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Short Note

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Just a short note before I cheong down for breakfast and off to work...

I severely screwed up yesterday's mid-sem test.

Ha. Ha. Not surprising, because it was one of those computer-related subjects and as long as it's not typing, I definitely will not do well at it.

That aside, yesterday Jo was sitting beside me for the paper. Not directly beside but one empty seat away.

And she was scribbling away, writing so loudly. The exam booklet we wrote on was quite thin, and so her pen was like hitting quite loudly against the table (and I thought I WAS THE ONE who wrote quite violently).

At the beginning I thought she was purposely tapping away on the table to get my attention, so I shifted my eyes on her and realised she was writing.

But then it happened so many times. TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP! Lol!

Honestly, the first time I heard it and thought she was calling me, I was quite worried because I thought she wanted to cheat or something. HAHAHA!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:52 am

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

to Dad and to Val. Holy, suddenly it dawned on me how close their birthdays actually are.

But, then again, since my always-accurate predictions is that Val won't be celebrating alone even though she's at Aus, I guess I'd talk more about Dad today.

Well, not exactly today today, but somewhere in the near future, today, because I am really absolutely TOO TIRED to do anything, and I also just found out that I have a blardy frigging class test tomorrow (almost typed blood test. What the hell..)

That is as good as winning the lottery, which my Dad did. Today. Some people have ALL THE LUCK. Not alot of cash, but good enough to make his new laptop MUCH cheaper then it originally costed.

Yup. It was a laptop that he bought himself as a birthday present, and somehow, the 4D winning number belonged to a certain serial number on that laptop.

Let me repeat again. SOME PEOPLE HAVE ALL THE LUCK.

Well, then again, I didn't win because I did not buy. As such, I shall continue to provide myself with this loser excuse and continue NOT to buy lottery. Or was it 4D? Ya. I think it is 4D.

So, as I had repeated plenty of times, I am so blardy tired.

Please give me a break and I promise to one-shot upload a VERY LONG BLOG ENTRY in the near future (my dad's frens who came over to celebrate just now also mentioned how naggy some of my blog entries can get).

Well, here's to tell you one thing most of you don't know. My smelly pillow in the above photo got up and ran off when the maid said it was time to go for walkies.

You know, it wasn't very enjoyable to have your head suddenly slip and whack the marble floor.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:09 pm

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Jing The Second

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Okay. If this satisfies your curiousity, this is the video quality of a K800i, on YouTube. Let's hope it's not like the stupid K750's jit-teh-jit-teh aka one piece one piece in Hokkien ... type of quality.

I have a good mind to call her Tweety.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:23 pm

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3 Words

Damn. Frigging. Tired.

Wa Biang eh.. Will blog more. I still can't wait to change my phone to upload more videos. Grrr..

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:19 am

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I Lost.....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My frigging favourite earrings..


Stupid thing was, I should have had the BRAINS to know it would get lost because one side of the earring was so heavy it would SO DEFINITELY drop out (which it did MANY times).

So.. Now.. I'm only left with one side..


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:46 pm

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My Sincere Apologies

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sorry peepz. I didn't know the video quality sucked that much. It wasn't like this before uploading. I'm sure my Nokia wasn't like that. Maybe it just applies to Sony Ericsson phones.

Hmm.. this means I must consider getting N73 liao, regardless of WHOEVER IN THE OFFICE IS ALSO AIMING TO GET IT.

You know, sometimes I get really sick and tired of the computer keyboard. At work I use it like almost non-stop. And at home too. For projects and for chat.

However, I haven't accomplished one dream of mine. That is, to type SO MUCH and use this current keyboard SO MUCH that ALL the alphabets wear off.

That would be awfully cool.

Actually, I'm halfway there already.

Reminds me of one of Justin Timberlake's song called Gone. I don't know if that was the title. Whoa.. I kinda miss that song actually.

Talk about accomplishing stuff, I accomplished one small little bitsy wish of mine. To drive an Integra. Ok, I admit, it used to be to OWN one. But as I grew older and I became more realistic, I decided having test drive at least ONCE would give me enough satisfaction that I would be able to die happy.

Not a very auspicious thing to say during the 7th month but oh well, I'm sure you all know what I meant. That was the good part about it. The bad part about it was.. I did not dare to go above gear 2. HAHAHAHAH..

Well, haven't been driving a manual since the day I took my blardy driving test, it was so challenging that I really had clammy palms and all. It did not help that I took off my shoes but still had socks on and it felt pretty weird to step on the pedals.

