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Like It Or Not

Saturday, April 29, 2006

...this blogskin is gonna stay for a pretty long time!!!

Just came home from celebrating Mum's birthday. We brought Ah Gong there and he went to toilet for exactly 4x within 2 and half hours.

Dad was glad to be able to prove his point of how-are-we-ever-gonna-bring-him-back-to-his-old-hometown-in-China.

Right now we're looking for a urinal for him, and for once, I don't have to ask all of you where can I buy that. But, I mean, well, if you happen to know then go ahead and share with me *sweet smile*.

I would like to introduce a new hobby of mine to all of you.

It's called Stone-Scrubbing.

Basically I sit at the pond on one of the stepping stones, and scrub every single rock I come into contact with.

This has been going on for the past 3-4 days and sad to say, I never managed to accomplish cleaning ALL the stones in the pond. Algae grows fast, but not THAT fast.

The problem with me scrubbing stones is that everytime I'm on my like 15th stone, it starts to rain. And those type of rain doesn't start off with a drizzle. It just immediately throws big drops of water down on your head.

The first time it happened, I looked up to see if my mum was playing some sort of cruel joke on me by sprinkling water down from the second floor. What hit me was just larger drops of rainwater from the clouds above.

Upon 100, satisfaction gained from Stone Scrubbing: 101/100



And Satisfaction Gained From Creating this current Skin: 49/100

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:14 pm

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Blog Under Construction (for the next day or so)

And remember to watch the funny Hard Gay - Father's Day video.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:39 am

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Gosh, guess today is the day where I blogged so many posts throughout the day.

Since YouTube is down and none of you can view that Hard Gay video, I'd just blog some random story that happened in my life..

I have this fascination with crystals and semi-precious stones. Jades, Amethysts, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl etc.

I don't know why either, but my fascination does not mean that I have great knowledge on it. Some pros I know are able to tell what kinda crystal has what kind of meaning, you know, like the way pink crystals are supposed to help you boost your lovelife (I sometimes see certain girls in public wearing it as a bracelet).

This whole hoo-ha thing started off with a jade bangle. I hope I haven't shared with all of you this story before. Just the other day I was reprimanded by Jo for repeating a story and she said I'm no different from my Ah Gong :(

Anyway, jade bangles were worn by my Lao Ma (great grandmother) all the time (if it breaks we'd just replace it with another), and her last one was even cremated with her when she passed away in 1998.

Lao Ma fell down once, when I was awfully young. I hadn't witnessed the fall but we heard her shout so everyone rushed to her bedroom where she was sitting on the floor already.

Yi Po helped her up. For someone at Lao Ma's age, it was a miracle that she escaped this fall unscathed. We all know how dangerous it can turn out to be when an elderly takes a fall.

The only thing that hadn't escape however, was her jade bangle. It cracked into three pieces.

Soon after that, everyone commented that it was her jade bangle that protected her (and broke as a result).

I was wowed and fascinated. After that, I wanted a jade bangle of my own too but I think at that time they did not bother designing jade bangles for children.

I was 15 years old when I got my first jade bangle. It was red jade (if I'm not wrong, red is the CHEAPEST jade there is)...

And no, I don't wear it on me.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:11 pm

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Say Say Say Again!

As promised, Hard Gay from Japan, this dude who.. oh well.. just watch on. It's not RA-ted. Promise! .. Well, unless you consider suggestive gestures as offensive...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:10 pm

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Say Say Say!!!

Stupid Jav! You and your introduction of that Hard Gay guy from Japan. All of you should check him out. I'd post his video on here soon.

But, the main point of this post is:


I spent a FRIGGING long time to do up everything, so you'd better appreciate it!!!


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:04 am

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Tears of Joy

Almost wept with joy when Joon stepped onto my hand off my shoulders WITHOUT ANY BITING. Waterguns are a miracle! YAY!!!!

I have received several complaints from many shareholder-readers that this current ISWAK skin is extremely.. unfavourable. I shan't use the specific words they chose in their argument.

Believe me, I am in the midst of changing it. Meanwhile, just would like to share with you that I personally feel the Korean actress who acted in Da Chang Jing bears a great resemblance to my Ah Yi.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:12 am

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Loo Loo Loo.. I've Got Some Apples..

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Silly Butters song stuck in my head.

In case you MIRACULOUSLY did not notice, I changed my blogskin to ISWAK's pic. Within 5 hours and 30 minutes, this change was discovered by Xiang, who told me straight to my face "it sucks and lags".

So.. did it suck because it lagged? Or did it lag because it sucked?

