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Good advice (by Xiang)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Xiang: In my opinion, get a lovebird.

Lex: Why so?

Xiang: Um..

Xiang: Err...

Xiang: I don't know how to say leh...


Last night, I didn't sleep. I only slept this morning, at frigging 5.52am.

Because. Of. Sims. (For your info, it was only the Deluxe edition. I think if I had the date pack and everything, I wouldn't even be sleeping at all!)

After sleeping for 4 hours++, I was awoken by Jo's phonecall, and then I woke up and went straight back to playing Sim's.

Which other game allows you to play god like Sims?

I don't let them go toilet pee, they won't go toilet pee (I was wondering if they would actually 'let go' in the swimming pool or sauna etc, but NO, they wouldn't even let go in the bathtub!)

Then there was this pesky stupid neighbour of mine that visited my Sims character (conveniently named Xiang and Ciin). They were a couple too. So the wife was over, and you know what irked me the most?

She stripped! Yes! Stripped! Naked Sims are pixelated, if you know what I mean..

And got into my outdoor jacuzzi tub with Xiang! I mean.. my that Sims character, Xiang!!

*Sirens sounding*

As you would have guessed, my next reaction, was not to use my Ciin character to storm out and slap her, but to call the REAL Xiang on the handphone and reprimand him for being such a cheeky Sims character in the game.

Ok, fine, after that, my neighbour's hubby then used the toilet. After using, he stood there, and I don't know what the hell he was doing, as I was still poor and that was the only toilet in the whole house (I haven't gotten to know about the cheatcode yet).

But, according to the character bars, Ciin's bladder was bursting and she had to go.

When you gotta go.. you GOT to go ...

Unfortunately, Mr Pesky-Male-Neighbour stood there and blocked the way to my toilet bowl and Sim Ciin was screaming and yelling at him but he did not budge.

In the end, Sim Ciin wet her pants, and because her Energy bar already dropped drastically, she ended up sleeping on the toilet floor!!!!!!
(But of course, not before asking Pesky-Male-Neighbour to get out of her house)

And just now, Sim Xiang was cooking in the kitchen when it caught fire all of a sudden, and Sim Ciin went crazy and immediately dialed for the police when she should have called for the fire department.

By the time the ever-efficient-Sim police came over, the fire was already settled by the fire department (because I had placed smoke detectors nearby and they auto-contacted the fire peepz for me), and I got fined by the Sim Police because I had called them down for nothing :(

I have no idea how I could have NOT played Sims (excluding the very first Sim City where you plan towns etc etc).

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:59 pm

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Watson's Allure

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Went out with Jo and Manda just now. Did you know that we spent up to one and a half hour at Watson's?

Everything a girl wants/needs (except for clothings), can be found at Watsons'!

From sanitary pads, to wax strips, to tonic for thinning hair!!!

I think it has so definitely improved itself from that boring old Watson's ten years ago.

We went to Daiso too. Anyone who has been to IMM definitely would have shopped at Daiso (or Giant), otherwise what's the point of going?

I'm suddenly reminded of the day when I was eating at Lucky Plaza's Macdonald's with Jo, Manda and Val.

You know how they love to go crazy at times, so sometimes in the middle of a conversation, they'd suddenly talk really really loud so that those sitting near to us could hear us clearly.

Val's favourite line goes something along the lines of:


Let me stress again that there is nothing wrong with being gay. But you cannot disagree that if you said such a loud sentence in a place like Singapore, kaypohs would still turn their heads to look at you, just to see how the gay looks like.

Having 'felt' several heads turn our way, I was figuring out a way to cover my face with my McSpicy burger.

Jo then rebounded quickly with a:


I didn't really notice what she said after the jail part, actually, because I was busy laughing away behind my burger at Jo's quick response.

Val, having been defeated, decided to turn to her next victim who happen to be innocently seating beside Jo.


Whoa. That one was classic. I think everyone in Macdonald's that day heard us loud and clear. The stuff I was chewing in my mouth flew out and hit the burger that I was hiding behind.

On a totally different note, did you notice the sky was really really nice today?

Yes. They trimmed the trees opposite my house. WHYYYYY!!?? Now the area I walk home has totally no shade anymore, what with the stupid sun shining happily through.. :(

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:59 pm

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Nong Time No Blog!

Monday, May 29, 2006

I can't believe it. I haven't blogged more than two days, and I didn't leave the country either. How could none of you actually notice *Insert sad face here*?

And that Mr. Chen ar.. I thought I asked you to check my tagboard for me and you didn't!

I've been watching ANOTHER new drama lately. Believe me, I am into episode 20+ and STILL don't know the show's title. It has got to do with Su You Peng, handsome dude, pretty Korean girl and many a pretty Chinese girls.

Because of this infatuation with that drama, I've been lacking in both my love and social life, though my family life is thriving because everyone always sees me at home.

More often than not, I watched this drama in the comforts of.. my parents' room of course! Thus, I hardly talk to Xiang on the phone any more because the phone was located behind the TV. Even if I want to talk to him, it's in a very uncomfortable situation. Why?

Because the phone is located right BESIDE my Dad's computer. Nowadays, dad spends more time on his computer than he does with anything else. It all started with his discovery of this game called Free Cell on his laptop back when I was still in primary school.

To sum it all, I mean, you don't expect me to whisper sweet nothings to my bf with my Dad sitting at the side listening to everything right?

I tend to imagine an invisible line drawn between the both of them. I don't know if it was scientifically proven but I feel that .. um.. how should I put this..?

