Duped by Melia
Saturday, July 30, 2005
I was cheated by Melia. At least I wasn't the only one. The ones who got cheated included *ahem* Geoffrey and Manda!
Melia suggested going to this dog farm today that was located near Sengkang. I thought, hey, it's a dog farm that I haven't visited! So I jumped at the chance.
I was waaaay wrong. It was the farm located around Seletar that I had mentioned before in a previous blog entry called
Great Day on 27th March 2005 (Warning: Lots of scrolling since it is end of month post!).
Turned out that I had been there before already, and if I had known earlier that we were supposed to
walk all the way in, I would have flatly refused Manda's invitation!!!
If there were anything to be happy about, it was the wonderful weather today. Oh People Upstairs! Thank you soooo much for making it rain today! I love you all..! And of course I love the people who care to spare some time reading what I type also.
I could not, never, ever imagine putting myself through the pure torture of tropical Singapore weather by walking and feeding the mosquitoes. Walk, BOY did we WALK!

That is the Sengkang LRT station, called Fernvale, that we had alighted from to walk to the farm. Sheesh man! I shudder just by staring at the picture. I think we had almost spent a full hour or more just by walking today and this was just a mere 5 minutes or so into the walk!!
At least I was feeling optimistic and was looking forward because I had still THOUGHT it was a dog farm that I had not went to before. The most complain-y, whiney person was... guess who.. Duh! Manda Phang!

Guess she knew I would be complaining about her today so she hid her face. Actually, what she roughly said was along the lines of "Cindy Lim! Don't you blardy dare to take a photo or I'd kill you!"
Well, I'm still alive now.. and you're able to read this. All's good.
Also, for the very first time, i saw the first Welsh Corgi puppy of my life and my heart went out to it. Junwei, NO WONDER this is your favourite dog breed!

And while the rest shopped inside for Tinker, I had the chance of making a new acquaintance. Polly. Well, his/her name isn't really Polly. Whatever the name is, nobody bothered to really write its name somewhere so I thought I'd give it its own name. 'Polly' would be what I call my parrot in future
WHEN I get a parrot, of course.

*More pathetic-looking photos shall be published once I catch Manda online and get it from her.
After having a late-lunch early-dinner with the (part of)R10 peepz, I was stuck at Jalan Kayu for awhile while the others made their way home. I was waiting for my parents to come fetch me. They wanted to go shopping for plants for our new airwell so thought I may as well join them. There was nothing much to do at home anyway except Sales Management's portfolio and individual journal (I chose, at that time, to forget
ALL about it). Well, the airwell isn't exactly new but we had the place renovated and it's looking pretty nice right now.
Remember how it USED to look like?
With the pondAnd then we gave the pond away??
Botak airwellWell, officially released for the first time, ladies and gentlemen, the newest photos of it!

Hanging up the new plantsYou should see the place at night but my camera does not do the real thing justice so you just have to come down and see for yourself *grinz*.
The people I work withThe day before, I had lunch with my projectmates. It was so weird, because working with them were so enjoyable, I can't even remember having to work at all! Damn, or is that just a sign that I haven't been contributing much to the project? *looks left and right*
Also, I spent a very wonderful Friday with my um, name-yet-to-be-confirmed bunch of friends from TP. Guess I can safely say that this entire bunch is from Marketing.
The day
BEFORE the day before, I was talking to Janet and CK online in MSN while the rest were all missing. An idea suddenly struck me.
Fantastic Four had such a nice name. It's about time to think up a name of this bunch of peepz who had so often hung out with each other. It's just typical of Cindy to want to give anything a name *lovingly pats her computer, Vivi*.
So I was thinking F______ Four. We have, currently, eight people in this group, so I was thinking we should call ourselves E_______ Eight.
I typed: "Hey, any of you can give me a word, a description word that starts with E?"
Within a few seconds, Janet replied me with the word I had LEAST expected: Enormous.
Right. Enormous Eight.
So, TEMPORARILY, everyone, Enormous Eight (with Janet's bf, missing Huat and cameraman CK), having late dinner together somewhere in Bedok.
The people I ate with
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:37 pm

