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Why Do We Always Go to

Saturday, March 31, 2007

...New Asia Bar!!!???

Whatever. Jac loves that place, and it's really quite cool, the scenery I mean. At the 72nd floor of SwissotĂȘl, you stand by the ceiling-to-floor glass and wonder "why does Suntec look so short from up here?"

I remembered the first time I went there last year, I stood there and my legs became jelly. The view was so high, so frightening. Thereafter I learnt.. NOT TO STAND RIGHT BESIDE THE EDGE AND LOOK!! Only an idiot afraid of heights would do that.

Yesterday only a few of us went to celebrate Jac's Farewell. No, I didn't describe it wrongly. I am technically correct to say 'Celebrate' her farewell. This girl's going on one hell of a looooonggg break.

Though she's like one of my best friend in the Sales dept, sometimes you just have to learn to let go lah.

And Des KEPT TELLING HER that I cried at the office today because I missed her so much. Yea right. Sometimes they don't even step into the office at all on a normal working day!!! When I threw him a murderous glance, he tried to save himself by saying 'one drop of tear!'

But then again, I often give out stuff to Sales dept and place it on all their individual tables, so it was kinda sad to walk past her empty table and not have to put anything on it. Oh, did I mention, the table beside hers belonging to Jasmine is also now empty as well? The girl must be havoc-ing like crazy at Thailand (her niece or nephew, either one, getting married there).

I lurrrvvved all the songs they played there last night. You know how I'm a little gaga over Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake recently? What a weird pairing, but anyway, they played all my favourite songs last night.

As a result, I KEPT dancing last night. Until.....

There goes my new pair of shoes. Thankfully that only happened when I was walking back to the car. My heel had already twisted into a weird angle that made it uncomfortable to walk. So as I walked back to the car, I just stepped really hard on it and tried to break it off.

It was then I realised the blardy heel was attached to the entire sole of the shoe (as you can observe from the pic).


Whatever. One less pair of shoes, means two more new shoes to replace it *wide smile*.

And.. Makeover photos are out. But I think I'd show only one today. Maybe more in future. Maybe not at all.

Gosh. I still insist that ya, I kinda remind myself of Shanghai Tan's nightclub girl.


Advice: Don't. Put. Fake. Eyelash.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:53 am

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New Skin On The Way!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just went for a make-over. It was disastrous. I'm still coming to grasp with reality that I just blew $100++ on it.

The staff there were so caught-up with it being a Saturday night, and that their boyfriends were waiting, that they rushed through the entire procedure so that they can hurry up and close the shop.

So much for professionalism. Oh well, they're humans after all.

Compared to the previous make-over, this was.. like.. like.. So much for thinking that my previuos make-over made me look old. At least people thought I looked REMOTELY like Lynn Poh. HAHAHA! Ok, that isn't funny. (Lynn Poh! Lynn Poh! not Ann Poh!!)

Well, as I messaged a few of you later on, the only apt description was that I felt like some Shanghai-Tan nightclub girl with the weird poses they asked me to do.

I think there was only a few decent shots.

Might have to really go get another one done soon.

Anyway, I would be using what is nice from that makeover to do up a new skin. My mum says my current one suck.

She don't know all the hard work that went into it. Getting the dogs one by one to stand under the hot sun (to maximise the hp camera's clarity), getting Joon to stay still on the pokey grass, and etc etc.

Plus, the final thing took me almost one week to put up! Adjusting each and every button (the tag, history and friends button) had easily taken half a day for a html-idiot like me!!


You know, even the grass you see in the above picture also was taken by ME!


Ok. When things get bad and gloomy, don't worry. Just remember... there's always dinner :)


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:10 pm

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Cheer Up Changi

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The following article was from Today's Today (that free newspaper!), and was written by Neil Humphrey.

I USED to have all three of his books that he wrote, describing the quirky side and humourous views of Singapore that he had encountered and conceived. Unfortunately I made the dumb decision of borrowing one of the books to SOMEONE who had to leave it in the hotel room in KL and there it goes. Thankfully, the book is cheap. Not-so-thankfully, I myself haven't finish that book yet. But what the hell, I could always read the newer articles on the newspapers.

Honestly, I kinda hope whoever finds that book in the hotel room gets to read it, because it's really funny.



The headlines were just too agonising to read. When I broke the news to my wife, she had to leave the room. Like four million Singaporeans, we were temporarily inconsolable. Natural disasters are tragic and man-made accidents are always distressing. But this... this... was something else. Something too unbearable for words.

