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Happy Birthday!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Kanny, Joseph, and most importantly...

Happy Birthday to Darius!!!

Ok. What on earth was he doing to the knife pointing to his own throat like that.

We had an awesome dinner at Sun & Moon, where I also happened to take another awesome photo using my awesome K810i (which I will probably ditch without second thought for the new 5megapixel one that is launching like.. maybe.. next month?)

Behold, the awesome 3.2 megapixel!!

Kidding about the ditching my phone part. I had this arse G-masked and it costed me alot. You won't believe just how much those blardy Swarovski crystal costs.

I sometimes reflct back and think that I'm actually being robbed volunteerily.

Stupid I know, but so far everyone who's seen it says it looks pretty nice. The black reflective surface with a few piece of Swarovski glittering on it makes a perfect combination of.. of.. I don't know what lah. It just looks damn nice, can?

This morning, Ah Gong showed me a photo:

Taken when we were staying at Jalan Labu Manis, a road name that I type very frequently at work because they seem to have a trend to like to receive quotations for anti-termite treatments, haha.

Anyway, the house is no longer there. In its place, the developer built 2 itsy bitsy semi-detached houses instead on what used to be a very big piece of land (according to what I can recall from my childhood memory) that had a small house standing in the middle of a big garden.

It was weird to see this photo again. I was young then, in Kindergarden, but I still remembered the day we took it.

I absolutely could not understand why I had to sit there on the floor and not be able to run about (check out my facial expression in tat pic, man!). I was thinking if the adults wanted so much to take photos, they could jolly well take it themselves.

But now, turning 21 tomorrow, I think back and am very glad I listened to my mother.

But then the cousins I looked up to, which, as you can see, were all guys (and kinda explains my current 'guy' nature) were all sitting down properly, so I guess I had to as well.

Those were the days...

Hmm, let's say I was in K1 when they took this. Which means I was about 5?? Whoa, I don't know how old a K1 kid is supposed to be. So this photo must have been taken 16 years ago!!!!

On National Day too? If I'm not wrong. Haha. I remember it was some sort of public holiday.

In between that and now, so many things had happened.

1) About a year later when I was 6, Aunt Carol gave birth to Joshua. For a period of a few years, he came over with Moony, his maid, almost every afternoon, while both his parents went to work. They would come and pick him up in the evenings. In between that, I would always get to play with Joshua alot. As a result, we were pretty close since then.

2) Lao Ma, my great grandmother in light blue sitting right in the middle, passed away 7 years later after we had moved, twice since the photo was taken, from Labu Manis to St. Patrick's and then to Boon Teck Tower.

Her funeral was held at a road side.

You know the night before the cremation where we had to keep vigil for the last night? I laid a piece of cloth on the road pavement, some sort of thick blanket or something, took a softoy and my smelly pillow, and slept there.

Somehow I must have sleepwalked or something, because the next morning when I awoke, I was magically in my parents' bed.

I don't know when I walked back up, cross the road, walked through the carpark, take the lift, or magically had the keys to open the door to our penthouse, but when I awoke, I was really really in my parents room.

Creepy right?

I don't think anyone carried me up either. No one will bother to. I was 12 years old then, too old for that! They would rather I continue my sleep at the pavement.

3) Two years after that, my Dua Pek passed away suddenly in an industrial accident.

I honestly don't know exactly what happened. It had something to do with a broken pipe which splashed boiling liquid on him.

He was hospitalised before passing away on the second day. It was during my exam period so I hadn't visited him. Everyone thought he was going to be okay. I remembered my mum saying that when he saw her approaching his ward, he could even wave and call to her.

But apparently his condiition deteriorated since then, as the boiling liquid became some sort of toxic that ate into his skin tissue or something? I think it was saline. You should try saline on an open wound. All I know is that it was really painful.

I heard that the undertakers had trouble dressing him up the way they always do to corpses before putting them into the coffin. I remembered he was wearing a light-coloured shirt in the coffin. There were stains on it too.

4) Yang Yang was born towards the end of 2005. He was the cutest sh*t alive in our baby-less family. The noisiest and most uncontrollable baby I've ever laid my eyes on (couldn't lay my hands on him. He runs around too much for me to catch him proper).

