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Nokia 6500

Sunday, October 28, 2007

So I have done it again.

Changed phone, I mean.

Now I've changed to a Nokia 6500. Probably one of the last phones I ever thought I'd used, because the last 6 I even came near to was the.. um.. 6600 that THE WHOLE WORLD (in Bendemeer Sec) used as well.

Back in those days, you were either using a 6600 or a 6610.

Why? I don't know. Maybe because at that time we didn't have $68 no-contract LG handphones that are even sold at 7-Eleven!!!

Speaking of that phone, I honestly feel it's a very very good price for a handphone. I'm sure because of that, there was a super spike in the number of primary school kids getting handphone; which is a good thing.

I hpoe that thing doesn't have those sound-blaster capabilities. I don't know how the situation is like these days but I hope lesser people are blasting mp3 out aloud in public (at least these days I don't encounter any).

Please, all our packages come with earpiece for a reason. And no, earpieces are not for drivers. Bluetooth headset is. But I don't know that LG phone comes with an earpiece or not.

Well, I'm not only ignorant about handphones.

I'm ignorant about school stuff as well. It was weird. When a project deadline was approaching, everyone would go crazy. It was very obvious. But this time they didn't. So, me and my groupmates, mainly, Jo and Nick, took our own blardy sweet time.

No, we did not even take our own sweet time, because we didn't even do a single sh*t!!!!

When we found out about the deadline, we were only one and a half hour away.

Then came the fastest project I ever did in my life. We had to hand up a softcopy by email, and a hardcopy at school the following night.

We were, obviously late for the softcopy hand-up. It was due 12 midnight on Tuesday morning. We, however, made it in time for the hard copy hand up in class, with two of us who were working having taken half-day off.

SPEAKING OF LEAVES. Wtf. I've been applying leave once in a while like nobody's business. Everytime I checked, I had many balance leave left. And then guess what. Suddenly I was reduced to having only one and a half day leave left!!!

For the rest of 2007! Are they frigging kidding with me!?!?

The last I checked, there was a 6-day balance. I'd have to bring this up with HR soon. But that aside.. about the school project.

We were there extra early to print out the report, and then we proceeded to the class to hand up our project. There was this slip we had to hand up for the teacher to sign, to acknowledge that we did indeed handed up the project report.

Some of us find this stupid, but I tell you, it's not. I have a friend studying at MIS. Apparently I think his class, or that subject, or the whole school, don't have this kind of practice.

The marker actually lost his group's project. Naturally they got an F, which super dampened their mood that they had no heart to study for their final exam paper (duh! you failed your project already, what's the point?).

My friend was adamant. He admitted he had sucky ang moh but he has never failed a project before so he went to confront the marker who admitted to having lost the project and 'thought that the group didn't hand up'.

So, yea. Bottomline was, better be safe (and go through the trouble) then be sorry. Besides, we conveniently signed our attendance in the booklet after handing up the project and then I went home to rest. More like quarrel. I shall not go on about it. But I tell you, some men are incorrigibly.. horribly.. oh, forget it.

I'm going back to what I originally believed about life: Boyfriends are okay, but no, I'm never getting married.

So yea, about the new phone.

Either I'm dumb with a cybershot, or the Nokia 6500 (3.2 megapixel Carl Zeiss lense) is super user-friendly.. what I could never achieve with that W810i's 3.2 megapix cybershot, I managed to capture with the Nokia 6500.

Behold, to-date, the clearest photo I've ever taken of Bazi!!!

It was almost IMPOSSIBLE with a cheap handphone camera to capture a photo like that, upclose and personal. Bazi is not just a normal helicoptering pufferfish. He's faster than an Apache!! Wait. Are Apaches supposed to be fast? Or just deadly?


It comes as no surprise that whenever Bazi looks at me, I just HAVE to feed him. They say pufferfishes are supposed to be fed like once a FEW DAYS. I feed him A FEW TIMES a day.

I can't help it. I also read the warning on countless pufferfish internet websites warning that pufferfishes are very adapt at begging for food with puppy eyes.

You know their eyeballs can move in completely different and opposite directions? But when both these eyes focus on you, there's really not much you can do about it.

You walk to the left of the tank, Bazi swim left. You walk to the right of the tank, Bazi follow.

I'm sure if Bazi had a tail, he (or she) would wag it everytime it sees me.

Bazi aside, Cherry was an easier fish to take. Cherry stays very still, always at the bottom of the tank. But sometimes when you turn off the tank lights, Cherry would dash out of her cave like a big, huge and fat torpedo, and eat whatever food that is floating at the top of the tank.