We were informed that Malaysia now had a better airport than Singapore.

I know, I know. You're still struggling through the healing process, but if we tackle this tragedy together, we may prevent it from happening again.

Like the courageous voices in Alcoholics Anonymous, we can stand up and say: "My name is Neil Humphreys. And my favourite airport is now trailing behind the Kuala Lumpur International Airport."

I should have seen it coming. First, it was the sky trains in KL. But I assumed it was a fad that wouldn't last. Then the shops got bigger and I noticed other travellers were being sucked in. Then I heard that Changi had been overtaken by KL and I broke down.

"Now I just want my old life back, where birds sang, football was kelong and Changi Airport pummelled all opposition.

It has been a traumatic week, hasn't it?

The 2007 Airports Council International service quality awards were announced and Changi came in fourth in the overall prize of Best Airports Worldwide.

For a country of Singapore's size and for a man who spent his formative years trapped in the dystopian nightmare called Heathrow, I didn't think that statistic was particularly shabby. Until I realised, that the Kuala Lumpur International Airport was third!

There hadn't been a national crisis like this since a contractor was hired to put in gold-plated taps in the office. I could sense the hysteria from Down Under.

Changi should have read the signs. Changi should have reacted when it lost out to Incheon in 2005. Changi's customer service is second best to Hong Kong. Changi's carpets need to be steam-cleaned twice a week. Changi always sells out of Neil Humphrey's books and never reorders quickly enough.

No other citizenry in the world takes such an affectionate interest in its airport. That's a good thing. That's the positive to take away from this year's awards.

Travel across Britan and you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who has anything complimentary to say about Heathrow.

My father-in-law certainly doesn't.

"Your flight's at 8am, so you'll have to leave 17 hours before that." he'll say grumpily. "The traffic's terrible, the parking's terrible and the check-in queueing is terrible. Everything's terrible. In fact, we should've set off three hours before we went to bed."

All of his complaints are justified. Heathrow is an appalling airport. it's a national joke in Britain, complete with faded, retro '70s carpets. (Having travelled to dozens of airports, I believe you can determine the airport's standard immediately by examining the quality of its carpets (try it).

It's not just Heathrow. Arriving in Melbourne last year, we took so long to clear customs that it afforded me the opportunity to use one of the world's oldest jokes.

The officer examined my passport photo and said: "You look different with a goatee beard, don't you?"

"Yeah, but when I got off the plane, I was clean-shaven."

My record customs clearance time was three hours at New York's Newark Airport, which coming after 911, was perhaps understandable. but at Melbourne, it was still over an hour. Longest check-in? Over two hours at Heathrow. Longest delay? Eight hours at Johor's Senai Airport. Worst shopping? A tie between Sri Lanka's airport in Colombo and Japan's Narita Airport.

Yes, Tokyo. Unless you're desperate for instant noodles, soft porn magazines or a Toblerone chocolate bar so big it can't be used for anything other than some disturbing sexual act, there's not a great deal else to buy.

But my favourite shops, seats, toilet sand free sweeties at the customs counter are still located at Changi.

Perhaps I'm biased. Find me another international aiprort that can transport me from my plane to a waiting taxi in less than 15 minutes and I might reconsider.

Like the London Underground a century ago, there is always a price for being ahead of your time. Rivals will eventually overtake you.

But the tube provokes derision not devotion among London's commuters. Changi, on the other hand, is imprinted on the nation's consciousness like a patriotic tattoo. This week's reports are proof of that. The airport will not be permitted the chance to flounder.

So, if it's deemed necessary, send in the architects, builders and latest editions of my books to put Changi Airport back where it belongs.

Start with the carpets.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:19 am

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The Face Shop

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Woo.. Guess what I'm going to talk about today.

No sense of mystery right?

Anyway, I find that blogging is a procrastination excuse for me. Everytime I really want to sit down to do my homework, I feel that I would blog first. Yes. The past few times has been the same.

Like when I'm really supposed to be revising on the final version of our project before emailing it to our lecturer, I find that I'm blogging.

Anyway, I had my hair permed last month, in case some of you didn't notice.

It was horrid. It was like something died. My hair, I mean.

Apparently at the hairdresser's house, her daughter suddenly found that I'm her long lost teddy bear or something, and absolutey refused to leave me alone. Like even when I sat in the chair she would climb all over me and jump on my poor leg.

And then after leaving the chemicals on and turning on the timer, the hairdresser left me on my own and went to attend another client. Once her mother's back was turned, her daughter came over and decided to show me how the timer was used.