5) And in 2006, Ah Ma, as you all know, died March. Her condition suddenly deteriorated overnight and my parents rushed to hospital at around 3am. Dad was panicking as he put on his shoes that he accidentally turned on the car alarm. At that moment, I found out for myself that Lexus car alarms are like airhorns.

Back in my room, I woke up in fright, thinking that someone was here to steal the car, so I took my badminton racket down with me. Who the hell hits a car-stealer with a badminton racket is an idiot because the thin and hollow-body racket would just break into two.

But when it was 3am and you were rudely awakened, I guess you wouldn't have the time to stop and think.

Creeped downstairs and lo and behold, my dad's car was really missing.

I ran back to my parents' room to tell them that someone had stolen the car (and even had the courtesy to close our gate as well) and realised they were missing. Called Mum on my handphone and they said they were rushing down to the hospital.

4 days after that, Ah Ma died.

On the day itself, I remembered I was wearing my red Temasek Poly shirt. Red, as you all know, was good luck. I naively thought that by wearing that colour, any sorts of death could be avoided. You know the way adults would never ever allow you to wear red to a funeral, I came to associate it as a colour that Death itself would avoid. The shirt was bright red and makes you really stand out in the crowd the way a TP student stands out in the society.

But that day I stood out in the hospital lift not only because of the colour I was wearing, but the fact that I couldn't stop crying cos we had rushed down upon receiving the call about Ah Ma's death. We were outside viewing this funeral parlour where Ah Ma's funeral would be set up mere hours later.

4) Little baby Shaun was born about a year or so after Ah Ma passed away. Much to Ah Gong's delight. Ah Gong had excitedly drew up a list of baby names, of which none were used because they were so hard to pronounce and remember.

Eventually, Shaun's Chinese name was called Hai Yang, which sounds like 'ocean' in Mandarin, thus making him another Yang Yang. So now we have two Yang Yang's in the family, a Tay Yu Yang and a Lim Hai Yang.

It's amazing how so many things have happened. A family is there for you to go through such things altogether, thick and thin. You may disagree or think that I am rude to say, but I feel that funeral kinda brings the family closer together. Yes yes, I'm not supposed to be talking like that on the day before my birthday but don't you think so?

In a way it was like some sort of family vacation. How many of you even take time off for vacation? I admit I'm guilty for prioritising work (and stupid blardy school) over family vacations. Screw the Singapore hectic working lifestyle. Funerals are where you take leave from work, school, and even the army to grieve together.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:13 am

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Time For Some Real Blogging!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ok everyone.

I did a short scroll through and realised that my past few entries were pretty sucky.

So, instead of plainly embedding videos and not saying much else (though I bet you guys enjoyed the 200 Pounds Beauty one!!! Tell me you did enjoy, even if you had watched it before!!), I decided to do some real typing today.

Yes. I'm looking forward, and at the same time NOT looking forward to my birthday this Saturday.

First of which, I have a sucky exam in the morning.

Second, I'm looking at the gathering with mixed feelings, mainly because, as you all know, I absolutely hate crowds. Crowds in a shopping centre when it is the Great Singapore Sale, and crowds in your home is a different matter altogether. It's like a mass invasion of private space, you know what I mean?

But then again, my mum had often reiterated that I would regret if I do not make a big thing out of my 21st, so as the GOOD GIRL who often listened to her advice, I decided to do so, cos, well, who knows? Maybe I'd end up liking it and do it every year.

But of course, all of you don't have to come all the time. I can take no for an answer. *ahem* I have a slight confession to make. I have some friends who keep forcing you to come and call you up, sms you, email you and everything just to make you go to their party. I obligated by saying yes, but when the hour to the party draws near, I switched off my mobile phone and went drinking.

Yes, I know. What a great friend, right? As such, I am thoroughly understandable if you say you can't come, or maybe even if you don't want to come. I won't force you.

Some of you might say, Cindy, who don't want to come? Those who can't come is because they can't make it (of which I must tell you, is made up of 80% of those who are involved in the National Day Parade).

