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Impending Graduation

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm still trying to get over the fact that time really flies like anything.

Just yesterday I was celebrating my 16th birthday (I forgot how it was celebrated already. I think a few of my classmates came over for dinner that day).. and right now I'm all of 22.

By which I would like to add, can someone JUST BUY ME OVER in Facebook?

Okay. That aside... some of the other things I was thinking of include Mensa2 canteen with the very nice Western Food at Temasek Polytechnic... Even Bendemeer Secondary.

I have a heck lot of people from Bendemeer Secondary at my workplace. Of which there was a temp worker affectionately called Ah Boy, who was waiting to enter NS.

Ah Boy, of all people, still kept his yearbook, and upon finding out that I was only two years his senior, proceeded to dig out every single photo of me from Sec 2 to 4, took a pic of it using his hp camera, and then showed everyone during lunch.

I ought to kill him one of these days.


So now I'm going to graduate at the end of June.. but my parents seem so much more excited than me lah! I honestly don't give a sh*toot* about the convocation. I mean, if ever I want to go there.. it would be to take a look at the school campus only.. and not to go up the stage to receive this or that from (presumably) an angmoh man I've never met before in my life (and probably never will).

In fact, at least taking a graduation photo at a local photo shop (what do you call those shops?) would have been nicer since it would include the graduation hat, haha!

I want to share one retro song with all of you. I was wondering how come no one did a SLOW and sad cover of this song recently because it's an awesome song!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:19 pm

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Human Pets

Some of you in Facebook have this. So... can someone please buy me!?!?!? I'm with a terrible owner!!!!

In return, let me add this super disgusting nose-digging photo here.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:12 am

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Interesting Recap

Thursday, May 29, 2008

(To add a totally 'out' opinion, the frames super don't suit me, but then Swissflex only comes in that one miserable type of full frame so... bo bian... And I believe that after I had gotten the frame that sooo don't suit me, Swissflex will suddenly ingeniusly come up with a few thousand other type of frame styles in order to make me puke blood)

Anyway according to today's topic, I've realised that sometimes video-ing is interesting. In the sense that it captures our movement (I realise how stupid I look when I attempt to skip, you don't have to remind me), as well as the interesting things that we all say ('Shit! We forgot to take photo'.. when the video was going on all the time...).

Anyway, Charlie, you are now officially the last man for the job when it comes to camera-taking....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:09 pm

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Junk Mail.. Again!?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tell me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I've been recently receiving an onslaught of junk mail attacks.

Stupid idiotic mails titled *** You have just won 1 million pounds!!

If every mail was true, I would have been a retired millionairess by now!!

Sickening! Let me know if you guys are encountering the same problem as well.. or has my email leaked out somehow (at which I will have to change it soon).

I promised to upload more of the group photos we had taken at school today. Once again, we were reminded that it was not easy trying to take group photo with many of us holding several different conversations at the same time. This mere photo that I uploaded in my previous entry probably took almost 20 minutes for us to settle down.

Probably the last school I would ever attend in my life (doubt I'd go on to Masters) so here's it, once more, UWA Bachelor of Commerce - Singapore campus :)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:41 am

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

In my over enthusiasm at experiencing a test paper that I had prepared for (as in, I always prepare, but sometimes the things you study DON'T COME OUT!)... But this one.. all that I had remembered were asked!!

My hands were trembling with excitement. My brain wanted to faster spurt out the answers through the hand holding on to the pen.

As such... in my foolish enthusiasm in handing up.. I OVERLOOKED ONE FUGGING QUESTION.

Worse was, it's not that I don't know how to do and purposely left it blank you know!!

I know the correct answer de!!!

I hate myself. But then I found out through my classmates that it was only a 2-mark question... BUT STILL!!!

We also took a group photo today. Shall blog more tomorrow.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:47 pm

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New Glasses!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Renacting the classic story.. or should I say.. glassic... story... I sat on my own glasses after absent-mindedly putting them at a corner of my bed.

It wasn't the first time, but I can tell you it was the last time I sat on that particular pair.

It happened times before but thankfully this favourite pair of mine managed to get through all the 'sitting' unscathed.

It dropped plenty of times too. Countless, actually, but remained usable. In fact before that sitting incident, the only scar left behind by my series of spectacle abuse was a slight little scratch across the lense on the right side.