I feel that mothers are always jealous of their son's girlfriends (they think they are no longer the most important woman in their sons' lives), and vice versa for fathers feeling towards their daughters' boyfriends. It's why we often hear how fathers want to 'kill' their daughters' boyfriends.

BUT.. things are worse for the male species because of the whole ego and face business. To make it sound mild, it's jealousy. To make it sound worse, they feel threatened.

Oooo.. touchy subject. I think I'd stop here.

I promise to blog something that makes bloggable sense by end of this week. Or else I'd make it up for photos...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:51 pm

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When it comes to piercings...

Friday, May 26, 2006

I always seem to be ill-fated.

Let's not talk about my loser nose piercings that had closed, one after another, time and time again.

Maybe we should mention the tragus piercing, with the current one being my second-time. I had done it along with three other friends. Val, Mei and Manda.

Till today, all three still had theirs, except Mei, whose job with F&B industry made her choose to close the tragus piercing. But I have to stress that it was voluntary and of her own accord.

I got the second tragus piercing done few weeks ago after the funeral.

Being schooless and unemployed, I had all the time in the world, day in day out, to give it that holy warm salt soaks that all piercing websites talked so much about.

It is pretty messy but it works. No flares, no bumps, though it occasionally turns a little pink if I accidentally pulled at it. But nothing can compare it to what happened just now.

Joon went into one of her I-ATTACK-EVERYTHING-NEAR-ME frenzy and tried to pluck out the jewellery from my tragus.

I can't explain the feeling. It was pain beyond measure, but at least the pain was restricted to only the ear area.

Having been through it, I'm afraid I can't offer advice to anyone else who also had a fresh piercing attacked by their pet bird. All I can say though, is CAREFULLY clean up all the blood.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:22 am

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How LOTR SHOULD have ended..

Thursday, May 25, 2006

It'd probably only make sense to those who watched it before.. but..

If those of you who haven't watched it still saw the video, yes, one of the 9 DID die, and yes, Frodo and Sam had walked all the way. The eagles only bothered to appear at the last part, and that is to fetch the hobbits home. Come to think of it, the little hobbits didn't really have to trek all the way there if the eagles had given them a lift in the first place, not like it's Journey To The West you know...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:11 pm

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Lady Luck Smiling Upon Me..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yup. Lady Luck is smiling at my direction today. Unfortunately, the numbers that I asked mum to buy for 4D did not open, otherwise it would be really a wish-come-true for me when I go right next door to Honda to buy their Integra. Yes. Fat hope! I know! Just wishful thinking, can?

It was Lex's party yester-yesterday. There is a video. It's not very clear but what can you expect from a mobile phone? I used to think that whenever I blog about my friends, it makes it easier for some of you to meet them in person because there is this 'sense of familiarity'. Now, with video, you practically feel you know the victim personally. Um.. did I say victim?

We always have to do silly things when we are out together. But of course, it was near to closing time, so except for the occasional slacking group that passed by, no one really saw us all on this:

The funniest thing was, when we all got on it, there was a burning smell (like burning rubber??) coming from the machine. We girls quickly got off and stood further away from the machine. It was then that some of the guys took the chance and faster hopped on. I wonder if the machine still works. We went to a second one, and this time, thankfully, no burning smell. But Fang knocked her head against the top in her over-eagerness to climb on and join us:

To end this post:

Isn't that one of the most beautiful tick in the world? *Sigh*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:31 pm

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It is an ABSURD TIME..

..to be blogging right now I know, but I JUST CAN'T GET TO SLEEP.

Tomorrow is like a make-it-or-fail-it-day for me. I've already tried going to sleep but ended up tossing and turning in bed for two whole hours.

Dad says I shouldn't stress myself out thinking about it because it's just a fail or pass result, and I don't have to be jailed or punished or anything even if I can't make it.

Mum says .. well she didn't really say anything. Except that everytime I finally found something to occupy myself to stop thinking about tomorrow , she would have to remind me ALL OVER AGAIN by saying things like "Girl.. don't be nervous bla bla bla.."

I knocked down a pole today during parallel parking, the second time throughout all my driving lessons. Never mind that, I had released the clutch too early causing the engine to 'die off' 6x, when in total, combining all previous lessons, it had only happened 3x. My confidence level severely decreased by 500%.

I went home with a face like a deflated balloon and then I heard Ah Gong telling Mum not to give me stress or something. Mum had earlier on offered to be a 'spectator' by waiting for me at the kopitiam outside the driving centre (in which all of her colleagues were against it too, convinced that by doing so it would further stress me).

It's not about the end result I guess. It's about the process. I feel like you're asking me to fly a plane tomorrow.

My mind kept bringing me back to one of the Singapore Idol contestants. Even before she started singing, she was so nervous, she just told the judges straightaway:

"Can you just say no so I can get out?"

I totally understand that rationale.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:26 am

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Joon is BOSS

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:00 am

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We Love Gandalf!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Almost hyperventilated when I saw this little spoof ad for Da Vinci Code.

You can view the video HERE.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:17 pm

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Qn: Why We Love Macdonald's

Ans: I don't know.

Past few times I went out on official business (I won't say what, but all of you will understand in awhile), we had to settle our meals quickly, and it was always at Mac. Or when we have nothing to do, nowhere to go, we go back to Mac.

