. Anyway Des likes me the way I am.

Friend: What if he says he doesn't?

Me: Oh no he won't. And I know for sure..

Then came the relevation.

Now let me cut paste the rest of the conversation because although I type fast, I'm still lazy to retype the whole thing out.

(Please note that as I usually speak the 'shortcut' way, the following net conversation pasted is in super duper Singlish format)

it sounds sadistic and weird
but sometimes ask him do things
and he reali go and do
even reali simple things
i feel very amazed like wa.. he mus reali like me
i mean.. sometimes after a hard day's work.. he bring me go gai gai
den come back liao resting in my room
chubby makes noise cos he wans fresh water in his waterbowl
and although i.. am VERY obviously the one MUCH nearer to the dog
he bothers to get up and go replenish the water
u noe.. simple things like that
u may say i'm easily satisfied but i feel that it is thru the simple things that u can tell how good a person is to you

And as that SAME friend had also agreed on, I have super abrupt blog post endings, so, guess what? ...


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:02 am

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Weird Characters

Saturday, March 07, 2009

You know sometimes I hate to travel alone.

Because I believe there are these words written on my forehead that says: TALK TO ME.

I don't know why some of you say I have dao face when I'm actually so approachable especially to weird people who find strangers to talk to.

I don't mind nice little conversations.

Like once when I was taking the bus home from school there was this angmoh who talked to me about what I think about the students lucky enough to talk and shoot questions at Lee Hsien Loong.

I thought that was a very typical question that an angmoh would ask. Moreover, it was a crowded bus.

Then when we got off at the interchange he asked if I could lend him my phone. I didn't see why not, yet at the same time I geared myself just in case he decided to run off with it. Maybe I'm racist or something but because it's an angmoh I don't think he'd do such thing right? I mean, how many residential angmohs can you find in Toa Payoh? I'm sure he'd get tracked down real soon if he tries anything funny.

Nope. The wonderful thing that he did was to use my phone to call his phone and ta daaa~ Now he has my hp number.

I would have freaked out less if he was not bordering around the age of 40 years old whereas I was just a innnocent little secondary school girl. The only thing lacking from my appearance was two 'yew char kway' braids. I had the high nerdy socks as well as the heavy tortoiseshell school-bag to complete the image already.

That wasn't all, I was waiting for my friend at Toa Payoh interchange (ever wonder why there alot of weirdos?) when this other person came up to me and asked whether I am a local.

I thought that the person was a tourist (he didn't sound very local) and so I replied yes. I was expecting him to ask me another question.. like "where is so and so shop?" "where is the toilet?" etc etc.

No, he didn't do anything. Soon as I answered his question, he nodded his head and walked off. And then I observed him from the corner of my eyes and realised he was asking alot of people the same question.

The similarity? He was only asking young nubile girls who were alone.

At this point, have you realised that I've been praising myself? Nerdy innocent girl, and young nubile girl. I can't say about the young part anymore though :(

Time flies like a flash after I've turned 21. I cannot bring myself to believe that I'd be turning 23 this year. In fact, sometimes, out of nowhere, I'd ask Des how old am I supposed to be this year and he will do the calculation. I think being in Sales makes him do mental calculations very fast.

But I ought to be disturbed that everytime I ask him what my age is (which is like once every few weeks) he has to re-count, although he counts very fast.

Anyway, there was this other time at, guess where... 4 Horse Street.

I think that is one of the few places in Singapore that you should not be alone because you get approached by alot of strangers.

I guess it is also one of the places where you can find beggars. Not the type that sit down there and wait for you to throw money (and subsequently play catching with the police).

The kind that go around and ask you for money.

The bad side is that it's at my crystal-hunting hangout. Also, I am in love with the Laksa / Wanton Mee / Nasi Lemak there.

Which also means I can almost recognise the same few beggars there.. as well as their pitiful life stories.

The first few times I go there, I don't know whether the word 'noob' was written on my forehead or what, but I got this ah pek who suddenly came and sat beside me.