I've been very proud of this pair of glasses because it took a whooping 30 minutes from choosing it to purchasing it.

I was actually having a break from my current class with Jo when I told her I wanted to make a new pair of half-frames.

There we went.

Wait, come to think of it, it took me 15minutes only to choose it, make payment and walk out of the shop to cheong back to our class.

Yup. So rushed were we that I told them don't bother about examining the eye. Just go according to my previous degree. Okay, I know that not many opticians would actually let customers do that... die die also want to test your eye first.. but really.. I can't be bothered *roll eyes*. Hahaha...

Where was I....

Oh.. so I went to make another pair last night. Was looking at this brand called Swissflex because my Dad was singing praises of it, and I thought I needed a pair that would STOP SLIPPING OFF MY STUPID NOSE especially when I'm scrubbing Joon's cage under the sun.

If any of you are interested you can go take a look at their website over HERE.

I'd feedback regarding the glasses after I get it next Tuesday or so.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:26 pm

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This Is Hilarious!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I couldn't stop laughing while I watched this. HAHAHAHAHA

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:16 pm

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Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hey peepz, I was thinking maybe we should play something like that at our next get-together. HAHAHAHAHAHA....

Courtesy of Zhenbang.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:06 pm

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Another Fighting Fish

I just got myself another one. Costed a cool $5 only.

Seems like it is also very difficult to even find fighting fish that costs $2 only. Last time, they were in abundance!!!

I'm not going ot take a photo of this one though, because it will get quite sad for me when it passes away.

I bought it knowing that it's quite an old fish already (its face is quite pale). But what the hell.. Better to let an old fish in a big tank than letting a big tank rot there.

It's been eating everything I've thrown in. Blood worms, Nutrafin fish flakes, and dog ticks.

HAHA. Did that last one wake you up a little?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:14 pm

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Continuing Jurong Bird Park

Thursday, May 15, 2008

DOn't you find the news weird these days. We have Myanmar left devastated by the cyclone that ran through. We have thousands dead and many more who do not have homes to return to in China.

All that, and some countries who don't have such natural disaster problem just had to make trouble for themselves e.g. no cyclone or earthquake to kill me? Fine. I bomb up myself and some people along with me.

What is wrong with the world these days?

Anyway I want to continue talking about Jurong Bird Park (when once again you know I ought to be studying right now).

I just cannot resist. Everytime I have to study, I blog. And if you realised, I will blog MORE than ever. ANYTHING! BUT STUDY!

Oh, and I'm graduating next month!! Haha!! Screw school!

Oops =X

Oh yea, Jurong Bird Park. I regretted not bringing a better camera there because it was amazing. The birds were so fast I just could not catch them. On camera. Thus, please bear with the lousy photo quality of the LG Viewty.

I can't remember 3/4 of the birds whose photo I took. Really.

Well but at least I can remember the above is a Seagull. That can't fly. Actually I think it can. It was one of the first birds we chanced across at the park after seeing one of the Bird Shows. What luck. I captured this picture just as the bird blinked its eye!!!!!

Then there was this special little place called World of Darkness. Birds. And darkness. What else could it be?

Owls, of course!

Now this place is so frigging dark to accomodate the birds that I told my mum if she ever went to Bird Park (not in a million years!!) she should avoid this attraction.

Her eyesight is not very good at adjusting to the darkness (she would let out a shriek whenever we enter the CTE tunnel).

But it was amazing that even I could not find my way in the dark. Sure they did light up the 'foot-paths' to direct you... no wait! They didn't.

The owls were not 'open' to us. They were in this huge glass room that had a fake moon too, just so that you can barely make out where the owl was standing.

These birds are incredibly. They stood so still that you had to look at them for a few minutes to make sure it was a real bird and not just some stupid cardboard they put up there.

Perhaps that was how they caught their prey in the wild. Standing there until the prey is fooled and then VIOLA. Tata prey.

Another thing to note was that the pretty birds at the Bird Park was always sponsored by some oh-so-big organisation.

Such as this pair of snowy owls that are sponsored by (I forgot the company name!).

The grey one is the female. The white one is the male. It's quite easy to tell males and females apart in the animal world. The uglier one is ALWAYS THE FEMALE!!

