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Sugar & Spice

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sugar & Spice, and everything nice. And you thought Sugar & Spice makes a great combination.

Screw that! I tell you!!

Just now was out with the girls when we came across this very special cart at Plaza Singapura, situated outside Yoshinoya.

It had an attractive deal.

Buy a box for $2, and squeeze as much sweets as you can into the little box (that kinda resembles those Chinese takeaway boxes in ang moh countries, but its a mini version).

There were super sour ones, super 'special' ones (don't know special in what way.. but we didn't get those).

Manda decided to get a box and had fun squeezing the different types of sweets in, along with some that were labeled 'Spicy Spicy'.

Fang's stomach was feeling queasy, and Manda wasn't feeling very adventurous just now, so Yin and I decided to each try the Spicy one.

The sweet even had the words 'I (heart-shape) Singapore' on it.

Excitedly, I popped it into my mouth. I think I could even feel my facial muscles cramp up automatically before I even felt the taste of the sweet.

"Why? Not hot ar?" said someone. I forgot which someone, because after that the spicey taste started creeping in.

Come to think of it, I think Yin was the one who asked that question. Immediately after that sentence, all I remembered next was Yin putting the sweet into her mouth too. Yup, both of us guinea pigs, under the very watchful eyes of Shufang and Manda.

If you want me to make a long story short, both of us ran off down the escalator. Me, to the ice-cream shop, and Yin, to somewhere where they sold drinks. Cold drinks.

It tasted horrible, I tell you. Like.. Like... I don't know. It was tasteless. Just hot. At least wasabi had a smell to it. This one was like drinking pure chilli oil that had no taste. Kinda remind me of Szechuan steamboat actually. The chilli side that had no taste. Just lots and lots of chilli oil.

I then went back to the shop to buy another whole box purely full of spicey sweets.

Oh, by the way, did I forgot to mention to all of you that I have this candy container on my desk at office?

And then somehow the sweets ALWAYS keep disappearing. You know, getting lesser and lesser?

I think it's about time....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:13 pm

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The Ghost Car

Sunday, January 28, 2007

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:18 pm

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Sasa's Newest Addition

Friday, January 26, 2007

Whoa. Just look at the topic. You would have thought I was talking about some new make-up line that Sasa had just brought in!

Anyway, much to most of you girls' disappointment, it's not.

I was talking about Louisa's new yet-to-be-named lovie.

Cute isn't it?

Now, want to see MY latest addition to the bird family?

Scroll down to see!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:08 am

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Effective Pest Control

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Went to eat with Chowei the other day. I absolutely refuse to call the guy by his new name, Joseph. I seem to have this problem with adapting people with their new names. Like, there was this other friend of mine back on poly, who changed his name to Samuel, but I still kept calling him David.

Guess it's just a pretty bad habit of mine.

So, Cho and I were waiting for our food at this stall having placed our order ages ago, and we were talking while waiting for our food.

As we were standing right in front, we have a pretty good view of the kitchen behind the stall.

Just as I was about to launch into another dreadfully naggy topic, Cho suddenly stopped me and said "look at that!"

I looked at where he pointed and saw this cockroach slowly crawling on the kitchen floor.

"Boy are they in need of pest control." I pointed out. But right exactly after I said that sentence, the auntie who took our order saw the cockroach too and gave one mighty step, crushing the poor little.. ok.. it wasn't poor.. and it wasn't little.. Cockroach.

It died instantly. She picked it up with her bare hands, threw it away, and then turned around and resumed packing her food.

Both of us were dumbfounded.

"I bet those people are so going to enjoy their food" he stated.

Oh, and coming up soon, Sasa's new lovie birdie that she MMS-ed to me just now.

Just remind me to talk about it tomorrow okay? OKAY? Gimme an internet sms or something!!!

Good night, with lotsa love and pecks from... Joon.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:29 pm

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Ubin Trip!!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

We held a farewell gathering for my cousin, Kenny just now. Sharon, my cousin-in-law came, and I asked her when's her due date (yea. I think I forgot to update on my blog that she's pregnant. Or did I?)

Anyway, she said "In two months' time."

Whoa! I thought it was just last month that we discovered she was pregnant!! OMG!!

Maybe it's because I'm drawing a monthly salary, which is why time seems to pass real quick for me, haha!

Anyway, our dear Val kept to her promise and sent the Ubin photos over after resizing, so I shall add them here, and develop a few pieces to stick them up at the office with the rest of all your photos.

As with all our bloggings about previous outings, I shall begin with the one that we take at the very beginning; one which was taken when we were still feeling HIGH and DRY and FULL after a very comfortable breakfast at Subway.

Just look at the excited (and unsuspecting) smiles on our faces. Note that the weather at that time gave absolutely no hint of an impending storm.

