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Who put the ball in the German's net?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer!

Whoa. It's been a really long time since I talked about him. I remembered on my 16th birthday, a group of my classmates bought me this Man Utd VCD, with Solskjaer on the cover.

I still remembered, and I'm sure those who gave it to me as well can also easily recall, I almost cried that day when I saw it. Even trying to find a Solskjaer pin-up was difficult enough. Now this was a blardy (I assumed, at first) CD all about him!!

I watched it and realised that though Solskjaer was on the cover, the entire interview with him was only about 2 and a half minutes.

Man. And video quality back at that time was horrid. On the computer, I mean.

Nevertheless, I was thrilled enough by it. That was the extent of my obsession with the man.

It subsequently died down, thanks to Cable TV, which I didn't have. Now, almost every possible soccer matches relating to Man Utd can only be found on Cable.

Needless to say, my once crazy obsession with Man Utd, and Solskjaer, subsequently died down as well. It felt good though, to declare my loyalty to humble Solskjaer (I'm not just a pretty boy Beckham/Ronaldo addict), especially whenever I hear from reports that he had scored goals.

The excitement over him died down considerably but that did not stop me from feeling waves of disappointment when I heard that he was forced to go into early retirement due to some naggy knee injury that would not heal.

Guess human beings weren't born to play professional football for long. Look at the age of retirement for these fellas!!! He's only 35 this year!!

That aside, let's go through some videos of Solskjaer, my (ex)love...

Now, how could anyone who likes Solskjaer EVER forget the goal that had secured Solskjaer a spot whenever someone mentions about the Treble we had won in 98/99.

Now that was a clearer version, but I like the way Alan Green had put it in this commentary, that, unfortunately, wasn't so clear:

Now for a last summary of some of the goals Solskjaer had scored.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:14 pm

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This is What You Get!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

This is what you get when you play with Shaun; a smiling bubbly spoilt only great grandson of the Lim family:

This is what you get when you encounter a not so very happy Shaun....

This is what you get when you go to a 21st birthday party, themed as 'Hats':

And this is what you get when you attend the party and stay for the birthday muffins! So pretty, I tell you!!!!

Now for some less-than-perfect 'this is what you get'......

This is what you get when your fish mouth is already full, but yet it still wants to eat and can't put anything in its already-full mouth...

Now I know it's a tad too late for the intros but this fish is called Paku. I don't know exactly what kind of fish is it.. some shops labeled it as Ikan Kotok.. or Botok.. some give it a completely Chinese name called 'Guo Shan Something'... Obviously I don't know how to read the word. Maybe should bring Jo the next time round cos she's my Chinese-word interpreter. The 'Guo Shan' in its name means over the mountain.

I bought it at a fish shop in Tiong Bahru, and the guy told me he caught this fish once, on the floor, running away from its tank.

You can see its side fins are really long. I'm not surprised if Paku used it as his (or her) legs to push itself forward when out of the water.

Of course, some of you might say it's a very wrong name, because there really is another type of fish called a Paku Fish. Go yahoo or google it yourself and you will see how a Paku fish looks like. Personally I think it looks like a piranha. They're selling Paku Fishes in fish shops at most places.

So right now, calling Guo Shan Something as Paku is like giving your Labrador Retriever a name such as Poodle.

I have to admit that I deeply regretted getting Paku at first. He was always bullying everyone else in the tank, including my pufferfish (would you believe it?).

And how he does so is that he would rush towards them from a great distance and then knock against them really hard, succeeding of course, in frightening the fish so much that all the fins would drop off. Nah, I'm just exaggerating.. It's not like pufferfishes have fins in the first place, but you get my point of what a shock the impact was to the unsuspecting fish at first.

Apparently, it didn't take Paku very long to do the same to Cherry...

But Cherry would have none of it. The next moment before I knew it, Cherry made sure that Paku could not dash like that; she cleaned off most of his tail until only the flesh part was left. If she had bit into it, Paku would have bled.

Yes. Can you believe it? Paku had NO tail fins at all. It was just the base of his tail left.

It didn't take long for Paku to know that Cherry was not to be trifled with.

And it didn't take long either, for Paku's tail to grow back and for him to turn into his usual cheeky self again, but of course, keeping a mindful watch on Cherry's erratic and unpredictable behaviour.