Look Ma, no hands!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Ignore the topic.
What a lazy day. Finally there is this day that I could skip school officially for once. Beautiful Thursday.
Yesterday there was a cool 6 people online who had Dota so we played.
My dearest of all dearest, godliest of all godly computer made me disconnect from the game when I had JUST chosen my 'hero' and was getting some items prepared before bringing creeps down to fight.
Come to think of it, I guess I had only spent
ONE SINGLE MISERABLE PATHETIC MINUTE in the game (or even less). It's amazing sometimes when there are problems with our computers, we always vent our frustrations at the monitor. Well, at least most people I know do so towards the monitor. They knock it or punch it or something.
For me, I vent it out on my keyboard and mouse.
But why do all of us do that, when obviously it is the fault of the CPU?
Today's topic has nothing to do with my mum or me riding bicycles with my hands in the air (and subsequently crashing into the neighbour's dustbin or something). It has more to do with dogs. But I thought I'd add more twist by adding this classic line as a blog topic.
I love dogs. But there's one irritating thing. At home I get pampered by my dogs. They shower me with their full attention. I just need to move my hand to sweep the hair off my face, or just move my leg etc, in a split-second they would be looking at me to see if I am going to get up and go off somewhere else to my mother's room or to my room or wherever else. Well, not ALL the time but at least occasionally they DO take notice.
And you know they say how irritating it is sometimes that you have a haircut and nobody notices or shows appreciation towards it?
I remembered I had my (what-used-to-be) long hair permed for Ah Hwee korkor's wedding. It was horrendous. I look like..... Picnic Hat in Gunbound that roughly resembles Goldilocks.
I had it cut short and everyone was telling me what a waste of money it was because the perm was expensive (which perm isnt'?). The only people who appreciated were my dogs (yes, I refer them as 'people'). Kilo was barking his head off at me when he saw me walking in from the main road from far. I guess he couldn't recognise the figure. But when he saw it was me he started wagging his tail and everything. It was so .. gladdening.
And moreover Chubby started treating me that little bit 'better'. He used to treat my hair as his towel. When I lie down he would come over and sleep
on my hair. This, of course, no longer poses as a problem since my hair is short right now, but when it was longer, he would sleep on it and I can't get up. Sort of like someone's pulling your hair back you know. And then when I am finally free, I go out, and everyone near me starts telling me that I smell like my dog. I like that smell alot. To me it's a Chubby smell. You should see how I sometimes carry Chubby up just to smell his neck and then put him back down on the floor again.
Yea, I know there's no such word as 'gladdening' in the previous 2nd paragraph. Part of my great love for blogging is the ability for 'new words' to suddenly jump into my mind. Like, ok, people, from today onwards I shall no longer call Toa Payoh as 'Toa Payoh'. In this blog it shall now be known as Toapapaya.
Sounds cool har? "Cin, where do you usually hangout at?" "Toapapaya." I'd reply coolly.
Ok. Back to the dogs.
I, being severely pampered by the loving attention of Chubby, Didi and Kilo, had found it incomprehensible as to why the puppies at the petshop just refuse to pay attention to me. Oh, sure they do, when you knock maniacally at the glass windows. They would look at you like you're an irritating pest, and I am certain that if Mother Nature had allowed, they would physiologically be blessed with the ability to point THE FINGER at you.
Of course I did not knock on the galss windows. The most I did was to press my nose against the glass and make stupid monkey faces at them to see if they noticed. Of which they did not. Look at some of their reactions, they just look everywhere, absolutely EVERYWHERE... BUT ME!!!
"Something else is more interesting than looking at Ciin"
"Cin, to tell you the truth, I AM trying to look at you. I'm just a natural-born cock-eye!!!"Ok, so maybe my favourite dog, the Pug, is an exception. Let's look at my second favourite type of dog, the Beagle.

What a reluctant look. Grrr.. Home Sweet Home. At least my dogs CARE about me!
On second thoughts....

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:28 pm

Taming Kilo
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
One day I would like Kilo to live INSIDE the house with the other two dogs.
It just doesn't seem fair no matter how you look at it. Except being a little too huge and clumsy and blur and jelly-leggy, Kilo has all the right in the world to live with the humans INSIDE the house and hangout together with the other two dogs instead of being just locked outside to hangout with the two cars all day.
Have I ever forgotten to tell all of you that Kilo is just about the most good-tempered dog in the whole wide world?
You can do anything you want on him, use clothes peg to peg his ears, tape his lips to his ears to look like he's grinning, or even smack him on the rump if you are not in a good mood that day. All he would do is to turn around and look at you with a large question-mark floating over his head, and then he would turn back and continue going about doing his own business again. (The smacking part was because his skin is far too thick. A smack to him is only a pat. Duh! Anyone can tell if a dog feels whether a smack is painful or not!)

That's just some of the simpler things that I could do to him while my other hand was holding the camera.
Well, of course I don't go about doing such stupid things to him. What do you think I am!? Yes! A Marketing student! The least I could do was to get him a decent pink tutu and dress him up as a very cute and sweet-looking ballerina (I didn't do so and no, I don't have the photos)!
As such, the quest to tame him starts!!!!
First of all firsts, was to get Chubby to accept having that giant in the house. Chubby is extremely possessive of the house whenever it comes to Kilo. He would not allow the giant to come in without his permission. I have noticed that if Kilo is in a sleeping/sitting position, Chubby would then leave him alone. I don't know why and don't ask me to draw up any kinds of hypothesis.

Thus, if you had noticed, most of Kilo's photographed positions inside the house is almost always somewhere on the floor.
The next problem is a little tricky. It's his fur and saliva. I can't help the saliva part. What do you expect me to do? Tie a bib around him? But I bought a blardy expensive brush specially for his short coat that cost me a cool $18.90. I'm still smarting from it, believe me. I've never even bought myself something that is worth more than $10 for a looong time!
Final problem: Clumsiness.
I haven't got him over that problem yet. Shucks.
Let me talk abit about yesterday since there were many things that had happened.
We were supposed to contribute ideas for the name of the new budget airport that is going to be constructed especially for budget airlines. The prizes were sponsored by the kind folks at CAAS. Or is it CAAAS. Argh, whatever!! Anyway I have no idea when that airpot would be up anyway. Just look at Terminal 3. It has already taken years to build and it is still NOT open. Unless this new one is going to be constructed on a very small scale and out of cardboards, matchsticks and toothpicks, I think it is another going-to-take-a-blardy-long-time project.
For every suggestion you give, you get something. We wanted to get the greater prizes. There were softoys and makeup bags, so when one TP student approached us, we got a hell lot of suggestion booklets from her so that we can pass to all our friends to fill it up for us and then bring the whole stack back to claim prizes.
In the beginning, Peizhen and I each thought up of one each and submitted it in exchange for 2 nice-looking silver bookmark with the very nice name Changi Airport engraved on it and a very cool-looking artists' point of view of the very famous Changi Airport tower.
We have the world's best, if not, world's top few, international airport, so

Thankfully, Peizhen and I found Marketing's T05 that was full of helpful people, to help us fill out the details section since one single person supposedly cannot send in more than one entry.
CK, Peizhen, meWe managed to fill it all up and went to collect two makeup bags. After quite some time later, we found out that there was actually the word 'Changi Airport' on the bag. . . . Well, ok, not like there's anything
pai seh about to have the words there.
To cut a long story short, we eventually went to play pool later that day .. um, I mean night.
Finally, on the TP side, there is a group photo that consists of more than 3 people.
Front: Ling, CK, Huat
Back: Me, WenUnfortunately, the photo was very blur because
someone was not a good cameraman. Guess who that someone is? No need to guess, actually. . pretty obvious.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:01 pm

