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Officially 19!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Yay, I feel so old. Thank you to everyone who remembered!

So birthdays are only once a year. But if you look at it from another point of view, every one day of the year also only happens once a year.

I honestly wanted to do something exciting. Something to remember today by. Something mad, crazy, something that is totally not me.

I woke up at the very early time of 1pm (today no lecture), and then I messed around doing the usual stuffs of waking up the dogs etc. I needed some inspiration of something 'crazy' to do as I was going through the normal waking up routine that I go through every single 'normal' day.

I was thinking sooo hard that...

I fell asleep.

Yes, I did. In fact, I've just woke up and realised, to my horror that a HUGE amount of birthday time had already gone by!

Since majority of the time had already been wasted, oh well, I guess I might as well waste the rest of it. I'm going back to bed right now, but of course, not before setting my alarm.

Don't forget that today's a THURSDAY. There is LOST at 10pm! And Joey at 9! You need some Joey-type humour before you get bugged down by Lost's mind-boggling I-show-you-abit-but-you-still-don't-get-it mystery type of show.

Without further ado ladies and gentlemen... Good night!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:01 pm

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Struck by Lightning

There is this really super old saying that people who aren't filial to their parents, or dare to raise their hands against their parents, would get struck down by lightning.

More popularly known in Mandarin as "Tian Da Lei Pi".

Apparently, this has just been proven untrue.

Watched that talent-spotting show today on Channel U. Was lazy to switch off the TV so continued into the next programme after the show ended. It was about these few elderly people who were abandoned by their children.

Yea, I'm an emotional wreck when it comes to such things. I couldn't stop crying. More like tearing, since I could still talk normally on the phone but my eyes could hardly see the television amidst all that blurness caused by my tears.

I only watched two 'stories' before I finally decided to switch the channel to some happier programmes on channel 5, specifically 'Manhunt'.

One of the story featured in that very heart-wrenching programme was about this dude, ah pek lah, not dude. Supposedly he fell sick and landed in hospital. When he was finally discharged and went home, he realised his children AND wife had left him. What great people!

And to think that in many of my blog posts, I was being quite a sexist and always blamed guys for failed marriages. Now I shall point my finger at that incorrigible pathetic excuse for a woman! For hell's sake, she must have been with the husband for a long time already (taking into consideration the ah pek's age). How could she just leave him like that to fend for himself?

Not to mention, he had four children. 2 daughters and 2 sons. Whatever had made them to just leave him like that? I guess sometimes maybe there are things that I, as an outsider do not understand, but don't you feel it is quite heartless of them to do what they did?

Throughout the interview, they had blurred his face to hide his (and his unfilial children's) identity but you could tell he was crying while talking about hisfamily, by the way he had so often wiped away at his own face. It was very sad, I tell ya.

Unfortunately, according to what I know, and according to demographics of the people who died in Singapore after being struck by lightning, none of them (I guess) is his children.

Too bad.

You should see the show for yourself to understand the conditions the poor old man was living in. He could walk alright, but it was like stiff steps, like his joints were hurting him due to rheumatism.

And guess what he cooked for himself to eat. Crushed biscuits thrown in with instant noodles and gawd knows what. He just threw whatever food he had in the pot and ate it. It looked like some clumpy form of mud in a pot.

And the worst of all worst thing..? When the reporter asked, "do you still wish to see your wife and children again?".. he actually silently nodded. I felt my heart breaking for him. Human beings are sometimes very hard to understand. If I ever get to meet his wife/children one day, I might just give them a beating they would never forget.

Then he showed the camera crew where he still kept some of the clothings and things that belonged to his wife and children, and poor ol' me started crying all over again.

Suddenly, doing countless school projects doesn't seem that bad anymore if I were to compare my life with his. I love TP! I love projects! I really do (just for today)!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:20 am

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'Auntie' Nails

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I so regret choosing the nail polish colour. Maybe I should have just shut up, closed my eyes and let the lady choose the colour for me.

I chose darkish purple. Which looked really nice on the nail template that she showed me. But I realise that sometimes, a particular colour that looks nice on ONE nail does not look so nice on all the fingers.