Thankfully, this does not (necessarily) apply in our human world :)


Another pair of birds that is worth mentioning is the Bald Eagle. The words on the signage along its enclosure started with the memorable words: Bald from the age of 5....

Horribly inactive. I think they were just pure plain lazy and waiting to be fed. That's what I'd be if I'm a bird at the Bird Park.


Don't be fooled by the photo. They are quite big!!

Another pair to mention is this two vultures. Know where they were found?

Orchard Road..... You can see the tip of CK Tang in the background...

Interesting huh?

Now that they are rescued, they became Singapore PR and have a fine enclosure to themselves over here:

Man, I tell you, these birds are towering!

Until I came to the supposed biggest eagle of all eagles (according to the signage). I think it's called the Sea Eagle or something along the lines of it.

It was abit disappointing though, as .. although the bird stood right in front of me unlike the other exhibits that stood as far as possible as though I had Sars... It was stationary like the owls.

Couldn't be bothered, I guess. But when I pointed out to Des that he had claws like a chicken, it actually bothered to look at me for awhile.

To give it some credit, however, it was the must huggable looking thing at the Bird Park!

There was another .. Parrot something something... Basically all sorts of parrots they have are displayed there. It was one of the attractions we were looking forward to because we might be able to catch some kinds that were not available at the pet shops.

An eye-opener.

However, in case you were wondering, except for one who can barely state "Hello" and "Byeee", the rest could not talk. Probably due to its rare interaction with humans.

But I thought a few hundred people walking past its cage everyday and calling Hello and Bye and How Are You is quite enough to make it talk.

I realised the other day that some parrots only responded to their owner and repeating only what their owner had said. Like a particular little Amazon whose owner asked it to sing Happy Birthday for the lady of the bird shop to hear.

It started singing "Happy Birthhhh...." and stopped because the owner had walked away... when the owner came back it continued "daaaay to youuuuu"...

What a bird!!

(This doesn't look like a parrot though. I don't think it is but I shall just throw a pic of it here anyway.)

Of course there were abit of other birds as well.

I'm not sure what bird is this but it is a blardy noisy little... bird.. HAHA..

It looks quite cute eh?

Now, if there was any reason that make me want to go back to Bird Park again this weekend (Tickets cost $18 ea. No joke! Don't buy the useless Panorail ride. The place is so small you can walk it all by yourself)... that reason would be the Lory Loft.

Lory. Shortform of Lorikeet, I believe. Anyway, Lory Loft is one of the netted up aviaries of Jurong Bird Park.

Full of no other birds but the.. guess what.. Lory lah!! I just said Lory Loft right!? Are you paying attention or not?

Haha.. If you're not I don't blame you. Probably still reeling from the thousands of bird pictures I flooded you with.

I have to admit I did consider getting a Lory but the lady at the bird shop adviced against it, saying they are far too hyper (I hope Mum don't read this or I'm so dead).

I like its bright colours, its mischievious darty eyes, and its silly antics. Lory have this weird habit of jumping at the exact same spot. Non-stop. Can you imagine a bird doing that? So funny k?

You can buy this little container of liquid food for it at $2 each. Hold the little container and walk out to the central area of the aviary and the birds would flock to you to drink from the container.

Yea, right. Wait long. As if they would do that.

Apparently the birds there must have been quite well-fed. Because they cannot be bothered although you are holding a little container of food for it.

In fact, you had to beg them to eat from you.

I'm telling you, holding a little container of food and calling to birds is one of the stupidest thing. The next stupidest thing is teaching your parrot how to talk. In public.

Saw a lady the other day talking to her bird and repeating like 5 trillion times non-stop 'darling darling i love you!'.

I walked into the shop and happened to walk past her too. She was saying that.

Went into the shop, walked one round and came out of the shop. She was still saying the same darn thing. Her bird, however, was interested in everything that moves, crawls, and shrieks. Everything but its owner.

Oooh I digressed. I have a little video at the end of it all. You should catch it since (I hope) it gives you a better view of the aviary and how huge it is!

So there I was standing there holding out a container, calling a stupid bird on a tree nearby that just wouldn't come any nearer!

Very soon, another karkee joined it and both perched nearer to me together...

Of course there were some that are more daring than the other two...