It was easy to tell that all the other fishes would hang out with Cherry, to the point of sleeping together with her, side by side, SO CLOSE that they were touching. The monster that she is, she surprisingly leaves them alone. They were free of bite marks and nips, but Paku however seems to always have bites and nips appear out of nowhere on his fins.

I love my fishes. What used to be my normal habit of waking up, sitting up in bed, rubbing my eyes, and then turning on my computer, became me, waking up, sitting up in bed and turning on the lights of the fish tank just so to see how my little community is faring.

Now for the next This is What You Get!... You know I love the idea of merging technologies, especially that of Sony and Ericsson, and that of Cybershot with Handphones.

However, there was one thing: the capturing of the image is kinda retarded.

An orange light appears first, I think its use was to signal that the camera was auto-focusing on the subject, and then it might be also to test the brightness of the area (to flash, or not to flash... that is the question..) Haha....

Anyway, I turned off the auto-focus and the flash function, apparently the results was still the same.

After whole seconds of waiting, the camera finally captured the image.

Needless to say, not every photo subject is willing to be this patient, and stand there, smiling like an idiot for a long time at an orange light.

Joon is no exception. She hates orange lights, shining into her cool red eyes.. so mcuh so that when I finally captured the following photo:

She flew away towards me instead. You can spot abit of her yellow feather though, at the bottom right of the picture, just a tinge of yellow at the side.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:30 am

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Self-Confidence & Arrogance

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm blogging here on the request of my mother. She said that I haven't been updating this for a loooong looong time. Geez. It's not like anybody noticed (except her).

On to the topic. I don't know about you but personally I feel that there is a very thin line between Self-Confidence and Arrogance.

Some people are actually just very self-confident, but the end impression that they project to other people is that they are super arrogant.

Some people are downright arrogant, but then if you really like that person very much you say that they are very self-confident.

I'm not referring to anyone in particular. It's just a thought that came across my mind while I was walking to the toilet (when at work).


Some people should not be so full of themselves. Just because people are upset, it may be for a million other reasons, and not necessarily because of you. Like, who are you? I've got other things that is worrying the hell out of me, you are probably one of the last things on my worry list.

Some people, however, should not let little things that others do make them so distressed, disturbed and sad. Like, who are they to make you feel the way you are feeling now? Cheer up!

Having said that, I now wish that the world is a better place.

Thank you.

(I have hardly any idea what I was typing)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:40 pm

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

When I was young, I was really really ... Ok, I don't know how to put it.

Like let's say I broke a cup, I would cry first even before my mum have time to react. I know I'd get scolded but even before she starts, I would cry first.

It worked. Most of the time. She get so fed-up she just can't be bothered to even scold me, because I was crying away already.

Gosh. I think my tears are like tap. I can cry anytime I want. Overactive tear glands I think. Even when I yawn, ALOT of tears would threaten to flow out already, brimming at the edge of my lower eyelashes.

That aside, I was having dinner with Skully at this kopitiam that was right beside a car park.

I was fully concentrating on my food when I heard a kid fell along the opposite kerb, that was only 5 metres away from us.

The kid didn't scream, the Dad didn't yell, but I was the only one who let out a short shriek for the kid.

Then the little ang moh boy stood up and dusted his knees that had grains of dirt stuck to it after the fall.

Then he lifted up his left hand and looked at the father. You could see his blue/green eyes were filled with tears already from the pain, but he wasn't crying. He was like holding his tears back. I thought he was trying to ask his dad to brush off the dirt off his hand, but no.

He lifted his left hand and his dad knowingly took it and they held hands and crossed the road towards us.

Not a single tear. Not a single cry.

"So brave!" I commented to Skully who witnessed it as well.

I think the Dad heard us, because he looked our way and gave us a very cool smile like "Yup! That's my son!" and Skully and I couldn't help but smile back.

Now the question: Why is it that I almost never seen an Asian kid be like that. I mean, I've seen so many that fell and then CRY AND CRY AND CRY and WAIL AND WAIL that I was conditioned to expect the same from that ang moh boy who was probably only four to five years old.

By the way, Happy Birthday Xiang, Manda, Xinni (in chronological order), lol!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:00 am

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As I've Matured

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I received this email from Sharmela today. Just thought maybe I'd share abit of it here:

As I've matured... I've learnt that:

1) You cannot make someone love you. You can only stalk them and hope they give in..

