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Chubby's Home at Last!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Occasionally it's when things like that happen that you realise how many people really do care for... your dog.


Anyway, I'm not good with words. I'd probably never say it to any of you in the face but a really big THANK YOU to all of you for going out of the way to help, irregardless of it is via SMS, email, or even asking around your friends who lived in the West.

To sum it all up, with the help of Des (what would I do without you!) and the helpful policemen stationed at Jurong East NPC last night, the lady finally admitted that they were holding on to Chubby, of course at the same time accusing that we abandoned him. Of course we explained the situation, but I think it really kicked in for them when they were told this could lead to theft charges.

Of course they demanded compensation but then it was only fair. They spent close to $300 on medication and stuffs like a doggy transportation bag, food bowl and other doggy stuffs (evidence that they had the intention to keep my dog).

I will give them well-deserved credit for really taking care of Chubby.

On Chubby's collar now hangs a little metal tag that says:

(censored for privacy reasons)
5 ***b** Walk
Singapore ******
HP: 9128 ****

I know. No point censoring my hp number right? Since I think alot of people have seen it already from the mass emails alot of you helped in forwarding.

Anyway, it was actually ordered for Kilo, which explains his name. But the company processed my order twice (thankfully, I only made payment ONCE). So Kilo had two tags.

The 2nd tag arrived and I kept it in the drawer. At that point in time I didn't see the need to let Chubby wear one too, since it wasn't even his name. Now I have no reservations about using it on Chubby.

Anyway, Chubby was abit stoned when I saw him. Sure he was happy and all and jumped up to put his paws on my legs. And then he sat right beside me already, obviously remembering who I was.

We brought him home, and on the way Des had to satisfy his own choclate craving. All I did was rip off the wrapper and fed it to Des while he was driving.

Big mistake. Chubby went crazy when he smelt chocolate in the air. I forgot the dog was only handicapped when it comes to sense of sight and hearing. His nose was as good as ever.

I know what people say about chocolates being poisonous to dogs but just a piece, half the size of my pinky wouldn't hurt!

When we reached home, Chubby plopped down on my bed and started to snore almost within 15seconds.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:22 am

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Update on Chubby

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No. He still hasn't been found.

And with every passing second I am starting to get more and more pissed and upset with that family who supposedly gave him away.

They don't deserve to keep a dog. Any dog. Must be thinking: whoa, got free dog ar...

And then when they realised he's so old and sick they conveniently dumped him.

How else do you explain that the first call I made to the girl to ask about my dog she actually told me she's busy and then tell me she will call me back.

And when I finally called her back (instead of her calling me), she come and say the dog was given away. Cannot tell me earlier meh?

The more I think about it the more upset I become. And whenever I'm upset and very angry, I'm such a wimp because my tears become like a running tap.

And then I'm reduced to this crybaby who cannot fend for myself or defend or stand my ground in an argument. Can't help it. Don't know why.

I have all reasons to believe that they abandoned my dog at some god forsaken place in which this would be a criminal offense.

So, I'm making a police report probaby tomorrow or Tuesday latest. Don't say I never give them time to reply my calls / SMSes.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:51 pm

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Lost Dog

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lost off-white Shih Tzu. 12 years old. In need of medication for his health condition (eye problem and arthritis).

With SPCA's help, I actually managed to trace the guy who found him (somewhere right outside my house) at Bartley Road area.

His parents did not allow him to keep the dog at their place overnight, so he gave it to someone else really far-related. He didn't know the lady's name. Only had her hp number and that she stays at Jurong area.

I called this lady up, who said my dog is no longer with them. Her mother had went to the hair salon and while doing her hair asked the other customers who were there whether they wanted a dog and so passed my dog to one of the customers who is a complete stranger (I asked why they passed it to someone else they said it's because the dog was old and sick!!!!).

They have no contact of that person or any details.

I tried to call this lady and her mother up to find out more about where is the hair salon so that I could trace from there (betting my luck that this person who has my dog may be a regular at that salon) but both of them are not answering my calls anymore.

If you have any information, please let me know. Chubby is already 12 years old and needs his medication on daily basis. He is very much part of our family and we do not want to lose him like that.


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:15 am

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Chubby's Missing

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I know I really shouldn't be blogging right now.

I have NEVER blogged at work from the office before because it was against this personal ethics that I've set down for myself... but I'm quite stoned right now.

I was at the sinseh yesterday for my stupid springy and loose elbow when I received a sudden call from my mother informing me that Chubby went missing.