He jumped on Des shoulders a little while later. Though I reckon that since it's such a courageous and fiesty bird (that tried to kiss Desmond's ear), it must have been a female!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:42 pm

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I Just Got Married

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I turned on my computer today to check my email and the only thing I got was that I had just gotten married to Edric. Wow. That makes me a Mrs. Teo.

I can't wait to share with all of you photos from yesterday's Jurong Bird Park visit.

It's amazing to visit it yesterday because there were very few people!!

No long waits no this no that. But today's another hectic day so I can just share this pic with you all. Turned out that a particular smoker and frequent coffee drinker does not have steady hands. Why.. am I .. NOT.. surprised...

The most dangerous creature in the world... Homo Sapiens

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:25 am

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Hold me close.. Sway with me...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I noticed something about myself. Just put me on anything that can sway... a boat, a bus (airplanes not included.. due to air pockets)... I WILL fall asleep!!

Oh, and by the way, I just want to share with you, I have this horrible flight experience on don't know which airplane. Went through two to three horrible air pockets that made the plane 'drop' a little'.

After that I had this phobia that it would happen again. Around last year or two years ago, I viewed this documentary about China's first astronaut. They were running several physical tests on him to simulate the space environment and I thought it was pretty cool.

From that show I learnt that sitting in a hunched position (sort of leaning on your 'tailbone') actually is the best position to deflect those impact.

That is why there is this particular chair they designed on the rocket where the astronauts sit like that so that the impact (of traveling so fast or something) is deflected away from you as much as possible.

So.. in other words, whenever I got on the plane, I sit like that. And I don't like to move.

Anyway now that I've successfully deviated a bit, I'd like to bring it back to last night when I almost fell asleep brushing my teeth.

Cos I was brushing my teeth quite violently (they had just recovered from that scaling nightmare and no longer feel raw) which resulted in my whole head swaying a little. I closed my eyes and felt so drowsy!

Last night we did a focus group interview for a school project called Marketing Research.

Mum reminded me that I had a great bunch of friends who turned up to help out as interviewees for the focus group interview at our projectmate, Dan's place. *sickeningly sweet smile*

They really squeezed time out for us because after that everyone had to split up because they were rushing off else where (hello!? It's a Friday night mind you!).

I just want to say that I appreciated that alot!

Now a little more about last weekend. I had the priviledge of going to Serangoon North with Des, Ming and Joon.

You know how people were saying that sometimes young couples keep dogs instead of having children. With what I saw last weekend, I can also now say that some young couples keeps parrots instead of dogs. Or children.

(PS: This is a little out of nowhere but I'm absolutely SICK AND TIRED of hearing how married couples are zao sai-ing each other now and then about how they are together for the kids. If you think you are not going to stay faithful then for gawd's sake don't give birth. Go get yourself sterilized or something. Yea I know I used the wrong term but I have no mood to go find out the correct term.)

We were at Goodwill Bird's Trading at Serangoon North. A nice and neat place. Okay, nice but not very neat. How can a bird shop ever be neat when they have hundreds, maybe thousand over birds screaming and squawking at the same time? Difficult enough to talk to another person over the din.

But the thing neat about Goodwill was that they had this little air-conditioned room at a corner that sells bird toys, foods, supplements, snacks, playgrounds, cages and the likes.

The toys there were fascinating (and expensive, of course, as most of them were hand-made). Des often asked me why the !@#$ bird toys are that expensive. I mean how could a little stand like that costs $5 already? (And believe me, this was probably one of the cheapest bird cage accessory they have there!)

I rattled off some lame excuse that they needed toys that birds could play with without their owner's supervision (probably left it in a cage full of birds for hours with people observing the possible threats and stupid situations a bird can get stuck in that may result in trauma, injury and even death). He accepted that.



I also bought Joon another little house. They said it's good for birds to have a place to themselves. Wait, was that for birds or rabbits?

Oh what the hell. I figured Joon needs a little privacy now and then (as long as she don't start laying eggs like a machine gun) I guess having a little just to herself in the cage is an okay thing.

I am so blardy sickened by the camera quality!!!!!!!!!

Okay so there we were in that air-conditioned room. There was this couple nearby too. With their pet Amazon. It was interesting to watch them interact, at the corner of my eye of course. Because staring would be too rude and obvious since the air-con room was quite small.