Anyway, I shall upgrade my wish since we can only upgrade and not downgrade.

My next wish, is to drive a...

WHITE.. Integra. HAHAHA..

WOOOOOOT! Sexiest Object alive!! Wait. It's not even alive! Whatever! Even then, it's only a toy model but I just can't resist posting it up because of the gold rims.

And after that gets accomplished, I would upgrade the wish to be..

ANOTHER White Integra..


All this, AND MORE..

....in my dreams...

Damnit. I'm just abit overstressed with school. Ignore me. Really.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:54 pm

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Because no matter how fast I type, it can never match up to the speed of which I talk, so, I have decided that in future, more and more blog entries would be done in video format.

It's more fun anyway, though at this point it still feels kinda weird talking to a non-responsive thing.

A million thanks once again to the kind and generous people at YouTube for making all of this possible. Sigh.. the wonders of technology!!!!

Anyway, video was taken while we were stuck at the Suntec carpark after we had caught the fireworks display by the French Team (I think I just found out from a colleague that the fireworks were fully sponsored by Singapore. Earlier on I thought it was the $$ of the foreign teams that paid for the explosives!!!) OUR TAX MONEY IS BEING BLOWN UP! No wonder so many people were shouting during the display.

Yes. I am also equally irritated by the bright lights coming from the car behind us, and also, you don't really have to remind me about how 'WONDERFUL' my hair looked. Anyone could look like this when you have climbed AROUND (in out, on under) Benjamin Sheares bridge.

PS: Val, don't take the comments to heart lah. We were all just fooling around :D

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:23 am

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My Job

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Once upon a time, Sa Zek and Sa Sim (Josh's parents) was asking me where I am working right now.

Because it wasn't a very well-known road, I just cut short and told them "Mazda show-room there".

I thought they understood that what I meant was I was working in THAT area and not AT the showroom itself. Apparently they misunderstood.

Their next question was "So how do you find work?"

"Oh. VERY interesting. I know so much more about Termites and Cockroaches then I can ever imagine!"

You could see both their jaws drop, you know.

Mum quipped "She's working in a pest control company, not the Mazda showroom!!"

Then they replied "OOOooooooooohhhh" and giggled themselves silly.

Even then, I did not realise that they had misinterpreted what I said about the Mazda showroom, until they said "I thought termite and cockroach was some new Mazda model.."

Well, at least there really WAS a car called Spyder... But it's not by Mazda. HAHA!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:04 pm

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Dear Xiang...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy 20th Birthday!!!!!

Though no longer together. I hope we remain as friends :) You'd always be my best buddy!!

Whoa. You guys didn't really believe that did you?

HAHAHA!!! Anyway, it clearly slipped my mind that today is his birthday until I called him and he asked me if it was his birthday today. The blardy idiot was too lazy to check the calendar, and he was reminded that it was his birthday because someone else SMS-ed him to greet him.

And that someone, who coincidentally is also the FIRST person to wish him happy birthday.. is......

....a guy.

Disturbing thought eh? I won't tell you who this guy is or else you evil people will all go and laugh at him (don't bother asking me. Not all of you know him).

Anyway, I have a bunch of very kay poh colleagues who often asked me if I have Xiang's photo cos they are a curious lot.

Finally, I was able to show it to them, the one and only photo of Xiang that I have in my phone (technically speaking, it's my mother's).

I showed it to them also because I was saying how I have a preference for guys abit more to the heavy side. Not VERY heavy but.. just nice kind of heavy; Xiang that kind of heavy.

So.... ladies and gentleman, I dug out my (mother's) phone and whipped out a MEAN photo of Xiang to emphasize my point:

One last video to end it all, video of Xiaobao and Xiang's new lovie, Jing. Unfortunately, she is not as 'Jing' quiet as her name suggests.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:18 pm

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Think Before You Tong

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Feels like years ago. But we (meaning Yanling, Gary and I) were doing project at Peizhen's house one fateful day.

Feeling hungry, we went to this coffeeshop that was strategically located downstairs, to buy our lunch.

Just as we were calling for drinks, we passed by those old machines, you know, where you insert a coin, turn the knob and those plastic ball will drop out with a toy or something inside?

The stupid thing about it was, it HAD TO BE baby Initial D cars inside those plastic balls.


Having just caught the movie a few nights ago, I found myself unable to tear away from the machine.

So I tong a coin. And another. And another.

Of course, I wasn't the only one. Yanling and Peizhen got influenced too and followed suit.