As Wimp As I..
Sunday, July 24, 2005
With that, I'm referring to my computer. Yes, indeed it is a wimp as much as I am.
Did you watch iRobot? In that movie, the scientist, the inventor of the robots had firmly believed that there is such thing as evolution within robots.
Maybe this belief can be applied on our computers as well.
Yes, my dearest computer, whose name I have not given serious consideration to. This 'idea' of naming computers was inspired by Junwei's accounting Senior, who called her Fujitsu laptop 'Ah Fu'.
So, I was playing Dota today. Let me extremely briefly explain the game to you.
You are a pathetic 'hero' of a base. Along with your other REAL friends who are using other 'heroes', you lead creeps (soldiers, actually), to try to attack the enemy who also have their OWN base and OWN respective heroes.
There are three different paths for you to choose to go to the enemy's base.
I chose the centre one. There I was, standing alone, waiting for my soldiers to start pouring out of the base to come towards me. They obediently did and we marched forward... Until..
*Lightning flashes, Thunder strikes*
I found out that 3 out of the 4 computer-controlled heroes were in the centre lane. I panicked and was typing the severe distress signal (which is OMFG) to tell all my other friends when BOOM..
Error message popped out. My computer totally kicked me out of the game in order to avoid confrontation. I don't know whether to hug my CPU lovingly or give it a violent kick.
I think I shall hug it lovingly a few last time. Soon as I get my SIP pay this com is HISTORY *evil laughter*.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:09 pm

Wrong time
Saturday, July 23, 2005
A correction to my earlier post people. The Bring It On show is at 10.30pm, instead of the 8.30pm that I had stated.
Imagine my surprise. I had been camping in front of the TV since 8.00pm and was superbly irritated when the current show continued all the way to 9.30pm (news time for Channel 5).
Had to check around before realising my stupid mistake. Never ever trust me as a TV guide. I either get the dates wrong or the time wrong, or maybe the name of the show wrong.
Check out the latest gift to pamper myself that I am going to save up for. A 2 karat engagement ring.

MINE! Yes!
Some photos taken from last night's bbq. It was Cockroach's idea.

Not that the people in the photo didn't know what we were doing, they didn't care! Duh! Two people walking around weirdly dragging their legs in the sand is bound to attract attention.
After finding out the different branches of the police departments (believe me, they have alot), I came across one called the Anti Moneylending Squad. Or something along the lines of it.
I wonder what kind of situation they always face. Imagine you are a police officer working for that squad and then you receive a call:
Caller: Hello? Anti Moneylending Squad? Yes, I have a loanshark hot on my heels. On the way to my place already.
Being a dutiful and responsible crime-fighting justice-upholding officers that I'm sure most, if not all, Singapore police officers are, you go to that person's house.
You reach the address, sit down in the caller's house to confirm the situation.
You say to the person: "Let me confirm with you, Mister. You called me on the phone just now regarding people who are coming to collect THEIR money from you that they had trustingly LENT to you and you have NO FREAKING PENNY to pay back so you despicably resorted to calling the cops down so that they kana caught and jailed instead of being able to get the money back. Wow! You're one smart a$$hole!!"
As such, everyone, I think I shall do the same. I'm intending to loan $100K from any dumb loanshark, and when they call me to tell me they are on the way down to collect back the cash, I shall call the cops. Nice. Get them all caught and detained. Let their families worry for all I care.
Anyone else interested in this little 'business' venture of mine?
Screw them.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:52 pm

The All-Important Click
Thursday, July 21, 2005
So sorry for the delayed post for yesterday. I had typed it out a long time ago but I clicked 'Save as Draft' instead of 'Publish' so the post remained offline.
Just spent the most wonderful time of the week so far.
Went to school early in the morning at.. um.. well.. 11am, with pure intention of doing the project.
Somehow, me and my groupmates ended up discussing about EVERYTHING except the project. We went to great distances to talking about time travel, religons, books.. It's like, an intellectual kind of talk, you know. Those that enriches your thoughts and make you feel how small you are in this world.
Did any of you watch the show Tian Xia Wu Shuang? This couple were saying to each other something like "We are but a tiny speck of dust in the entire Universe. There is no space in my heart for anyone else but you."
So sweet right! *dabs tissues at her eyes*
Talking about being sweet, now is time I introduce something REALLY sweet. Her name is Tinker. Inspired by Tinkerbell, needless to say. Amelia's/Amanda's/Abigail's new dog.

Please do not be deceived by her innocent-looking appearance. After coming into contact with the only two bitch in my world (Nala and Tinker), I now declare, in Cindy's World, all female bitches are not to be trifled with...

..regardless of WHATEVER size they are, or how cute they may look.
Because no matter it is your hands, legs, bags, headphones, handphone, anklets, and, heck... even the zip of your jeans... once Tinker gets hold of it, something is gonna.. well.. come undone.

But one thing cannot be denied. One thing, that is universally applied to all puppies, no matter female or male. They all.... look...... FRIGGING... cute.. when they are sleeping. Darius and I must have gone goo-goo and gaa-gaa and snapped photos so irritatingly non-stop, Manda threatened to charge us money for every photo taken (even then, it did not stop us from taking).

Yes, he is sleeping, not looking down at the floor

Abby & Tinker

Twist the little bugger while she's asleep before she bites my fingers (again for the 999th time).

Hands and legs were cramping during the pic

At least managed to drag out my hands.....