Didn't take me long to conclude that Cherry hates the tank light.

It was far too obvious. When I feed, everyone eats what they can because once the lights are off, Cherry dashes out and no one dares to vie with her.

In order to make it easier for everyone, I feed twice (talk about over-feeding!!). Once with the lights on. Once again with the lights off.

Here's a rare one with Cherry out of her favourite cave. Actually, hovering right outside the cave, with the tank lights on. A rare occurrence.

Hurray to a better photographed future!!!!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:20 am

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

I just want to remind you all of his existence.

Everyone's favourite Chubby Lim!!!

I'm glad enough that this little companion of mine since I was 10 could celebrate my 21st with me.

I know it's out of topic right now but just let me complain.

Just the other day I was saying how much I like this subject. How it is interesting and stuff.

I still think so, but it's just that we have this little assignment. Every week we have to do three posts (by hook or by crook) on this online bulletin board whose servers and technical stuffs are handled by the Australian campus (I assume).

The stupid thing lags like sh*t.

You could take an hour to do all three posts (there are word limits, mind you). And for that three posts, I mean the post that you probably have thought of and written on a piece of paper and just need to type it and post it up.

Okay. I love to complain. You know why now. The thing works so smoothly now. I have to go type in my post.


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:45 am

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Now vomit is a special word.

When I was young, I remembered my mother sent me to countless Compo classes. I don't hate it, unless of course my teacher picks my compo because it has a very bad grammar error, and then shares it with the whole class.

Of course, in order to 'save some face' for the particular student, she chose not to disclose the name of that student, which she should have known, didn't help much.

The class was small, and within the next 5 minutes, the entire class knew who was the student who made that error.

That was, I guess, a sure enough way to make the affected student NEVER to commit that same grammatical mistake ever again for the rest of his entire life.

Some of my more memorable compo was written back when I was in primary school, and is about 'my' grandmother (in the compo, that is) being robbed. Though that compo was in mandarin, and my teacher gave me an A for that, it was, to the amusement of my entire family because my maternal grandmother had a knack for displaying her gold jewellery to the general public.

I think after I wrote that story, she toned down ever since.

SO, what I was trying to say is that after all that millions of compositions I wrote during class, and out of class for those extra lessons mum sent me to, I actually discovered one day, when I was in Primary 5 or 6, that I don't know how to spell the word Vomit.

It was a word that I had really hoped not to associate with, because it would signify that I would be in for a terrible time.

I hadn't vomitted in a long time. It goes by frequency of years. On average, I guess, I vomited once every 3 years or so. This would only happen because of a very major stomach upset.

We have a colleague at work that I want to talk about. We went to eat buffet recently and everyone was ALWAYS making fun of her and her eating. Boy could she eat. You would be surprised at how slim she is and how much she could eat (or so I heard), because when we went to that buffet (Cuisine Bowl at Suntec), she didn't eat alot. But then again, that was due to us sitting SO FAR away from the food tables. In fact we had to walk in and out of the shop just to get to the food!!!

They were making fun of a previous incident where they were having buffet at some hotel. Naturally, they ate alot (duh! it's a buffet!!). But they did not expect to laugh alot either. At the end of the meal when this particular colleague of ours came out from the toilet, her face was deathly pale, and she had teary eyes; obvious symptoms that she had just performed the word that is today's post title.

So that day when we went to Cuisine Bowl (okay I admit I forgot the spelling, but it has an irritating song associated to it), they were laughing at her when she suddenly said "Eh, I never told you guys how I vomited that night right? It was so bad it came out from my nose too!!"

Everyone dropped whatever food they were holding on and gave her an incredulous look. And she happily continued "Yea it's true! I even plucked out a veggy from my nostril!"

They didn't notice but I stopped eating after that. I couldn't even manage any more drinks.

Whoa, and talk about drinking.

The other day was Zixiang's birthday. We went to this pub and had a few drinks. Okay, FEW is an understatement.

I have never drank so much in such a short period of time.

I wasn't drunk. I knew what I was doing. I knew where I was and all, but I JUST COULD NOT WALK IN A STRAIGHT LINE. I was like floating around, with helium pumped into my head.

I could feel the effects of alcohol and I felt it pretty funny, so I could not stop giggling and laughing once in a while. I think it would have been quite scary if my friends saw, but they did not notice, because they were pretty much like that themselves.

Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed myself that night. It was a long time since I had seen some of them, though JANET WAS MISSING and the rest were away in Australia.

The most funniest part was, I knew I was going to vomit after consecutively losing in a stupid dice game. 2 full mugs within 15 minutes was absolutely no joke, taking into consideration that I was drinking way before.