2) I've learnt that one good turn gets most of the blanket

3) I've learnt that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses

4) I've learnt that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

5) I've learnt that whatever hits the fan, will not be evenly distributed.

6) I've learnt that you shouldn't compare yourself with others. They are more screwed up than you think.

7) I've learnt that we are responsible for what we do, unless are are celebrities.

8) I've just learnt that I forgot to flush the crap away in the toilet after I used it and my bro got really pissed.

I'm kidding. . .

I did flush.

Oh ya. GUess what. I'm on the company's website!!

Click here.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:29 pm

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When You Do Not Have Creative Ideas to Name a Topic...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

You would feel like putting the blog title as: The XXXth Post.

As such, this is my 702nd post for this blog. There you go. What an achievement, for me, that is.

I've come a long way since I started blogging here in October of 2004.

Mourned over the loss of people or things, get really excited over upcoming tours, feel pissed over things that some friends have done.

And so, this will not be a blog that reflect on the past.

This blog I'm gonna type today.. is gonna be JUST another blog by Cindy Lim.


Well, I haven't been seeing some of you for an awful long time. As a little update. I thought I'd upload a picture of myself.

Like, you know, just so some of you still remember how I look like? I've put on a little weight. Actually, alot of weight.

NO I'M NOT PREGNANT. Puh-lease. In fact, I don't think pregnant people put on 15kg or so right? Wait. Or do they? Oh whatever, I'm not really into it. Here's the pic as promised:

And beside me is my new best friend, Skully. Just ignore him. He's a weirdo. I'm still having a hard time trying to understand him. You know, sometimes when I talk to Skully, I feel like I'm talking to air, you know what I mean?

Skully and I have been best friends back in our D2 days. That's the PC game, Diablo 2. Skully wasn't exactly the best Diablo player I've known, but he wins by numbers. He's like EVERYWHERE in Diablo. In fact, you have to kill Skully, but he keeps coming back. It's a little silly right? The idea of whacking Skully, cos that's just what he is... skeletons... And who bothers to whacks skeletons? They're supposed to just come apart when a stronger wind blows our way.

Well, that pic was taken when Skully and I were at the Science Centre, where I got to know a little bit better of a certain part of me that bleeds frequently.

Why are you sniggering? I was referring to my nose, though after the bout of antibiotics, I seldom get nose bleeds at all nowadays.

I had mixed feelings there that day, because remember how I told some of you we were going for Paintball? Well, it never happened.

Everything was planned. The place was booked, the people were ready, and the office had been notified that all sales were going to be involved in a game.

And it had to rain.

I asked my colleague, Alan, who did the booking, and he said management had already called it off. Sheesh. Talk about rain. Talk about wet blanket. I was SO looking forward to a free game of Paintball.

And since we are talking about Jurong right now, we may as well talk abit about Jurong-related stuff. Well, the Science Centre, been there before? Well, you don't need to go there again, that is, unless the last time you were there was when you were still learning how to walk, and have forgotten what most of the exhibits actually are.

Ooo, Jurong.. another colleague's farm is near there. He had a litter of puppies that were arriving soon. He knew it was going to happen so he fenced up the pregnant bitch, who apparently in the middle of the night escaped the fencing and gave birth outside where all the other dogs were. I'm not sure of the process, but puppies are not supposed to mix with other adult dogs. By the time Joseph went down to check on the pregnant bitch, he only found 7 dead puppies, which greatly upset him.

And then, geographically close to his farm, was the famous Qian Hu. I found this sign, and I absolutely had to take a picture with it, with Cherry too, of course, no matter what all of you say about Cherry, I love him/her/it SO!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:29 am

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This is fun!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Although I know less than half of them. Hope none of them are porn stars whatsoever... else I'd never hear the end of it.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:58 am

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Boink Boink Boink...






So how are all of you doing on a Sunday morning. I can't blardy get to sleep because I'd be going to Qian Hu later and it really excites me.

Something's come over me recently. I think I've gone abit crazy. I've spent close to $200 within the last week on my pets, though it's not really a big amount unless you consider the fact that Dad is already contributing a large part of the pet's expenditure. Mainly, the dogs.

It's not really unnecessary stuff. There seems to be a dog tick wave that hit them. Everything's going crazy. You know how it's like when the dogs get hit by a really serious tick problem. You see the tick everywhere.