No sweat, I thought. He usually bounds to the door once he hears Joon shrieking, indicating my grand arrival.

Yes. It's amazing right. Partially blind, partially deaf, but he can actually distinguish the particular shrieking Joon makes whenever I'm unlocking the gate outside the house.

A small little white figure, sitting attentively at the sliding door right behind the sofa chair, peering forever at the gate. His ears were floppy as were all Shih Tzus but you could tell his were pricked and alert. Oh he jolly well knows his hearing is failing but then if it was loud enough he could still hear alright. As such as I walked in from the gate towards the front door, I usually stamp my foot forcefully. I figured since I was the centre of the universe to him, he wouldn't mind not hearing other people, but he would definitely be comforted that he could still hear me.

The funny thing about him was, due to his worsening eyesight, even when I was walking gently towards him, his eyes were still focused far away, still looking at the gate.

When he hears the stamping, he will know, so definitely, that I am back and he would run to the door and bark. Chubby's bark wasn't that of an ordinary dog, mind you.

There was a period he had some sort of sore throat, which made him croak like a frog. It sounded more like I have a pet toad then a pet dog.

It never fully recovered to his playful barking voice, but at least he sounded more like a dog than some cold-blooded amphibian.

But all that, was missing when I arrived home yesterday.

THe reality only dawned on me when I realised that I hadn't had the need to prepare dinner for Chubby.

Chubby would only eat what I prepare. I dare say that every single meal I made for that dog during these past few months was made with TLC.

The amount of hot water I added into his dry food had to be just right. Too much and the whole thing goes soggy and Chubby would not touch it. Too little and the dryfood would be too difficult for him to chew on and he would not touch it.

Garlic had to be just right. Not too much in case he bit into it and it stung his tongue and he'd ditch the remaining food in the bowl. Then there was the ever-changing flavour of canned food to be mixed in. . .

To be honest, it was a chore to prepare food for him. I complained, of course I did, especially when I came home far too late and was aching to go to bed, yet I could not do so before he was fed.

Chubby was a routine-loving dog. After vitamins to treat his cackling arthritis, he eats his food (purposely leaving a few kibbles behind for the following morning, bad habit!) and then clears his bladder at the airwell much to my dad's frustration.

Because when the sun rises the next morning, the entire air well reeks of the stench. I thought that Dad should have been more appreciative because the dog could have chosen to relieve himself on one of the many legs of his rose wood sofa set.

But then again, this was Chubby's urine that we are talking about. Since young, his pee had this unsurpassable ordour to the point that, you step into the room, you know a dog has pee-ed in this room before. And upon further sniffing in the air, you can tell it was Didi, Chubby or Kilo.

Kilo's was indisputable. You can tell from the amount. He can pee as much as an elephant. Didi and Chubby's were more similar, except that Chubby's probably stank 3x worser.

Oops, I have digressed.

So after dinner Chubby always clears his bladder at the airwell before proceeding up the stairs to my room to find me; I usually run upstairs once I've finished with his food so he takes his time to finish.

Thing was, it was weird how he sometimes know which room I was in. I may be on the 2nd floor in my parents' room and he will bark. Or I may have skipped the daily parents visit and ran straight to my room and he would know and climb all the way to the 3rd floor to knock my door.

But then there were days that he called at the wrong door which was understandable; I didn't expect my own movements to be that predictable.

When he finally reach, Des and I would usually be watching TV on the bed.

Chubby would usually order Des to fill up his water bowl with water before leaving him alone. I say order because he looks at Des when he wants water. Never me. Des.

And if both of us were so super engrossed with the show, he would go to Des and paw at him indignantly till Des dragged his lazy arse over to the balcony, retrieved the bowl and then to the toilet to fill it up with fresh cold tap water.

It won't be long when after lapping at the water for almost a minute (yes, he drinks alot of water. Won't be surprised if he had something wrong with his kidneys), he would then proceed to the bed and order ME to help him up the bed.

Chubby's habits were a daily routine it was so funny. We knew clearly what he expected from us, and we met those expectations willingly some sort of slave to him.

Then came the irritating part.

Of all places on my Queen-sized bed, he had to sleep right in front of the TV and block us. He didn't just walk there and plop down on the bed because at least that wouldn't obstruct our view of the TV program that badly.

You know how dogs have this ridiculous habit of scratching the ground before they lie down to rest?

Chubby does that.

Not only that, while scratching, he would make sure that he really got every part of the bed that he will later rest on. So as he scratches, he reverse.