I have another close friend who 'highlighted' to me that I have invited alot of tension or clash parties.

Believe me, I have tried to avoid it, but I am a neutral party who don't like to take sides and be biased against anyone, unless I really personally hate you as well.

I don't think inviting clash/tension-high sides to my party is anything bad. Who knows, maybe they'd get to sort things out on Saturday? If they don't, things are just remaining the same as it was. I mean, the party will be full of people who know each other, you don't have to stick with the person you want to kill, right?

Besides, so many clash/tension-high parties only goes to show that Cindy Lim gets along with both sides equally well. HAHAHAH!

Ok fine. Pretned to puke.

But if you need some inspiration to puke, let me show you this:

I think that 72% is the most edible and maximum percentage of cocoa you should go if you like bitter-tasting dark chocolate.

86% was really over the limit for me.

But weirdly, it has a very nice bitter aftertaste, because dark chocolate is very thick, and there is bound to be some leftovers stuck to the roof of your mouth.

Ummmm~~! Ok, maybe I wouldn't mind eating it again.

But yes, my face scrunched up like a dried prune when I tasted it for the first time. I stupidly bought it because it was 86% and I was born in 1986.

Immediately my mind flew back to Jo who told me that 5566 ate a 99% one on their variety show, and they said it tasted like medicine.

I absolutely believe that now.

Milk chocolate still rocks. M&M anyone?

Note: In fact, right now as I'm typing this entry, I peeled off abit of the dark chocolate to eat. I tell most of you several times a day as I sigh away that Chubby's old and deaf and blind. But weirdly enough, when it comes to chocolate, he can't hear the wrapper, nor can he see what you're eating, but he blardy knows and demands on the spot when he smells the very slight smell of chocolate. Any chocolate. Ya, he even likes that 86% one.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:46 am

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Maria Ave Maria (and some scenes from 200 Pound Beauty

Saturday, June 23, 2007

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:25 am

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Suicidal Suicidal

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Admit it man! This is one heck of a ear-worm! Even when I hear this song at work, I'd walk to the rhythym!

(PS: Can't find the MTV for all of you)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:30 pm

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Gangs of New York

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Watched Gangs of New York the other day. Whoa. What a blardy long show. And although I watched it in the comforts of my own home, I am already complaining. I wonder how was it like for the rest of you who watched it at the cinema.

Did you not run to the toilet a couple of times?

I did. Thrice.

There was this gangster leader among them in the show. Think his real name was Daniel Day Lewis or SOMETHING like that. He acted as The Butcher, this guy that everyone feared.

He, obviously, is a butcher, and he was telling Leonardi Dicaprio (who was still looking as cute as ever) that butchering a pig is the most interesting because among all the animals, the 'feel' of butchering a pig is the closest it feels to butchering a human.

Yes. Back in those days, they already use big parangs on each other.

Which made me relate it to dolphins. I've read somewhere before that dolphins are the most interesting creatures who are very human-like. They are sociable creatures who crave to belong to a group (and of course, the fact that they are the only other living being other than humans who have sex for fun, and not for reproduction sake).

So, ladies and gentlemen, I have come to a conclusion.

We are all swimming pigs.

Ok. Back to project. Tata.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:25 pm

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Tension - Our Story

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Last time there was this local drama on Channel 8. Really weird timing. I believe it was aired on a weekday night at 10.30pm.

How many shows have that kinda air timing?

I can't remember who were the actors but there was definitely Irin Gan acting in it.

She was acting like some sorta Deejay at a radio station (not the club kind!).

Anyway, I fell in love with the song of the show. Thankfully, YouTube has it. Enjoy~

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:52 am

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The Rentokil Cat

I've seen cats who died after being run over by vehicles before. It wasn't a pretty sight with innards splattered out onto the road, and possibly even with stupid crows feeding on it.

No, but our 'unofficial' Company Cat didn't. She was really intact.

I felt sick to the stomach though. She was so obviously dead. I mean, which cat, especially one that was street-smart, would SLEEP in the middle of the road? This was the exact thing I told Des who KEPT TRYING TO CONVINCE ME THAT THE CAT WAS SLEEPING.

