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I Love My Job

Sunday, September 24, 2006

You know, everytime I say that everyone laughs. What's so funny about it?

1) Walk into the office and I'm greeted by about a dozen very happy-looking goldfishes (credit attributed to a particular colleague who tells me he only changes their water once a year).

2) Walk to my desk to eagerly greet my new pet (insects) of the day, probably a bunch of termites or something that usually dies within the next few hours. My deduction was that the glass jars they were kept in had been pre-sprayed with insecticide, causing them to die one after the other.

3) Turn to my left and I have this other colleague (who reads this blog), who is always frigging early. It is an unspoken thing but we are always secretly trying to compete to see who reaches the office earlier.

4) I have a thousand lunch karkees. Actually, just that precious few, especially Rebecca from customer service, but then we eat like an army.

Let me give you a few instances. Firstly there was this place where we ALWAYS ALWAYS go to eat Wanton Mee. We called desserts after that and when we paid the bill, the lady who came to collect payment was like "Whoa. I noticed you two ate alot today!"

Another instance though, Rebecca and I went to lunch with 3 colleagues because Sakae had this cool deal. It was their 9th anniversary and they were offering 9 plates at $9. The only criteria was that you had to finish at least 9 plates per bill in order to be entitled to that 9 plates for $9 thing.

One of them was asking us "are you sure we can all finish 9 plate EACH?" I gave her a very confident "But of course!" and pushed away her uncalled worry, which turned out to be very very called for; by the end of the 7th plate, I was about to explode already. I felt full to the brim, like, if I were to even walk with a big step, I might start puking already.

Sheesh, even purely looking at the pictures of the plates, I already feel like puking. As such, I have made an official announcement immediately after that meal, that, I AM NOT GOING SAKAE ON THEIR 10TH BIRTHDAY NEXT YEAR!

5) SO MANY THINGS TO LEARN. Yes. Part of the reason why I love my job is that there are so many new things that I am exposed to. Seriously. And I'm not talking about documentation and paperwork. I am talking about hands-on stuff, like the many interesting methods and things that humans invent in order to catch those little pesky .. pests.. Pesky pests. Eeew..

One of it was through this:

It's a Cockroach trap. Really interesting right? A certain colleague had a cockroach problem in his car so decided to use a couple of this to catch the.. pesky pests. It kinda works like a stick tape. Some.. THING.. was stuck to the middle of the sticky tape that would attract the roaches, and when they try to get to it, they'd get stuck. Dead stuck.

I had the honour and priviledge of starting the trap and laying it on the base of the car, and I had chosen the most strategic position I could, and placed it there.

I was really anticipating the result when one day, it finally caught its first prey. The cockroach that was caught was HUGE! Huge beyond description!

You know what's the worst thing?

The worst thing was that the Cockroach was still alive and kicking. The feelers were still moving, and it was crawling towards me with the stupid card in tow at its feet.

The best part? I blinked my eyes a couple of times and am able to confirm that it wasn't a dream.

Then the Cockroach opened its mouth and said "Wei! Stupid shit! Stop laughing and help me with this leh! It's stuck to my damn shoe!!".. Ok. Don't make fun of him already.

6) You know how I used to want to be an interior designer? I have this thing for houses, furniture, and Ikea. Well, if you don't know about it, you DO now.

It's always been this silly issue of mine to want to decorate my office table. You know, put some of your own stuff so that that corner is really YOUR corner? To leave part of you in the office so that sometimes after being busy with something for a few hours, you sit back, relax, stare at photos of your darling mutts etc?

That's the way I liked it. But at TTG, I did not have this priviledge because our school attachment period was SO PATHETICALLY SHORT, and moreover I did not really have my own table for long (the office was moving to a few blocks away).

In fact, just to refresh some of your memory, this was my messy old sitting place:

Jo, if you're reading this, it brings back ALOT of memories doesn't it? Haha!!

Yes. Back at the old TTG office, Jo and I had the entire conference room TO OURSELVES. Feels like some kinda big shot right?

So, let me repeat this phrase, ladies and gentleman, that my mother conveyed to me.

If you are a messy person, then everything about you will be messy.