Finally after dinner, I went home. Asked my parents to fetch me. Dad asked me to help him buy a packet of cigarettes before they arrive. Fine, obedient NINETEEN-YEAR-OLD Cindy goes to 7-Eleven.. and after asking for a packet of cigarettes, GETS ASKED FOR I/C.
My parents laughed their heads off when I told them. Duh! WHAT'S SO FUNNY!? Don't I look older than frigging 18 years old to you!?
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:07 pm

I need some distraction..O beautiful release..
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I was proud to be finally able to wake up in time for school today without having to feel tired and craving for more sleep. I opened my eyes and it was wide and alert, not heavy and droopy, and for once, my eyes was not as irritated with the bright sunlight as they were the previous days.
Chubby was supposed to go for grooming today. I made a specific request to the groomer, Pauline to remove every single blardy knot from his chest and under-arms even if it requires Chubby to be as bald as a baby's butt, well, not as if a baby's butt will grow hair, but I mean hairless to the extent of being as smooth as a baby's butt.
Yea, Chubby's chest and under-arms. Weird place to get tangles, I know, imagine your own armpit hair getting entangled *guffaws*.
The next thing I want to blog about, that is so memorable today would be about Marketing's very own sweet Nur. I had never talked about her before but she was a friend that I had gotten to know during the Thailand school trip.
As the Chinese saying goes, when you are at home, you depend on your parents. When you are outside, you depend on your friends.
But that had nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about now. I believe everyone who witnessed today's incident, and had a blog, would have DEFINITELY blogged about it today.
There is something about the school that I don't like. Placements of toilets.

I've excluded unnecessary Fire Lift, back staircase, main staircase etc etc but just look at the placing of the toilets. I can't even say for sure that these are hundred percent correct placings except for the one on the far left since this is where my projectmates and I were at just now.
I do not remember any of the Marketing tutorial classes being situated right at the end near the Senate Room and Silicon labs. But if you notice, the toilet placements there were differet. Why on earth!? Can't they make it all standard?
So, therefore it was
NOT UNUSUAL that sometimes people walk into the wrong toilet like Nur did just now.
She was wondering as she walked into the toilet, why did Crystal scream (hope I get the spelling right). She was also wondering why everyone in the resting area were staring at her as she walked in.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:19 pm

Bring it on! (on TV!)
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Sometimes I wonder am I some sort of TV reminder-er or something. But I have to firstly state that I am not a very good reminder. Let's leave my typing speed aside. Memory-wise I would NEVER be able to be an efficient secretary.
I hope all of you know the actress who acted as the very pretty Maryjane in Spiderman, Kirsten Dunst. One of her movies, was Bring It On. It's all about cheerleading and believe me, it is verry good though the current performing standards have much deferred away from the traditional ones.
This was also the blardy show that Everest (red house) cheerleaders in Bendemeer Sec had watched and re-watched. Well, we did not win the cheerleading competition that year but let me boast, Everest holds the definite record of winning the FIRST cheerleading competition. Beat that! Wooooot!
Coming Saturday Channel 5 @ 8.30pm!!
Things that cheer me up today that I would like to share with all of you:
My TP-mates(and certain people's) INCREDIBLE command of the Chinese language...

As well as (please turn on speaker, guarantee no stupid scare video etc etc).. a
video of a very 'HIGH' penguin.
As well as
this song.That Awful DayArtist(Band):Rodney Carrington
Well I Got Home and the door was locked
And I tried to ring the bell
I found a little bitty note that she had wrote
Telling me to go to hell
I crawled in the window got inside
She kicked me in the balls I cried
Called me a name said I lied
Kicked me again I thought I died
Took my clothes set em' on fire
And hit me with her curling iron
I tired to block it with my watch
And then she kicked me in the crotch again
Yeah today's the day my wife met my girlfriend
Well I tried to tell her but she didn’t care
Things weren't what they seemed
She had a pan on the stove full of boiling water
And my nads would soon be steamed
I tried to run scream for help
She hit me in the nerts with a Rhinestone belt
It was like nothing that I ever felt
I thank god I wasn't wearing a kilt
She grabbed a bat from beneath the bed
She swung it once and she missed my head
She reared back swung again and
Then she hit me in the twins again
Yeah today's the day my wife met my girlfriend
Yeah today's that awful day,
Now my boys won't be the same
Yeah today's the day my wife met my girlfriend
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:23 pm