It was hard to describe. I've always had a phobia of seeing things on the road, afraid to see it was a squashed pigeon, a dead this or a dead that.

But such is human nature, the more you don't intend to look at it, the more you WANT to look at it. At first I thought it was a white piece of paper or rubbish in the middle of the road (on the road divider too).

There was this sick feeling in the pits of my stomach when I realised it was a cat. And then the sick feeling just got 'sicker' when I recognised the colourings of its body and realised it was our Company Cat.

Because it was a two-way two-lane road, and there were cars were parked on one side, there was only one through road, of which Des' car was blocking. But the truck that had wanted to go through saw that we were looking at the cat, so thankfully he didn't horn.

I had half a mind to get off the car to see whether she's okay but the idiot drove off cos he realised he was blocking the truck. I turned back to look, and realised that there was a Company van behind us all along, and the technician had gotten off to take a look already. He looked shocked and helpless. Hands on the hip while he used his foot to gently touch the cat.

That cat was the closest to the techs who often hung out downstairs to chit-chat.

I saw the way the body moved. Either it's alive or it just died, because the body wasn't stiff yet, if you know what I mean.

It was disturbing and I wanted to cry already, not in front of someone else, of course.

Gosh, I hate it when things like that happen.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:05 am

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Lousy at Giving Titles

Monday, June 11, 2007

I had two really good friends when I was young. I mean waaay young. Like in Primary School days.

I told you all before right? I was a loser in Primary school. Not that I wasn't in Secondary, but at least I wasn't that oddball that was always left alone. Whatever I did was wrong, whatever I said was funny etc etc.

But somehow through one way or another, I had two really good friends.

Of course there were others, but these two stayed close to me so we often hung out together.

One was called Li Ting. The other was called Hoi Mun.

Almost every year, we would celebrate the Lantern Festival together, by going back to this silly playground and ... guess what... burn newspapers. Haha!!

But we never allowed the fire to get out of hand, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here blogging today. There was something about the cooling night breeze, and the warm fire (that opens up every single facial pore on your face!!) that has a mesmerizing effect on me.

That playground was one of the older type, that has sand instead of those soft mats that they cover playgrounds with these days. Of course it wasn't hygienic, but having sand there also meant that we can burn things, and if the fire got abit out of control, all we had to do was to step back and throw a handful of sand into the fire and viola!

We were young. But we weren't stupid. We knew we would get scolded by residents or nagged at by passing by adults.

I want to thank every adult who saw us then (and who didn't), for not nagging. Course they didn't! It was the freaking once-a-year Lantern Festival where kids sorta get an 'official' day to play with candles and get all their fingers burned (like my brother did) and not get scolded at.

The playground was surrounded by blocks of HDB flats and I remembered sitting down there daydreaming, dreading how there was school the very next day. I know Lantern Festival was usually celebrated on the Saturday, but we usually had such great fun burning newspapers that we'd meet up anyway the very next night and do the same thing, so somehow our Sunday nights were always wasted away like that too.

I was thinking how nice it would be to stay in those HDB flats. I could play like a lunatic and jump around, not being afraid of getting splashed in mud, or playing in the light drizzling rain, because a few steps away from that playground will be my home, where I could get back, have a warm bath, and then have my dinner.

And then I had this thought, why do we have to so cleary define places outside your home as 'places outside your home'. I mean, as long as you feel comfortable, anywhere can be your home.

As such, I morphed into this person who didn't really care what I wore. I mean, I could wear my pyjamas and then meet you at Orchard Road to do some shopping.

Of course you don't get weird stares, but when you walk into shops, you feel that the sales assistants wouldn't care at you much. But that didn't mean much to a 14 year old teenage girl. In fact, the more you don't care about me, the better!!

Till today, I'm soon-to-be 21 and I still really hate nosy sales assistants, despite knowing that most of them are just doing their job.

As I grew up, I don't know why but you get more conscious of the way people look at you. But I have to admit, when it comes to dressing up back in those days, I really do the minimal. Minimal not as in scantily-clad, but as in, T-shirt and jeans were the max I'd go.