Mummy was actually talking about my room. But first, allow me to emphasize the fact that I am a ORGANISED MESSY PERSON. Though it looks messy on the surface, I DO know where I place my stuff. Like, duh! I am everyone's secretary!!!!

But Mum also did mention that if you fail to even keep your room neat, then you will fail to keep everything else tidy; as you can see from my TTG office space pic.

Because I wasn't the only one driving the Colt car, it is still relatively neat and empty. But whenever I drive it out, I have the habit of jus chugging everything behind me on the back seat. Just.. you know.. THROW.. which was exactly what I did yesterday when I went for exams. I just threw my textbook to the backseat and realised in horror, when I reached that my notes had fluttered out all over the back.

And now, I even have pictures of my new workspace. I don't really feel it until I uploaded the pics on the internet, that actually my table was THAT messy.

Saw the cup, Janet?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:49 pm

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It was a day where so many activities were packed.

I had exams in the morning. Honestly, while driving down to Toa Payoh, I was still barely awake, up until I almost hit this lorry it was then that I really woke up.

I shall not elaborate because somehow or another there are parents reading this blog. Specifically, MY parents.

I was supposed to meet some long-lost friends today, with Zi Xiang trying to organise everything. I wanted to call him to meet earlier because Jo and I had absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go to after our morning exam.

Somehow I think that fella's mother was, LIKE MY MOTHER, fooling around with his handphone and accidentally picked up my phone call and did not know what to do with it.

So I decided to make her position less difficult and hung up. Jo and I then continued slacking up until Joon suddenly flew to me. It's been a long time since I cut her wings so she could fly quite a distance.

Jo and I were eating when Joon decided to fly towards me, and her poor flying skills made her BARELY miss Jo's head (she ducked just in time).

I was glad at the way Joon could recognise me, but I wasn't glad for long. When I disappeared into the kitchen to put my empty plates, Joon almost flew out of the house. Thankfully, she knocked (lightly) against the glass pane instead and landed on a pretty high sill.

Jo and I looked at each other in shock and 15 minutes later, we were standing at the bird shop in Serangoon North, telling the shopkeeper that I wanted to trim her feathers and nails.

Joon did not scream as much today, though she struggled enough for them to accidentally cut and made her nail bleed a little.

It was quite funny when she held on to the staff's shirt and refused to let go when they were trimming her wing feathers.

Went home immediately and realised to my horror that it was still TOO EARLY to meet my poly mates. We decided to switch on and watch some TV programmes instead, something which I did not have the time to do so for a very long time!

But that didn't last. It must have been due to the lazy afternoon sun, and the stupid hypnotising sound of the fan that lured me and Jo to sleep. And sleep we did, till we were late.

Fast forward and when we got to Plaza Singapura to meet the three guys, I actually introduced a friend's name wrongly. What a disgrace. I was introducing Jo to them and when I got to Merv, I actually called him Felix instead.

So pai seh right? But apparently I wasn't the only one, because he said something like someone called him Keith before too. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Poor thing!! Eh, but I'd be jolly pissed if someone called me another name (which they do, all the time!)

Puh-lease remind me to take a group photo for the next outing? And, also, one more thing to add is, why is it that guys in SN CAN'T STOP TALKING about NS!! Having been in camp 5 out of 7 days in a week, isn't that enough? They're like.. bitching non-stop just now and certain incidents sound so interesting and funny, you start wondering "why don't girls serve NS too?"

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:28 am

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Dear Jav

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thank you for the opportunity of letting me guest blog.

Unfortunately due to my busy schedule, I shall do a 1-in-2 post instead. 1 post. On 2 blogs.

Abit cheapskate right?

TOO BAD! You're in the army and I'm not, so I can do anything I want! Muahaha!

To those on Jav's side reading this, I have officially taken over (temporarily), and on Jav's behalf, I am supposed to update.

For those reading this post on MY side, please ignore and continue reading.

Anyway, Jav SMS-ed me 10 years ago (actually it was only last Tuesday), to write on his blog saying that he had passed his swimming test, and that he had road march tomorrow' Tomorrow meaning last Wednesday.