Can you imagine like, me and Des were both lying down on our stomachs, our hands propping our head upwards, and then Chubby reverseing into your face.

One moment you're watching Zoe Tay and Chen Hanwei on the screen (Bu Fan De Ai, Ch8, 9pm weekdays. Last episode this Friday), the other moment, Chubby's ass was in your face. Or rather, VERY close to your face.

It's not a pleasant sight.

Moreover, he had just went for grooming and he was almost completely bald. You could see what you should not see, very clearly indeed. It was disturbing.

So this meant that we had to reposition ourselves again. By then we had settled, he had settled down too, and making this stupid swallowing-saliva sound with his mouth like he's eating a piece of sweet or something, which I assume was some sort of signal that he's contented (similar to the way birds make grinding noises with their beaks when they feel safe and secure.. and sleepy).

And all of the above I described, did happen at all yesterday.

So as you can see it was much later that the feeling kicked in that I realised my dog was missing, and could very well be gone for good.

And my routine didn't happen this morning either.

The lazy dog would still continue to lie on the bed, half asleep, while I went about preparing to go to work. I would wash my hair first by bending over the bathtub, and then from my view, I could see the bed from the toilet and he would be looking right back.

Of course he can't see me but he can generalise that I was standing in that direction so he looks over.

After washing my hair, I would clean his eyes. He would still be half-asleep so I'd kiss his forehead and then shout really loud (to ensure that he REALLY DID HEAR ME):

"Chubby! Clean your EYES!" and I'd give him a pat on his tummy. He always had a little bit of tummy from his big feast the night before. I was hoping that the idea of letting him eat right before going to bed could help him put on more weight and.. well.. you know.. look more chubby.

He hears that and he'd flip over to one of his side. Sometimes it was his left, sometimes it was his right, depending on which eye he wants me to clean first.

Eyes was sprayed clean with saline, and then a drop of this blardy expensive eye drop, I can't recall the name but it starts with an S, something like Sediment. The vet nurse told us one day that stock price was $200++ for a normal bottle (I don't know what is a 'normal' bottle but I assume it's not very big since it's supposed to be very expensive).

Then while going about in my pyjamas, I would throw the clothes that I was intending to wear to work on the bed first. Sometimes Chubby, being Chubby, he would climb onto the pile of clothes and then proceed to scratch at it before turning twice and curling into a sleeping ball on top of it.

He succeeded the first few times when I wasn't paying attention. I ended up wearing clothes that had me smelling exactly like a dog for the rest of the day. I was especially self-conscious when I was squashed up with the typical morning crowd on the MRT.

Then again, this morning.. No Chubby.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:43 am

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White Dog Cafe

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We chanced upon this quaint place amid the throngs of the typical Friday crowd.

Typical of us to want to reward ourselves for a tough work week by eating at a nice place. By nice, I mean a sit down meal place although I can tell you this hawker centre store that sells chicken wings at Henderson Market that would have made me reject any fancy restaurants within 3 seconds.

We frequent that chicken wing store often these days. Actually 4x last week. They sell a weird variety of food. I shall come to that later because that visiting that Henderson store meant that we would definitely drop by at this bird store nearby specialising in Mata Putehs and their ever-resounding buka sounds.

So yea, today, the place I want to share with all of you is White Dog Cafe.

We were given a seat right by the water edge, facing Sentosa, whose shore lines, eerily enough seem to creep closer to the Singapore mainland than ever.

I don't know about you but I feel that land reclaimation feels WRONG. It's just like humans trying to defy Mother Nature in a weird way that doesn't feel right to me.

But then again, who cares about Sentosa's shorelines when right at the table in front of you, there were glorious foods.

For starters, now we usually don't order starters because many typical Western food places have main course that could almost outwin Carl's Junior one-meal portion, but then the waitress friendly suggested and we find that we could not reject her offer.

Well, actually we could until my eyes 'accidentally' came across these two delicious words: smoked salmon.

Before Des could ask what I wanted to order, I shouted it out, snapped the menu shut and returned it to the waitress while Des was trying to lock back his jaws which dropped onto the table (he hadn't even taken a look at Appetisers yet).

He mentioned about wanting to order something else but when the Salmon came, he promptly shut up and tucked in.

This was the reason why:

Like, oh come on! Anyone would have shut up and started eating!!!

Anyway, the thing below was toasted sliced baguette. The spread kinda tasted like Philadelphia to me. Tastes great!!!