In most of your context, that is the minimal.

In fact, an ex-boyfriend would often comment on me NOT dressing up and etc. I can even clearly recall occasions where the clothes I wear was described to him as "ugly". Needless to say, I got very upset. He slowly morphed his tone to "why not you wear something else?"

That aside, while I was struggling with clothing issues, I felt that my thinking became something along the lines of: if you want to feel at home, then make sure you have the things to feel at home.

I brought a huge bag. With lots of pouch. Inside had everything that prepares me for any kind of situation. Safety-pin in case a zip got faulty, handiplast in case of paper cuts (Ooo, I get that very often now), lip balm (duh!!), portable umbrella.. you name it, I got it.

I'm sure most of you remember that 'era'. It was really great. What you accidentally forgot to bring, your girlfriend is sure to be equipped with.

I guess it was because back in those days, we all lack one thing: money.

Very soon, my big bag theory morphed into a money one.

Honestly, there are three things you cannot leave home without.

1) Your house keys
2) Your mobile phone
3) most importantly, your wallet. Loaded, of course.

A thinking suddenly popped into my head one day. If you have your wallet, you virtually do not need to prepare or bring everything everywhere you go.


You got the money, can go and buy the item you need, what for lug it around in a big bag (and risk whacking the head of the little toddler standing behind you on the bus) while 'waiting' for the opportunity to use it!

Cash is the most realistic thing to own.

Now why am I blogging about all this?

Because my money theory has changed.

Having money doesn't mean anything when it's 2am and the shops are close and you are dying to, for example, eat seaweed.

7-Eleven is the key. It's a store and more.

PS: Don't take this post too seriously. I'm not trying to say money is the most important thing in life. I'm trying to say money is ONE OF the most important thing in life, though it can't buy everything.

For example, freedom. But then again, freedom isn't free. You have to have alot of money.

Let me now end this post with a (blur) pic of a very very cute Cherry QQ:

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:41 pm

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2nd Post of the Day; A very LONG puffer post

Saturday, June 09, 2007

I got another puffer recently.

It's called a....... Ring puffer, as named (wrongly) by the fish shop.

Right now I have four pufferfishes in total.

Their names are:

Big Green (spotted)
Small Green (spotted)
Cherry QQ (a red-eye puffer. Came to realise the fish shop had it named wrongly AGAIN. It's supposed to be called Fang Puffer.)

and last but not least, the latest addition to the tank, the ring puffer, that I have decided to call Yao Guai. Yao Guai means 'weird monster' in Mandarin.

That's Small Green. Big Green is twice his size. Towards the back under the Bala Shark, you can actually see Yao Guai, who was moving so fast until he looks blurred.

I'm not surprised. Yao Guai, and those of the same species have a very streamlined body. The only puffer charactistic I could recognise was that Yao Guai had the same face, with very protruding-looking teeth that made him have a puckered-up mouth.

OK FINE. STOP SNIGGERING ALREADY. So what if my mouth is like that too.

That aside. Yao Guai was a mistake. An expensive one too. He costed 4x as much as my other puffers, and was 100x naughtier than all of them put together.

Big and Small Green were like little folks who always go with the flow. I was honestly quite sad when I bought a packet of feeding guppies for them to eat and they didn't even dare to attack the guppies (except for those really slow and dying ones).

So it came as no surprise that they were often bullied by Yao Guai, who was so much faster than them.

The cute thing was Yao Guai had this unorthodox habit of burying himself in the gravel. And boy did he do it so well that sometimes when I come home, I get abit worried because I couldn't find him.

It was after staring intensively at my fish tank for 10 minutes that I finally saw something in the sand that was moving its eyes and looking at me the entire time.

Yes. He would cover himself in the sand but then inch his way out abit so that only his eyes would show.

After surfing the net, I realise they did this to camouflage to rest (probably after having a big meal), or to merge with the background so unsuspecting prey would come close and get eaten. Believe me, that fella could jump out VERY quickly any time he wishes to.

Yao Guai did this gravel dig often. I've come to realise why. The original packet of guppies I bought and threw into the tank had slowly started to disappear.