Thing was the wife took this bird toy and walked to the bird. I forgot what was the name of the bird, but let's name him Ah Boy just for this story.

"Ah Boy, you want this?" she passed the toy to the bird who took the toy in its beak. She then walked back to the whole row of toys while the bird was exploring the new toy while standing on the husband's arm.

Lady came back after awhile and asked the husband, "So how? Shall we get that toy?" she pointed to the one Ah Boy was still holding.

"Okay, he seems to like it" the husband said. "How much is it" the wife asked. So amazing. I thought usually price is the first thing that wives notice.

Husband: "$25 only. Let's get it. He seems to like it."

At which I must add that the whole time Ah Boy ignored them because he was so utterly engrossed with the toy! Lucky bird.

$25 was a HUGE deal back before I started working. And $25 for a toy!? You should see it. It's not very big.

In fact, even though I'm working now, $25 is still quite a big deal!!

Joon saw it all from my shoulder.

I didn't know but maybe it was by luck or something. Around 10 minutes after their exchange took place and they left the shop with the new toy, Joon flew to a random toy that was hanging on the rack.

Some colourful wooden-beaded roped up toy in the shape of a ladder.

Mind you, she flew halfway across the room just to get to that toy!

I walked over to check out the toy she had purposely landed on.

The frigging thing costs over a hundred dollars.

I pried her (she refused to let go) from the toy and chose her a cheaper one instead.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:19 am

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Would anyone understand if...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Would anyone understand the joke if I wore this and stood outside my house?

Happy (belated) May Day everyone :) ...

Labour Day... the reason why we all occasionally need a public holiday without any reason...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:40 pm

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My poor fish :(

I must have bought a damn old fighting fish... because it had just passed away.

Now I have a nice little tank, and no fish!

I will get one soon, a red one, again. No point having a tank with no fishes in it, and besides, getting one meant that a poor isolated fish in a crampy sucky tank gets to live in my bigger tank, the fishy equivilant of shifting from a one-room flat to a bungalow.

Plus it will get food, on a regular basis!

There are some shops that astounds me. They sell their fighting fish in plastic packets. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but those plastic packets are SEALED up.

You know.. the 'ironed down' kind of seal that means you can throw the whole packet in the air and catch it back in your hands and not a drop would have spilt!

I wondered how they feed the fish like that, or do they just feed it and then 'seal' it back up to be on display for another week or so before its next feeding?

........ Ok.. I suddenly remembered this but I don't know why.

Just popped out of nowhere.

One day I went to watch movie with this group of friends. I don't want to say which group.. You guess...

So while the rest of us stood outside waiting for our cinema hall to flash the "Seating" signal, me and Guy A decided to go and buy popcorns.

While we stood from afar pondering over our popcorn combo choices, a girl was standing in front and facing us with her lips pouting. We eventually discovered she was waiting for her boyfriend who was queueing up for popcorn.

The thing that made both of us notice her was that she was wearing this off-shoulder top. Off-shoulder tops have always been around but NICE-LOOKING off-shoulder have only just became more easily available through many different sources.

But at that time when we caught that movie, the nice-looking ones were not available yet.

In other words, the girl was wearing some sort of boat-neck top, but had it ridiculously pulled down until it was just above her cleavage. Unlike those 'loose' off-shoulder tops you see in abundance nowadays, hers really looks like those boat-neck type with the fabric over-strained until it looks like someone squashed her arms together to make her shoulders more 'squarish'. Boat-necks (in my view) are supposed to be called 'boat' neck because they reveal just that little bit of shoulder.

Okay, how on earth do you describe that?

I didn't mind it much. Everyone makes such mistakes now and then, just that some make it more often, but apparently Guy A was more direct about coming to terms with the mistake.

He turned and said to me "What the hell happened to that girl's shirt?"

The thing was, I was so shocked that he said that so loudly, I could have sworn that the girl heard us! I looked down and muttered something inaudible in the hopes that he would shift his attention to something more important (e.g. a choice of Combo).

Thankfully at that time the girl's boyfriend saved me, him, us, and his girlfriend, from more humiliation by returning with the popcorn and they went off.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:37 pm

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Get Down!!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

I danced with a parrot at a bird shop today at Bedok. No idea what bird he is. But it was hilarious!

It went something like this.....