Those were the days.. when we were still camping at Mac, studying for our O's. Actually, to study at Mac was an excuse. To eat there, and THEN go over to Toa Payoh SAFRA to play pool was the truth.

Mum must NEVER find out or she'd kill me. But still, O's came and went, results came out, and now I'm already a diploma holder. Screw O's *huge smile here*.

But here I am once again, wondering why the hell didn't I even strive to go to a JC instead, because it would only take me two years and an almost guaranteed position in a local Uni. Now, no local Uni would even want to accept me even if I begged at their door.

Just kidding. My results are not that bad, they're just not THAT good.

Following the footsteps of my other sisters who had already put up photos, I decided to do the same and place my own commentary on it.

Talking about official duty, the other day when I was at the pasar malam, Manda actualyl discovered they sell the small keychain version of the Mr. Bean bear, Teddy. It was so cute! And was the kind of 'stretchable nylon' material with those styrofoam beads inside. We both just had to get it.

Unfortunately upon reaching Val's place after that, a gentle tug and my stupid Mr. Bean teddy's top part came off. So much for being $2 for it. I had to sew it back and believe me, it wasn't something I was very good at. Still, the repaired bear was in a good enough condition to be used, so I hung it on my phone.

There you go, baby teddy!!!:

From Left: Me, Mei, Fang, Manda

There is one more photo that I would like to show everybody, because after you see this, I don't think you can ever find another more disgusting photo of me, even with nerdy glasses and fake hair.

LOL! I am so self-entertained by the photo! Maybe I would put it at the top of my blog page one day!

I always felt I look weird in photos. The only photos that I rather like are the ones where my face is like so blurred you can almost NOT recognise me.

As you may have predicted already, Val, Manda, Jo and I went to Mac too. And this is our set of photos from the visit:

Jo passes some of her intense knowledge regarding fortune-telling (palmistry)

Yes, both were so engrossed they did not notice me taking pics AGAIN

I had to stop them midway and say to them: Hello! Look here! Take photo!.. it was then that they finally stopped. But, they were still being super uncooperative. It is getting harder and harder to take a decent photo of your friends these days.

Jo does a Joon impersonation

Now to show you how really uncooperative they are...

While Manda was not noticing....

I seriously wanted to take a close-up sweet picture of them, but they had to, AGAIN..

Well, not like Val and I were very cooperative. Supposed to imitate what Jo did to Manda, but with the proliferation of different diseases these days, I played safe and used one of the caps from my green tea drink to do it.

It's pretty obvious from my face what an UNWILLING party I am"

Then there were two phonecalls. Xiang called me, while Val's worst enemy called her (actually it's her bro, that STILL looks like Mr. Ho.. no wonder the two can't get along).

To end today's post, I would like all girls/guys who goes out with Val to be careful with their VERY PERSONAL belongings, she is perverse beyond all reason.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:59 pm

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Mark Several

Sunday, May 21, 2006

First and foremost, a HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY to my best sista in TP: Janet!!!!!

Feels like it was just yesterday when both of us wore the same tank to school, LOL!

And now, to all who owns a SE phone: When you want to mark several photos to upload, make sure your I-Want-to-Delete-Everything mode is NOT on. I was marking several photos for upload when I saw a super ugly candid shot and decided to delete it.

Not only did I NOT delete that ugly shot, I ended up deleting the photos of everything I had 'marked' earlier on, photos taken at the restaurant and Mandai and several secret shots of Ah Gong smoking (different cigarette each photo, any idea how tough that was to capture SECRETLY?).

PISSED. Anyway, earlier on I had a blog post that was done but I forgot to publish it, so scroll down and enjoy the next post instead.

*Bangs table in frustration*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:10 am

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Manda owes me, Jo, Val, Fang, Mei and etc etc a heck lot of photos. We shall eagerly await her uploading of it (and commentary as well).

I haven't got much to upload though, because most photos taken the days we were out were using Manda's camera. Seems like when it comes to auto-focusing, clarity and lighting effects, digicams still are waaay ahead of handphone cameras. I've been living in denial for a long time *bashes up her stupid pathetic 2megapix phone*.

Anyway, I've got some photos that were taken rather recently, of the animals of course. People and animals, is that the only thing I can write about?

Okay, maybe I should include some weird thoughts of mine before I start showing you the photos. At this point in time, impatient readers are ALREADY scrolling down. That's SO rude lor!

Ah Gong said to me today that Ah Ma is listening to some deity or god, who is assigning her her responsibilities and job duties in the netherworlds.

"Not only you have a job when you are alive, you also got things to do after death" he imparted this knowledge to me this afternoon while I was waiting for lazy Jo to get out of her house all the way at Woodlands.

I kinda believe in reincarnation, though I severely dread going through life again and again. Imagine having to take PSLEs, O's and everything ALL OVER AGAIN *shudders*.

But what if in your previous life, after you died, you were assigned to be one of the servants of certain, let's say, deity or something?

And then you were in charge of keeping.. um.. the financial records of the deity you are serving. And then halfway through it is your turn to get reincarnated and there you go, being reborn and forgetting everything.

However, just when you are celebrating your 21st birthday, deity happen to want to ask you regarding his/her accounts that has some extra or missing cash, and then 'calls' you up, the only way, of course, is to make you die so that deity can ask you in the Netherworld where on earth did his/her $100 dollar note disappear to.

That, has got to suck. Maybe that's why some people die young.

Hokkien has one word to summarise this entire incident: Suay.

Ok. Please ignore mindless ideologies of mine and proceed on to photos.