Then our main course came. I ordered some sort of scallop and prawns. Wrapped with crispy bacon. Droolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

He? Ordered his ever favourite lamb chop. I hated the idea because I thought lambs were pretty cute. But then again, I bet prawns would be cute too. Look at the ridiculous prices people are paying those little red cherry shrimps for!!! That was something I never understood. They look like shrimps to me, with red/white bands (kinda resembling the colours of the Singapore flag) and a fancy price tag. Very fancy price tag. What.. I heard they used to cost like more than $10 each.

Do you know how long it takes for my puffers to whack a shrimp? 0.34 seconds. Kidding. That was just a random number. But it really does take less than second; I have 4 puffers.

Okay, to each his own. I don't want to offend you cherry shrimp lovers out there. Oops, too late. I think I already did. Hahaha!! But oh come on, you may love shrimps but hate dogs too, for all I care it can't be helped.

Man I really do need to share with all of you the story I just heard about the Hill Mynah at the Henderson bird store (Wa biang, I just now type Henderson BOOK STORE).

But not now, now I need to fly down to Vivo to Pet Lovers' Centre to exchange the nail clipper I got for my dog. After much consideration and a certain amount of growling from Chubby, I decided that I did not dare to cut his nails for him. I will change it for a nail filer instead.

Yes! I'm a chicken! Hear me cluck! CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK A DOODLE DOOOOOO..!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:42 pm

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Tropic Thunder

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Yea, the most recent movie I caught like last weekend. Or was it two weeks ago? Well, the weekend that had a Deepavali holiday right at the end of it.

It was hell of a movie. Quite funny actually, though could be better.

I seriously think that there is a lack of good comedy movies. Most are usually ghost stories that try to scare the living crap out of you.

It's basically about a group of self-obsessed big-shot actors who were supposed to film a war movie. They had those demands here and there that angered the millionaire who was financing the project. Said millionaire (some bald specky guy whom I eventually found out was a heavily made up Tom Cruise) then screamed at the director (whom I thought was Josh Groban at first, HAHAHA).

There was this old fella in the show who was supposedly the author of the war book that this war movie was going to be based upon. Old fella told director that he has a better idea. These hot shot actors aren't going to cooperate if they are always pampered, so why not throw them, like seriously dump them in the middle of the jungle and then give them a very real filming experience.. whereby the cameras are hidden up in the trees and they get enemies charging towards them that would look very real and capture their emotions and stuffs like that.

Director agreed to be stranded with the actors using this new type of filming method.

As the actors get dumped there and the helicopters flew away, the director started giving some very gungho speech along the lines of: We're gonna make hell of a good war movie! This jungle is god! See it as god because it decides whether you make it out of here alive or dead! And I? I am the son of god, Jesus!! So tell me boys, are we going to make a good war movie!!?

Hot shot actors: Yea!!!

Director: Are we gonna make a good movie!!?

Hot shot actors: YEA!!!

Director turns around, takes a few step and realises he stepped on something. "What's this?" he said as he lifted his feet up and BOOM, a land mine exploded (oh, did I forgot to tell you they were filming somewhere in Vietnam?).

"Yea!" Shouted Jack Black, with a super retarded reply.

"Wow. Where's the director?"

"I don't know. He's everywhere." (hint: just in case your imagination suck, he was blown into pieces and strewn everywhere.)

I admit the part that ensued was rather disgusting. I shall not elaborate.

Des is supposedly stuck in a seminar. Some silly seminar that is 14 hours long, over the duration of 3 days. Apparently it became not a useful seminar but a selling seminar in which the speaker persuaded and cajoled you into buying his various books, CDs, sign up for even more courses, that sort of thing.

I think it was a waste of money since that seminar costs a few hundred dollars per person.

While he is gone, I decided to pack my going to explode cupboard.

Cleared it out....

Dumped it all on the bed in order to slowly pack them and put them in their rightful piles.

Clothes just like certain items actually reminds us of a certain part of our lives. Okay, I don't know about whether you do those wardrobe overhaul religiously once every year but I don't. As a result, I still keep my Bendemeer Secondary PE Shirt.

Yup, the very shirt I wore when I sweat my guts out trying to pass my stupid 2.4KM. I don't know about you but I felt that stupid Dengue fever I had actually brought me down.

When I was in Sec 1, I was ranked the 9th for Cross Country. After I got that stupid Dengue fever, I had to even struggle to pass my 2.4km run, needless to say, I could not even get into the Top 100 for X-Country the following year which really upset me because I set out to win something, anything, that was close to the Top 50.