Now Huat taught me this method. Drink hard liquor first, because it is more expensive, and then top it all up with beer later on through the night, so that just in case you get drunk later on, what you will vomit out is cheap beer only.


And it took me a few hours to find out. After all that we drank, I floated home. I must give much credits to Skully though, who carried my things for me and was like a steady pillar I held on to while I floated my way back home though it was a mere short walk from where he parked.

In the car on the way back, I had already told him I seriously feel like vomitting. I could feel he drove faster after that, afraid that I would stain his suede finish, hahahaha!!

Back on to Huat's theory about hard liquor staying in and just vomitting beer out.

Yea! As if you could control that.

I puked a total of 3 times.

The first time, there was nothing but yellow liquid. I assumed it was the beer.

The second time it started to turn colour. I assume this was the Coke mixed with whatever hard liquor they ordered.

The third time.. even my dinner came out. Apparently, I don't really chew rice properly before swallowing because they came out whole.


I hope I have successfully spoiled your anticipation for your next meal.

Bon appetit!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:06 am

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ear worm. An apt description for songs that seem to get stuck in your head the whole day. This is mine, it's Stronger, by Kanye West.

And I would like to remind all of you of the existence of Justin Timberlake (hot!!!). There are a couple of his songs that are nice, even from those N'sync days. This one, called 'Gone' used to be really popular on the radio airwaves. Wonder why they don't play it already.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:07 pm

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Pics from Night Safari!

Yea. It's about pics from Night Safari, but I looked at the pics Shufang sent me and.. if I didn't mention it, you wouldn't have thought we were at Night Safari in the first place.

Halloween is approaching (or is it tonight??), and the shops are filled with Halloween stuff right now. I'm quite surprised at the price though. You could get a Witch's Broomstick at the mere price of $4.90.

I'm glad of the price because it means more people are going to dress up already.

Anyway here's one of the pic. I like it alot because when I looked back at it, it kinda reminds me of Lord Of The Rings:

Neat right? Easily you could tell that I was trying to be Gandalf (Oooh who could miss the very nice hat, though the broom was a little out-of-place) without the Wizard Staff of course (Oh you wouldn't deprive an old man of his walking stick!!). Shufang was abit tricky though, but I guess she could be Frodo, holding the light of Earendil (forgot the spelling, the Elve's most beloved star, a gift from Lady Galadriel. And Jo is.. well.. the helmet... Gimli.

But where's the sexy elf? *droolz*

There is one more picture actually. The shop was really dark, like, duh... it's Night Safari!! So the pictures appear so bright because there was flash.

Jo wanted to take another photo with a spear this time, making her an orc. She asked me to join in so I grabbed the first thing I could off the shelf and this picture was taken:

Sure, sure. Everything is nice and alright in the picture. Except for that abso-frigging-lutely disgusting thing I was holding in my hand!

Damn! I couldn't even see well in the dark!! Sure I know it's a spider, but I didn't know it was so hairy and disgusting. It would have made me squirmish if I'd seen it in broad daylight.

You know when I have nightmares about insects, it's not flying cockroaches or huge millipedes that creep me out. It's ALWAYS spiders.

Since the beginning of (my) time, some of my nightmares have always consisted of spiders chasing after me. It might be just as big as my palm (the kind like tarantulas featured in one of the Home Alone movies), but I would scream and run away from it in my dream not only because I'm scared of it but also because I was afraid that I would accidentally step on it and squash it to death.

I hate killing Mosquitoes even, because it was digusting to smack them between ur palm and then see how it is squashed and its innars have spilled out over ur hand.

Much less is needed to explain how it would look like if you killed a spider THAT big.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:26 pm

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Bad bad memory

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh most of you already know that I have really bad memory, but here's a few pictures that I forgot to post from the previous trip to Dempsey Village for Ben & Jerry's. Yes, as Jo had mentioned, it was terribly expensive, terribly sinful. Worse of all was the realisation that you could have actually done it for yourself at home.

All you need is ice cream, whipped cream and M&Ms to top it off.

Here's a really really cute British Bulldog that was chewing on the railing a table away from us that day. Just in case you don't know, my next dog is going to be a British Bulldog. And a pug. And a .. um... Papillion. Whatever. I'm talking crap.

Just in case you can't tell from the photo, he's just a puppy, because when he starts making noise and howling, it was a PUPPY'S VOICE. Omg. So cute, I tell you!!!