What's more, seemingly to complete 'auntie' image was that gold ring. You can't really see the Elvish engravings on it but it's the One Ring. But on my hand, it looks like Auntie Ring.

And of all fingers, it was stuck on my middle finger. It wouldn't get out and I tried so many times that I must have dislocated my middle finger countless times, as well as scraped raw the skin. Damn, that ring seems to really have some magic in it!

Manda did her pedicure there too. It was really good and cheap. $25. My manicure was only a mere $15 (and it's cheap not because of the ugly colour. I assure you there were many more nicer colours to choose from).

After that, we went to Toapayoh. I'm the type that marketing people love to target. Mr. De Silva, our course manager, once told us himself that women are very... weird creatures (when it comes to shopping).

I now know why.

I had walked into Watson's, with full intent of purchasing lip balm.

After half an hour of shopping inside, I stepped out, having spent $20++. However, among my purchases, there was no lip balm. There were toothbrushes and pimple creams.. NO LIP BALM.

Met up with the rest of my old pals. Everyone asked me where is Xiang. No one believed me when I said we broke up already. So is that a good thing or bad thing?

You should check out Meimei's face. She was hilarious. I was laughing until tears were on the verge of spilling and yet she thought I was upset about it so I was really crying.

Maybe I should give a try at acting. Might work.

And so I celebrated my birthday with Darius whose birthday was a mere few days earlier than mine. And this was our chosen birthday cake since no one among us worship cream.

Isn't it lovely? It was walloped and finished within 5 minutes after we blew out the candles! So everyone, remember when it comes to birthday cake, you can even get a pandan cake for goodness sake, make sure it is practical enough that everyone likes it so that you won't have to worry about squeezing it into the fridge if it can't finish. Down with cream/fruity/tiramisu cakes!!

One last picture of the cakes before all of us jumped onto it and finished it.

Yea. That was the only time in the whole year you can actually spot a cake on my bed. Cakes, for that matter. Someone retorted that the cheesecakes look like ships sailing in the sea. Well, not for long, hahaha!

Gave my parents some of the cake too since my dad loves cheesecakes. He said that it's my 21st birthday already and gave me a pat on my back. I stared in him in disbelief when he said: "Friday celebrate with TP, is 19th birthday. Saturday celebrate Xclusives is 20th birthday. Today with R10 is 21st already!"

After that, a few of them had to go back since it was unmistakable that tomorrow would be an early school day for some. Almost an hour later, we received the most shocking call from Jacky who said "I think I left my bag at your house".

Apparently he had reached his house in Sengkang before realising that he had left his bag at my place. Duhhhh... Manda, Mei and me (wow all start with 'M') were laughing our heads off. We decided to write him a note scribbled with the very large words: LOSER .. and then putting it in his file or something.

But we didn't. Loser was too insulting. We just put HA HA HA HA HA HA.. as many HAHA as we could on a piece of paper. That was more creative.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:18 am

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It ate my money!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Yes! I am extremely angry with the dumb sandwich machine located at Business School.

I was thinking for days on end of the new flavour they had. It had something to do with ham and honey, which sounded perfect to me.

Problem was it was quite difficult to find a pathetic excuse to purchase it (such as not enough time to eat proper meal etc etc so have no choice but to buy sandwich).

Tired of myself and my stupid reasons, I decided to go ahead and buy it. So I took $2 coins (dumb machine had some problems with accepting notes and keeps spitting it out instead), and like a faithful customer, went downstairs to buy it.

No long queue. Thank you!

Rolled the coins into the machine, stepped back and punched the button. No, more like GENTLY press, if you were to compare it with Valerie punching my toilet light switch that day.

No response. Apparently idiotic machine only tells you that the particular product you wanted to buy is sold out AFTER you put in your $.

So I pressed the return change button.

No response.

I then finally noticed a sign that read "change will not be given unless product purchase is made".

It was frigging IMPOSSIBLE to tell that the product was soldout in the first place since the only 'form of communication' that the machine had was that tiny little surface that was smaller than a handphone screen!