Today I was awoken by my handphone ringing.

I thought it was Xiang again, and was about to give him a piece of my mind because it is illegal to call me before 2pm.

It was Lena, who was telling me she's looking for an instructor. By the way, her TP test date is 2 days before me! LOL!

However, the difference is that she's gonna pass and me, well, I won't say fail but it definitely WILL RAIN.

Joon tried to attack my handphone again today. The frequency of it happening is increasing by the day. I think it has something to do with me paying more attention to the phone all the time (when I SMS and during calls) that made her jealous of it because she tries to attack the room phone too.

Dad came home late today and drank his cup of coffee. Suddenly, he spit something out and claimed that someone was trying to poison/choke him (in a joking manner, of course).

It took some time before we all realised that it was actually a tooth of his that chipped off. LOL!!

Mum received a phonecall today and I realised she was actually going around enquiring about billiard tables. Apparently she can't tell the difference between billiard and pool because we the latter was what we realy wanted.

If all goes on well and there is one that is reasonably priced, I shall not have to walk over to Lex's house just to play that stupid ball game anymore (not that I always walk over just to do that anyway).

That adds another reason to why I do not want to step out of my house.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:41 pm

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Secretary, I know if I don't put your name as this subject topic, you will not pay attention. Today, you said that your friend told you South Park makes fun of celebrities too, and you said that in front of ME AND JOANNA, SOUTH PARK HARDCORE ADDICTS!

Shame on you puppy! Who are you kidding? OF COURSE THEY DO!

In fact, here's the Jennifer Lopez episode for you to have a feel of what its like to be a celebrity featured on South Park:

Now South Park Addicts who are visiting my blog as well, this is something for you, as well as those who haven't watched South Park before but had caught LOTR (TTT or ROTK) because you will find this episode eerily familiar...

Intensively Recommended by South Park Addicts (Cin & Jo)

One thing that got me laughing with tears was the way that particular angel kept sniffing the marker. I have to admit the smell's kinda addictive, especially when I was on attachment with TTG, and we were moving office and all and had to properly name the stacks and stacks of boxes.

I would label the boxes slowly because:

1) Labeling must be neat
2) Labeling must be clear and big
3) ....*Insert Lame Reason Here*
4) ....*Insert Another Lame Reason Here*
99) I like the smell of the marker.

HOWEVER, I do not SNIFF to the extent featured in South Park. Gawd, the creators kicka$$!!

Meanwhile, if heaven has internet access, well, I hope Ah Ma is reading this.

Ah Ma, please don't throw apples at us. We don't mean to forget. We should have guessed it earlier seeing as how your alter actually faces the car. We really didn't expect it because if you were alive the outcome would have been entirely different because you would have remembered...

to buy....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:14 pm

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Ikan Bilis

Came home after going out with Joanna and Xiang, when Anna passed me a bottle of yummy crispy ikan bilis. I was thankful, you bet I was. Fried Ikan Bilis is one of my most favourite food in the world, but then she added a: "Ah Ma say if we cook this for dinner must always fry one bottle for you to keep in your room."


Same goes for chicken curry where no matter how late I come home, she miraculously made sure that I manage to eat at least one bowl of it, sometime, somehow, even though curries can't be kept for long as the coconut milk goes bad pretty quick.

You know I actually brought Joon with me today with all intention to ask the people at birds.com.sg to teach Joon how NOT to bite.

Unfortunately, bringing Joon out was all I cared about. I kept looking at her, making sure that the air-con that was blowing into her container was not too cold, etc etc. I was like some lovesick lovebird (stupid description) while Joon and I were looking into each other's eyes while we were sitting atop the double-decker bus. Joon was pretty calm as long as she can hear my voice or see me.

The day before where I placed her in a shoebox, I constantly coughed and cleared my throat so that she can hear that it's me holding her.

Suddenly, when we were one bus-stop away, it hit me that while I was all lovestruck, I had forgotten to bring the application form and diploma/O'level certs!!!

Didn't want to make Jo wait for me at her unfamiliar territory so decided to meet her anyway and see if I can make payment first and mail the things over later.

Jo was sporting. She willingly offered to accompany me home to take the bus. This time, I did not bring Joon, which was a good thing too.

When we finally finished our registration stuff at Toa Payoh, we met Xiang and went to eat KFC where I was said to my secretary "Xiang ar.. later when we go Birds.com.sg remember to remind me buy one of those birdhouse for Millie. Sasa says anything big enough is fine. Cheap even better."

He said "Why don't buy from Pet Lovers' Centre?"