Chubby used to be the most cutest gentlest of the lot (if you judge by LOOKS ALONE). He likes to sit with his paws really close to each other, side by side, and then put his head on the floor. It was a cute sight. But one day after feeding him bread, I realised he was sitting with paws apart that look even more cuter like as if he's demanding for more food.

Took a pic of it, and there you go:

Next. Everyone wants to know what colour is Xiao Bao. Xiang says it's blue. Jo says it's purple. I say it's like a leaking blue-point pen colour. But in the photo I took.. Xiao Bao apparently had green 'waves' in his feather too!

Absolutely CUTE!

Not dead. Just sleeping.

This also means that we are STILL unable to pinpoint what colour the bird is.

Next. Move on to our current star, Joon.

Who doesn't love Joon? (Exclude those who had been attacked before, namely, every single family member who tried to touch her)

She's cute and fluffed up. Here's a pic of her balancing on one leg.

Hitching a ride......

Playing dead....

(Yea right. Play dead my foot. She punctured my skin beside my thumbnail right after pic was taken.)

And doing stunts for NKF....

But one thing we all don't like about Joon: When she runs towards you immediately after bathing...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:43 am

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When I have NOTHING to talk about

Friday, May 19, 2006

I usually at least upload a video for all of you to view. This video was personally taken and I'm extremely glad that youtube's new player seem to have corrected the problem of Sony Ericsson videos that plays in.. um.. 'patches'.

To my amazement, some of you have NEVER seen how birds bathe (time to subscribe to National Geographic, or best, get a LIVE specimen ;), so I have included the video below of everyone's FAVOURITE Lovebird, Joon!!!

Well, for now it's everyone's favourite, but I think when Xiao Bao grows up he will overtake her. Yes, gut feeling says Xiao Bao is a dude.

May I present to you, in Jo's words "boring video of Joon". Perhaps she prefers to see one where Joon is attacking someone.

Trick to seeing your pet bird bathe is once she finishes, she would definitely proceed towards you to perch on your shoulder proudly and groom/dry herself.

You need to get the hell away from her (as I did after the video) unless you don't mind getting your shirt and hair wet, or standing in the sun for a few minutes to let her sundry herself.. because a wet bird.. smells like a wet dog...

Trust me.

After taking it, I went to shower because the stupid bird managed to fly towards me and, after drying herself, proceed to dry my hair as well (by curling it into little Nike ticks). I placed her on the table with all her softoys and then went to the toilet.

*plays dangers stalker music*

I heard the sound of wings flapping but ignored it because sometimes birds flap their wings but don't really fly; they're just doing some nice stretching.

I got into the shower and the next thing I know, I heard a TWEEEEET! next to me and Joon was at my eye-level hanging on the shower-curtain with the body posture that shows she is aiming my shoulder to leap onto me.

I gave a mild scream and she flew towards me but landed on the floor of the bathtub instead, and once again, got superbly drenched with her second bath.

I've never bathed her using the showerhead because I believe to a lovie, it's a very traumatic experience, which it turned out to be true for Joon, for she was in some kind of shock for almost half an hour after that.

I picked her off the floor and threw her onto my towel hanging on the wall and there she stayed the whole time.

Tell you a little secret. Joon gets very irritated when I kiss her and she would attempt to bite me back all the time when I do that, but that wet like drowned rat Joon was like standing on the towel, motionless, with huge eyes that were blinking periodically to tell me she's still alive. I kept kissing her to test her reaction but there were none. I used my hands to cover her to keep her warmer (as if it's not hot enough in tropical Singapore). If anything, she would only use her beak to rub against my cheek.

She sobered up when she saw Chubby walking into the room, hopped off my shoulder and proceeded her feeble attempt to peck the dog's eyeballs out.

Never EVER use showerheads on lovies. Unless you have a Chubby.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:34 pm

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I Now Know

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How IRRITATING it is to go offline in MSN without saying some sort of farewell/goodbye to your friends.

Only to my closer friends to I say 'gtg, bye, nitez'. Never more.

But just now Mr. CK just go off like that when we are still talking about attending the graduation ceremony that I am SO SUPER DUPER ... never mind.

Today I promised photos right? Then photos you shall have.

We fooled around alot on the MRT train. It was quite embarassing. So, if you happen to be a blog passer-by and was on the train with a group of very noisy girls last night, it is NOT US. :)

Well, maybe it's Val, but it's not US. :)

Towards the last stop, which is Punggol, Manda was acting like a spoilt brat, refusing to be in the photos, so she ended up as camera woman instead. However, I have an excellent shot where we could see everyone, including her (in the background).

There. Neat isn't it?

Alighting at Riveria (tell me if I spelt the name wrongly), we stood around at the platform. "YOU SAID there is a pasar malam going on!" I screamed, because earlier on we were indecisive about whether we should go to a prata shop to rot, or go all the way to Punggol for a pasar malam. I'm quite glad we went to Val's place in the end because how often do we go to Val's place? Even as we walked to her place, I couldn't help singing Christmas songs because we only always went to her house during Christmas.

We took a lift down to the ground level from the LRT, and when we were in the lift, random fly landed on Fang's shoulder. Helpful Val shouted out aloud "FANG! FLY!"

Now, all you need to do, is to just wave your hands around the place and chase the fly away right?

Nooooo. Val had to kill it or she's not called Val. While poor innocent little fly landed on Fang's shoulder, minding its own business, Val whacked it, and the fly died on the spot (duh!), flattened against Fang's shirt. Val then tried to gently sweep it off and blow it off but the dead fly was also deadstuck to Fang's shirt, causing Fang so much distress.