As you can obviously tell, his road march is well over by now, and yes, he still is alive and kicking. Kicking what thing, I really don't know. Not other people's soap, I hope.

I am doing this upload because just the other day Jav complained that I did not update his blog, so here I decided to take down some evidence that I really am so busy running around outside that I hardly am at home.

So seldom am I home that spiderwebs are REALLY starting to form around my room.

So, bro, don't blame me!


Now that I've finally blogged for him, I shall continue on to my OWN part.

For ages I've been wanting to talk about a few nonsensical stuff.

Like just now, while we were having coffee after work, a colleague talked about how they were intending to get laptops for all the surveyors etc etc.. And then we started to get abit 'over'.

Talked about how they should also get the surveyors PDA handphones bla bla bla.. until SOMEONE who reads this, mentioned that maybe they should also give all surveyors their own Integra *drools*.

Immediately, I said that if they did so, then I'm so going to apply for a surveyor post.


That aside, for ages, also, I've been thinking of how to drag this into my blog. But then, it was so out-of-topic that I really can't care less now.

Ladies and Gentleman, I want to make a little solemn announcement. Not very soemn actually... Omg.. as I type this there's a stupid bug flying around me... HELLO! I'M FROM A FRIGGING PEST CONTROL COMPANY! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!

*proceeds to wave arm madly around like a lunatic to chase away flying beetle*

Yes. Now that I'm back.

Weeks ago, we had a warm and cosy gathering for Lex before he left for army.

It was there that.... I encountered something that I had never encountered before in my whole life (thus the 'solemn-ness').

It was.......

The world's.........

Ugliest cut watermelon.

Maybe not only the world. The entire universe!

If you THINK this is 'alright', wait till I give a spotlight to this one:

Due to optical illusion, you THINK this is the side view of the watermelon. No! This is the FRONT view lor.. and it's RECTANGULAR all around, like some weird watermelon kitkat like that. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

No one could stop laughing when they saw it.

And who cut it? Surprisingly, not me this time (if I'm the culprit I wouldn't post it up, duh!)

Mr. Lee Tee Hong!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:08 pm

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Confused & Depressed

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Upon reaching my office desk, I threw my bag onto the floor and plopped down onto my seat when I realised that one of my 'bosses' (oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm the secretary of the entire dept) had left 2 beetles on my table.

I think that this is one of the most interesting aspects of the job. You know, insects are pretty interesting creatures. I just don't understand why they keep dying when they get passed on to me.

Remember the bunch of termites I was feeding the other day, much to the annoyance of another colleague? They all died. Wiped out.

So did these two beetles. I suspect something is wrong with the glass jar that they were all kept in. Maybe someone had put pesticides in it or something. OH YES THEY DID! NOW I REMEMBER!!

But that aside, I was very intrigued by the newfound items on my desk, so I asked one of the seniors to identify the type of beetle. And you know what's it called?

CONFUSED flour beetle. Isn't that a blardy cute name?

How many of you actually know that such a beetle exists!? I mean, such a NAME for a beetle, actually exists?

Meanwhile, for your info, this is how it looks like:

Nothing special about it, really. In fact it looks like those weevils that are always found in rice.

Next, let's talk about depressed. I'm no way near depressed. I love my school (not that much, actually), but I really love my work.

In fact, a long-time friend called me up the other day while I was on the car with a few collaegues, and asked me how was life, and I replied "Prety good. I'm studying part time and working full-time."

"So how's your job?" my friend asked.

"Ooh. I LURVE my job." I frankly replied, but was RUDELY interruped by hoots of laughter surrounding me. Moreover, the enclosed car space did not really help much in soundproofing their laughter..... out of topic again!

Ok, so WHO exactly, is the depressed person I'm talking about?

Mr. Mogu.

Just the other day, I caught him spacing out as if he was preparing to leap out of the window. I gave a shout and he immediately retreated and disappeared behind the window sill.

It's quite scary actually. I really don't know what he's been thinking and worrying about these past few days. I'm starting to get worried too, but over him.