After a very short boat trip, we landed on Ubin. Now I absolutely must add this photo of us and the Ubin sign. We'd taken quite a few group shots, all the while trying to ensure that our heads weren't blocking the Pulau Ubin word behind.

Finally, I decided to choose to post this one. Want to know why? Because a particular person's face was blocked :)

*Evil laughter* Alright. I know I'm bad. But that's just me ok? *shrugs shoulders*

Talk about shrugging of shoulders, when you get to Ubin, what is the first thing you do? Stamp hard on the ground. Because, in my exact words to Val, "chow chow go to the island just to step on the ground I also song!"

Apparently, I did more than just stepping on the soil. Everyone went home with some bits of Ubin soil either in their pants, bag, or pockets. You shall understand why later.

Speaking of which, I've always loved to blog about Ubin outings. Know why? Because this very blog that you're reading now? Yea, the first post started off with me blogging about an Ubin trip. Yup :)

Oh dear, where was I?

FIRST THING. Okay, since first thing was to step on the ground, the second most important thing that we usually do (I don't know about the rest of you out there), is to get a bike. A good one. We always rent from the same shop, the same Uncle, but then on our way to that good ol' shop of ours, we were attracted by this sign:

An attention-seeking sign. Absolutely!

Then of course, we had a few group pics taken right befor the rain started. It was a very nicely-posed one, but just then, Superman decided to fly past us, and all we could do was stop and stare at him while pointing at the sky...

We went back into the quarry again to have ANOTHER group photo taken. I was screaming all the way in because on the off-road tracks, there were bushes and plants that suddenly whacked you in the face, much to the amusement of our blardy Sweeper, who, thanks to my shouts and vulgarities at plants, manage to avoid most of the obstacles. I also learnt for myself that cycling behind Valerie is not exactly a very smart thing to do, because she doesn't shout and scream when plants slap at her.

For now, the quarry photo. I would personally call this the Feed-The-Mosquito-Campaign photo.

Not only do we always faithfully go back to the same Uncle to rent our bikes, we also faithfully go back to ANOTHER Uncle, for our steady supply of coconuts. And as a tradition, we once again took Sepia prints in that little hut where the Uncle stayed alone.

I don't know; it just felt right to look like Sam Sengs when it was sepia.

That was after the rain had started and we had cycled for almost two hours under continuous rain. One particular picture caught my attention because it showed just how drenched to the skin we were! Pay special attention to how Val's glasses had fogged up:

The rain wasn't big enough to be considered a torrent or whatever. But it was continuously consistent, causing big and small puddles of water to form around the off-roads, until everywhere was almost semi-flooded. But honestly, that was fun. And as I've mentioned it before, and will mention again right now,


With Crocs on, I didn't give a heck that my feet were almost submerged in muddy water. Yellow (smelly) mud, to be exact. I'm not sure what my other non-Crocs-supporter team-mates felt about the weather and their shoes, but they looked like they were holding out alright to me:

After covering a little more land area, we finally decided to call it a day, and to conclude the trip with a nice seafood late late late lunch. But of course, not without (ANOTHER) group photo first:

After finishing the lunch, we could hardly move. Personally, I felt like collapsing already. My leg muscles were surprisingly fine, but my butt hurt quite abit. And the most irritating part was how although the sun was hot after the rain, but our clothes still clung on to us irritatingly.

Arghh.. Just thinking about that sticky feeling irks me already. Thus was my mood for Ubin's last group photo:

Try as I might, I could not bring myself to smile...

Nor cooperate by even looking at the camera...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:17 pm

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We live in Singapura

Apparently all of you have watched the above video before already, but for the benefit of those who haven't, here it is.

Still awaiting Ubin photossssssssssss....!!!

And I heard from my Mum that my Aunt will be forcing me to catch Rain's concert this coming Sunday. Which is like tomorrow. Although I made it clear as day that I am NOT GOING. Thus, tomorrow, I am going to run to JB and hide there.

Will be doing a MIA (phone switched off and everything. Hey, in fact, I'd be buying a new phone tomorrow). So all please don't contact me.

Whoa.. to think that last time when I upgraded my plan, I had gotten a .. Whoa. Suddenly realise I forgot that phone's name. But it was the cheapest 3G phone around. That means like.. 3G has been around for a little over 2 years!!

Shucks. Time really do fly.

Fast. Faster than Joon.

Talk about that little girl, I may as well include a pic of her here:

I don't know but I really feel that Joon's face is looking mor and more like a parrot. Wait. She IS a parrot. Hmm.. Haven't gotten used to the idea.

Oh by the way, just the other day, I was sneezing away, and when I sneezed, there was this 'jump' action that jerked my head downwards.

