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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Realised that I forgot to upload a picture as 'proof' that we really did some serious painting.

Thankfully only with one single coat, everything turned out alright, or as Laoda had claimed, it was okay. But then he was asking us to go back and paint some more, so I presume that it wasn't as alright as I thought it was.

One day during work, Rebecca, Cho Wei, Mickey and I decided to eat in at the office pantry.

It was a quaint place, because you could close the door and no one else would bother you (unless they came in to take drinks or something).

So we were seated on the miserable Ikea stool there but having the time of our lives enjoying each other's company over very delicious Sliced Fish soup.

Earlier on, I had switched on the air-conditioner and left it at the top of the fridge as we always left it. But I didn't notice that I left it too near the edge.

After finishing my food, I decided to take some ice out so I opened the top freezer door and PLOMP.. the air-conditioner's remote fell.

My instinctive action was to save the remote. Because one hand was on the freezer's handle, and the other hand was too far away, I tried to slam the fridge door shut as fast as I could in the hope that it would 'giap' the controller.

It didn't. The remote still managed to slip past and landed on the floor. In pieces.

But thanks to my stupid reaction, it didn't just land as simply as that. It got slammed halfway by the fridge door that I shut, and then continued its journey towards the floor.

It didn't break. It was just that the covers all came off. The battery cover, the back cover, the front cover, the batteries itself; you get the idea.

Everyone had to get on the floor to collect the parts and put it back together, when we realised that the battery cover was missing.

Try as we might, we just couldn't find the damn thing.

Finally, my brain cells decide to stop concentrating on the food in my stomach, and helped me realise that, hey, it might be in the fridge.

So I opened, and behold, there it was, lying right in the middle of the near-empty freezer was the blardy batter cover. Blardy is a wrong description. More like chilled.

I took it out and it even had abit of condensation on it.

I passed it to Rebecca and was about to proceed to wash the dishes when Rebecca exclaimed "Cindy. Where is the on-off button?"

I was abit surprised. How could she not have known. We had ate in the pantry millions of times and she was the one who operated the remote.

I looked at the bare wires/chips/circuit board sticking out and realised that oh, she really was asking, WHERE is the on-off button because it was gone.

So.. I decided to look into the freezer again.

This time it took abit of digging, but hey, I still managed to found it behind the ice cubes.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:17 pm

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Happy Chinese New Year!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Another year, another year older.

Think I'm getting older. Laugh at people who jumble up their words, now I find myself doing that as well.

I've learnt that deadly serious, and seriously dead are both grammatically correct words that have totally no relevance to each other.

Last night went to paint a friend's house. He wanted to move in by tonight. We didn't manage to finish painting, and naturally he didn't get to move in by today, as I type.

Idiot! Already told him it was impossible. Needless to say, me and Des got dragged into his silly idea of helping him paint his house.

And I tell you, it was a first-time experience for all three of us and boy was it stupid.

We had the paint. We laid the newspapers. We took out the brand new paint brushes from the plastic bags with earnest and enthusiasm.

And then it hit us.

There was no frigging way we could open that stupid can of paint. There were no screwdrivers to open the can.

So, we resorted to using our keys. Apparently, lao da, as we always call him, had to use those fanciful coloured keys, made of aluminium. A very soft metal, I must add.

So when Des opened the can, the aluminium key was bent totally out of shape. Lao da said if he wasn't able to go home and open his door, he might have to sleep over with Des.

Thankfully, the keys to Gambir Walk could withstand more pressure. It was opened with the help of my keys, and a few of my coins.

Just when I happily wanted to dip my brush into the paint, lao dao broke the shocking news that.. we forgot to bring a stick.. There was nothing to stir the paint with.

At that time, I threw the brush down on the floor and scolded a few.. choice words which I wouldn't want to type out here, while the other two noobs were laughing their heads off.

We finally resorted to using a clothes hanger and threw it into the can to mix the blardy paint.

Painting in an empty house was fun. Fast and fun. However, if any of you were to do it, remember that you should buy more small brushes instead of big ones. We did the mistake of buying two big and one small. The big brushes finished their jobs in a matter of seconds. It was the small brush that was more important, actually, because work was slow and more elaborate; you had to avoid painting the light switches and the skirtings.

I was in charge of the small brush, unfortunately. Maybe because, being a girl and all, I was more careful (yea right).

So meticulous I was, that I started to place my face nearer and nearer to the parts I was painting in order to make sure that not a single stray hair of the brush painted the light switches or the skirtings.

Before I knew, my head knocked into the wall. Sort of. We were wearing caps to protect our hair from the paint, and so the front part of the cap got painted instead. Call it stupidity.


Now if you would just excuse me, a mosquito just bit my eyelid, and oh goodness I am so pissed. . . Do you have ANY idea how it feels to have to scratch your eyelids!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:21 pm

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There She Goes..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Heard this song recently. Kinda bring back memories. I think There She Goes by Sixpense None The Richer was like the top or 2nd song in the song charts back when I was in Sec 1. I remember Mum and Dad bathing Chubby in my room's toilet back when we were living in Boon Teck.

Those were the days.