When we reached the ground floor, there were no shoutings, crowds, or loud music; typical characteristics of a Singapore pasar malam. When we finally found it, it was quite a quiet affair, but surprisingly there were quite alot of people there (considering that it is one end of the world at Punggol).

Anyway, after shopping at pasar malam, we bought durains to eat. Since it was a messy affair, we decided to eat it at Val's place, something in which my mum would kill me if she found out I did so as yesterday was only the 48th day!!!

There was only one day left and I had to break the rule, but lao da jie was saying things like she's a Christian and that her family's thinking wasn't really into those pantang things. So, ok, I got my ass there.

As I said last night, and I shall say it again, all you have to do is to place a pasar malam at her neighbourhood and it can make Val forgot where she stay. Val actually led us to THE WRONG BLOCK!


Next, we ate the durains we bought at the pasar malam, and Val's brother, whose name I forgot but still creepily resembles Mr. Ho ALOT, helped us take this picture:

And then, VAL AGAIN, squashed me to the corner by pressuring down my legs, so I thought for revenge, I would hold a durain seed that I had just finished, above her, kinda like baiting for fish.

Who knows, after this photo was taken, the slimey slippery covered-with-saliva durain seed slipped from my hand and landed on Val's shirt. I was laughing until I cried, because Val thought it was Manda who threw the seed at her when it was actually me (and for safety reasons, before the truth was uncovered, I was already trying to squeeze behind the sofa that you can see in the photo).

When it was time to go home, VAL AGAIN, thought it was pretty interesting to lock us inside her house. What she did not realise was that she was just simply locking herself out of her own home! But we gamely posed for the camera anyway. Weirdly, although all of us were smiling for the camera, most of our faces ended up being covered by the silly bars of the gate.

And lastly, to the ladies and gentleman who have recommended the show Wo De Ming Zi Shi Jing San Shun, I am watching it right now, due to all of your heavy promotions um... I mean recommendations. I've only just finished the first episode so far, but it's proving to be a very good potential show that I would, in turn, recommend non-stop to everyone else :)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:31 pm

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So there was an outing today..

And I had only JUST complained yesterday about the lack of photographed outings!!

Went to exchange the monster Pebbles this morning. When the shop owner was putting it back into the cage with its other siblings, it bit her so hard that even she complained.

We had to top $10 in order to change the bird, of which I find it rather ridiculous but what can I do? I don't mind paying $10 more for a MUCH tamer lovebird for Xiang (or so I thought).

The one we chose was much tamer, so tame, that it was exactly like Bubbles. And Bubbles, as we all had suspected, was sick. Whatever position you put her in, whether it's lying on her right side, left side or just carrying her in your hand, she would just lie down there and stare at you with those huge eyes. Yes. She has HUGE eyes.

I unofficially named her Xiao Bao, after Tangyu Xiaobao in that ChU show. Of course, there were also a few other dramas, acted by Jordan Chan I think, that featured a very smart and quick-witted character called Xiao Bao. I just felt that Xiao Bao is a guy, but anyway it is a rather unisex name.

Tomorrow is the 49th day and we are gonna have some major prayers going on from as early as 8am in the morning. Whoa, that means my relativesfrom staying at the West side have to make their way here REALLY early!

But anyway, here's some (not-very-presentable) photos from today:

We look away....

And away....

AND away....

and away....


More coming up tomorrow later in the day!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:58 am

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So far 2006

Monday, May 15, 2006

The best decision I made in my entire 2006 so far are:

1) Buy Joon

2) Buy watergun to tame Joon

3) Partner Jo to go 'school-hunting' because we both are officially accepted by Uni of Western Australia YAYYYY!!!!!!!

I am in need of an outing to talk about, write about, and share with all on my blog for NEXT WEEK. So, if you guys have an upcoming outing that needs 'coverage' in some ways, please let me know.

After Bubbles' death, walking past an empty cage proved to be so heartbreaking for Good Jerk. Thus, Good Jerk's mum, Good Mum, offered to sponsor him with $ for another bird.

I TOLD YOU Bubbles was sick all the time and no one believed me (except my mum). Dad even kept commenting how guai Bubbles is and how you can leave her in a open container and she wouldn't even get out (of course she wouldn't! She's horribly weak and sick).

Anyway, we got a bird today from XXX bird shop and it was a disaster that we only realised after we got home and took Pebbles (as we have named) out of the transportation container.

Xiang has this awful phobia. He never wants to be the first person to handle anything, living or dead. Even when we were playing Fatal Frame 2, he refused to play the game first and let me do it. I'm not trying to say I'm more gutsy or whatever, because halfway through the game, I got so freaked out by the ghost chasing after me that I switched off the entire electricity plug and wanted to cry my eyes out already.

I know I'm a wimp. You don't have to remind me.

Anyway, Pebbles is a Black Mask Lovebird. I am certain that part of the reason Xiang got it is due to its likeness to Bubbles. Talk about replacing the old one, he got an exact replica instead, except that Pebbles has a more blackish face like Justice Bao.

Pebbles, Bubbles, Pebbles, Bubbles, doesn't it sound so confusing to you? We should have called it a more out of this world name like Cheriboo or something.

Pebbles has no available photo yet because she is totally wild and tries to fly away whenever she can, which upsets Good Jerk alot. As such, little bird is at Gambir now for a boot cammp to go through taming lessons held by the magnanimous and everpatient CiiN.