In other words, the machine ate my $2 and refused to return it to me. I was stuck, having only brought down $2 coins. The next item was a $2.50 very-not-delicious-looking Thai fish sandwich. The only consolation was that it was filled with layers of sweet Thai chilli sauce.

Had to ask Lena to come down and pass me 50 cents before I could get my $2 back in the form of a stupid fish sandwich.

This is so sh*t!!!!!

Those thievessssssssss.........

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:18 am

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Xclusive Day

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Early in the morning yesterday, I went to the kitchen. Was walking behind my dad when he suddenly stopped in front of me. I was quite shocked so I hurriedly took a step backwrds.

Which caused Didi to knock into me. My legs instantly became jell-o. It's like some kind of automatic response because I don't want to step on his (as I always call them,) giraffe legs. I didn't want to put any weight on either of my legs that had lost control.

The end result? I was falling backwards, seemingly destined to land on my butt. Great way to start the day.

Didi: "Hmmpf! She fell down herself! Not my fault!"

Thankfully Dad caught me. He grabbed my arm as I was going backwards, gave me a rough tug, I ended up falling forwards. I think mum was enjoying the little acrobatic skit.

Embarrassed, I took one lychee (is that how you spell that fruit?) and proceeded to stay and sulk alone until my friends came.

Now the only way to open that damn lychee fruit was to bite into it, which I promptly did. This little action caused a great amount of juice to squirt out of the fruit. . . And splatter itself on my grandpa who happened to be squatting nearby as I was walking past.

"Oei!" He screamed at me, and I was suddenly surrounded by endearing terms, otherwise known as hokkien vulgarities.

I'm serious. He makes some vulgarities sound very endearing. Such as gao zheng meaning 'child of a dog'. I think I get called that most of the times. He's smiling as he calls me that, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I remembered once when I finally understood what gao zheng meant, I told him if I am a child of a dog, then he is grandfather dog. He pointed at me and chuckled loudly. It was a comical sight because he had no teeth.

In the later afternoon realised to the whole family's horror that our old fridge is not working already. So we moved everything to the new fridge. Well, it was no easy move. It was more like.. have you ever gone on a holiday and realise that your luggage is not enough to keep everything? And so you sit on it while trying to zip it up? Yes. Imagine something like that. But for a fridge. Main trouble was keeping the fridge door closed.

When Xclusives came (which was not very early), we ate and ate and ate. Alot. I think sometimes no matter how delicious the food is, and how hungry you are, you can never eat as much as when you have great friends with you.

Yea, I tend to eat alot when I am in the company of people I greatly appreciate, although my 'alot' is not 'alot' to some people.

We were watching DVDs in the living room but decided to go to my room instead. At least there's aircon there. That's when our dearest Ms Valerie Li decided that she wanted to go to the toilet.

For those of you who haven't been here before, the are two light switches. One is for the balcony light. The other one's for the toilet.

There's been this little accident that happened before while I was moving my own furniture one day. I had accidentally pushed the cupboard and it had flattened my toilet light switch.

So when Valerie asked the #2 popular question that people ask (#1 popular question is: Where is the toilet?), I answered her "the punched in one".

Apparently she heard me as "You gotta punch in one." She did what she heard and punched in my toilet light. LIKE DUH! VAL! WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING!

Now the toilet light wouldn't work at all because it went into my wall already!

Check out the pic!

Anyone knows how to repair?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:10 pm

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No pictures! *gasp*

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The BBQ Get-Together yesterday was fun. But we forgot to take photos at all.

But it was undoubtable that the ones who enjoyed themselves the most.. were the dogs. All three of them.

There was, however, only ONE single miserable photo that I had taken (while trying to start the fire with immense help from Janet), and I shall share it with you right now. The rest of the blog entry would only be filled with words.

Kilo was an awful good boy throughout MOST of the barbeque, though sometimes he irritate the heck out of us when he's barking loudly (at us) while we savour the delicious food.

So was Chubby, who was sleeping near me all the time, regardless of whether I was starting the fire, watching TV or... ok.. I was not doing anything else.