Me: Cos we not going to PS, how to help her buy the discounted one?

Xiang: There IS a Pet Lovers' Centre at Toa Payoh wat!!

You know, sometimes I really thank gawd I have such a smart bf, um, I mean secretary. I absolutely cannot do without him!!

Alright, maybe I'm just pure, plain forgetful.

Not only did I forgot about PLC being at Toa Payoh, I also almost forgot to bring the birdhouse off the cab when we took the taxi down to Ang Mo Kio to the bird shop.

Thank goodness Jo was there too. Oh look! Now I have ANOTHER secretary.

Busy busy me.

Now, I shall keep true to my promise of showing you a pic of Joon inside his new transportation cage. Xiang I'm sure you'd like to see it as well because there is a blue one for sale at the shop where I bought mine.

There you go:

Yes, I know she's cute. Don't need to remind me.

Anyway, my day is ruined. Just now at Toa Payoh interchange, this dude came over and tried to sell me gawd-knows-what. I switched off the moment he called me 'Da Jie'. Why not Xiao Jie!!! I look WAAAY younger than him!!!!!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:42 pm

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Full Time Hermit

I won't be going out unless absolutely necessary (like to buy food etc).

I want to stay home and be a hermit. It's kinda boring to accompany Ah Gong when he tells you thousand-year-old stories of China and early Singapore because his stories are usually a repition, but there is one thing that is, well, not so boring.

Watching wrestling. Yup, he loves watching the WWE.

He has tapes that went back to the days when WWE was still WWF and Hulk Hogan looked really young. In fact, remember my old infatuation with Team Xtreme, Hardy Boyz & Lita and all? Yes, I bought him one of those tapes and he's super impressed with the Hardy Boyz (of course! It featured their best matches!!).

And then whenever I wear this Hardy Boyz shirt Ah Gong would also notice.

This sounds abit out-of-the-blue but yesterday night right before I went to bed, I suddenly laughed to myself as I often do in front of you guys, making all of you think that I have a screw loose or something.

Fang loves the birds. I guess she does. She pampers them so much she lets them stand on her shoulders for as long as they want, till she was covered in so much bird poop she wouldn't stop shouting.

Except.. I seriously suspect all the poop on her belonged to Joon, who poo-ed on her jeans, hands, and multiple times behind her shirt.

Millie is so much more well-behaved. Do you know whenever Millie wants to poop, she would actually fly off your shoulder and poop on the floor? Such a well-behaved little girl. I have all the mind in the world to ask Sasa to take in Joon for a few days for some behaviour concentration camp.

Joon's a terror. Come rain or shine, typhoon or earthquake, NOTHING can remove her from your shoulders.

I know I declared myself a hermit, but I am going to PSB to register for a course, and afterwards go visit a few birdshops. What's up with me and birds anyway? I don't know. You tell me.

This is how I 'Millie' my hair

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:55 am

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Extremely Long Day for Joon!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

You start wondering what's happening these days. First, Ah Ma passed on. Next, my xiao gu's cat, who was almost as old as me, also passed away. And just now, mum told me that my granduncle had died too, after an unsuccessful operation, and we can't attend his funeral because Ah Ma's one had just passed and there was this sort of 'rule' that we cannot attend any weddings/birthdays/funerals/whatever celebrations for the next 100 days.

Is it the 'in' thing to die during this period?

Oh, and did I mention that according to some old superstition, we cannot cut our hair for the next 100 days as well? That's fine with me, except I think it's a pretty tough rule to follow for the guys.

I'm feeling pretty dead. Let me narrate today's events by blogging as a third party. First of all, little Joon was actually supposed to be placed in those environmentally-friendly M)phosis fibre bag.

Unfortunately, Cindy realised in the morning that Joon has the uncanny ability to climb out of the bag, stand at the top to scold her for placing her into the bag, so she decided that a shoebox would be safer.

It was indeed a better and safer idea. So secure was Joon that she fell asleep inside the shoebox while her poor owner, Cindy, was walking through a heavy torrent under miserable temporary shelter to the bus-stop.

Joon had her wings clipped, technically for free, because how much you are willing to pay would be donated to Jurong Bird Park although I don't know why they need the money when they already charge such high entrance fees.

Just for some of you to know, there are baby lovebirds for sale at Goodwill, and a couple of baby budgies too. They are all placed in a box and all you have to do is stick your hand in and all the little babies will come running to you for food (their bite doesn't hurt.. AT ALL.. especially when you have been bitten by Joon before.. ).

Cute aren't they? I'm going back there with Xiang and Joanna tomorrow to let them take a look.