However, as CiiN had two fingers almost severed off by Pebbles, she has kept a distance from the little one who was also capable of piercing its beak through the gloves that CiiN wore. NO JOKE!

I am still thinking whether or not I should upload the video of Joon imitating my knocking sound because there was a little stupid part that I said "Oh my gawd!" that I found extremely embarrassing.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:18 pm

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Death of...

Sunday, May 14, 2006


To some of you, Bubbles is the blonde one dressed in blue, in the Powerpuff Girls.

To us, Bubbles is, well, Bubbles, the Green Fischer lovebird, who died just now, seemingly from respiratory problems the way Chupie had left Sasa.

Maybe it went to join Ah Ma already, helping her pick out 4D numbers that she can buy from Heaven Pools.

Ironically, today is also the day where I realised Joon's talent of imitating sounds.

I'd upload the video tomorrow because I happened to record it down.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:17 pm

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I Hate it

...whenever I wake up really late, like today, because I would have wasted all the glorious wonderful sun-filled day lying in my bed.

Needless to say, when I realised that I woke up at 3pm, I was so ultra disgusted with myself.

I wake up three times every day actually. The first was 6am++ in the morning, when Chubby wants to go out of the room to pee (and I had to open my room door for him).

The second would be 8++am in the morning when Chubby wants to come back into the room to continue sleeping after sharing a hearty breakfast with Ah Gong.

The third time, of course, would be the time I REALLY wake up.

Ok, so I saw Xiang yesterday, finally, for the first time since I pierced my tragus again last saturday.

The first time I did it, it lasted less than even a day before the piercing bled so much I had to take out the stud and used tissue to pressure onto the poor pathetic tragus in order to make it stop bleeding. It was disgusting and bled 10000000x more than all my three nose piercings together. In fact, the 3 nose piercings I did did not even equate up to a single drop of blood.

The first time I pierced. Moreover, pic was taken only after the bleeding had stopped

Recalling that bloody event, I was still disgusted by all the blood. Here's a link TO THE OLD POST in case some of you (especially Val and Manda I'm sure) would like to blissfully recall the event and laugh at my stupid desire for piercings and my uncooperative sensitive skin.

Anyway, before the bleeding incident, Xiang and I had abit of quarrel. He hadn't like tragus piercing because he felt that area was part of the face, and if an infection were to occur, and since the person who was pierced is me, so it is BOUND to occur, then it's like part of my face would rot or something.

ON AND ON he went about it. To get away from him, I decided to take a bath and locked myself in the toilet for an absurd one hour. Came out, and he STILL CONTINUED NAGGING. Can you believe the guy, sometimes?

I still think he nagged so much that it caused my ear to bleed.

So, when I was 'possessed' with that craving to pierce on Saturday while being out with Manda, I just went ahead with it although I knew Xiang would make a big fuss. Actually, Manda was supposed to pierce her lobes since her second one had closed, but by the time we walked out of the shop, she had clearly FORGOTTEN about it having fallen in love with and then purchasing a shell necklace, and I ended up going home with a new piercing.

When I asked her later on "Wait a minute. Aren't YOU supposed to be the one that is suppose to get a piercing?" She's like "Oh ya hor...! I forgot all about it!"


Xiang came over on Friday, 6 days later, and he went straight to playing Diablo while I was watching my favourite Bao Lian Deng show on TV. I waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally, I threw my hands in the air in exasperation, and then walked to him.

"Pup!" I called him. He turned away from the computer screen and looked at me in a I-am-blur-and-obsessed-with-D2 way, and replied innocently "What?" as if I had just interrupted him from doing the most important thing in the world.

"You saw my piercing, right?" I asked.

Guess his reply. Oh no, he didn't say anything. For a split second, I thought he was so mad with me which was why he kept quiet and played D2 the whole time.

Seconds ticked by and I finally realised he was staring at my nose to see if I had actually gotten it pierced again.

Do you guys honestly think that I would pierce my for the FOURTH TIME?

Once bitten, twice shy, third stubborn, fourth is waaay too much money to spare.

Finally he moved his hands to move my hair away from my ear to look at it. I pushed his hands away. "Tragus! I did my tragus again!" I shrieked at him. Evidently, I was the only one who was getting mad during that time.

"You go and do it again ar?"

It was not a question. It was a statement. And he resumed playing his game. Sometimes, I don't know if I should thank the game company, Blizzard for creating D2. It was left at that and we never talked about my tragus again after that.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:50 am

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Happy Vesak Day!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Enjoying your holidays? I know you all are!

So was I, having woke up at 6pm in the morning and jetting all around Singapore to the different temples. Well, for once, this year, I did not bathe the Buddha statues.

If Buddha was susceptible to physical changes in body, I think He must be having wrinkled skin by now after all the water that devotees has bathed Him in.

Add to that, the rainy weather today. Whoa! Drenched like a... Okay, it doesn't feel very comfortable describing Him as 'drenched like a drowned rat'.

When we went to Tai Pei Yun, the temple where Lao Ma's ashes and tablet was, it was super crowded, as usual. Worse of all, Dad almost knocked this old lady down (along with her two friends walking right behind her) because all 3 were so busy talking that they didn't even see the car.

It was quite lucky he had his feet on the brake all along because they suddenly appeared from behind another car and we came to a screeching halt.