It was quite amazing to see how much that old dog had aged. He used to be much more active during such parties/gatherings.

Now Didi... *shakes head*..

He was, as usual, following some girl around. And for yesterday, that girl was Janet. Every step she take, every move she makes, he's RIGHT behind her. He was like attached to her legs or something. Whenever she walked, or just simply moved her legs while in a sitting position, he would reposition himself to be leaning against her. Janet would then shout "Cindeeeeeeeeeee!!!" but there was really nothing I could do to trick that dog away. Even if I had a piece of chicken wing, Didi would just eat it and then go back to Janet. Talk about a LOYAL and FAITHFUL dog..

Another thing I had discovered for myself was that when watching a movie, do not always have high expectations. Especially for this show called Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

It was very full of action. But the beginning was so long and draggy. The first thing I had expected to see was explosions and some great gun action etc. None of that. Instead what I saw was a married couple talking to a therapist/counsellor or something of that sort.

So exciting that I was clutching the ends of my seat. Zzzzzzzz...

It spoilt everyone's mood too. We were more engrossed in food than the show. I think I never want to see that show again. Hahahaha...

Oh well, you'd have to wait for my later night blog entry. With Xclusives I have no fear that we have a lack of photos (I hope)...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:39 pm

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Pre-BBQ Warning

Friday, June 24, 2005

First and foremost, I would like to thank all those who are turning up tonight :D

However, I would like to further remind all that none of you, even if you are the President of the USA, is allowed to feed Chubby unless the food has been approved by Cindy Lim and deemed as 'fedible' to him.

He left me surprises again on my balcony. 5 surprises, to be exact. 4 piles of crap and a pile of vomit. Yes, in case you don't know, he has figured out a way to open the sliding door to my balcony. None of the deworm tablet's business, for sure. I think it's mild food poisoning. Dratz. Of all days.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:13 am

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

I think I would be tempted to buy a gun (if it be possible in our very safe Singapore), I would do so.


Because I would FRIGGING SHOOT THE HEAD OFF the next a$$hole who thinks that Singapore is part of China.

I can't believe this. After ALL THAT WE HAVE DONE, we still get mistaken as a tiny province located in China.

I would like to thank Jack because I got to know of this from his blog post.

Slipknot is performing in Singapore in August. Oh I am very excited. I seriously am. I think they rock. Image-wise. I haven't heard their music but I can more or less predict the genre already.

You should check out the official Slipknot webpage. And click on TOUR INFORMATION.

Check out the date 16 August 2005. What do you get. Since the words there are so tiny I shal enlarge them for all to see.

Tuesday August 16, 2005.

Venue: Fort Canning Park
Address: Singapore, China

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that our government has done to establish ourselves globally is IN VAIN. We are not even recognised as a single country!!!!! I would not have gotten so worked up if people thought we were part of Malaysia (I would probably blame them for living life back somewhere near the Ice Age).. but I don't see the link ALL THE WAAAAAY TO CHINA!

China's a great country and all. They have such a great population that as the popular saying goes, every one Chinese citizen has to spit on us and it can drown us all. But, it is a fact, that we, Singapore, is NOT part of China.

Maybe someone good at graphics should come out with some sort of banner to identify Singapore bloggers. Someone! Anyone! Pleaseeeeeeeee!

Quote of the day:
"I can't picture the fact of having all the Slipknot members getting fustrated in their cramped up private jet, circling over China finding where Singapore is. That's just friggin' hilarious."
- Jack.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:35 pm

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Dreams.. are my reality.....

Woke up today. Saw Chubby sneaking outside to my balcony, running around excitedly and peering at my empty fish tanks that I keep outside (RIP to all the fishes I ever had. As well as the mice and hamsters).

Not a good sign. Just last night I had heard something running on my hamster wheel that was also outside at the balcony. The hamster wheel I had bought was those made of metal type. So whenever something was running on it, there is this unmistakable squeaking noise that makes you go ARGHHHHHH as it sounds very irritating. Imagine chalk screeching against blackboard. Yea. Like that.