Soon after that, all four girls walked into the shop to let the staff know about the feather-clipping nail-cutting of the birds.

Aww.. screw the third party narration. I am going to blog as usual right now because what happened next was greatly disturbing.

As much as Joon had bit me and broke through the surface of my nails, I have never ever retaliated by inputting any amount of force on it.

I'm such an inexperienced noob because a bird shop staff has more than enough experience handling BIGGER FIERCER birds! So what is Joon compared to those big fierce birds?

Millie (Sasa's Conure), went first.

Sasa had only barely opened the container where Millie was in when the bird staff just put his hand in and swooped up the bird, with his index and thumb around the bird's neck so the bird can't move much.

Must have been very sudden to the bird because it started squarking (in terror), and believe me, that bird sounded like a duck.

But that isn't the point. I actually took a peep at Sasa's face to see if I can figure out how she's feeling and she's like expressionless while Manda was lalala-ing outside the shop looking at gawd-knows-what, and Fang was standing right behind me and Sasa, looking as shock as the bird in the staff's hand.

As the man was clipping Millie's nails with a nail-clipper, I was holding on to the shoebox that I had put Joon in. At first, I wanted Joon to 'be prepared' to the idea that a man was gonna trim her nails and flight feathers, but when I saw how he handled Millie, I kinda stepped backwards and put the shoebox back into my bag.

I was even having second thoughts about letting them trim its flight feathers and nails. Let Joon fly for all I care, omg! I am not gonna let anyone do that to her.

Despite those second thoughts, I still went ahead with it.

It was much worse when the person was handling your bird. Joon may be small, but at any point, she is MUCH LOUDER than Millie who was almost twice her size.

She shrieked and screamed in a high pitch tone that I had to look away because I think I was going to cry already.

Her nails hadn't need trimming. It was only her flight feathers.

Once the whole drama was over I hurriedly put her back into the box to find a buy transportation container for her.

Oh you should check out the new container I bought. It was so cute. It's green, and with Joon's colour in it, it was a perfect match!!!

I'd take a picture of it or something tomorrow.

Now, let me show you how Millie looks like:

That's Millie who's scratching her head halfway. So cute! Looks like she's doing some kinda act-cute pose for the camera while Joon looks on, jealously.

And this above picture is Joon trying to attack Millie. She did so, twice. Once she almost managed to bite Millie's back, and the other time when both birds were on my bed, Joon walked over to nip her while Millie ran off. More like walk off. Gosh, the way birds walk are so cute!!

Despite having had a looong day outside, Joon still found the energy to bathe later on that night! And yes, she likes to bathe in my mother's toilet because there is a hair dryer there that she can use.

Today was also the first day that Louisa saw Joon face-to-face, and she asked me why is it that in the photos Joon's colour looked more darker than it actually is. I told her it was because of the lighting.

Behold, Joon the Mango Pudding feeding on millet sprays that are probably one of the most well-liked bird foods on earth!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:44 pm

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Publishing Problems

Publishing problem with blogger has been solved. Yesterday's post is now up. Please enjoy that South Park episode. It is SO cute, I promise!

The video below was sent to me by a friend and is only strictly for those people WHO CAN TAKE JOKES. Otherwise please don't watch it and ignore its existence.

As the Michael Jackson in South Park always say "Nooo.. they're ignorant! That's ignorance..!!"

I'm looking very forward to meeting Manda, Sasa and possibly Fang later to go Goodwill for some bird stuff and trimming and clipping of our birds' nails. At this moment, I am still very concerned that Joon might attempt to kill one of the staff at the shop so I'm making some allowance for would-be hospital fees as well as legal suits if things get too ugly.

Will blog about the outing later if Joon doesn't turn into some sort of ugly mutated monster.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:41 pm

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South Park Addict

Monday, April 24, 2006

Gee, the acronym of that is SPA.

Oh well, went driving today and I seriously still think I'm not gonna pass on the first TP try. Never felt more confident about failing in my life.

You know why?


I can't believe it. My next lesson is on Sunday, and I bet it's gonna be very sun-shiney throughout the entire damn happy week until it comes to Sunday!!!

I am still in search for that water gun to spray the bird with, as well as a small but not-THAT-small transportation cage for the bird. Any one has one for sale?

South Park - Preschool

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:31 pm

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Stands for 'Getting Gay With Kids'.

One of the thousands of HILARIOUS episodes of South Park, except there is abit more on Kenny. Everyone's favourite Kenny has fallen in love with a girl, Kelly, who.. like me.. loves to dig her nose. LOL!!!!!


CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:18 am

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Disturbing Ad

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Recently there is a new diet pill on the market.

Its name is.. KiloKiller.

Wouldn't have mattered as much, except that I happen to have a dog called Kilo.

I went to Wan Fo Ling this afternoon. They were having some sort of prayer thingy where the peepz there had actually prayed non-stop for 3 days and 2 or 3 nights.

An entrepreneurial ah pek was there peddling his ice cream and from what I've seen, business was booming for him.

Mum bought ice cream for all of us, including my Ah Gong, who happened to take the sweet corn flavour (he hates Durains, and finds chocolate too bitter).

You know how the sweet corn flavours has some corn bits in it?

Apparently he ate the ice cream, but was busy scooping out the corn bits and throwing it into a nearby bonsai.

Very cute sight.

When he is surrounded by so many things, Ah Gong seldom thinks about Ah Ma. Whenever he does, his voice will shake and he'd start to cry, which he did, for awhile at the temple, when he tells me that Ah Ma doesn't need to work anymore. Of all things he said 'work'. I have no idea why. Probably he's still stuck in the past or something when he and Ah Ma were busy trying to raise dad, his siblings, and trying very hard to make ends meet.

I wanted to say "I don't even remember her working since I was born" but promptly kept my mouth shut.

Here's a picture of Ah Gong, taken awhile after the funeral wake, where is trying to imitate my grandaunt (of COURSE she doesn't know about it!!).

Ok, need some of your help here. I need those cheapskate toyguns that used to be sold everywhere. Not those super water gun kind that is 1 metre long etc etc. Just those kind that babies always play with when they go swimming.

This water-gun will be used to spray at Joon whenever she bites, in another bid to discourage her stupid biting; she almost tore open my mouth just now.

Never EVER provoke a lovebird. Ouch.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:30 pm

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Promised Checked

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Yea. So I said I'd blog tonight. Right now we have 20 minutes before the day ends.

I'm going to Botanical Gardens with my parents tomorrow. They are going there for Qi Gong, and I am going to bring Kilo there to kill time.

Been super long time since I woke up in the morning so I'd definitely go.

And no, in case you're wondering, I'm not bringing Tweey Bird with me:

'Innocent'-looking Tweety

She's been out the entire day!!! (Sasa, I think I now get what you mean by Joon has a smiley face)

Let me see what she did. Okay, so she hung out at the garden away from the sniping jaws of Didi. In order to avoid that stupid dog I had to hang her REALLY HIGH UP till I had to almost tiptoe in order to get her back onto my finger.

And YES! Talking about Didi, there's this photo that I wanted to upload for DAYS but didn't know where to squeeze it. Since the spotlight is temporarily on Didi, let me chug the photo here:

A piggybank that I bought at Chinatown when I was there with Manda. At those 3 for $10 shop. The rounded shape of the dog ornament was so irresistably cute I just had to get it. Currently it resides at Xiang's house and I'm pretty sure he will not put any savings in it.

Alright, spotlight shift! Back to Tweety Joon.

She also bathed in my parents' toilet today, right beside Mum who was brushing her teeth. However she took an extra long time to bathe because she kept looking at what my mum was doing, like how she was putting powder on her face etc etc.. That kaypo queen!

And as usual, she bullied at least one dog throughout the day:

I have also come to notice that Joon hates it when anyone points at her. Sadly, my dad has already been condemned because he had too often made the threat of barbequing Joon and pointing at her.

So, with Joon on my shoulder, I sat at the dining table when she suddenly flew to my Dad and pecked at him non-stop. That was horrid!

She only does that to him. And Anna, because Anna likes to push her beak away in a silly attempt to tease the bird which only aggravates Joon into I-BITE-EVERYTHING mode.

I think pretty soon me and that bird has got to go for some sort of bird training class the way Kilo and I attended one when he was young.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:43 pm

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Abandoned Baby

I'm sick of irresponsible mothers who always abandon their babies, especially when they leave it TO ME.

Fortunately, I waited it out and mother bird did eventually come back for the baby. Well, at least I think one of it is the mum since a whole bunch apparently came for the baby. To feed it I hope, not to pity it cos it was abandoned!!

This baby bird sounded waaay weird. I was awoken in the middle of the night by really asthma-tic-sounding breathings. Ah Ma had asthma too so you can imagine the way my eyes shot open in the middle of the night.

It took me few minutes to figure out it was the sound of a sore-throaty baby bird whose ingenius mother had squeezed through the loose roof tiles and build a nest at. Thanks to it, I think I would have to start worrying the next time there is a storm.