Finally, we gave up looking for a parking space and were actually on our way out of the road when we finally found a precious miserable space at the corner (located strategically in front of a rubbish dump) that we could parallel park in.

The space, was already miserable enough already. Just when Dad finally got the butt of the car into the space and was steering the front part into the lot, another old lady stood right there, preventing him from even moving the car.

"Oei!" Dad shouted. Of course the lady hadn't heard it because we were inside the car. I was laughing like crazy already while Mum said "She's testing your driving skills." It was quite a test of our patience.

In honestly, the lady standing there super reminded me of those parking poles that we use while learning how to drive.

I remembered the very first time in my life I was doing Reverse parking at this carpark not in the (ridiculouly-priced) circuit.

As I was reversing and naggy instructor was telling me what to do or see and how much to steer, he asked me if I can see the pole.

"... No." I replied hesitantly.

"Har? No!?" He said, in an incredulous tone, and then he checked the mirrors. Pole was not visible. He turned his head to look. Finally, he got out of the car.

"No wonder.." he muttered and went to pick up the fallen pole (and I haven't even knocked it down yet because the car was like 10metres away from it).

Since it's a holiday, I'd upload TWO videos, really good ones too, about Hard Gay trying to convince giant toy company TOMY, create a toy version of himself.

Part 1

Part 2: I wonder if guy who took HG to director's house had gotten himself into deep trouble after the whole incident.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:52 pm

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

To all working at Ubi. On the 24th later this month, please avoid going for early lunch. Please also ensure that you leave office at promptly 12.30pm and NOT earlier, for there is an unconfident, reckless, slow-moving-almost-crawling, road-hogger L-plate driver taking her test that day.

Warning shall be repeated nearer to the abovementioned date.

Alot of people I know are all telling me that they are SO going to catch Mission Impossible III. Or is it II?

(Ok I think it's three right? Since I vaguely recall Limp Bizkit had a part to play in the theme song of MI2)

Oh goodness, the hermit in me is so taking over. I am so out of touch with this world already.

But I definitely know Mission Impossible I.

In fact, I can re-enact one of its famous scene where Tom Cruise hangs down on the wire from the ceiling. Give me a minute or two to decide my cast...

*hours later*

For added effect to better the scene they had in MI1, I would even provide a victim.

*Imagine the Mission Impossible song playing*

Haven't quite figured out why Joon ALWAYS aims Chubby when it comes to bullying. She generally leaves Didi alone but when Chubby just walks into the room, she gets all excited, gets off my shoulders and slowly climbs down to my trousers, clinging on there and aiming to fly to Chubby once he comes close enough.

Just the other day, Joon flew towards Chubby and hung onto the poor dog's ear like a rock-climber. Chubby panicked and swerved his head around, banging his head directly into one of the bed stand with a loud PAK sound.

I thought I saw stars swirling above his head.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:10 am

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Bao Lian Deng

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What on earth.. I don't know if any of you can read the Chinese text in the earlier post, but I'd just leave it there in case one in about hundred of you can actually see it (I could view it from my own computer but my mother's apparently showed me a list of jumbled up weirdo characters).

So today I want to talk about the weekday 7pm show on Ch8, a collaboration between MediaCorp and CCTV.

I am now finally convinced that Chen Xiang, that little boy in the show, IS the xiao he shang from the Royal Monk filmed ten thousand years ago. Indeed he has grown, so much, that I even argued with people saying "No! It cannot be him! Totally different face!"

Firstly I was attracted to this show because one of the leads was played by Singapore's very own Ling Xiang Ping.

Secondly, was the Zhu Ba Jie of the show, who is so cute (and sexy, as my DAD OF ALL PEOPLE, had to describe). I can't really remember if he had long eyelashes because once he is on screen, I can't stop laughing. He doesn't walk much, but loves to skip around in the show, and he's like this fool falling in love, pining away for Chang'E, and yes, the Chang'E who lives on the moon with her Jade Rabbit.

(Try as I might, I just could not find a pic of cute and sexy Zhu Ba Jie from the show)

Thirdly, of course, would be the cute guy of the show. Usually it is good enough if there is even ONE per show, same goes for this one. The cute guy, is strictly cute IN MY OPINION (because I'm sure some of you will go "where got cute?"), and he is the dude who acts as Erlang Shen in the show (featured top left in pic), who also happens to like Chang'E in the show. Everyone loves Chang'E.

So, in other words, remember to watch the show tonight at 7pm, though I doubt Zhu Ba Jie will appear later, but for sure, Erlang Shen would appear in tonight's show *droolz*...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:20 pm

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006






PS: I know this seriously suck without an English translation, and that half of you can't read Chi characters for nuts, but I tried translating in my head in English and honestly, it has lost all its appeal. To be fair, I'm gonna do so anyway:

(I know it will sound ridiculous..)

During the World War in 1943
Ah Ma was still young then
and Grandpa loved her so
But he had to serve his country
So on the night before he left for war
He gave her a kiss and said:

I am leaving, please don't be sad or cry for me
Please believe that my love for you will not cease
Because there will be a day
Where we'd stroll, hand-in-hand
While the birds sing as I say
"I love you"

As the sun sets and the birds return home,
Ah Ma lays on her deathbed
Her breathing was slow
Yet her eyes were gently looking at
Grandpa's tearful ones
Ah Ma's tears started to flow
As she gently say:

I am leaving, please don't be sad or cry for me
Please believe that my love for you will not cease
Because there will be a day
Where we'd stroll, hand-in-hand
While the birds sing as I say
"I love you"

.... Ok. The translation sounds so ridiculous. Please don't ask me to do it again. I know this song is kinda similar to Collin Ray's Love Me, in that they both make people cry like hell.