But then again, at least I didn't lose a limb or even my life from that stupid Dengue Fever episode. Recalling back, I was quite pissed with the doctor who delayed and insisted that I did not have Dengue Fever. He only reluctantly drew my blood for lab tests upon my parents' insistence.

Even then, I clearly recalled sitting that day in the doctor's room of the clinic at Balestier Plaza, the needle clearly 'trembled' under my skin, reflecting the inexperienced syringe skills of the doctor.

Eventually I heard he lost alot in the stock markets and was on the run or something. Everytime we went to see him, there were this stock tracking thing on his computer monitor. I was not amused.

Next on, we fast forward abit and come to graduation!!! The class T-Shirt of the graduating class of 4E3, Year 2002!!!!

Shufang came up with the devil. It was awfully cute. You have to give her a trillion credits for this because honestly, I think she was chosen because:

1. Not alot of classmates bothered about the class Tshirt.

2. Of those who did, none were artistically inclined.

The name thing was probaby the best part about the shirt that I liked. It was like, my very first foot ball jersey cos it has my name, with lousier materials (not as techy as what Vapatech which was the premium of that time, don't even talk about Lycra).

Behold, now both shirts from Bendemeer serve their duty very well as one of the top ranked pyjamas out of all the clothes in my Wardrobe Mountain.

Bendemeer live forever more!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:13 pm

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Wow-ed by SingPost

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Being some sort of monopoly, I didn't expect much from SingPost. Sure they were timely and there aren't much screw-ups.

I've even received my first internet order packaged nicely by SingPost. Printed on the plastic bag where it was repackaged wrote: (I can't remember the exact words but it was something along the lines of..)We're sorry your package has been damaged during transit and have repackaged it for you.

I was impressed.

But lately something else impressed me even more.

A customer tried to mail a cheque to us. It was returned to them with the message: No Such Company.

Customer called us up to double-check the address word for word. Everything was correct. They even faxed us the returned envelope to show us the address was correct.

I spotted a mistake some more in the rather unclear fax. Seems like the customer had written the 18 to look alot like a 19 instead.

Still, because the fax was unclear and the customer had repeated our address with 100% accuracy, I feedback to SingPost regarding this problem via the feedback form on their site, saying that I just wanted to highlight the issue and hoped that there will not be a re-occurence.

8 hours later, someone from SingPost came to our office. I was shocked. Apparently he explained that he was here because of a feedback that our mail was returned (he came to the wrong office. Should have went to our customer's place instead, the address of which was provided in the feedback form.)

Still I was very impressed that it was a small issue and they actually bothered to send someone down to check. So I gave him the address of our customer (luckily for the poor fella, our customer's office was just at the next building at United Square).

He walked over to retrieve the original (which had been thrown away already but luckily the customer kept a photocopy), as well as personally deliver the letter back to us right to our doorstep!!!

I must say I am damn blardy impressed with the service!!

So it became something like.. in the morning I was sending a.. in a way.. negative feedback about this incident.. and in the evening right before I left for the day, I sent in a complimentary about how prompt their attention was to the matter.

It was amazing!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:42 pm

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Trip to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

(A place I won't be going back to.. for a long long time.)

Haha, hell I'm honest!

I've been looking forward to a trip there that was postponed, week after week due to some pet-related commitments. Just as Chubby got better (and abit more fatter now, of course! He's on a diet that consists of different flavours every 4 days. Succulent Lamb, Roast Beef with Vegetable and Gravy, Beef with Liver.. etc etc). I'm much happier than my previous post (I hope it didn't make you cry)!

So, let's say Hi to (boring) Sungei Buloh!!!


As you can imagine, I was getting more excited on our way there (without a map. We just went to a nearby area and followed road signs all the way).

Thankfully, Singapore's road directions 'still can make it'. If you know what I mean. Yet this does not apply to some toilet signs in some shopping centre, and, of all times when you are feeling especially urgent!

With this building-up of excitement, I started recalling to Des about my wonderful experiences I had when I was much younger and climbing Bukit Timah Hill almost every week with 2 of my Dad's pals who watched me grow up: Uncle Stanley and Auntie Helen.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, if you can recall the wonderful balloons at my party, it was to their credit :)

On the way

Anyway, on the way there, we were informed by this nice uncle that we may have to park further away from the Wetland Reserve and then TAKE A BUS IN.