Next of course, we went to Night Safari. Most of you know that already. And yea, the photos are not with me so I won't be publishing them yet, but on the way there we passed by this so I decided to take a photo to remind myself that I have to blog about it:

Yes. Ulu Pandan Road. Imagine my astonishment when I realised its actual existence.

Ulu Pandan Road, to me, was the equivilant of a road that is so legendary because it is super duper ulu, far-fetched and.. well.. almost like a folk tale.

Like when people ask me if I know where so and so place is located, and I don't know the answer, I'd tell them "whoa, where the hell is that? Ulu Pandan Road ar?"

At which point everyone laughs. Now I know they're not laughing at my joke. They're laughing at me. And my limited road directory knowledge.

Yes, yes. Very upsetting, my precious (I just rewatched LOTR).

By the way, I was going through my handphone's camera gallery again and yes, I did have a few photos from the Night Safari that I took. But it was of cos incomparable to one that's taken with a digital camera. Better than nothing, here's a picture of a bat. What breed what name I forgot. But it has the head of a fox (that my K810i fails to show clearly).

I know you can't tell a thing from the above photo, but the bat is actually hanging upside-down and eating a piece of jackfruit. Stare carefully and you can actually see the wings outstretched.

They look really scary though. More so since it was quite dark and you had to strain your eyes to see really clearly. But because all of us were paying attention to the jackfruit-eating bat, we failed to see that closer to us, actually, almost directly above our curious heads was another bat, who was not eating but staring at us the whole time.

Jo was the first to noticed and once she shouted out, all of us looked up at it and took a surprised step backwards.

Now my final last photo, taken with a I-forgot-what-model phone but it was one of SE's walkman phone, is me, and a super huge aerowana fish that they keep right at the main toilet entrace of the Night Safari.

By the way, excuse my ignorance but the only place I know that sells Naraya products also happen to be the Night Safari!!!

I shall blog more soon about our new car. Have got to rest abit (and watch MORE South Park). I'm still going through a slight hangover all through the day.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:16 pm

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As Luck Would Have it

Monday, October 08, 2007

. . . My Scat died. YEA! It actually did. I didn't understand what happened either. He was looking absolutely alright the night before and the next morning when I woke up to go to work, he was stuck to the filter already.

I was extremely upset. The curse of the blog again, needless to say. Everyone is perfect and fine (well, at least they look the part). Eating happily too.

Currently I'm re-enacting my whole LOTR craze again. Yes. I'm re-watching it. This time all with extended versions that I am absolutely delighted with, so much, that I even took leave on Monday to continue watching it. Of course, I would like to give credit to my very nice bro who helped me get the extended versions, and a very nice boss who approved my leave today.

You wouldn't believe how little additions of scenes here and there makes the movie so blardy long!!!

Of which I'd also like to add: what a productive weekend I had!!!

All weekends, by right, starts off with Friday night. By left it starts on Thursday night, but then I'm a right-handed person.

And I had classes on Friday night.

I absolutely love one of my new subject for this term. It's called Culture, New Media & Communications.

The first lecture night started on Thursday.

I walked into class, took a look at the lecturer and went "Whoa."

No, this wasn't a he's-so-cute kind of whoa. It's a he's so like a typical arts-subject related lecturer kind of whoa. Soon learnt that this was a subject from the Uni's arts, humanities & social science faculty.

Surprise, surprise.

Unfortunately, Klein, a classmate of mine happened to be testing out the cybershot camera of mine (as I was telling her about the EXTREMELY LAGGY image-capture) that she happened to catch a scene of me and Jo... not paying attention in class.

A picture that would get parents flustered. Seldom do parents get softcopy evidence of their kids not paying attention in class.

That aside came Saturday. This was the hardest transition. While the rest of the world of 21-year-olds went clubbing on Friday night, we had class.

While the same batch of 21-year-olds were having bad hang-overs or were sleeping through Saturday and late into the afternoon, we were having class.

Where's the justice in that?

After which we were swept away to Ben & Jerry's at Dempsey Village. An up-and-coming food & beverage hub that honestly is very neat. Dempsey Village is quite like its name. It has a village-y feel to it. And best of all, there was NEVER a shortage of parking space!!!

The food outlets were eached housed in its individual colonial-type house with parking lots surrounding all around each house.

I keep forgetting to talk about this place but really, it's a must-go, even if at least once.


After which we went to Night Safari. But not before I found out that there was a sweet guy who put up a sign in his car 'Princess on board' which received alot of taunts and tease from another total IDIOT.

Needless to say on behalf of sweet guy and blissful girl, I whacked idiot in every imaginable way until he regretted saying whatever he did.

Will post more pictures from Night Safari soon.

One last thing to say before I go:


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:51 am

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