I ignored him since there were two other chairs for Des to sit on (he had went on to queue and buy my very favourite laksa while I sat there and waited).

In a split second, I wished that I was the one who had gone ahead to buy food instead :(

Anyway he asked me whether I was there to pray to GuanYin (Goddess of Mercy). I nodded politely.

"Prayed already?" he asked. I can't be bothered with a long reply so I nodded again and smiled. Now, you see, that's the trouble.

NEVER SMILE at strangers. Let the whole world think you are dao for all you care. SMILE means an invitation.

Then he dropped the bomb. "So can you give me some spare cash for me to buy coffee?"

I would have if he held a chopper to my neck. But then again, he was really old so I may be faster than him after all.

I shook my head. I know he looked pitiful and all, but sometimes, as Jav once put it, these people had lost all their money because they invested in CPF. (***** Prostitution Fund).

I'd let you guess the 1st word.

He actually had the cheek to ask me WHY.

Thankfully at this moment, Des came back, food and drinks in hand. Ah Pek smiled and nodded at him, and then FINALLY walked away (to sit at another table where two girls were sitting, needless to say, I know what he's going to ask them!).

That wasn't all. There was another time at the very same place when I sat down and waited for Des to buy food again.

Okay, now I'm making myself sound really bad.

As much as I try to be not rude to old people, I did not understand why when after settling down, this old lady came over and sat on the chair next to me.

Now this time the table only had 2 chairs. So I told her the seat was taken.

"I was here first!" she said.

I've seldom been rude to strangers unless they asked for it so I very obviously and dramatically rolled my eyes and then proceeded to the EMPTY table that was RIGHT BESIDE where I previously sat, at the same time wondering why on earth she could not have gone over. It was nearer to the food store too and she had to pass it before she could get to the table.

*Rolls eyes*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:52 pm

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Chubby talks and Dead Fishes swim...

Friday, March 06, 2009

I think I've been stuck at home for too long.

Too long till the screw that keeps my brain secured and sane is starting to rust or unwind itself already.

Just this morning, I swear I heard Chubby talk.

I was in those kind of half-awake and half-asleep state of mind. I don't know whether he said or I spoke it. Okay, let's just assume Chubby was the one who spoke it.

It wasn't clear. I don't know. I don't hear his voice. It was like, maybe he was thinking something ALOUD so much that I can actually hear his thoughts.

He was saying something like: I think I sleep on the pillow will be much more comfortable.

I can't recall how the dog phrased it but it was something along that.

Funny as hell.

Maybe I WAS THE ONE who woke up and told him to sleep on the pillow so that he will be more comfortable.

Anyway, I woke up, and got a shock, because he WAS sleeping on the pillow right beside me.

Doesn't help that it's been raining cats and dogs these few days because as most of you who knows him, also KNOW that Chubby's a wimp whenever it rains. It's got something to do with thunder. He is terrified of the sound of thunder.

I think I had a part to play with regards to this phobia. I used to cradle him like a baby in my arms and then try to console him whenever there was thunder. Well, in fact, up until I was a little TOO OLD.. I was still scared of thunder. I think even when I was 10 years old.

Lo and behold, I read a life-changing book. I believe it was by Enid Blyton. She made fun of the sounds of thunder by comparing it to someone who lives in the sky (guess who?) who had just moved into a new house and the movers actually dropped the cupboard.

Anyway, ever wondered why is it called a cupboard? I mean, it has nothing to do with cups unless the world's first few cupboards were meant to store cups? Wth...

I digress. So the next time you hear the sound of thunder, compare it with the sound of a huge grand piano or cupboard rolling down the stairs and you will hear the likeness.

I no longer got scared of thunder.

But the days and times where upon seeing lightning, I rushed to my bed and hid under the blankets were already witnessed by Chubby Lim.

It was sort of ingrained in him already.

He gets SUPER irritating and annoying whenever it rains. He doesn't even wait for the lightning or the thunder. Just the sounds of splattering raindrops on the roof gets him abit loony.