Drama Drama..
Monday, July 18, 2005
Today's drama was enough to last me for the next hundred years. Quite obviously, I am not going to live THAT long, so in other words, I hope never to witness the same drama again.
I loved being in the ELDDS back in my Bendemeer Secondary days. But, however, my love was abit biase towards the Debates side rather than the Drama section.
Till today, it still confounds me of why I got a particular role in what was to be my first and last secondary school drama. I think, even if I gave you the next hundred years, you would never have possibly guessed what role I had gotten.
But of course, one thing's for sure, I wasn't a 'standing tree' in the play, nor a cliff or a boulder.
I was....................
Dracula's sister.
Ya, of ALL people right? No, wait. Of all vampires right? A silly role that got me dressed up in Honey's Prada clothes (of which I spoilt the zip because of my fat... oh forget it..), and teetering about on the stage with heels like some stupid elephant ballerina.
You know what was the worst thing? The problem with the microphone. Said, my.. hmm, ok the storyline for the elephant ballerina was something like I was supposed to fall in love with this human (Said), who was a guest to and temporary resident of Dracula's castle. Subsequently my brother aka Dracula, bit him to try to kill him or something, and I had to act like some stupid wimpy fragile piece of sh
*toooot* and cry and weep until my brother (Amin yo!) brought him back to life through some ways and means and in the end, me and Said (whose name in the drama I forgot), were to part ways. NO, for your info, there was
NO smooching on stage between ANY students in front of the whole damn school.
And so, there was some dumb microphone problems that day. We had those that were practically TAPED to our face. Believe me, it interferes with pronouncing words since you tend to exaggerate your lip movements when you talk with a piece of tape on your face.
And then being this stupid useless sister of a vamp, I was crying and Said was suppose to just wake up being blur and all and say to me "Why are you sobbing?"
Do you know what the rest of the school heard? "Why are you so big?" WTF! There you go! Any sort of small role of insignificant reputation/impression I had in the school came crashing down after that sentence. I was suppose to cry, I know, but I ended up laughing and I had to cover my whole face cos my shoulders were starting to shake so vigorously and it looks like I was really wailing into my palms.
Sigh... Those were the blardy days..
Which brings me back to real dramas. You know Hong Kong is always popular for their police dramas? I remember the for-sure-inside-the-show scenes of dark rooms with one single table lamp on the table, with two or more officers grilling the suspect, who is either acting blur/being really cocky and irritated, or pure plain innocent but framed.
That is so one-sided. They never showed the other parts. Like how worried the family members are for the one who got detained. Never showed how the hands of the detainee's mother shaking as she moved her mouse to surf the net for a reputable lawyer, never saw how shaky the father's voice was when calling up the law firm and telling them that yes, it is his child who was detained. Never showed the faces of the grandparents crying after the police had searched the place and left.
Sounds stupid right? Why bother to show these useless parts? Hmm, maybe you're right. I was JUST thinking too much.
Want to hear some happier stuffs?
A tagline I had thought up of:
"I believe being in Marketing has shorten my life considerably."Yes, yes, I know what you all are going to say. "Cindy! You are so inconsistent! That's the worst image that you want to project to others! Do you or do you NOT like Marketing?"
I can still say that I am happy and satisfied being a Marketing student because it is enjoyable and like the rest of the 'Marketeers' as I would now call them, we are all
willing to have our lifespans shortened because Marketing ROCKS!

Photo courtesy of Mr. Ling.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:30 pm

Tay Ping Hui Part 2
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Wonderful weather today peepz. How have you spent your Saturday? Life-less Cindy spent it at home since, as she mentioned earlier, she has to save up $ for that darn bag that she blardy hopes no one else gets it before her.
Anyway, I want to give some credits and recognition to Mr. Quek Junwei. After reading the post titled "Tay Ping Hui", he subsequently provided a picture that furthermore PROVES the resemblance.

Looks like right!? Uncanny!
I wanted to blog about something that happened before to me but then I forgot all about it since I got interrupted halfway no thanks to particular group of people who are always nagging me to get my a$$ into DOTA of which I don't see much of the point since if I manage to play a game, I usually get error messages that prompt me to close the programme halfway through, or I get disconnected from the internet for no rhyme or reason, or somehow, as rare as striking 4D, I would get the almighty Blue Screen of Death.
Of which, I hereby announce that every blardy single cent of my SIP salary (pathetic as it is, already), shall go towards building a better computer.
Oh, and by the way, Mum truly officially found out about my blog. I was hoping she doesn't remember the blogspot.com part of the address at the end of this site but then somehow she knew how to go to the yahoo search page to type mysmellypillow and TA DAAAAA.. the search engine betrayed me.
As all web surfers, the only thing she did was to scroll super fast down my blog to check out the photos only, ignoring all sorts of contents that the blogger (me) had painstakingly typed down word for word, alphabet by alphabet.
Next piece of advice she gave me was not to post my nude pics on the blog *rolls eyes*.
You know how sometimes people always say cats are aloof, arrogant etc etc?
They sure are. But humans are not. They're pretty loyal to their cats. I still miss my dearest Mr. Meow
THAT MY MOTHER HAD SO HEARTLESSLY GAVE AWAY (since now she reads my blog I shall repeat this piece of news).
But no, that wasn't the main reason why I wanted to talk about Mr. Meow in today's post again.
It was her best friend, a stray cat that we had nicknamed 'Sylvester'. The other night when I came home late, I opened the gates and Sylvester ran out from our garden back to some drain beside the road.
Yea, probably hanging out with Kilo I guess (Kilo, the idiot who had learned not to 'disturb' cats/birds/rats eating his leftover dog food!).
Time to DOTA...!!!
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 3:49 pm

Giant of a Kilo
Friday, July 15, 2005
Due to a lack of Kilo exposure on this blog, I have decided to add in a random photo of him.

He looks real big in the photo right? Many people who came over recently remarked that he seemed to have grown bigger.
There was this time I was having abit of a stomachache. Ok, it's not abit. It's quite bad. Mum asked me to take some charcoal. Now, charcoal works wonders. Besides being a godsend for stomach problems, a single chunk of it in the fridge removes all other smells (especially fishy ones).
"Where is it?" I asked. "Kilo there." Mum replied.
I walked out and saw the big bag of charcoal that we were going to use for barbeque that evening.
I was dragged the whole bagload into the house, intending to break a few smaller pieces to make swallowing easier, and was spotted by my grandpa, who gave me a 'what-the-f**k!!??' face.
"Charcoal." I explained. "For my stomachache." He replied me with maniacal laughter.
Mum came down to, to see if I was successful in finding the charcoal since I'm such a blind rat when it comes to looking for things. I can search for things in thousands of drawers not realising that it was ON the table all along.
She asked what on earth was I doing with the bag. "You said charcoal!" I cried.
Riiight. Apparently I learnt an important word that day. That word is
Processed. I also learnt that there is a difference between Processed Charcoal Pills and Barbeque Charcoal.
PS: The charcoal tablets were kept outside, as my mother stated early because it was truly kept in the shoe cabinet outside the house. If you're wondering why, go keep a dog.
Ok, let's come over to more recent matters. The shoe cabinet is also where the power supply switches were located, and boy were they used many times today. There were a few blackouts as we were all trying to figure out what was the faulty item that was causing it.
Apparently it was the iron.
Wendy was over at my place today and said black-out happened just when we decided to fool around with the mascara.
Imagine standing in front of the mirror, trying to really concentrate on applying it when POOF! All falls into darkness.
For a few seconds we were standing there not knowing what to do. My parents, being the more Spring-Into-Action figures of the household were long on their way down towards turning off and on the power supply.
The godly electricity was restored finally, and when the lights came on, Wendy had somehow smudged the mascara in the dark and she was looking great as Mrs. Panda.
Shucks, now that I mention it, I forgot to take a photo!
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:59 pm

Tay Ping Hui!!!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I am the first to notice again, but I bet Dickson and Tay Ping Hui has some relations somewhere, somehow, up there. Don't they blardy look alike?
(PS: He's the one on far right.)