Soon, the numbers dwindled. As of today, none are left. I'm starting to worry if he would make a meal out of my sucker fish.

Very soon I also realised that Big and Small Green were receiving very serious bite marks to their tails, which had never happened before.

Being the relatively peaceful puffers (as compared to other horrendous puffers that I got before), I was quite surprised. Didn't take me long to push the blame to Yao Guai. I had to add more caves and crooks and crannys to the tank so that the Greens had more hiding place.

All this time, Cherry QQ (yes yes! So what if I named it after that car) was being quarrantined in a hospital tank. Cherry QQ is a red-eyed puffer that I used to call Cherry. But I feel that it's much cuter to add a QQ name behind to it, so there you go.

Red-eyed puffers look sick all the time because as compared to the Greens and Yao Guai, she was so much less active, often preferring to lie down and wait for feeding time rather than do the 'puffer dance'.

The puffer dance is really cute. All three of them would get together to the edge of the tank and swim up and down, up and down together at the same time and they do it very often.

I can tell you honestly, if I had to relive the day I bought Cherry QQ, I would buy her again. And again. And again.

She was absolutely adorable. How could anyone NOT buy her?

She was one of the biggest in the tank of 'red-eyes', although it isn't anywhere near max size yet (I heard max size is like 7cm or so!!).

I used to think that red-eye puffers, or Fang puffers, whatever, was disgusting. They were often underfed, skinny, and suffered ALOT of bite marks due to their natural aggression.

But Cherry QQ was different.

She was looking at me the moment I saw her. Goodness knows how long had she been looking. I leaned forward and put my face nearer so I could take a good look at her. She has really huge expressive eyes, in a way. She was like looking at me from ear to ear. I don't know how to describe.

Puffers eyes are really cute. One eye can be looking left while the other eye can turn to another totally different direction. So there, she was technically looking at my two ears with her eyes super spaced out.

Adorable I tell you!

I excitedly ran to the front of the store to get a net and a pail. Maybe she was too hungry or something, but she hardly struggled. I felt that she might be sick, so when I went home, I immediately put her into the hospital tank.

Boy did that make her pissed. She splashed water like nobody's business. Sometimes right in the middle of the night. The hospital tank was a rather small container that I didn't fill with much water since there was no pump for it.

Judging by her new found strength and ability to get so worked up, I put her into the main tank a few days later.

She went right to the bottom and stayed there, looking at me again, but of course, also keeping a watchful eyes on her new tankmates.

I thought a fragile little darling like her is sure to get bullied so I was quite worried.

When I came home again that day, the Greens swam happily to greet me. Cherry QQ was as usual, at the bottom of the tank, but still looking at me. And Yao Guai? Hahaha, he seemed a little shocked.

I looked closer and lo and behold! There were bitemarks on his tail. Even an idiot could have guessed what happened.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:56 pm

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Red Bomb

Red bomb can mean two things.

1) Wedding invites

2) Overdued Singtel bill

Today, I am referring to the second.

For the second time, I've received the red bomb from Singtel. This! Despite me always paying my bills on time.

I didn't even receive the blardy bill the first time, you know, the one that breaks down your price plan and how many thousands of minutes you spent talking on the phone with your sweetheart.

Straightaway, instead, the red bomb fell on me.

In fact! I received the red bomb late too!

I received on the 6th of June when it was due on the 2nd.

Had to pay a stupid penalty of $5 plus.

Yuan wang arrrrrr!! So much for being a loyal customer. Abit of allowance also dun give. Talk about customer loyalty.. I AM NOT BUNDLED TO ANY TELCO! WOO ME STARHUB! M1!..

Casualty Report: Went to work yesterday and forgot to cover my tank. One of the Bala sharks jumped out and died. By the time I came home from work, there were ants around it even.


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:28 pm

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Bananas in Pyjamas

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A flashback from childhood, all of you... well.. MOST of you....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:47 pm

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I wanted to blog about my beautiful (a nicer word when I actually mean 'barbaric') pufferfishes.

Unfortunately Jo just broke the world's baddest news to me: I got exams on my birthday itself.

Screw it.