It happened a few times, and before I know it, the stupid bird who was standing on my shoulder all the while, was copying me, sound, and head action. What an arse! I keep telling her I don't sneeze like that because the way she did it was so blardy funny, and honestly I don't think I sneeze in such a funny way.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:50 pm

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

There are so much people I would like to thank, though I don't think I can finish thanking them in one post.

First of all, YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! THE PHOTO-SHOOT IS FINISHED! HA! HA! HA! I would like to thank everyone involved for making everything smooth-sailing.
There are a couple of places and companies I would like to thank. Firstly is Wheelock Place's Bakery Depot with their friendly staff, and very nice-looking place.

Actually during this shot, Ali was complaining that he hadn't had breakfast yet.

Oh, and can I add in as well that their staff has a pretty nice watch that I just noticed, as well. HAHA!!
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Next place I would like to thank is Bengawan Solo. Their main kitchen is a place you would not want to go when you are feeling hungry (which we were). Once we stepped in, the aroma of cakes and cakes and cakes cakes cakes whacked us in the face and lifted us off our feets and we automatically floated in. It was like WHOA! And it was also close to dinner-time and we were hungry. But with what was left of our dignity, we decided to keep mum and not ask them if they had any cakes on sale from the main kitchen.
And if you would excuse me, I'm still trying to get use to uploading photos via Picasa. This thing seriously is on the verge of making me explode. Some photos I've chosen to upload went missing. I am so going to stab this thing.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:28 am

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Ubin (Post 2 out of 2)

We went to Ubin. It was a last outing before Val flew off the following day. I think it was quite of a waste because we, all of us, should have met up more often. But then again, we're kinda all moving on and busy with our own stuff (like the damn photo-shoot, THAT I WANNA DECLARE WITH PRIDE AND JOY THAT IT IS OFFICIALLY OVER.. and damn do the phtoos look good!!).

Am still awaiting photos from Val from Ubin (think this is a hint from all of you that I should go get a digicam soon? Or should I just change back to N73?)

It was a very.. very.. weird decision, what with the weather nowadays, and me being the worst organiser on earth. Somehow it slipped my mind to forgot to inform Darius (sorry bro!) while the rest whom I informed didn't want to come.

Wise choice. The weather was horrid, though when we woke up it was fine. We decided to take the gamble at the last minute and went ahead with the Ubin trip after a few hours' delay. But honestly if you asked me to choose again, knowing how the weather would be like already, I would still go ahead. It was.. filthy fun!

The mud, the rain, and.. the Crocs.


The rain got so heavy that we even had difficulty keeping our eyes open as we cycled, at a really slow speed.

There were water puddles everywhere and as we cycled past, we slowly came to learn that you should go slow if you don't want to splash water all over your back, and go REALLY FAST if someone was cycling very near behind your back so that you can get water all over them.

Then there were roads there that were SO narrow, we had to stop and let the group traveling towards us from the opposite direction to pass by first.

I think there were around 10 over people in that group and boy where they taking a long time. Some school camp or something, I guess. But at least they were polite. As each of them passed by us on their bikes, they said sorry and thank-yous.

However, when it finally came to our turn to pass by the narrow road, we finally discovered for ourselves why they took such a blardy long time.

Halfway as I cycled, mind you, I was trying to peddle so hard, I was practically standing up already, my front wheel got stuck in the mud. It was those really sticky kind that is camouflaged by water puddles until you can't see the base.

"Sh*T!" I muttered. Thank goodness our Sweeper, Wu Gui Tang was behind, so he gave me kicks and pushes until the wheel eventually got out.

That made me nearly lose my balance, so my feet came down to the ground steady myself.

Let me repeat myself: THANK GOD FOR CROCS!!

Because that action made my entire feet plop into the mud. And get stuck.

There was this suction thing that kept my feet there and I couldn't pull it out.

When I finally did (with alot of help, I must add), I could hardly walk. Somehow stones and pebbles had gotten into my feet.

I muttered some expletives, got off my bike and laid it down on the ground at a safe and non-muddy place, and took off my Crocs to pour whatever was inside, out. Mud. Mud and more mud. But in-between there were rocks that dropped out, and they even hit my bicycle's rim, giving out a particular metallic sound that astonished everyone.

It was really fun that day lah. I think we covered a majority of the tracks. Eagerly waiting for the photos because I had taken none that day. All phones were kept inside my bag, though Val's one still got wet and even went ting tong for awhile with an unresponsive keypad. All this, though her hp was inside my bag, which was under my windbreaker that I was wearing! Can you imagine?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:44 am

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Outing Reminder

Monday, January 08, 2007

Outing next Saturday. Please keep that day free. You all know who you are. Venue/Activities to be confirmed.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:09 am

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Mindless and Boring post. Skip if you have to.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I never thought I'd even get to say this but, really, Joon flies without a license. Haven't brought her to clip her flight feathers for some time already and she's pretty much flying around like nobody's business. Problem is, she loves to fly towards humans cos of her obsession of perching on people's shoulders.