I have a new experiment to let you all try out. I want you to yawn. Force yourself to. And when your mouth is open, scratch your throat. Can you hear something? If you don't hear anything, then just stop trying. It doesn't feel very good to walk around in public with a badly scratched throat that has fingernail scratchmarks all over.
Well, if there is anything worth blogging about today, was that I had a dream. Yes, I know, again, but since many people commented that I have the uncanny ability to REMEMBER my dreams so well, and they are quite entertained by it, then I shall just bullsh*t it out here. After all this is MY blog and at the end of the day it is essentially about selfish Me, Myself and I. Ok, digressing too much:
I dreamt that I was at someone's house. It was huge and the interior was like a hotel or some posh place. Alot of friends were there. Well, technically they were friends because I FELT like I knew them, in actual fact I couldn't remember half their faces right now but I was supposed to know them
lah, as some dreams are.
And then it started snowing. In tropical Singapore
(and I mean Singapore, Singapore. NOT Singapore, China. Wtf, don't get me started). It blardy started snowing. Not ordinary beautiful snow floating to earth. It was like some sort of snow storm. We were dead-stuck in the house. Not that it mattered because there were so many people and we were too engrossed with checking out the snow from the window to even care.
I remembered I was looking out the window, staring at this particular weed growing out of the neighbour's window, shivering in the wind, at the same time I was thinking how many Singaporeans, caught unprepared, would die in this weather. Not exactly a very optimistic thought. And then someone switched on the TV in the house to check out the news reports regarding this absurd happening.
Indeed, a newscaster was reporting live from some outside area in Singapore that I could not recognise no matter how hard I tried. Who could? It was all WHITE.
He had glasses on that looked like it was about to crack from the cold, and the wind was whipping his scarve around, threatening to throw it off his chubby neck. The poor dude looked like his boss had just thrown him out in the cold to report some stupid news about a blardy weather when all he wanted was to get into a room and turn on a heater (where can you find that in Singapore?).
Being stuck in the house in Singapore when it is snowing is a boo-boo. Within minutes we were outside, unfortunately, not in winter clothes. Who on earth in Singapore has enough winter clothes at home to keep a big group of friends warm?
Within an hour after the snow, we were out, in full force, wrapped up in whatever whatever we could find...thin jackets...blankets...pillowcase and hell, even old curtains!
We were soon ice-skating on this lake surrounded by white trees. My guess is that it might have been the reservoir. Stupidly enough, we didn't check if the water was properly frozen, however, since it was the dream of Cindy Lim, nothing unfortunate had happened.
And so it was during the ice-skating when I got bombarded, in real life, by like 5 sms-es by 5 different people that subsequently forced me to wake up :( .
Grrreat. 4 were from each of my projectmates and 1 was from Junwei telling me "Hey! Dickson really looks like Tay Ping Hui!!" which was why I dedicated today's blog title to the cause.
Groupmates and I decided to meet online. It was quite messy though, as everyone was typing away at the same time, and then there were people like Lena and I who, thanks to our very wonderful connection, often got disconnected from the conference chat.
Below is one very good example:

Quote of the day:
"I went for a job interview the other day and they were all like 'what's that smell' and I said, 'oh, sorry, that's me', and they said they didn't think I'd be able to 'fit in' with the other employess cos, you know, they're living and I'm dead so I wouldn't be a team player, and then *I* said I could work 24 hours, and they were like '*alright*, you can work the graveyard shift'."
- Kaze Windrunner, Undead elf heroine, from Dota Allstars WarcraftIII.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:12 am

Bad Luck Day
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Aww come on! Whoever haven't had a Bad Luck Day in their life ought to jump off a building or something. Now, I don't mean it. I just mean, it's impossible right?
I was convinced that with my face being as red as an apple, I had an allergy to something (or someone). So Dad sponsored and I went to the doctor with a whole entourage of caring people. Turned out it was nothing but just a pimple outbreak. What a waste of money.
Came home, turned on the air-conditioner and sat down in front of my computer and
ta daaaaaaaa... air-con started leaking. And that means we'd have to call in the repairman, and that means more money will be spent. I'm spending so much money everywhere else when all I want is to properly stay at home the whole damn day and save up for that dumb Oakley bag that I am SO SURE someone else is going to buy before me (again! for the THIRD time!)
Change of mood, change of news. What's next??.. hmm...
Did you check out NKF? They sued some senior reporter from SPH for accusing them of defamation due to some articles that were published (I think it was last year). I'm sure all of us have some sort of impression from the article that told us how many MILLIONS NKF has in their Reserves.
NKF was angry. Of course they were, heck I would be angry too, such news would easily make donors think twice about donating!
I didn't really care though. So what about the large amount of money standing in their reserves? Judging by the thousands of people that they help, I guess having such an amount isn't really very incredible at the end of the day.
So NKF, being angry and all, sued that reporter and SPH for defamation.
Wrong move. In a court of law, all sh*t can be and will be dug out. And the one who bore the brunt of it all was its CEO, TT Dubai.
Nice name har?
But not a nice situation to be stuck in.
In a supposed Straits Times article that was brought up in court, there were some fittings in the HQ of NKF that were especially noted.
This included, check this out, glass panelled shower, pricey German toilet bowl (lol!), and a gold plated tap.
HOW MANY of the donors can afford the above.
What other dirty linen were showed to the public? Plenty. And this is a summary according to a
Yahoo! Singapore article:
"...NKF had overstated its patient numbers and this would have given the impression to the public that more funds were needed to run its operations."
"The court also heard the NKF had a fleet of eight cars and drivers, which Mr Durai and its visiting guests and VIPs could use. NKF also paid for the road tax, repair and maintenance for Mr Durai's personal Mercedes Benz."
"On NKF's reserves, the court was told it stood at $262 million as of July 2005.
...if the NKF stopped all fundraising activities and concentrated on treating kidney patients, it would still have enough money to see through its operations for 30 years, based on its expenses scheduled for 2003.
For that year, the NKF received $24.4 million for patient fees for dialysis but spent some $31 million for these operations.
So even if it was out of pocket of $7 million to $8 million per year,
NKF's current reserves were sufficient for at least 30 years.But Mr Singh says
the organisation has been telling Singaporeans its reserves won't last more than three years, according to statements made by its officials."
What happens after all that interrogation? NKF withdrew their suits.
I think my future ambition has changed. I now want to be the future director for NKF.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:36 pm