I don't feel like blogging today.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:22 pm

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Birthday Party

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I absolutely frigging hate parties.

Unfortunately, as most of you have advised, in case I regret in the future, I will hold one for my 21st.

Fang and Jo suggested having a theme to it.

I suggested a Shrek theme. And then Fang and Jo stopped talking about theme parties altogether.

I think they might have wanted to do a girls are princesses and guys are prince charming (or not) party theme.

But wana know what I'm really looking forward to?

Playing that silly werewolf game when that big day finally arrives.

I know it gets boring after some time, but truth is the werewolf game needs such a huge amount of people that we seldom get to play it at all!!

I'm still trying to put together most of the things. My family members are definitely invited.

The guest list I will have to consider a smaller group, because I am trying not to be like those people who don't see you for five years and then suddenly invite you when their 21st is approaching.

Not that it is anything bad because I know most of you take the opportunity to invite alot of old friends you haven't seen for years. But for me, if I hadn't seen you in years, it probably will be awkward for me to show up, unless of course you were an ex-classmate or something and half the class will be there too.

In such a dilemma.

One thing though, I'd be getting this Power Ranger pinata for the party. HAHAHAHA!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:59 pm

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Ready, Get Set, Scrub

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Today I want to talk about feet scrubbers.

A predominantly women problem. Somehow all the guys I know so far don't have this problem.

Maybe it's the shoes we wear, but some guys go out all the time wearing slippers, so how come they don't get this prob? (Or is it they don't care?)

I've been using feet scrubs befroe. Remember one of my ex post? I even showed you all the amount of dead skin (in powder form) that was scrubbed out of my leg.

Because of its reputation, I decided to use this scholl one. It comes with a white handle and is made from those pumice stone material.

I thought it was going to be great. After all, it's Scholl. What with the price I'm paying too.

Maybe it's because I don't know how to use it properly or something, but my feet got worse.

True, after 'shaving 'off layers of dead skin off my feet, it feels softer, but somehow there were rough edges of skin that were sticking out.

The discomfort can be felt whenever I go to sleep.

I use this super old blanket you see, that I like alot, and the threads were falling off and all. The rough edges of the skin sticking out from my heel made me entangle myself with the threads of my blanket when I was asleep. It was only when I realise the blanket had wound around me (like a dumpling) and I couldn't move, which was why I woke up and realise how horrible my skin was.

Like when I was wearing my socks, I could feel the sock had a 'velcro' effect on my heel.

I thought it was my problem, so I used it somemore. It hardly got any better.

Finally, thanks to the Great Singapore Sale, I walked into Body Shop, the shop where I bought my first heel filer as well.

I didn't have any problem with that one you see, which was why I felt adventurous and decided to try another brand of heel filer/scrubber/whatever.

Since the sale was on, I decided to get it anyway, but the one I got was a different one. It comes with a white handle. Maybe I'm having an unexplained fascination with white stuff, but yea, I bought one that kinda look like the Scholl one.

Except it had edges cut into it. Like grids of squares.

I tried it at home, VIOLAAAAAAAA.. LOVELY FEET!

Touch my heel all you want man!

So there, just wanted to share my personal experience with you ladies out there.

And guys? Sorry, I think you just wasted a few minutes of your time reading this post. Haha!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:26 pm

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Friday, June 01, 2007

I love my new filter. Now my tank water is as clean as.. clean tank water.

The fishes are happy (I think), and I am happy. Took leave today because no point working one day before the weekend starts. Sigh..

I miss this type of after 10am then wake up kind of life.

I wanted to say this because I think I'm a very evil and selfish person.

The other day was with Jo in town for awhile before catching a show with another fren.

Jo was supposed to meet her friend to take back her Baby (more popularly called a Laptop). Unfortunately, when we arrived, her friend was still not picking up her call.

My show was starting so I had to dump her there.

And no, I'm not saying me dumping her is selfish.

After the movie, I called her immediately and she said that her friend had gotten into an accident and was hospitalised, thus he didn't answer her numerous missed calls.

My first reaction?

"Omg! Is your laptop okay?"

I heard Jo's jaw dropped at the other end of the line.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:33 am

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