In fact, I know it had gotten real bad when I got bitten as well. I found one on my arm, near the elbow right where they usually insert the needle to draw blood. Man, I know dog ticks are blood suckers, but someone should have also warned me that they have great sense where the important veins are.

Pulling dog ticks out of your dog is one thing. Having to yank it out from your own flesh is another matter.

I can officially declare to all of you right now that no, as painful as it may look, you don't feel a thing when you pluck a dog tick out (of a dog, or yourself).

But it was indeed a sight to behold, because the tick latches itself so deep. I'm not sure the exact anatomy of their.. um.. sucker.. but it must have had a hook kind of design, because it doesn't come out so easily like that.

It held on stubbornly to my skin before it finally was removed. So when I pulled at it, my skin came up along with the tick as it refused to dislodge itself from my flesh.

Ok. I think I'm going into too much details here but you get the idea, right?

Needless to say, most of the amount of money spent was on anti-flea/tick related products and sprays that I have applied to all my room, wall skirtings, beds and softoys as well as creaks and crevices that the ticks might escape to. All that knowledge, thanks to having working in a Pest Control company.

For Chubby, I had sent him for de-ticking. He's totally bald now. Bald, grumpy and pretty pissed off. I'm not surprised at his reaction.

Turns out he's shivering every night. One moment he has a thick double coat of hair. The next moment, he was susceptible to rain or shine.

So I bought him this really cute polo tee from Pet Lover's Centre last night.
He sleeps on the bed with me too, now that he's hairless. Yup, and of course, the bed was thoroughly sprayed with the necessary chemicals to kill whatever there might be.

Didi is .. well.. I don't really know what to do about him though. He would look really shitty if he's bald, so I bathed him in some sort of flea/tick spray and made sure his coat was really damp with the chemical, as stated in the Instructions.

And for the Lab, I bought this really powerful thing for Kilo. Living outside at the car porch, this big, oversized blur but handsome giant was the most frequent victim of ticks. But we had it controlled for a long time. There was this anti-tick and flea product that we had bought for him before. It was really strong. I can't seem to recall the brand right now. It was a one-time use product and I remember they had this extensive warning label "Extremely Poisonous to Cats".

I think the fact that it's a one-time use tick/flea product already speaks volumes about its effectiveness. It must have been some kind of really bad-ass poison to be able to just use one-time and then expect you to expect that the fleas/ticks problem will be settled.

I just can't seem to figure out how it works. Most flea products have to be re-applied after a period of time. Thus, Dad and I could only come to one conclusion. Osmosis.

Whoa. I hope I got it right. But we believe that the chemical is applied onto the dog's skin (the part between his shoulder blades, a place where he definitely would not be able to reach by his tongue). Somehow, it enters the bloodstream of the dog. Once in the blood, the fleas/ticks that are feeding off it would take in the poison and eventually die.

We've come to notice how the fleas/ticks that dies after we apply this actually shirvel up first into dried-prunes before eventually dropping off. Sometimes although they're dead, they look like they're still clinging on to the dog's skin (see what I told you about those stubborn hooked-like suckers of theirs). This problem was easily rectified by a good doggy bath and scrub.

Speaking of dogs. There's one dog that I would like to talk about that definitely won't be affected by fleas and ticks.

She's a beagle. And her name is Pebbles. Little princess Pebbles, though she's nowhere treated as one.

Pebbles is a Beagle, but she's also a Nintendog living in my Nintendo DS. The DS was a gift from a group of close buddies on my birthday. At first I was quite.. pleasantly surprised because I wasn't even sure what shade of pink a Nintendo DS looked like, and the closest I came to a DS was when I was doing that school project on the Sony PSP and was, in a way, forced to be brainwashed to think that the PSP was superior.

Now, I'm not going to say the DS is superior, but interactivity-wise, DS wins hands-down. Only after getting it did I realise that the thing was reactive to voices.

I could command Pebbles to do tricks, from simple ones like Sit and Down to roll over, bark, yelp and... show-me-your-arse. HAHAHA!! Not exactly showing me her butt, but when she gets really excited as do all puppies when you play with them (yes. touch screen feature allows you to pet the dog and for the dog to respond to your touch), she tends to whip around and wag her tail very hard towards you while turning behind to smile. Ok, it just LOOKS like she's smiling.