13-hour Sleeping Marathon
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I know that to some of you, 13 hours of sleep is nothing. But to me, it means that a great deal of a beautiful day has passed when I finally awoke at 3pm.
I think that this has something to do with last night.
My computer decided to screw up on me, as it always did, weirdly whenever I AM THE ONE who supposedly has PMS. Yea, it showed me the beautiful blue screen of death.
Talking about blue, I think I know why there is this dark blue that is called 'royal blue'. In the olden days, blue colour dye was hard to come by. Think of it, other than the sky, what other thing (that is natural), comes in the colour of blue. Even blue flowers, when squashed and made into juice, becomes a slight purple.
Thus, blue became a rare colour that only the rich could afford. So who are the Bill Gates in olden days? The royal family, of course. There you go, Royal Blue. Smart not smart not? Don't take my word for it, I'm just blurting nonsense.
Back to my computer. I had switched off all the lights in my room, turned off the computer's monitor and speakers, and then went to bed. Blinking my eyes away in the dark, I could hear the humming sounds of my computer, meaning that it had not switched off yet, despite me clicking on the 'Shut Down' button a few minutes ago.
Must be those damned 'Program Not Responding' messages again. Thank gawd I have a handphone. I turned on the camera flash light and tip toe over sleeping Chubby to get to my computer. True enough, it was the error message.
After making sure that it is switched off (a process that involves me kicking the CPU a few times... just kidding), I turned around back to my bed. Those of you who have been to my room before would notice that I would have to pass by this mirror before I get to my bed.
I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw someone.
Now if there were any advice I could give to you, that is don't put a mirror ANYWHERE close to the bed. Turned out it was my own mirrored reflection. I could see myself so clearly because I was holding my phone in front of me and the flash light was illuminating my whole blardy face.
I feel so stupid after realising it was my own reflection that I was laughing away in the dark. Actually I don't know which is more stupid. Scaring yourself because of a mirror, or laughing away in the dark.
Knocked out after that.
And I forgot to blog about this yesterday but I went out with alot of people yesterday to play xHero Siege.
(Namely: Darius, Wen, Huat, SZ, ZX, Ling, Leon, CK)
Basically the game(or map) is similar to Dota. You team up with your friends to protect this castle. And when I mean protect, I mean it. There is approximately at most 10 of you, whereas there could easily have been hundreds if not thousands of creeps.
Another special thing about this game is that you're not only just KILLING KILLING KILLING. That is boring. It occasionally has stupid special events that we are too weak to survive anyway. But at least it adds in some sort of 'flavour' to our killing environment.
For example, when a special event occurs, we are all automatically teleported to this ring with this baddy, who is basically just an old man with a really big sword.
We can't kill him, as the game instruction states. We just have to run AWAY from him and stay alive for I think one and a half minutes. The survivors gets different weapons/gold as reward.
Think that's easy? Think again. The 'enclosure' that we are stuck in with Mr. Old Man, is extremely pathetic. 8 players squashed together trying to run away from that idiot who is holding his sword and maniacally charging towards random player.
There are shouts like "Oei! Don't lead him to me!" while you are only INNOCENTLY trying to run away from that maniac, or "Oei! This is my corner! Go other place!" of which I tried to go to 'other place' but died in the process because I went too close to the insane dude.
Once you die, you get kicked out to the battlefield once more to wait there till Special Event ends (at least the enemy pauses there too), since the rest of your teamates are still inside trying to run away from Maniac.
And thus, leads me to this shot: The first three people to die :(

From left: Wendy, Ling, me.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:12 pm
Numa Numa Iei
There is a video that I would like to share with you all.
I think most of you know of my temporary craze over Gary, the guy who did the Dragostea Din Tei dance, and made the song blardy famous worldwide, with big channels like CNN featuring him and such.
But do you know Singapore's very own Steven Lim (hate him or love him), did it as well?
Check it out here!I wouldn't make any comments about it. It's up to all of you, but I thought I should just show it since he may well be the only Singaporean to have ever attempted to replicate and publish the imitated video online for all to see and enjoy. So, yes, I'm not condemning him nor am I praising him either.
Today I was on the bus to Toa Payoh to meet Darius and Wendy when I boarded the bus with this person who had his handphone MP3 turned on
speaker mode. Why on earth would anyone want to do that? Share with everyone his/her taste for music? I don't know whether it's a girl or a guy. Talk about androgyny.
I admit I quite enjoyed the songs since it was pop Chinese tunes that are still current chart-toppers but I don't see the need for the person to like scream out "HEY! I AM DOWNLOADING PIRATED SONGS INTO MY HANDPHONE!"
Aren't you like begging to be caught?
I owe alot of people photos, so I'd just post the entire bulk here. Steal your face as you wish my dears, steal as you wish.