He could do side-ways and up-down motions too. I think we both look like idiots nodding our head.

I would also like to share with all that it really helps to wake up at 9am in the morning on a weekend. An incredible early time but you will notice how long your Saturday will be! (And then get an even greater kick out of knowing that the next day will be Sunday and you don't have to go to work!!!)

I woke up at 9am this morning. I had a dental appointment at 10.30. And guess what?

I went to it, went home, managed to even get a very satisfying one and a half hour afternoon nap and then go out after that!!

After the afternoon nap, my mind kept thinking it is a Sunday already so I had to mentally 'adjust' it back to keep repeating "It's Saturday. It's Saturday."

After which were the visits to the bird shop, and somehow from Bedok we ended up at IMM for dinner because we went to Daiso to look at some parrot toys. At which I must add Des thought up of a million silly things to buy for Ming Ming that I was tempted to get one of the Daiso $2 hammer to knock his head. Of these 'silly things' included a bunch of softoys (one of it was Chalot, the bird-like creature from Pokemon as pictured on the left), and many other things such as windchimes and etc!

Needless to say, I spent most of my time explaining why it's not possible... 'How you gonna hang Chatot?... What if the bird breaks the wind chime and swallows it! It's a baby you know!?'

I wanted to talk a little about the dentist incident. It's a pity we didn't really appreciate the dental care that was given to us during primary school. I don't know about schools nowadays but they don't seem to emphasis the 6-monthly dental visits that we are supposed to have (who the heck adheres to it anyway!!!).

Ever since graduation from Secondary School, I went back to a dentist for the first time for scaling and polishing (the other time was for some Wisdoom Tooth issue that I won't consider a 'volunteery' dental visit).

Boy, does it hurt.

Not the polishing. The scaling!

WTF. She told me that she was going to apply 'topical anaesthetic'. At first I thought what the hell was that for, because to what I can recall, 'scaling and polishing' back at primary school dentists was not a painful issue at all.

I soon realised why the anaesthetic was needed.

Have you experienced, as Sensodyne dentists always put it, a 'short sharp pain'.

Imagine if it's a sharp pain that is not short. That's how scaling is. Apparently after going home, my dad told me I was actually supposed to brush with those sensitive teeth toothpaste FIRST before going for Scaling.

Apparently scaling is needed because after some time, due to the plaque / bacteria or some shit on the surface of our teeth, the actually produce a kind of.. I don't know what is it called. It usually stays near the part of the teeth that is near the gum.

If you haven't been to the dentist for some time, go look in the mirror now and you should be able to see it.

It's like uneven 'off-whitish' pieces of dirt near the gum.

That's what scaling is for. Sort of like a small little pumice stone that grinds that dirt out to reveal ur actual teeth beneath.

Problem is, because those stubborn dirt is located near to the gums, inevitably the dentist will 'dio' ur gums a little too. I thought it was just a slight pain that's all, but in-between the scaling (which actually took only about 8 minutes. YES. I COUNTED), there were pauses in between where she will ask you to gurgle your mouth.

It was upon this first gurgling that I got a shocked because the water that I spit out was red, and had that all too familiar iron smell too. I gurgled again. It was a lighter red colour now, but still! So I gurgled again until I heard the dentist say "ok ok, that's enough, sit back down."

Scaling was soon over. It has got to be the most terrible part of the entire process.

Polishing was a joy because it was just a little brush that has a sort of circular motion around your teeth. Sort of like those you see at the car polish shop.

Then came the fluoride treatment that the dentist liked to explain, acts as a sealant. "You know after polishing a car you usually have to put sealant so that it lasts longer." she said, with my mouth wide open and unable to answer her.

Yes. Which reminds me of this.... Why do dentists like to ask so much questions when you cannot answer them!?

The fluoride thing was quite funny because you have to bite into this tray where they have placed the fluoride gel in.

And in doing so, there is a wedge in your mouth and you cannot swallow your saliva properly. It was then that the dentist decided to ask me more questions. And as I nodded or shook my head, my saliva actually flew out of my mouth in the process.

Ya. FLEW. I don't know, my tongue must have whacked the gathering puddle of saliva and 'splashed' it out.

Anyway for those of you reading this, maybe you should consider a trip to the dentist soon *smiles and shows of her nicely polished teeth*.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:06 am

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