See? That's Pebbles there. Not a really good photo though, because she's moving around so much. Because I suck with voice commands, the only thing I could do was to train her really hard for Agility trials. You have to earn your own money in the game, and it's through joining these dog competitions.

If you can't be good at all the items, I reckon you should at least excel in one. So Agility it was. I felt it was really cute that she would take the trophy like that and swing it the way Chubby does to his soft toy Muffin.

Technology was, after all, technology. It took awhile for humans to get used to the fact that sometimes we're not talking to ourselves, we had earpiece on and were actually having a conversation with someone else on the phone.

And then, till today, our parents are still trying to get used to us chatting online and smiling to ourselves. At worse, we were laughing maniacally till we were on the verge of falling off the computer chair. It really gives most of our parents the goosebumps, something we didn't understand until we had friends over at our house, using their MSN and then getting creeped out like our parents when we see our friends smiling to themselves at the computer.

It looked weird beyond reason.

As such, it was worse for the DS. It was stupid enough that you were constantly having to touch it, and then it looked even worse when you are constantly talking to it.

Now I kinda realised why the entire bus-load of people were staring at me when I was playing with the DS on the car at the red light.

I must have looked stupid talking to it. But you have to admit, the appeal was universal. Shufang was talking more than she should. I would only call Pebbles by her name, and by the simple commands that I had taught her, though whether or not she obeys is another whole issue. But Shufang was saying things like "Pebbles, gooood girl... that's a good girl... Oei!! Come here!! Pebbles! Come here!!"

I thought it was really funny, up until Jo does it as well.. she goes something like "Oeiiiiiii........." like she's gogo and gaga-ing over a baby.

It was then that I took a step back and said "Shit. I must have been like that as well."

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:40 am

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Pet Peeves

Saturday, August 04, 2007

I'd like to talk about abit of pet peeves today. Let me go straight to the point because I'm leaving the house to go out really soon.

1) I secretly hate it whenever my brother uses the toilet; he NEVER offs the light after that. I feel that among all the light bulbs at home, our toilet (yea, we share the same one) would always blow first.

There was once I woke up to go to work and realised that my car, Candy, wasn't at home. In fact, it didn't even come home last night. How did I know? Well, the toilet light was off, that's why.

My bro also has this awful habit of getting up and bathing at 4am. No. Not really waking up. He would watch movies the whole night and then bathe at 4am before going to bed. And how do I konw he watches movies/shows? I could hear it. My bro is into maximum experience when watching shows. His sofa is situated right smack in the middle of a four-speaker home theatre system. Not to worry. It's gotten better now that he's become a property agent. He sleeps and wakes at more humane hours now.

2) I can't stand the sight of people washing their face, cos the sight of the water dripping down their arm to where it drips off the elbows and lands on the floor absolutely erks me. I used to gently reprimand anyone who doesn't seem to notice it happening, or get them to wipe the water droplets all over the floor.

I also can't seem to stand it when people tell you "it will definitely like that one!" and then dumbly proceed to wash their face at an even faster pace as if that will stop the water from dripping. Duh! It will only make MORE water end up on the floor!!

3) I can't seem to take it whenever I have to wait very long for food, especially when you are already hungry. Just the other day I went with a couple of friends for dinner at Jalan Kayu. Bad idea. We waited almost an hour!!!

Speaking of which, if you want to get to a good place where they serve fast, try Jumbo at East Coast Park. The food's not exactly fantastic, but the service was excellent. They were SO fast at serving, unlike typical restaurants that keep you waiting, that our manager had to ask them to serve slower because our eating speed was not fast enough to handle the speed of plates that land on our table.

4) I'm sure most if not all of us have some friends that we have never met before. Those kinda online friends that you have known for years. I've had great online friends whom I've known for almost a decade but we do not even meet up. What's the point, right? It's amazing how we do not know each other yet we have so many things to talk about that the e-friendship could continue for so many years.

But that aside, there are some people who are the exact opposite of those kinda friends. It's weird. I had an online friend for quite some time who recently out of the blue started asking questions like "what's your height and weight?" and "wanna meet up?"

That is such a mood dampener I tell you. Why ask this kinda superficial stupid questions that only make you sound like a desperado!! I thought it's a question that young boys back in MY time and day would ask when they're looking for those kinda stupid and immature online BGR relationship (that will probably end in 20 minutes).

Ok. I can't continue this blog post. I think Shaun's here. Tata!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:27 pm

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