I haven't caught the invader yet. Let's hope it's not some big rat. I don't mind if it's a cat. Heck, I'd even leave food outside for it every night if it IS a cat. It's a godsend! A proof that superior beings out there DO want me to keep a cat! But, wait. I haven't even found out what it is. It might even be a lizard for crying out loud!

Was having dizzy spells so I slept somemore, and when I woke up again and draw back the curtains to greet the sun, behold, Chubby left me presents in the balcony.

An incredible amount of very yellowish urine as well as a bunch of faeces that had weird white things. Doesn't take a genius to tell you those 'weird white things' are worms as a result of the deworm tablet I fed him as described in my blog posts earlier on.

Thank you Chubby. I appreciate your present. Oh but Chubby's not listening right now. He's sleeping peacefully in his own bed.

I slapped myself after seeing the surprising 'sight' to make sure I am fully awake and not dreaming. I've some weird problems that I don't know if anyone could help me out with.

I'm sometimes unable to differentiate whether I'm really dreaming or not. Like sometimes I can actually dream that I woke up, went to brush my teeth and get ready for school.

That was in my dream! And then my REAL alarm calls me up and I really have to do all those things over again just like what I had done in my dream. Is that sucky or what!? And that happened countless times.

Or sometimes, when I receive SMS, I read it and go back to sleep. I didn't forget all about it, unlike a normal person. I went back to sleep and in my dreams, I replied that person.

Let's say someone SMS me to ask me out. I would read it, go to Dreamland, and reply "ok". When I really wake up, I would message that person and say "You didn't say a place/time?" and that person would say "you didn't even tell me whether you are coming or not!"


But the most recent and powerful example..

Was where I was in this dream. I dreamt that Xiang came over to my house and he was, as usual, hogging the computer and not letting me go near it. Guys! *rolls eyes*

Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to go through his wallet to pick out all those no-use namecards he kept inside so that I can throw it away.

Guess what I chanced upon (let me remind you once again that it is a dream). A neocard that Xiang was in. And the girl he was with wasn't me. In fact, there were TWO girls in the neocard. Long curly hair, dressed to kill (ahem, more like flirt) type. And they were standing, one on each side, hugging MY boyfriend who was standing and grinning away in the centre.

I felt so angry that blood was rushing to my face. I think I was going to explode. I wanted to tear the card into pieces and fling it at his face. But I decided not to, in case those girls would check his wallet like I did and realise that the card is missing. I can imagine Xiang telling them "my girlfriend tore it up in anger when she saw it." And I can imagine them laughing their heads off at my guy.

I won't let them happen. So I took the card, and went up to him, smile and asked very sweetly... "Who the f**k are they?"

It WAS very sweet considering that I had wanted to punch him earlier on without letting him explain. He said it was his schoolmates or something.

And then.....

As expected..... I

.... woke up.

And the first thing I did was to reach over and take my handphone. I wanted to call the REAL Xiang and scold the heck out of him for daring to take neocard with two girls in my dreams.

Yea not his fault, I know, but the dream was so real. Called his handphone and... He rejected my call. Sometimes I think there is some telepathy between us. He always refuses to pick up calls whereby I would scream at him directly.

(I later found out that he was actually in class so he couldn't pick up.)

When he finally did call back, my anger had subsided already. Lucky him. I decided, instead, to ask him how was school that day. Lol.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:00 pm

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Spirit.. of anything..

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

They say people are getting more and more selfish these days. They think only for themselves etc etc. Suddenly it feels so true. There's been so much robbing killing murdering (someone's feet haven't been found and in my opinion, those legs are as good as gone forever). Maybe one day something will be done, and when that happens, I jolly well hope there would be more than one ark floating in the large ocean that used to be called Earth.

Yes, I'm referring to Noah's Ark. I hope you heard the story of how God felt disappointed with Man that he decided to wipe them all out from the face of this earth. But somehow Noah was different, so God sent him signs asking him to build a great ark and the rest of the story, I hope you already know.