The next problem, however, is that she usually 'miscue' and lands in the following areas:

1) Your face, in particularly, with her claws in your nostrils
2) Your wonderful freshly-washed nice-smelling and still damp hair (and then shits on it out of flight fright)

Believe me, having bird poo in your hair isn't exactly the greatest feeling in the world, especially when you have just had it blow-dried and had applied large amounts of moisturiser/carrot oil/styling clay etc on it.

Next up, Chubby.

I don't have much to say about this little old guy, except I just felt it was my responsibility to tell the whole world that he is still alive and doing well, except for the fact that his sight and hearing is probably getting worse than before.

Chubby still loves to be carried around though. At such an age (a 70-year-old man if he was human!) he would still paw on your knees to ask you to carry him, not that I mind alot though, because he's so cute he deserves to be carried.

The best part was when your arms are tired and you want to place him on the floor, he curls his legs up to further delay landing on the floor. If he was a baby (I'm terrifed of babies now. Yang Yang included), I think he would be yelling and clinging on to you, refusing to let go, precisely what Yang does to his mother right now.

Creepy *shudders*.

I think I prefer dogs.
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CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:23 pm

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A dog named Spudgy

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I have no idea what breed is this, but if you ask me, I'd just anyhow 'pom' and say it's a Chow-Chow mixed with a Shetland. Make that mini Chow Chow mixed with mini Shetland. Whatever. Enjoy the video.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:52 pm

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First Post of 2007!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

First of all, a very Happy New Year to all. I think the SMS network was seriously jammed this time. Throughout the night I was still receiving cheerful happy 2007 messages when I was already dead tired and on the verge of murdering every late SMS that was interrupting my sleep.

Let me start the first photo of 2007 with a very messy battle scene of what I've called home (in the office sense, that is) for the past two weeks. Look like a refugee camp right?

I had an arse of a 'bro' who took leave in the crucial packing period, so there was no one to pack for him. At that time, there were more tables there, but come end of the week, all the tables magically disappeared (actually they got disassembled and moved to our newly-renovated place), when he called me at work and said "Help me pack please! I only got one file and one cup that I forgot to throw into my box."

Easier said that done. I looked up and the above picture was the exact view of where our surveyors sit. Where on earth, no, where in the pic can his file and cup be?

In case you were wondering, I did eventually find his cup. It was hard to miss. There was his smug and arrogant photo of him printed on it. And you know what's worse? Apparently he drank coffee from it and didn't bother to wash. Since we are all related and should therefore possess certain predictable irresponsible traits, I decided to ignore the disgusting brown coffee stains inside and around the cup, and threw it into his box and sealed it up.

Anyway, thought of sharing with all of you this really really cute M&M that was sold during Christmas. I've managed to collect all the colours (orange is excluded in the photo) but it's with one of my lunch karkees right now who happened to find it for me. I had actually thought of getting one only, because it looked pretty cute. I mean, you can't actually see it but the thing is huge, as you can tell from the following pic:

Wow, empty space here. Let me type some rubbish else it looks so empty. Bla bla bla bla. Ignore this part. Bla bla bla. Skip to the next photo. Bla bla. Enough said. You should get my message by now.

One last pic that doesn't make sense. I was just passing by Action City when I thought this scene looked really cute. Anyway, talk about Action City, I found something really weird there. You know how I love trying my luck out on those stupid tikam tikam machine things? I get a kick out of getting the doufu car because, hey, almost everything to do with Initial D had to do with luck, right? I used to buy a couple of boxes of these Initial D stuff to just to see if I was able to get that Toyota AE86 in the random box. I never did. In fact, I KEEP GETTING the Honda Civic, much to the amusement of a Honda-loving bro whom I conveniently threw them to.

But whatever lah, the point is, the Initial D cars that I got from Action City, they had no plastic casing on them. I thought that was the norm, up until yesterday when I discovered another shop selling the same Initial D boxes, but those came with this plastic box that prevents dusts from accumulating on the real diecast metal cars!! Blardy hell, I feel really cheated. Is it me, or are those sold at Action City actually were tampered with before they put it on sale on their shelves? Buyers beware...

Lastly, I don't mean to nag but, can any of you, and I mean ANY! TP side, R5 side, Exclusives side, start sending in photos? I'm seriously regretting changing my phone to this stupid lousy camera W850i. Pui! Who cares about music. I haven't had time for it in ages! Photos rock!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:01 pm

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