It's been 6 weeks since her death and the feeling still kinda suck, especially when I had went back to the polyclinic with Ah Gong for consultations. The first time I had been there was when Ah Ma was the one who had to see the doctor.

It feels weird too when I see old grannies on wheelchair because it so reminds me of her.

Ok. This sentence abit out of the blue but I finally realised what my friends think of Xiang's physical appearance: 'always look half-drunk', as I quote from one of them.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!! Don't worry girls, he won't get to read that because he don't like my long wordy blog posts. In fact, I can even state here that I pierced my tragus and he wouldn't even notice it... Would he? Shall keep all of you informed.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:35 pm

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Da Vinci Code Update

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Da Vinci Code has been rated NC16 in Singapore. NEH NEH NI BOO BOO!!!..

Well, not like I have alot of friends who are younger than 16 and interested in Da Vinci Code.

Life, without school, is plain boring. At least I know day after day, going to that silly campus all the way in Tampines will always mean I have something really interesting to blog when I reach home.

So what are the interesting things that happen in Cindy's Hermit Life today?

Remember I said that Mum knocked into the gate?

It not only removed all confidence she has in her driving skills. It also spoilt the gate. Despite spending $200 on repairs, the gate was still half-dead.

When you press the controller to open the gate, it opens, if not, faster than usual, at such speed that it slams into the wall when it is fully open.

And, after pressing the controller for the 100th time, it finally closes. As the gates come together to be closed, one side suddenly dies midway, resulting in poor gate-user having to manually walk under sun/rain and pull the gate in all the way till there is that clicking sound signifying that gate is fully locked.

We sometimes forget to shut the gate, and there were a couple of times Kilo had slipped out of the house and go philandering outside. Just kidding about the philandering part.

Was carrying sleeping Chubby back up to my room from my parent's and was quite irritated by the way Kilo had been barking non-stop. It usually happens because some of my neighbours have this habit of walking their dogs late in the night (and sometimes even after 12 midnight on a WEEKDAY).

But this was different because I thought I had a human voice going Hoooo Hooo Hooo abit like Rick Flair from WWE.

I was MAD. I hate it when idiots tease my dogs, like the bunch of kids that threw those self-inflate bombs at Kilo (the kind that comes in red metallic colour). In fact, I think we should ban those. Other than being a complete noise pollution, as well as being used to scare animals, I find absolultely NO purpose in selling those to kids.

This hatred for people who abuse animals like taht didn't just take root overnight. When I was young and Bingo the Belgium Shepherd was still with us, we awoke one morning to find that the poor dog was seemingly stabbed in the leg and it was a big wound, mind you. Every night, we let this loyal guard dog of ours run free around the compound while everyone sleeps. As he walked, the blood flowed out and it was a really dark red HOLE wound. Not just a mere cut!

I think among all the dogs, Ah Gong loved Bingo best. He was the one who fed the dog EVERYDAY without fail. Compared to Bingo, Kilo really is.. nothing. Except a lazy arse..

Kilo The Lazy A$$

But I think I'd have to take that back now since the Labrador has finally proven that he is, to a certain TINY extent, useful.

After placing the sleeping Chubby on my bed, and placing an active Joon outside of her cage( she just woke up from her nap), I angrily stormed to my mother's room to get to her balcony overlooking our gate to see who is the Ric Flair impersonator doing stupid Wooo noises. There was no more Wooo when I went out, except for Kilo's barking that was still going on.

As you might have guessed, the gate was open. But standing at attention, right at that gap was a seemingly fierce guard dog, barking his head off in a certain direction (I could not see anyone to that side because my neighbour's wall was blocking).

"The gate's open." I exclaimed as I ran back to my mum's room to get to the staircase and hurl myself down the steps. Mum, who had earlier on fell asleep halfway through Da Chang Jing, also jumped out of the bed and rushed down with me.

I really could not find the Woooo dude or I would have set Joon on him to bite off his ear, and believe me SHE CAN.. *Ciin touches tender bruised left ear and grimaces in pain*.. Maybe guard birds would prove to be more effective.

I closed the gate, fed Kilo bread as reward (don't think you want to know about the mushy hugs and kisses details), and stood outside for awhile to make sure Ric Flair knows that we are aware he's there, and then went back to my room.

As I slowly climbed up the stairs to my room, Chubby was at the edge peering down at me. It's incredible the way dogs know your living habits so well. He knows exactly when I am going to stay downstairs for long so he will follow me, or he will stay there because he knows that I am just going to the kitchen to grab some snacks, or just going to Mum's room to kick, curse and swear at the stupid modem that needs to be restarted.

I walked into the room and held the door open for the ancient dog as he slowly walked in like royalty, and plopped his whole body onto the floor, sleeping in his best sheepskin impersonation.

Suddenly I remembered about Joon and went to find her. Apparently she waited so long atop her cage for me to come fetch her that she fell asleep. But by the time I took this photo, she was already awaken by my clumsy human movements.

You can still tell from how relaxed her legs are that she had been sleeping for quite some time already

To end this post, a comic strip called Get Fuzzy from today's Straits' Times.

PS: In case you don't know, Bucky is one IDIOTIC cat in the strip that doesn't happen to appear in today's issue.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:38 pm

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