Considering the fact that it ALWAYS RAINS HEAVILY whenever I go for driving lessons, I estimate this 'storm' to happen later at approximately 5pm.

After a day and a half when I realised that Baby Bird was still crying, I opened the opening of my room's fake ceiling and used Bao Bei to take a pic.

Can't see the baby bird? Don't worry, I can't either.

I was extremely tempted to put Joon up there and let it go find the baby bird, but I figured that Joon would probably kill the baby on sight. I gave up that idea and resumed my very important business(es) of rotting, blogging, Diablo-ing and watching South Park on Youtube.

Gawd, South Park kicks a$$.

Let me find a short little episode for The Unimpatient Loaders...:

Basically, the scene starts with our four main characters playing remote control cars in the carpark when suddenly........


Anyway, have all of you received those rejection letters by the Unis yet? Not that I want to curse any of you or anything. I jolly well am clear that interview dates for potential candidates were LONG over, but I'm still quite pissed at the fact that they haven't rejected me officially through mail.

Only NUS have done so and I thank them for it, though I only read the first sentence and then tore up the whole thing and let Joon build a nest out of it.

Oh well..

Will blog on later tonight. Check back.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:31 pm

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

This is the long-awaited $10 per piece neocard which has the ability to diminish all pimples.

Ok, if you notice in some photos, we were really sitting down and the backdrop is always changing according to the way we were standing.

We aren't exactly the most creative people in the world so the 'stunts' and special effects we did weren't that interesting.

There were other people who done theirs in a real cool way, like where their head is sticking out of a toilet bowl, or they were lying flat down in 'mid-air', seemingly in the midst of a bicycle kick which was really cool.

This was the first neocard that we had taken, without being aware that they had so many special effects and interesting things to add later on. I think one of the cutest and best ones were the one where we are 'on a train'. Darius and Jo really looked like they were seating on the chair together while poor Val and me had to stand up (because the chair had run out of space!!!)

The bathtub photo was abit poorly taken. The person who did it didn't adjust the bathtub properly. As a result, you see the butts of four people 'floating' in midair.

Our second card was more prepared. We weren't that messy, and we stopped bumping and knocking into each other while running around trying to change our pose.

The one where Val was in a bathtub was decorated by yours truly. We had actually wanted to choose a toilet bowl, and my hands were positioned like that to 'flush' Val away. Apparently, after our weird posing, we discovered there were no toilet bowls in the special effects section, thus we had to make do with a bathtub. I guess they updated that thing because previously there WERE toilet bowls.

Oh well.. bathtubs are great too.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:55 pm

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I can totally imagine this 'new kid' to be OUR Gary.

You'd start noticing similarities towards the end of the show.

To Lena, Yanling & Peizhen: A MUST WATCH!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:41 pm

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Attack of the Birds

I feel I'm getting worse and worse in giving my blog posts titles. So lame!

Today, as promised, I will upload the neoprints that costs us $10 each. Um.. as in, the entire sticker thing costs $10. We took twice, so total was $20.

Once in a while I guess it's ok it to splurge on such stuff, long as we don't make it a habit.

But firstly, let's take a break from humans for awhile and concentrate on Joon and the birds my family and I saw at the temple yesterday. We have decided to place the lingwei (tablet) at two places. One's the niche, for all our relatives (including those who are Christians), to visit, the other one will be at Wan Fo Ling at Bedok.

Wan Fo Ling is the one with the four parrots, one of which, I forgot what type is it, literally squirts poo out. When Louisa told me about its special.. characteristic, I was laughing my head off. Up until when I really saw it for myself and it's like.. Wow!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is Poo-Squirter:

I think birds 'choose' the day when they want to talk. The first time I saw this fella, he was talking and mumbling alot of things, some of which are barely audible but I heard Cantonese from this little dude before. Unfortunately when I went yesterday, he absolutely refused to imitate any sounds except for handphones beeping, ringing, which really is shrilly screams to him.

But he's quite fast though, cos it can imitate my whistles with the right tone and all.

When mum and my xiao gu were talking while seated on a chair right behind its cage, Poo-Squirter made it clear that his intention is to scream and sing louder than the two woman.

The quietest among the four birds, however, has got to be the fierce green lady. I assume it's a lady because it has such nice eyelashes. Please don't spoil my illusion by telling me it's a guy.

I left it alone since it looked pretty stuck-up and wanted to sleep most of the time. In fact it was doing some sort of one-legged sleeping posture that really resembles some sort of yoga stance.

Now came everyone's favourite bird. Remember the one who came and blocked my camera when I tried to take a pic of its more-beautiful partner?