Bad idea. She reset the timer and I was horrified because I forgot to pay attention to how much more time was left.

As a result, we left the chemical on longer than expected and my hair was, as you all know, quite badly damaged (in my own opinion).

I used to have soft baby hair. Permed hair was already a drastic difference already, texture-wise. Damaged permed hair was worse.

I went to the Face Shop to get something for my hair, for convenience sake, because there was one near school.

They introduced some sorta hair moisturiser thing. It wasn't really for damaged hair but I must really comment on it.

I think most girls use moisturisers on their hairs. Or at least, the minimum is conditioner right?

This was a leave-on moisturisre. Side track a little, I love to put leave-on moisturisers. Think my first exposure with one was a Pantene one that Val had lent to me after one of our Sentosa outings. I instantly fell in love with it. Everytime I turned my head, I could catch a whiff of the very nice moisturiser smell in my hair.

The down side was that most of such leave-on moisturers almost always leave your hand feeling sticky and icky. I find it a hassle to have to wash my hands after applying such stuff.

But the ones I've bought from the Face Shop so far was godly. So sorry for the poor description.

It smelt wonderful, as all moisturisers do, and best of all, after awhile, the thing sorta dries off your hand. In fact, I feel that it even acts as a hand moisturiser because my hands feel smooth and nice after using it on my hair.

Girls, go get your next hair moisturiser from the Face Shop today!!

PS: Am trying out their eyelash nutrient thing. Been using it quite awhile. If you want to know how good it is, go ask Jo, cos this girl sees me in such a weekly interval that she was able to tell the changes. I've recently bought masks and one clear mascara from them. Will feedback soon.

Meanwhile, stay cool. And funky. No, I don't mean go perm your hair as well. Hahahaha!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:08 pm

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I Miss Poly Life!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Gosh. Never thought I'd say this.

I actually miss slacking around in Tampines while waiting for our lesson to start 2 hours later.

Actually miss the way we always go to LAN shop to pass the time after school (especially on Fridays).

Miss the way everyone would whack Zixiang after he says something stupid (I doubt he will actually miss this part of our poly life).

Hmm.. what else.. Miss the way we would go Parkway Parade to do.. well, do NOTHING.

Miss the way we would all get together, stand around in a circle outside the lecture theatre, looking serious, and discussing on whether we should skip the next lesson or not. Anyone who has ever claimed that they have never skipped ANY lesson before in their life is either a nerd, or a liar. Maybe even both!!

I remember one of the last few breaktimes, we were eating at Mensa, after having worked on our project all morning.

You know these days the projectload they give students *shakes head*.. it's almost as if they think students have no social/family/dating life you know?

I was staring at the silly water fountain squirting water in the middle of the scorching hot granite floor.

I think if you cracked an egg on the floor it would actually sizzle and cook.

So there I was, having finished eating, and starting to daydream (high tendency to do that after eating, even now), and telling myself "Gosh, TP is so boring, I can't wait to get out."

Now that I'm out, I wished I was back.

Things start to change faster, as you get older, have you noticed?

You get hell stuck in the blardy same school for 6 years in primary school. I was luckier in a way. I transferred to another school when I moved to Primary 4.

Just when you had gotten so comfortable being a senior in primary 6, and bossing everyone around, they kick you to this thing called a secondary school, where you have to start all over again being the most junior level.

I quite like Secondary school actually. It gave me a fresh start. All the silly stupid childish things I did in primary school was left behind.

I wanted to make sure that in secondary school I wouldn't do anything wrong to ruin whatever good impression I left on people.

Those four years, I must say, passed quite peacefully. Nothing stupid happened, except for this award that I got on stage and the stupid medal rolled down the stairs and I had to run after it.

I mentioned the story years ago before, but let's not go into it again *rolls eyes*.

Then came poly. From six years, to four years, and three short years in poly.

It was like.. a ... fling you know, for lack of better description. Before you even managed to get to know the person (or school) better, you have already moved on.

I really really miss my fling. My darling TP. Yup, the school that actually has TP (as in Traffic Police) on the overhead bridges, taking pics of whichever idiot was dumb enough to speed along that stretch of main road.

Come to think of it, ever since I started this stupid work and study kinda life, I've hardly (or NEVER) had the chance to meet up with my polymates that often! Or even at all, for some!

Ok, naggy post. End of the day is, I REALLY MISS ALL OF YOU FROM TP!!!