Anyway, from since my last two post, another two friends have left the company. At least one of them is still in notice.

The other one who left immediately was someone who was sitting beside me at the office.

Gosh. It's so sudden.

I kinda miss her though. Like, alot.

Heck, she didn't even tell me she was going. It was so abrupt.

But she's really cute and all, and has the cutest baby voice so I really wish her luck wherever she will go from here.

Used to make me laugh all the time and as I laughed my head off, she would roll her eyes at me and ask me to shut up in her baby voice that will only serve to make me laugh louder.

Because we were sitting right beside each other, inevitably we would eavesdrop on each other's conversation. So it was not surprising that I overheard her telling a technician that "a person called to complain of a dead rat... wants it to be removed.. asap...."

Something along the lines of that. However the particular technician she called had some connectivity problems and there was static on the line or something, so she repeated like over five times, rephrasing it in different ways.

Finally, what came out from her became "the dead person called and say got rat"...

Whoa. That kept me laughing for the next 15 minutes or so.

And one more less important thing: without her around... Office nobody got Sony Ericsson charger. :(

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:28 pm

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Farming Day

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Went to a friend's farm today. So blardy cool!!

And guess what. He has this really really tiny weeny chihuahua with a really really long tongue that wouldn't retract back into its mouth.

(I'm serious. He really can't retract his tongue.)

The weather was blardy hot. I guess we'd have to make the next visit earlier in the morning. There were fishes, millions of them, and there were dogs by the hundreds. Okay, I'm just exaggerating but it was waaay cool.

One of the nicest thing about that farm was that they specialise in breeding, guess what, Shetland Sheep Dogs.

And we got to see some of their puppies too. A day old baby Schnauzers, and one month old Shetland pups!!

Here's one of the Shetland. So tiny, I almost didn't know how should I hold it!!

It was an eye-opener cos I got to see and have a feel of how much hard work was required to keep a farm up and going.

We were supposed to reach the farm at 12. I admit, I was running late after lazing in bed, so my friend called Dennis to nag and ask what time we were going to arrive. On the way there in Dennis car (save petrol instead of two cars going), we saw from afar that towards the direction where his farm was, there was a fire or something, because alot of smoke was pouring out and floating upwards towards the sky.

Dennis was joking, saying that maybe our friend nagged us to hurry up because he needed help to put out the fire at his house. Minutes later, after getting lost, a fire engine zoomed past us and for awhile we shut up.

But of course, it was somewhere else on fire.

Gosh. Tired. And got work tomorrow. I'm having a headache but someone taught me the miraculous healing method: snake grass water. Aiya, don't know what's it called it English, but snake grass water is the direct translation.

That blardy thing is supposed to be cooling and removes body heatiness. I think it worked for me. Worked too well, in fact, that my headache and fever is gone now.


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:49 pm

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Super Lowwww...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Been in piss-y mood lately.

I hate my job, though everyday as I go about work and see the glum, tired, and overworked faces of the others, I try to psyco them by repeating in their faces "You love your job. You love your job. You love your job." at which they usually will laugh vaguely in reply.

Ha! Who am I kidding?

I myself am staying on and hanging by the thin thread because I really really love the people I work with. Every single one of them. Like when I get lambasted, they are the ones who speak up for me, stood by me, bring me go drink coffee (more like teh-C) etc, etc.

Meanwhile, let me lighten up this stupid dull post with a very cute photo of Yang:

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:50 pm

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I only have...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

ONE treadmill at home. In my parents room. Then again, it is hardly used, so I seriously doubt my parents would let me buy any more just to test this out:

I really love the part where two of them looked like they were skating. HAHAHA!!

So how's life been like for you guys? I think I'm getting old. I asked Shufang to go out with me on Saturday. She told me it was supposed to be yesterday (a Friday). I was shocked.

One of us got the wrong date. The other one forgot about it totally.

But, oh well, that's life. I hope they don't kill me for this.

Victim #1 for I Love Singapore sweet has fallen. Somehow, after all, I wasn't that cruel. I warned anyone who took that sweet that it was really hot enough to make you cry.

They took it anyway, and they brushed it off by saying 'never mind. I can take hot sweets'.

That was BEFORE they tried it.

Victim #1, was none other than everyone's favourite brother, Desmond Lim.

Let's cut it short and just say after hoping about, jumping around, running past my table and shouting a few .. choice words.. he ran to the men's room to rinse his mouth, and probably stayed there for a good half an hour.

I think if any of you were him, you would have wanted to slap my smug face.

Victim #2 was smarter and had been forewarned that the main ingredient of the sweet is chilli. All she did was touch her lips against the sweet, and the rest of it ended up in the dustbin.

Victim #3, was the other lady in the office who was also called Cindy. I'm seriously considering adopting another name for the office, because somehow when everyone's busy working and on the verge of going crazy, there would even be people calling her Cindy Lim and calling me Cindy Foong.

She took the sweet anyway because she had a badly stucked-up nose and wanted to clear it with some really hot sweet.

The next thing I know, she was telling me the sweet is not hot. It's just "burning into your tongue"... were her exact words.

So, anyway, hope you enjoyed the video. I kinda like the song already. Haha!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:32 pm

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