He did just that again, but worse. It stuck out a foot and tried to grab my handphone, but he did so gently so I didn't scream, drop my things and ran off.

Notice the pink patches around its cheek? Plucked out by its more-beautiful partner. I guess maybe this is a female, and the male is always bullying it. Seems to me that in the animal kingdom, males are always the nicer-looking ones because they need to 'woo' the females.

Ah Gong poked his lighter into the cage to let it bite (it promptly did so).

I asked Ah Gong in Hokkien "Is it biting very hard and trying to snatch it away?"

Ah Gong replied "No. The biting very gentle. Not like that crazy one that we have at home (he's referring to Joon, in case some of you are too WOLS to realise). I don't even dare to poke my finger near that one!"

I could not stop laughing. Oh well, guess I lack the affinity with training of birds.

Under Sasa's recommendation, I actually went to Cheri, a baby accessories shop in Kovan, to get some baby toys for Joon.

Baby toys these days.. *shakes head*.. their prices are !@#$%. In the end I bought one of its cheapest stuff, a $4.90 baby rattle that has these turning beads that are soft so that Joon can chew on it.

Apparently a rattle is not called a rattle for nothing. The rattling resembles a snake. That's right. They call it the rattle-snake. Never fails to make Joon freak out everything she hears it.

You know she's EXTREMELY TERRIFIED of it by the way she flies off my shoulder whenever she hears the rattle approaching. Usually she hates to come off anyone's shoulders and would usually bite you so hard till it bleeds when you try to remove her from her favourite spot.

In fact I've got some really cute pics of Joon hiding under my right hand when the I was rattling the toy with my left.

However, Joon is not wimpy, innocent and cute as she looks like in the above photos. Those who have been bitten by her before would clearly agree with that. Those who have seen it chasing after Chubby to bite him, would also agree with that.

An example would be a situation with Didi and Oscar.

Didi, The-One-Who-Eats-Anything, including tissue papers that you accidentally dropped off the dining table, would ALWAYS EAT Oscar's food.

Oscar is, well, a turtle, so his reactions are abit slow at times. I put down a bowl of water with turtle food floating in it and before Oscar could get to it, Did was lapping away happily.

When I realised this, I childed Didi and tried to hold him while Oscar came to eat. Unfortunately the old turtle already saw Didi and refused to come out. Not that it's shy but imagine you're a flat turtle on the ground and Didi must have looked huge to you.

Somehow, Joon found it the plate of water interesting (she had bathed in it quite a few times before) so she flew down from my shoulder and stood there.

Didi himself was bitten by Joon many a times when he merely tried to sniff the bird in her cage so he kept back.

With Didi standing further away, Oscar finally crawled to his food.

The ultimate protection for Oscar. An armour called Joon.

Neoprints will be uploaded later on tonight.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:43 pm

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Flu Infested Brain

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I can't believe how much I slept just now.

Awoke this morning and had a nasty flu that made me look like I'd just cried. Moreover, it was praying session today. I don't think there is any proper term for it in English but today's the 4th 7, in other words the 4th week after Ah Ma's death.

We were seated on the floor while Shifu passed us the food, plate by plate, to offer to Ah Ma. Chubby was there too. Didi, the always-don't-know-how-to-behave one was locked up at the balcony.

Chubby was astounded by the food that we were passing around. Eventually, after everyone has offered the dishes, we would pass it back to Shifu who would place it back on the altar for Ah Ma to 'eat'.

The smart dog then went and sat right between shifu and the altar, and stared at him with those stupid mellow puppy eyes, so the shifu said to him "what you want?"


Okay, so today I am suppose to update the ice-skating pics too, as well as those of the neocard. Unfortunately, Val is nowhere in sight online right now, so we'd have to make do with ice-skating pics first.

I was looking forward to receiving the photos we had taken at the ice-skating rink but was extremely horrified to realise that 99% of the pics were blurred. So bear with it people.

Among the 5 of us (Val was the photographer, thus not in picture), Joanna had a hard time adapting to it. She fell down a few times and wanted to call the ambulance because she firmly believed that her butt had cracked. When we went to the toilet much later on, she took a damn long time until Val and I got impatient when she confessed she was checking if there were any blue-blacks on her butt. ARGH!

I also learnt another thing from this ice-skating outing. The NEXT time I were to go, Xiang MUST accompany me. You need someone for steady support, someone big enough to support you, and not someone who would drag you down half the time.. like Alex.

I admit I was being quite a bitch because there was this time Lex almost fell.