Yes yes, don't complain. I know not all of you are in the photo. But then, where got photo got all of us one!!! Three short years only leh!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:28 pm

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Test Drive the Subaru S204

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Photos Courtesy of HSPN news.

Hmm.. I know nothing about cars, much less the Subaru S204. All I know is that it's so blardy limited, because worldwide there are only 600, and 400 have already been bought by Japanese owners.

In fact, outside of that, only 40 of it can be found in the rest of Asia, and I forgot how many units can be found in Singapore. 2 or 4? Or was it 6?

Ok. Whatever.

Anyway, the one thing that really made me notice the car, is not the car itself, but the radio ad for the car.

There were a few versions of the ad, that I usually hear on Power 98.

The first one appeared somewhere around the time where the car exhibition was held. If I'm not wrong (I usually am), it was where the Subaru S204 was first unveiled, in Singapore, that is.

The ad starts with the phone ringing, and a man picking up and saying "Hello, Subaru sales, can I help you?"

It ends with an ah beng sounding guy, requesting to test-drive the Subaru S204, in which the sales guy reply that it's not possible because the car is limited edition.

The ah beng gets upset and starts saying "Whoa.. you think I can't afford ar? I am the Ah Seng of the Ah Seng aquarium okay!!!!"

Sales guy: Calm down Sir, calm down. If you really want to see the car, you can go down to *insert car exhibition location here* to view the car. It's not at our showroom at the moment.

Then Ah Seng says "Okay. No problem. But one thing; can I bring my killer-whale?"

I think the silly thing about it was the killer-whale part. No link at all!

(PS: The above is just my personal recollection of how the ad sounds like. The exact one is, of course, more farnie, cos you realy gotta hear the way Ah Seng talks.)

There was a Christmas edition too, where Ah Seng called in again, acting as Santa Claus.

The sales guy was like "Hi Santa, so what can I do for you?"

It ended with Santa Ah Seng trying to bargain in order to test-drive the S204, in fact the last speech of the ad was "How about I let you swim with my killer-whale?"

Wa seh, you know killer-whale how big or not. Free Willy lai de leh. Hahaha!!

But the Chinese New Year version is the latest and funniest.

Staff: "Hello Subaru HR Department, can I help you?"

Seng: "Hello. Do you need salespeople for the Chinese New Year? I want to apply!"

Staff: "Oh yes. So do you have any experience?"

Seng: "No. But I sell fish. I got sell garoupa, seabass and killer-whale!"

Staff: "Good good good!"

Seng: "Okay. So can I test drive your models as well?"

Staff: "Of course!!!"

Seng: "Even the S204??"

Staff: ".... Wait a minute! You're Ah Seng!! We're not supposed to be talking to you!!!" *Puts down the phone immediately*

Seng: "Waaaaa... Chinese New Year already still *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* the S204!!!"

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:45 pm

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And I wonder...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

One of my blog post was titled 'Vegetables'. I wonder why on earth no one asked me what was the link between that blog post and 'vegetables', because I can't seem to recall the reason why either.

Few updates. Insignificante updates actually.

Oscar got really really sick over the past week. It was when my projectmates came over that I realised he had really really swollen eyes.

I mean, I've had turtles that died after their eyes become like that, so it gave me quite a fright.

And it was really badly swollen, I tell you. Both the eyes too. Swollen to the point that when I first realised, I almost laughed.

It was like goldfish eyes or something.

I told myself that I want to blog about this. Just at least let you loyal readers know and be updated.

But by the time I type this, he's already recovered. Fully recovered. Not a single sign that it used to be swollen. But his appetite is back.

Which just make it compulsory for me to mentiona bout Oscar's old washing machine incident. Yea. From an old post. Most of you remember right? At that time his eyes got affected too.

But this swelling eyes was waaaay worse than the washing machine incident. I had him soaked in medicine. Fish medicine though, the fish shop owner at Kallang Bahru claimed it worked on terrapins as well. I was desperate and the medicine had only costed a mere $2 for a few grams, so I just bought it and tried.

It worked miracles. Slimey goo started to 'peel' off Oscar upon the first soak. I had the water changed with new medicine every night and day. On the second day, when I had finally found tortoise eyedrops, Oscar could already open his eyes (thankfully).

Tried feeding him but he didn't even gave a heck to his food. I was still very edgey. Today he finally ate. Not only did he ate, he was the one who asked for food.

Not verbally of course, but when Oscar wants food, he makes really loud noises by scraping his shell against the floor.