Here's evidence that he was preparing to jump:

PS: Do you know there are times when I am carrying Mr Mogu, people actually THOUGHT it was Chubby? They even told me "Hey, how come Chubby looks so weird today?".. Talk about Pinnochio.... Is that how you spell it?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:37 pm

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When You Say Nothing At All...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

In this technologically-advanced era.. even if you literally SPEAK nothing, your fingers, oozing with typing strength, has the ability to get you into a hell lot of headaches and troubles.

As I've mentioned, my kaypoh friend called me up not long ago to inform me I had a message. Moreover, one that was sent all the way from Down Under.

"cin, i miss you.. how are u? i love you.. maybe we should hook up someday?"...

Plain simple message. Even an idiot can tell it is from NONE OTHER THAN MS VALERIE LI, with Shufang laughing away in the background (another secret Mastermind).

On a lighter note, I visited Yang Yang the other night. I just had to take a break in between school and work, so there you go, Mum filming Yang who has a weird fetish for painted toes!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:43 pm

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I left my phone SOMEWHERE and someone I know picked it up.... PUH-LEASE do not SMS/call me. And don't send STUPID UNTRUE messages....

Wait a minute.. the more I say that the more some of you ARE going to do that right? OMG..

Basically just leave the phone alone because the bad thing about Sony Ericsson phone is that they flash the first few words of the mesasge on the main screen so that all of you can peep at the message. And with that few little words, comes GREAT curiousity.. following which the user(aka my kaypoh friend) presses 'enter' to read the ENTIRE message (yes, phrase stolen from Spiderman... "With great powers come great responsibility").

Anyway, will be rushing project these few days. So, ya.... Will be busy....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:12 pm

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Do you know that there is a company that is called........

Credits: This post is brought to you by Desmond Lim, I mean MY real Desmond Lim.. who is currently using the toilet rendering me.. toilet-less.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:27 am

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Lacking Intellectual Post

Monday, September 11, 2006

I konw my posts are pretty superficial. Like.. it's talking about funny stuff. Friend outings etc. I seldom talk about other things. Significant things.

I guess this post would be one of those.

Life is weird. I'm still thinking about Death sometimes. Not that I want to die early. My colleagues who are.. well.. in their thirties have often joked that 30+ is too young to die. Moreover, I am only a mere 20.

Sometimes I would be out with them sipping on one of the best drink in the world (Teh-C), and I would place my cup loudly on the table and remark "Omg. I'm no longer a teenager! I'm like.. TWENTY already!!"

You should have seen the daggers that my colleagues threw at my direction with their stares.

Slit eyes and all. It's pretty scary and I faster covered my face again by pretending to be drinking that life-saving cup of Teh-C.

Time flies. "Especially when you're working at Rentokil." Melissa, a colleague said to me when I said HUH? when they told me it was time to get off work. It's true. So fast that I often even get the dates wrong. I often thought Monday was Friday, or Thursday was Monday.

If life was going to be THAT quick, I would have made sure I played harder when I was still schooling.

Make sure I went out everyday to havoc around. Make sure that at least once a week we went to play catching at Fort Canning, because right now, it is impossible. The clothes and shoes we wear made it impossible to even run fast. Guys in their prim and proper shirts and jeans with leather shoes to boot, and girls, I don't need to comment further because heels alone is already a huge issue when it comes to running around.

And besides, everyone seems to be moving on with their life. So am I. Then with Val going to Australia things already seemed different. And then now we see Lex disappearing into the army too. And Javy as well, my idiotic internet buddy who updates me about everything that's going on right now, especially with the latest podcasts, also disappeared into camp.

Just when life seems to be getting more and more depressing, my work friends play a big part. I mean, of course they do.. I see them basically everyday, whether I choose to or not.

We had a company bowling tournament the yesterday.

I had one of the best luck in the world. It was a 'warm-up throw' and once the ball rolled away from my hands, it split the upper part of my thumb nail, as well as left a side gash near the cuticle. It was like in the shape of a pocket.. a pocket full of blood.

If you thought that was luck that is bad enough, I was standing behind innocently when one of my bowling teamates was preparing to bowl. He has this habit of swinging his hand that was holding the ball. Swing it a few times as if to determine the weight, before he would take the few small steps and release.