I reached out my hand but my mind analysed the situation and figured that if I helped him, he would pull me down and we would both fall, so I quickly withdrew it before he managed to hold it.

Well, in the end he didn't fall, but he started becoming really mean about me withdrawing my 'helping hand' and was super happy when I fell down later on.

After the photos, I am convinced that Joanna's camera had something AGAINST us. Remember how I typed just now that most of the photos were blur? Ok, you check this one out:

It is pretty obvious that Joanna and Daruis are blurred out, although they weren't moving much when the photo was taken. But look at the guy at the back. No one's taking a pic of him, he IS moving, and yet he turned out SO CLEARLY! Life is unfair.

There is another photo that I looked at for a really long time because it looked kinda weird:

Then it suddenly dawned on me that we kinda look like those hamsters/rabbits at petshops when we hold our skates like that.

Anyway, this is the CLEAREST digicam photo that we had taken throughout the day:

There you go...

Next up, comes a series of superbly blur group photos taken with Val's very shakey hands...:

Our clearest group photo! Can you believe it?

Next. The second clear photo of the day taken by Cindy's steady pom pee pee hands..... An adulterous couple:

Anyway, regarding the eagerly-awaited neoprint pics that had us laughing till we had stitches in the sides... shall be uploaded tomorrow. Or something. Well, sooner or later lah...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:58 pm

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STOP Refreshing!

All in good time, my viewers, all in good time..

It has come to my attention that certain people *ahem, they know who they are*, have found it absolutely entertaining to continuously REFRESH MY BLOG!

You're creating the illusion that alot of people are reading this!!!!

I had 107 visitors yesterday!! How is that possible! Relax and when I've uploaded all the photos, they WILL be out!!!!!!

Anyway, today's neoprint taking was absolutely fun although costly ($10 each), however there was no time limit to the editing of the photo. Ladies and Gentlemen, this neoprint machine is located all the way at the Jurong East Entertainment Centre (think that's what it's called). It's great, it hides my pimples, and it has this little bench that is the same colour as its background so you can do lots of stunts with it (like superman or horizontal bicycle kick).

Because I have to wake up tomorrow for a praying session, I shall leave you all in the capable hands of Matt & Trey's creation, South Park (the Michael Jackson episode, many thanks once again to youtube.com).

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:23 am

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Monday, April 17, 2006

I think I've found the one-and-only dream shoe. CROCS!!!!! I not only can wear it to Sentosa, it's become my badminton shoe as well! Invest in YOUR PAIR OF CROCS TODAY!!!

To sum it all in one sentence; we went for badminton before going for a Sakae buffet (in a FEEBLE attempt to make them revise their buffet idea).

I tried to eat alot despite me having breakfast in the morning already. Still, I can say that I ate more than all of them, except Val.

This is me during the first 15mins:

This is me at the end of the first hour:

This is STILL me going at it by the second hour:

Then, Darius or someone said something that the Guiness Book of Records was held by 4-5 people who finished a whooping total of 500+++ plates of sushi!! That's like almost a hundred plus plates EACH person! WHOAAAAA..!

However, I sincerely believe that the more frequent you eat buffets, the bigger your appetite grows.

Now, obviously, we couldn't break that record. At the (snail) rate we were going, the efficient staff of Sakae Sushi were clearing our plates as we finish until we couldn't keep count of the original number. No worries. What we have left was all left here, with Hollywood's latest golden couple posing together:

Since they looked so cute together, we decided to ask them to pose for another..

Because this two together looks much better than.........

These two together...

Or this two quarrelsome ones together...

Most of what you all see are all the nice nice group pics.. but you don't see the hard work behind the sourcing of location, and to endure the stares of other people while we are posing for the camera, especially for big group pics.

Example of a nice group pic:

However it's not THAT nice because not everyone was in the pic.

But, however if we try to squeeze EVERYONE, it's difficult. Mainly because of angle problems. Somebody's face is always cut out. However, this is one of my favourite cut-out, where Xiang the photographer kindly and conveniently excluded Val's face... (and unfortunately part of mine as well..)

Other angle problems include the camera taking too much of one side:

Or participants' wholesome faces are BARELY in the picture:

Another might be the problem of people not getting ready and still playing around when the shoot button is already pressed

As well as the endurance of environmental factors such as AIR POLLUTION FROM SMOKERS..

*cough* *gasp*

Been a pretty long time since I did such a photo-loaded post. Thus, I shall end with the best photo taken during the day. Hmm.. let me see which shall I choose.......

Yes.. this one has got to be one of the best; I title it: Escaping Val

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:40 pm

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