He sits right beside me, he wants to be carried. And if I were sleeping, he'd try to sleep right beside my face (gawd knows why). Not a very ideal position since he usually stinks.

As Chubby grew older, his hearing worsened, so unless it was really raining VERY heavily, he would not be aware of the weather conditions.

........ Unfortunately, the rain these days have been very HEAVY!!!

Behold, Chubby the Wet Weather Hater.

Have I told any of you that I have an OCD with relations to purchasing of dog beds? Every dog bed I see at the pet shop makes me hallucinate Chubby sleeping curled up inside it. He currently has 2 right now in my room (nobody, not even I know why he has two. But he just has lah, okay!?). Not counting the other 2 that I bought for him last year. Didi used it so I used it as an excuse to buy another 2.

Oh ya, and then there was the huge one that I bought for him from Ikea, and since they charged $ for using plastic bags, I hugged it all the way and everyone stared because the dog bed was so huge, Kilo could have used it as a bed himself!

Then there was this other 1 that I got because it had really cute dalmatian puppies printed all over it...

*and the list goes on......*

PS: Regarding the cupboard thing, I actually checked it out with Wikipedia (Wiki rox my socks!!)

"As the name suggests, this piece of furniture was originally a simple board or table on which to place cups or mugs - recorded use of such a name dates back to at least the Middle Ages. For the last few centuries, "cupboard" has referred to a storage area enclosed by doors."

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:32 am

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Brooktown High Rox Ur World

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Another new PSP game that I'm on. Okay, I can imagine those who don't have PSP or have already sold theirs, are going to stop reading here.


Well, all I can say about this game is that Poly and Bendemeer Sec was never this bitchy!

I mean, in truth, I would NEVER be caught dead so blatantly trying to ask people out. I mean, a one-to-one kind of date, that kind.

My love interest, due to personal preference, is Brent. Man, I was SO BLARDY happy when Brent agreed to go out with me on a date (in the game, of course).

Captain of the volleyball team, although that doesn't matter, looks-wise Brent was probably one of the best looking out of the whole school.

The rest had some fall-behinds here and there.

Like I tried going out with Hilton, a smooth-talking African American (see, if this was real life, my parents would probably faint). Hilton was great, but his family wasn't. I mean, his parents were kinda paranoid about him dating, so that fell through.

I'm talking like this is a real life thing right? Well it kinda feels like.

Every Monday we have this School Rag thing. It's like a gossip magazine where the latest rumours or official news will be pinned on it.

E.g. there were rumours going about that the principal died (what coincidence that an NTU lecturerer happened to get stabbed a few days back), but apparently those were just rumours and they were trying to make it clear about it.

Then one day, came the worst. Spring Fling was an annual official event in school. Kinda signifies the start of spring with a formal-wear event. The School Rag actually put: It has been rumoured that Cindy has no date for Spring Fling.


I double-checked my PDA calendar, yes, I WAS.. and Hilton DID agreed to go with me.

Then guess what. Just as I got there, Hilton said his grandma was sick and he had to go off already :(

We haven't even danced! Gawd, I hate that guy, come to think of it.

Just in case you are interested, this is a little of what the insides of the game looks like.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:16 pm

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Struck By Lightning

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I know news about the NTU stabbings have been raging around and catching on among us like fire.

But here's a lesser known news that's been shunned to the corner of the limelight.

Our Merlion kana struck by lightning.

Bet you didn't know eh? Or, at least, haven't found out about it yet.

Don't worry, he's still standing there as he always was. Still doing his national duty and favourite pastime of sprouting water from his mouth.

I feel an affinity to the creature because I was nicknamed after it due to an 'unfortunate' incident during my poly internship.

Apparently only part of Merlie's head was scraped off by the sudden impact and contractors will look into repairing it.

Okay, this is a SUPER random insertion. Do you know it costs $2,000 a day just to rent a Lambo? On top of that, you have to fork out another 5 digit sum as 'insurance' money in case anything happens to the car while it is in your care.