The thing was, THEY GOT THE DOUFU CAR. I didn't. Did I?

Ok, wait. I don't remember anymore.

But I am super duper sure I did not get the doufu car at all :(

Fast forward to the present day. Drove Xiang and my Ah Yi to Serangoon North. When I went to pick Xiang up, he didn't blardy know that Ah Yi was seating behind because of the tinted windows.

So he opened the car door and commented on how good I looked because of the clothes I was wearing (to further faciliate your understanding, it was because I was wearing a Liverpool FC jersey).

And he talked to me in that baby voice that we always use when we talk to babies.

Immediately, I put out my palm to stop him from continuing, and then pointed to the back and said "My Ah Yi is here!"

"Hello!!!!!" My Ah Yi greeted him in the same baby voiec that Xiang used to talk to me.

It was SO embarrassing, I almost melted into a puddle of water.


It was much more easier to be disciplined when Xiang is there, because only he have the right to take my wallet away from me when I feel that I can't control my spending.

In front of a million watchful eyes, I tong-ed my one and only $1 coin and twisted the knob.

It was an ominous sign because the coin got stuck and I had to dig it out. It flew out and dropped into the plastic bag of timothy grass that I had bought for Miffy.

Xiang helped me to dig out the whole bulky packet of grass and then reach his hands right to the bottom of the plastic bag just to retrieve that precious one and only $1 coin.

He put it in for me and then twisted the knob. The car really dropped out finally.

But guess which car it was.


It was...........

NOT ANY CAR FROM INITIAL D! Well, at least not to my knowledge, but if you happen to be an Initial D know-it-all, please let me know if this car has anything to do with the story/comic. Definitely not the movie, I know.

Xiang's first response was to ask "What car is it?"

I replied: "OMFG. I think it's a frigging Israel police car cos I thought I saw the Star of David on it."

I was wrong of course. It isn't the Star of David as you can see for yourself, but it looked really like one.

Well, to give the car SOME credit, it was pretty easy to .. um.. push the car around because the wheels were really aligned. Who the hell am I trying to console...


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:56 pm

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CIIN stands for Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria.

Wow. I didn't know.

I would also like to do a little update that when it comes to pure Ciin-ish cooking (Christmas dinners are excluded because food is cooked by everyone and not just me), there are only three survivors to date.

Their names are:

Chan Weishan, Joshua Lim and Chen Weixiang.

Let's applaud the survivors.

By the way, I'm looking for some advice again. I have a mug. A HUGE mug for a huge mouth given to me by Janet. She had bought it for me when I was on attachment with TTG, but somehow due to our busy schedule, it was only after my stint with TTG ended that I got the mug so I'm proud to be able to say that YES! I'M USING THAT MUG NOW EVERY WORKING DAY!!

Unfortunately, I sit right under the aircon and it blows dust into the huge mug, so I'm appealing for anyone who knows of a place where they sell cup covers for a mug that is roughly 10cm in diameter.

I actually brought this coaster to work to cover my mug. Apparently, it was stolen, along with this SUPER DUPER CHEAP moisturiser that I left on my table.

I am SO damn pissed. Why would anyone steal that moisturiser.

I'm not kidding when I say it's cheap. Really. It's only $3.90, you know, the Watson's brand kind with lavendar flavour.

Then again, no matter how angry one gets home, somehow you just have to look at Joon and then you become all happy and glad over again.

Maybe it has something to do with her colour? Or the way she twists her head and looks at you when you talk to her as if she's trying really hard to understand you.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:44 am

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Another Shippy Post

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Once in awhile, a relationship hits a bad patch. I call it Shippy problems (very-close-sounding to the word Shitty).

I think I'm going through one of it. Somehow whenever there is an argument, I never feel it's my fault. LOL! Stupid selfish thinking I know.

I think I'm not alone in this one.

But then when one works and studies at the same time, I think what I really need is this really sweet boyfriend who is understanding and forgiving.

Not this maniac who would call me and complain about why I did not call him during my lunch break though we've been together for near to four years and there's no longer that stupid unexplainable need to hear each other's voice that often, and thinks that I already drew my full month's salary to afford to change my phone with him when I've only worked two weeks and got half.

It's time to start asking experienced personnels like Shufang, Janet and Shufang and Janet. And did I also forget to mention Shufang and Janet? ...

Please ladies, start reminding me again why did I get myself into this ship( or shit).

*Would have inserted picture of Chubby's poo here, except I did not take him out to poo today cos he followed Anna*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:06 pm

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