Talking about turtles and loud noises. Remember a friend of mine whose farm I went to recently?

We asked about why he didn't keep those huge dryland tortoises. He said it was because they make weird sounds. Weird roaring sounds.

I think he said vaguely "I heard the sound before. When the tortoise tried to climb onland, he put his two legs on the ground and pull up the rest of his shell that time, he did this "Roarrrrrrrrrrrr" sound..."

Whoa, we almost fell off our chair laughing.

And then he went on to explain further "imagine if I kept a few here, and then in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep, the tortoise climb here and there and "ROarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"... wa biang, will wake us up in fright.."

Whoa, we really almost cried with laughter this time. The way he did the roaring sound really cracked us up.

Next update is regarding my pufferfishes.

I had actually bought two more. It was bigger than the original six babies. So altogether I had a headcount of 8.

But today when I went to work, my eyes glanced past the tank and I thought I saw something amissed.

My eyes focused back on the tank again and I realised one of the fish was not IN the tank. It was lying on the freaking table after it had aparently jumped out, flew out.. whatever!!

My first reaction? I screamed. In terror, fright, and horror, all in one.

All I can say is, if it wasn't a pufferfish that jumped out of the tank, but a robber, I WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD.

Like.. if I am Desmond Lim.. as in my BROTHER that Desmond Lim, I would have dashed straight into my sister's room because it was obviously a very scared scream.

Apparently on that beautiful 8am Thursday morning, no one thought it was worth barging into Cindy's room.

Whoa, been a long time since I screamed like that. The last time was when I was sitting on the Viking boat at Escape Theme Park.

It was barely alive when I rushed over upon overcoming my initial shock.

I thought it was dead at first, but its helicopter fins were still moving desperately.

Decided to give the little darling a chance and threw it back into the tank. But guess what...

The other puffers started biting at it, and the half-dead bugger was unable to retaliate. I think at that point it already had one feet in his grave already.

Took another container and placed him there but it still died anyway when I came back in the evening.

Which was an awful waste, because my mum had friends from overseas and her girlfriend mentioned that it is a very beautiful fish and in her words "looked very expensive". She seemed shocked when I told her it was only $1.50 each.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:05 pm

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They're bringing Sexy Back

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Watched this video like three million times. I can't stop myself. So here's to share with all of you so that we all will watch it X multiplied by 3 million times.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:41 am

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Apparently, my dear darlings... I am so laggy about my updates, so I shall cut everything short. Ok?

I am now madly in love with this song. It's called Mei Li De Ben Nuu Ren. Kinda vaguely translates to "A beautiful but stupid girl".

Listening to it non-stop. On the car on the way to work. At work. Home from work. Out of work. You name it.

Other than that doesn't make sense update. Here comes a more important update.

I bought a car.

... yea I did.

I mean, I got enlightened and figured out, hey, why not?

So, here's my car:

I love the song called Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake. So here's a pic to suit the song's title:

I don't know about you man, but for me, I like the Integra because of its sexy a$$. Hahahaha!!!

And next. I got six. Six of them. Them puffers, AGAIN.

I'd try to take a better pic of them next time. This is not the first time I'm keeping them, but I'm still ever so amazed by their curiousity that overpowers their fear of things.

Like when I put my hand into the tank to shift some of the corals, I am actually half afraid that they would nip me, which, speaking from experience, is one of the most painful nips one can get from something THAT tiny.

I would rather get nipped by Joon ANYTIME than get nipped by a puffer.


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:12 pm

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Glory Glory Man Utd

*Old Post on that fateful night. Uploaded late cos had no internet connection that fateful day*

Went to this fantastic pub (read: very little people) to catch the all-important Liverpool VS Man Utd match.

I learnt one thing when I started watching soccer years ago. That is, they put the name of the home team first when like Team X VS Team Y.
And so, ya, sorry but let me rub it in a little more. Liverpool VS Man Utd.
Which means it took place at Anfield, Liverpool's home ground.
In all honesty, I was expecting Man Utd to lose, as they had did to Arsenal.
Not exactly a very optimistic Man Utd fan, am I? But then it's been ages since I caught Man Utd playing; THANKS to SCV buying over the Premier League broadcasting rights.

Bleargh. I used to be able to, like, whichever Man Utd player take the ball, I can shout out his name.

I was THAT good!