So the thing about renting a Lambo is not just the $2k, but most people have trouble putting a 5 digit sum down.

In short, no money, no Lambo. Not even a rented one :(

Okay back to the Merlion topic.

Anyway, relevant authorities are considering doing things like erecting some sort of barricade which would, in my opinion, only serve as an eyesore!

Or else they may consider putting some lightning rod to divert the electricity somewhere else that will not pose a danger to nearby tourists (I assume only tourists actually bother to go near the Merlion).

Hey, actually I recall R10 taking photos with the Merlion.

We didn't really stand right beside the scaly fella. It was really late at night and you could only see the Merlion's face clearly (cos he got spotlight wat!) whereas our faces were so hard to make out that you can hardly tell who is who!!!

R10 if any of you reading this, send me the photo leh!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:33 pm

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The Red Background and White Barcode thing

Sunday, March 01, 2009

If you are as observant as me (which is actually not very observant also), you would have noticed that for quite some time already, there's been alot of red goods van going around that has some weird white barcode splashed across it.

There are even some salon cars that has that pattern too.

For the uninitiated, and if you are so capable and engrossed in your flamboyant life that you did not even catch ONE SINGLE episode of the many F1 races that they televised Live on Channel 5, well, Ferrari's cars also had that same barcode.

Lucky for me, I found out what it was even before F1 came to town.

Unable to contain my curiousity, I actually peeked into one of these vans to see what they were holding because those red vans with white barcodes were everywhere.

Let me just drop you a hint if you haven't know by now.

It's because the goods of a particular industry are not allowed to be advertised through any forms of media, thus they resorted to the barcode logo.. because..

Well, it's just a barcode. There's no name or any image depicting that it has anything to do relating to the goods that they are advertising for.

That's right my dear readers. It's the tobacco industry!

And there you have it.

As I've said, I kaypoh-ishly peeked into one of them damn vans and found stacks and stacks and boxes and boxes of.. MARLBORO~~!~!!~!@!~!~!~!~!~!~!

I thought it was a pretty good idea. Here, governments can't fault them. There, somehow by some uncanny ability, they have made ME (a classic example) found out that Marlboro and this barcode are somehow interlinked.

So from then on even when I watch the ever dashing Kimi Raikkonen (I forgot how to spell his name properly and am too lazy to find out via yahoo), and see that bar code thing on his spoiler, I would instinctively recall Marlboro and shrug it off.

Because I don't smoke.

And I can't tolerate people who do, even if you're my SO can?

It stinks and as I age day by day, I realise that my lungs are getting more and more intolerant of cigarette smoke.

I can't remmeber who it was but this person actually blew out all the secondhand smoke out at me just when I was inhaling the air.

As a result, I very dastardly breathed in a whole load of secondhand smoke and could not stop coughing!

I could still recall that very first cough after breathing in also came with alot of smoke.

Thus my unexplainable obsession and amusement of breathing out smoke, especially in colder climate places (even as near as Genting, the nearest furthest place)!

Man, I thought it's a pretty good slogan. Maybe should email Genting Resort people and ask them to consider it as future reference :)

Similarly I was eagerly breathing in alot of the good air at JiuZhaiGou because of the smoke that comes with it. I even tried my best to do it at Taipei when it rained and the temperature dropped like.. 10 degrees?

It was incredible. Why is it that everyone else gets such cool and lovely weather and here in Singapore we don't?

I was watching this really funny YouTube video too, of a local stand-up comedian, who mentioned that god has eyes. And there really is such thing as kharma.

Admit it. Each and every one of us have did something wrong in our lives. Whether it is eating animals, accidentally killing an ant, etc.

So there is kharma to every countries you know. Some countries have volcanic eruptions, some even kana Tsunami. Then there are also earthquakes, typhoons, flash floods.. all sorts of natural disaster.

So you think Singapore is safe and sound from it all? Look at our money-rich government and where it gets the cash from (us!). HAHAHA~!

I thought it was a pretty good joke!

Oh damn. Will I get in trouble for this?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:59 pm

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