Just when I was stoning away about a metre behind him, he was doing that swinging action when the ball suddenly rolled right off and came towards me.




Nope. It missed me. Too bad right? I did not want to let any of you have the chance to laugh your head(s) off. The ball flew, but by the time it reached me it was on the floor and I stopped it before it rolled over my foot.

I then collapsed to the floor, laughing, just like all the others who witnessed it, and believe me, that was ALOT of witnesses. There were about 50 over of us who took part that day and our lanes were all right beside each other.

Will try to dig out photos from the in-charge and upload it. And I mean group photos, not ball-flying photos.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:06 pm

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Group Photo UP!

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Finally, the group photo in the previous post is up.

OK. As promised. Long blog today, despite it being almost 3am in the morning. And since it's going to be a long entry, I shall provide the 'missing group photo pic' here too for your convenience. To those involved, go ahead and save it baaaaaaa......

Whoa. Suddenly I'm feeling overwhelmed. I feel like I have 3 million photos to upload. So I shall firstly begin with one that shows my current mood best:

Ladies and Gentlemen, over the course of the next few days, I'm going to be super stressed up with work, the fast-as-speeding-bullet-approaching company D&D, and most importantly, my school project deadlines are going to crash into me really soon.

In short, DON'T ASK ME OUT. Anyway, this allows me to save up cash to buy K800, which, in my opinion, also benefits you viewers as well. Better quality pics. WHO DON'T WANT?

Ok. Jo's bday pics.. Jo's bday pics.. Ahh.. there it is, here goes, though I find it weirdly amusing that we had to all squeeze our heads together to get into the frame. But then again, who cares? We are blardy enjoying ourselves.

Ok. So it was Jo's birthday. Technically it STILL IS Jo's birthday because today is the day itself.

We absolutely have to start off with a pic of the birthday girl:

Next up would be the co-planners for the day:

And now the committee photo...

Yes. Everyone's face was red already. They're all healthy blood-circulating people!!!

Many people attended Jo's birthday that day. Okay, this photo has no particular significance. Okay, there is significance. The only significance is that I WAS THE ONE WHO TOOK THIS PHOTO. It was a candid, obviously, and everyone was paying SO MUCH attention to Tee Hong who was talking about seeing the newly-imported dinosaurs at the Singapore Zoo.

Yea. I was just testing your attention-span.

From the looks of things, Lex seems to be the only one who is not buying his story.

For any party to be a success, there usually has to be.. what else.. GIRLS. Hahaha!!!

Fang & Xinni

Manda, Fang and Xinni

Jo, Manda, Fang, Xinni and not me

We really really flirted around with the camera that day. It all started because the beer tasted exceptionally fine, and the mug was exactly the correct height for us to balance the camera on it.

So we had photos that were taken.. with the super bright and blinding camera flash

Taken unprepared......

Under red lighting...

Under blue lighting...

With the special smokey effect... (by pure luck! No camera tricks involved.)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:51 am

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Another one

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another group of very happy-looking people...

PS: The above photo will automatically appear itself once the Blogbot decides to stop throwing tantrum and blardy hell publish my photo.

That aside, we went Secret Garden to have a early dinner there and the place was pretty nice. Food was decent and can be considered to be reasonably priced. But the drinks are a killer.

Worse was, we went to this pub after that, I don't want to state which one for fear of being 'traced'. We requested for a birthday song for Jo. The band then called her up to ask her to sing to everyone and she, on the verge of sleep, refused to go up. I absolutely understood why. It was utterly embarrassing. There were SO MANY people there that night.

Then the band decided to give her a drink on the house; as a warm-up before going up the stage. Within minutes, the drink was finished, and all of us had disappeared. We practically grabbed our bags and ran out of the place.

Believe me, I am STILL trying to upload the group pic. To no avail, so alright, I'm going to bed.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:14 am

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Point Form

Monday, September 04, 2006

Thanks to busy office work as well as our company's upcoming D&D (of which I suay suay happen to be a part of), I was busy sending out letters today and folded so many pieces of paper that when I hold things now, my hand shivers slightly.