Yesterday's match was a little disappointing. Yea yea, I have friends who say Man Utd suck yesterday. Look at the statistics. Shots on goal 4 vs Liverpool's 14.
But Lao Da was proclaiming "it's not about the statistics in the game okay? Ultimately it is the number of goals scored that matters."

How true, as any Liverpool fan can tell you right now.

Whoa, I truly digressed. That pub was really neat. There were two screens.

One was a Plasma. One was a projector.

The table that I sat was one that made me face the Plasma. So while the rest of the pub was watching the projector, we had to face the Plasma, that was thankfully clear (a little too sharp on the images, though), and most importantly, early.
Because when we compared the Plasma and the Projector, the Projector was lagging by a whole FOUR SECONDS.

That was crucial.

At first nobody noticed. But we did, wanna know why?

We were shouting and screaming waaaaaay before everyone else in the pub!!

There were times I shrieked (ya I know, high pitch somemore, how embarrassing) when Liverpool almost scored (which happened MANY TIMES).

And whenever I shrieked, I could few other people turning around to stare at me like I was mad. And then they turned back to the screen to catch the just-in-time four second delayed, realised why I shrieked, and then started screaming and shouting as well.

Now, I am so awfully tired after that one crazy night that I just woke up. And boy was I feeling that kind of out-of-body experience.

I robotically went to take Joon out of her cage, where she stayed faithfully on my shoulder while I switched off the air-con, switched on the computer and etc.

Then I was wondering why was the bird so awfully quiet this morning, so I walked over to her cage and my heart skipped a beat when I saw that she was not in the cage.

Yes, she was on my shoulder all the while but I had forgotten, so it was kinda stupid as she stood on my shoulder and had a full view of how her owner was panicking because her owner thought she had escaped.

Damn. Why is it that I am so unabashed at blogging about my stupid deeds?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:08 pm

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21st Year

Saturday, March 03, 2007

It suddenly dawned on me that this year, those born in 1986 were celebrating their once in a lifetime 21st birthdays.

Hey, I mean, you think lah.. every birthday is also once in a life time wat. No meh?

Like every 21-to-be, I was pondering where and what should I do on my own birthday, while others were holding theirs at chalets, hotel rooms, clubs, and every single place where we can havoc without the adults around.

Havoc, of course, in a good healthy way. No drugs, no *insert horrible stuff here*.. and well, of course there'd be alcohol!

Was doing my hair the other day in front of the mirror, when my mum asked me what I planned to do after I had informed earlier that Fel was doing hers at Partyworld all the way till freaking 6am later on. I told her "How bout fireworks?"

My mum replied "I don't know where is that."

I laughed and said "No. I mean fireworks! Fireworks! National Day Parade that kind!"

She finally got it and laughed and gave me a slap, which immediately brought to my mind a particular colleague of mine with the same name as me who always whacked me whenever I made her laugh.

She doesn't mean it. She just laughed and whacked at the same time, if you know what I mean.

So if she starts laughing, you better get out of her way.

I tend to talk alot about works these days right? I mean, even when I blog, I always blog about work. Guess it comes from having spend most of your time in the office.


So, let's talk about something less 'workish'. You all know Chowei's working as a temp at the office too right?

So, lately he's been entrusted with the new task of calling up clients and scheduling appointments. I guess it's good for the company's image. All of you know Chowei has this really good voice that alot of ladies in the office remarked that it sounded really deep and nice, like a Korean or Jap.

Whenever someone said something like that, Chowei would broke up in Korean sounding noises and make us all tear with laughter.

But anyway, as well all know our dear ol 'chiobu' as he is more affectionately known, has a little itsy bitsy problem with Mandarin.

Silly as it sounds, when we call up customers who can only speak in Mandarin, we say that we are the "company who catches Cockroaches/Termites" depending on the type of service they use.

I mean, it sounded quite silly, so the first time I overheard one of the service coordinator telling that to a customer, I couldn't stop laughing.

Chowei brought it up another level. He totally didn't know that that was the way we usually phrase it to customers, so he ended up telling the customer in Mandarin that "Um... we are the.. um.. we would like to send our men down .. to do what they need to do..."

Honestly man, I asked him what was the customer's reply, he told me it was a lady, and that she said "ohhh I get it I get it."

Then there was customer service, Rebecca, who was explaining to the customer regarding the frequency of our routine service, direct translation, she said "Ya. We come once every month.. No M'am, Once a month."

I thought it sounded really like she was describing menstrual stuff to someone on the line.

As a result, I earned the reputation of being really very happy at work, because occasionally, I would just break out in maniacal laughter.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:43 pm

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