My jaw drop. We had to take a bus in because of the sheer distance from the carpark to the park. We had to cross this huge bridge (as you can see from the above picture as our car travelled on the bridge) that offered us a small glimpse of Johor Bahru.

How could we leave Ivan miles away from us!?

Honestly if I had to do so, I'd rather U-turn and go home. But anyway the nice uncle (after much recall, I don't think he even work there! So why did he tell us the carpark is full!!?) then said we could turn into the carpark anyway to try our luck, see if any car is leaving (just as he said that a car passed us from the carpark and turned to the main road).

We smiled and waved our thanks, then turned in. Behold, right in front of us were at least 5 empty lots out of the probably 20 car park slots.

Zzzz.. But anyway, we quickly parked and then entered the park where I pointed out a no smoking sign to Des and he mumbled something inaudibly in reply.

To be honest, I've been quite looking forward to this trip so much that I actually went to their official website to take a look at what are some of the animals we will be expecting to look out for. Apparently, I was a noob. We needed binoculaurs and we did not prepare insect repellant. At which I would like to add that weirdly enough, the bite of some Mosquitoes are actually not itchy! I mean, I only realised it when I saw the bump there! Haha!!

But anyway what interested me the most was that there were otters, a family of them, spotted at the park. It was a post that started in year 2003 or something but over the years there were many sightings leading all to conclude that they decided to permanently settle down in Sungei Buloh.

How great was that! I was gonna see some cool otters! If you check out the pics on their official webbie, they actually look quite cute!!!

As we were walking along there were signs reminding us that there were sightings of Crocs, including them sunning themselves along the visitors pathway.

That got me damn excited. A crocodile!!!

However, the nearest thing we got to see was Komodo Dragons. They seem to be everywhere in Sungei Buloh, provided that you have to see carefully.

This was one of the biggest we saw. Apologies for the bleary photo. It's quite difficult to take a good picture with a C902 when your body is going through severe dehydration aka sweating. Plus, who on earth designed that the C902 NOT have any form of hook so that we could have at least hooked on a hand strap for added sense of security!!!! Brainless !@#$%!!!!

Another cool photo I took was this. It was of two komodo dragons that were walking pretty close to us (they don't really mind humans as long as you don't shout and make sudden movements) but just as I snapped the shot, the one walking behind suddenly lurged forward seemingly to attack the one walking in front.

Thus, this shot was captured:

Needless to say, we also tried to take alot of photos for keepsake. Photos of the scenery with us in it, of course! The park was relatively empty so we could actually place the camera quite far away from us on railings and then run further to take a good pic (okay, although there was not much people we didn't run that far).

Another disadvantage of the phone I'd like to point out: We can't set how many seconds the timer out to sound before capturing a shot.

As a result, we stood there for a little too long, I believe, more than 10 seconds, smiling. And when we finally gave up posing for the stupid photo, IT ACTUALLY STOPPED RINGING! Meaning to say it took a pic of us!!

In the end, it turned out to be like this:

If you think that looked stupid enough, wait till you see this:

You know, Des should have smiled or something so at least he would have looked more obvious.

Obvious as in, could have been able to see his teeth, haha!!! This was one of their observatory room or something to actually get a great view of migratory birds. Probably the season we went there was wrong, but the nearest bird that we could see was about as tall as my contact lense. They were SO DAMN FAR AWAY, which was why I lamented that we could have prepared binoculaurs for this trip (you can rent one too from the snack bar).

Talk about the snack bar brings me back to this very nice drink.

After walking and sweating like a pig, it was awfully great to be able to sit down and relax by a pond with ALOT of fishes (Heck, I saw luohans and even HUGE Japanese Carps!!!).. the thing was to get a great gassy drink that helps you burp contentedly.

Thank goodness for this drink. It was sort of a mixture between Sarsi and Root Beer that I couldn't really tell the difference. All I remembered was that it was sweet, gassy and perfect.


On the way back, we also saw the very same Komodo Dragon that I showed you much earlier. The one that was sleeping by itself alongside the water. It was still there in the exact same position when we first found it. I often thought whether it was just sleeping or was it really dead?

But then again I'm pretty sure something dead won't stay intact in the wild for long. Something would have come along, realised it and torn it to pieces.

Look who was accompanying Ivan when we returned

Probably one of the nicest living thing we actually saw there!! I have to admit sadly, after this trip that I'm not as much a nature-lover as I thought I was; but throw me Chubby and I'd take damn good of him to the best of my ability.

Goodbye Sungei Buloh!!! Don't be expecting me any time soon!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:37 am

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