Also, earlier today, or was it yesterday, my mother just SEVERELY INSULTED ME by saying I have one of the world's most boring blogs. I think she hinted it has something to do with me not opening up.

Like, hello? My whole world (which comprises of all of you), is reading this. If I were going to say my true heartfelt ideologies, I think most of you would puke blood.

As I am having abit of flu now again due to lack of sleep, I shall type in point form.

1) Dad's birthday photos are up. But the owner of this blog is not up to it to blog about it. Yet. Soon. Cos dad himself is complaining why I did not say anything about his birthday.

2) Photos from Jo's birthday and Lex's unofficial farewell is on the way. Literally, because Lex is sending it to me right NOW through MSN. We all love MSN.

3) I was very amused at work today when my boss was like so excited when he saw me using MSN. You know how the way when someone messages you, their screen would blink in orange?

The way he had reacted was as if my computer had virus or something, he just pointed at it and kept saying "Omg! what's that!? What's that!?"

4) I seriously do not understand why my handphone's memory card can always MYSTERIOUSLY disappear and MIRACULOUSLY appear again.

5) Damn, my connection is still so half-past-six. The photos are blardy taking a long time.

6) Since I am still alert, I have decided to upload photos from Dad's birthday. YAY!

... On second thoughts, I won't. I'd just throw in a group photo for effect.

Dear all who went to the party and reads my blog, you can click HERE for the photos taken at Dad and Uncle Lawrence's birthday party because I'm like 9999999% sure my blur mum would have forgotten to email all of you the URL.

A group of happy-looking people!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:45 pm

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

No wonder SOMEONE at office kept calling me that.

Check out the date for that blog post man. I wrote it ages ago but just forgot to publish it.

So today is the birthday celebration of Joanna, as well as an early farewell for Lex who is going to the army soon. And I don't know if I'd be able to blog about it because I haven't even talked anything about my Dad's birthday party (Yang Yang came too. Please tell me all of you still remember who that cute little baby is).

So anyway, just to let you all know that I'm still alive and doing great. Xiang, I hope you are too, ok?

Now I shall proceed to nag Mum for photos :)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:14 am

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I hate those blogs..

Friday, September 01, 2006

where the blogger frequently complains about how tired he/she is.

But then.. I really AM VERY TIRED. So tired that I wanted to fall asleep in the meeting just now by pretending to rub my eyes (so that both eyes can close) naturally.

That was till I suddenly got slapped by my colleague sitting beside me. Whoa. That really woke me up. I jolted up and heard her whisper "Sleeping ar!?"

Rhetorical question.

I went toilet to wash my face after that.

On a lighter note, let me present to all of you evidence that Crocs is probably one of the safest protective shoes that exists to date, other than Phua Chu Kang's yellow boots.

No pain AT ALL!

I'm watching some ads for Tokyo Drift on Youtube, and suddenly got reminded that I have a late appeal to make, courtesy of Jav, future potential director.

He mentioned to me that America has Fast & Furious, Japan has their Initial D, but Singapore has yet to have their own car-related big stuff other than the 'Place your hand on car, get blisters, and, if lucky and stubborn enough, a Subaru Impreza'.

As such, he would like to film a movie, entitled something along the lines of car racing, with the race being "How Many Red Lights Can You Cross Before You Get Stuck."

I think it's a pretty good idea, so I'm backing him up by offering to be the one who buys lunch during break times.

Unfortunately, we're still looking for actors and actresses. All with/without cars may apply, but please ensure that you have a driving license and a accident-free record in case of road blocks.

Whoa, talk about road blocks.. *shakes her head*.. forget it. Let's not talk about road blocks.

Then again, this reminds me of Tokyo Drift. I haven't caught the show yet. I don't think I would have the time though, but I kinda like the song in the movie. Thanks to Youtube once again, you can hear it here:

It's my ringtone now. Unfortunately I'm not the only one at office to like it, so whenever this song plays, you will see a couple of crazy people scrambling about for their phones. That's the prob when everyone has the same ringtone.

I think I still like Initial D best. Who can resist a AE86? SO BLARDY CUTE!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:00 am

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