This is a after-action photo, taken after running across many roads.

Alot of people were staring at us when we were posing for the timed camera. We are not lunatics. We're just.. um.. tourists :D to that shop, of course.

No need to add subtitles for this pic. Let's go on to the next one.

Jacky's 19th birthday cake. The thing about birthday cakes is that they always have their own special photo taken. This may be due to the fact that it only lasts a few minutes during the party after which it is consumed and never to be seen again (toilet bowl scenarious excluded)... (on second thoughts, so does vomit, especially when alcohol is present in party).

Behold, the birthday boy himself. This is the clearest picture of him, so let's make do with it alright?

Manda, Silie and Mei were not included in the picture. The moral of the picture: Never be late for a party.
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:38 am

Sunday, July 10, 2005
Yes. I have received numerous feedback, coupled with vulgarities too, regarding this song that's playing right now on my blog. Hey, it comes with the blogskin ok?
I know I could remove it, but it was the song that attracted me to this skin in the very first place.
This is just a temporary skin. Very soon, I'd revert back to the old one with Didi and my face. Could you all please remember to check out that cute duck on the left hand side? Scroll down, it's right under the tagboard. Feed it some bread or something.
Speaking of which, does anyone know where is it possible to purchase LIVE ducklings? I know of a farm somewhere near Bukit Timah Hill that lets you bring home baby chicks, but I don't have a 'thing' for chickens.
In case you don't want to tell me for fear of its safety (hint: Chubby, Kilo, Didi), then I can safely tell you that Didi and Kilo wouldn't disturb a stray bird for nuts, and Chubby.. well, let's just say that he got pecked by a duck before and wouldn't DREAM of going near one.
Tagboard is on left. TELL!
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:37 pm
Bye Pondy
Indeed, as most (if not all) of you know, I haven't been contacting a certain SOMEONE for a few days. But it was not in vain. I was kept superbly busy, playing Risk and Murderer & Detective with my TP-mates, this this and that that. Somehow, when we're hanging out as a Marketing group, we always FAIL to take a group photo so that I can upload a decent photo of them to introduce to my other friends who read my blog.
So, please, next outing, someone remind me alright?
Now let's start on these activities that I had done WITHOUT Xiang.
I thought it would be quite important for me to mention that our pond is gone. Ya, the fibreglass piece of 'structure' in the air well (that Cockroach loves to call it sky garden, although it is NOT).
Dad was sick of fishes I think. Firstly he had given up his discus fishes and tanks, now he had given up the pond. I hope this means that he has now more time to keep more dogs *wistful smile*.
For those of you who haven't been to my place before, this is how the old pond used to be:

Complaining that this photo is too small? You can CLICK TO ENLARGE you know...
Now, notice the money plant that is growing all over the 'waterfall' of the pond? It's not fake. It's real. And it multiplies FAST.
But that's not the very scary part. The scary part is how lethal the roots are. Let it touch your walls and when time comes for you to remove the plant, the roots are going to rip the paint off your walls. Check this out:

Ok, this photo is really not clear but if you stare real hard, you can see what remains of the money plant roots that is deadstuck to the walls. Very unsightly!
Right now, I'm trying to find ways and means to convince that the small baby pond that we are going to get, would be reserved solely with only the welfare of Oscar and Small Bottle in mind. This means that anything alive in that particular pond are all sacrificial objects to supplement Oscar & Co.'s diet.
Well, obviously, I haven't got Dad to agree with that yet. Soon I guess, cos I'd threaten to dig a hole in the garden to make my own pond for Oscar & Co. Hey, nice name right? Oscar & Co. Beats Tiffany & Co. Pfffft.
On Friday, it was Xclusives Supper Club's gathering. Val suggested that we go to Punggol Nasi Lemak. I was horrified at that thought. Punggol was situated at the end of the world for me, until Val told me that though the blardy name was called Punggol Nasi Lemak, it was actually just located at nearby Upper Serangoon Road. Phew!
Imagine my disgust when I saw another food stall near 'Punggol Nasi Lemak' that stated 'Sembawang XXX'. I forgot what was that shop selling but it was Sembawang something.
I wasn't really thinking of eating. Maybe just abit as dessert, because I was quite full. Decided to just order plain ol' authentic edible carrot cake, since I was often tortured by the horrible version of Techno's carrot cake.
Who knows, everyone went back and forth to order here and there, in the end we had this HUGEEEE amount of food on our table.

I was sitting there, waiting for my favourite carrot cake to arrive, when by one each returned, either holding plates, or having their ordered food to arrive at our table.
There were only four people there. How is it possible to finish all the food?
Well, somehow we did. But the after-effects was that we were so frigging full it was so hard to breathe. Val started singing Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5. Believe me, it did NOT improve the situation.
We didn't really finish all the food up to the point that we licked the plates, although I'm damn sure that if Kilo had been there he WOULD willingly do so. Like, there was this toufu that Darius ordered from the Jap stall there. It sucked. We didn't believe him at first. I mean, how bad could toufu tastes like? (Very bad actually, since I am no toufu-lover, although I still insist that after watching Initial D, I still very much want to be a toufu delivery girl.)
So, all of us tasted Darius' toufu. Ok, that phrase didn't sound very right, but hey, you at least get my meaning RIGHT.. um.. right?
It was horrible. It wasn't toufu. They had added mashed potato or something at the top. And it was SOUR mash potato. All you had to do was to put a little of it on your tongue and your face would scrunch up. Very potent!

Our blardy I'M-TOO-FRIGGING-FULL-TO-EAT faces.
More photos to come...
CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:07 am