But there are still some things that touch my heart. For example, Channel U's latest, biggest, hottest talent search, Jue Dui Superstar. One of them's a TP student. I've heard people talking about him and though I've watched the show, I only paid attention to the hilarious antics of the contestants.

So I've been told about two TP guys that got into the competition and I was racking my brains to try to remember which are the younger ones that look familiar like as if I've seen them in school.

On that very same day, I was sitting at the bus-stop in school thinking why on earth no one made a big fuss over our school's own student in the competition when somebody passed me a pamphlet/note/letter/don't-know-what-you-call-it.

It was appealing to all TP students to vote for one of the TP dude that was in the competition. Isn't that wonderful? Now I not only know how that guy looks like, I even know his name as well as the number I should call in order to vote for him (which I won't, until I've heard him sing, and then I'd consider).

But it's heartwarming to see his friends (well, I ASSUME they are his friends), bothering to design such stuffs and giving them out along the overhead bridge and at the school bus-stops to the other students.

You can't say TP students are cashing in on the publicity for I am sure the rest of the Superstar contestants come from different schools too so there's nothing much to boast about. There is no or hardly any publicity to cash in on. Duh! It's not like a student of the school won the first Singapore Idol and the school starts telling the whole world about it! *stares at Singapore Poly*

LOL! Just kidding!

Well, what can I say, vote for the best. If not, save money and don't vote at all!

Next heartwarming thing, was that in Thailand, while shopping at Chatuchak, Sharon realised that her favourite Jansport bag's front zip was spoilt. Meaning it can't close. So she moved all of her items in that pocket (not much, tissue paper and mambo jumbo stuffs only) to another pocket.

We continued shopping around and in-between, it was amazing the number of fellow Singaporeans who were also shopping there, who had bothered to tapped on Sharon's shoulder and told her that her bag was open.

So many of them, helpful kind people, who were telling her to zip up her bag. But honestly, TOO MANY.. that slowly it started to become abit irritating.

I was considering pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling the words: FAULTY ZIP. PLEASE DO NOT REMIND! on a piece of paper and then sticking it on her bag.

If there was anyone who lost anything that was me and my orange keypouch :( No one at that time bothered to tell me that it was unzipped. Unfair! Don't I look like a Singaporean to you!?

Another thing for today. There was a piece of hair in my eye and it was blardy irritating the hell out of me. I looked into a mirror. Just nice, it was sticking out at the corner of my eye that's near the nose.

I decided to pull it out. But it was like dead 'stuck'. It kept slipping through my fingers.

I was starting to feel pissed. Switched on every single light bulb I had in my room (except for the one in my head), and proceeded to take it out or not go to sleep tonight.

It took like 10 tries or so but finally I had a good grip on the very tiny piece of hair and was pulling it. It was a MUCH longer strand than I thought. I could feel the rest of the hair moving out along my eyeball. You know how sickening that feels? *shudders* I can still clearly recall it moving.

Yikes. When I finally pulled it out, I was feeling real proud and happy and my eyes were filled with tears of joy (and partly irritation).

It was...

a strand of Chubby's hair.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:15 pm

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Oily handphone screen (ewwgh!)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

One thing I extremely HATE about big screen everything.. is its tendency to easily leave fingerprints (not good for criminals, I suppose), especially oil stains.

But I have just the answer to it. FACIAL TONERRRRRRRR RULE!!!!!! Just use ONE drop of facial toner, ONE DROP MIND YOU, don't come and blame or accuse me of anything if you drown your phone (you'd have to be some total idiot to do that).. On a piece of cotton wool.. Wipe. TA DAAAA! Miracle!!!!!!!! Screen is SQUEAKY clean. Yes. Squeaky. I used my clean hands to rub against the screen and there really was this squeaky sound.

I hate that squeaking sound but to hear it coming from my phone that used to have so much oil on the surface screen that you could practically harvest the oil like they do in deep sea mining.. the sound, is heavenly!

1) Are you feeling incredibly tired right now?
2) Have you noticed that you are having slight sunburns on (especially) your face?
3) Are you having mild stomachaches and feels so extremely like vomitting sometimes?

If your answer is yes.. Congratulations! Join the crowd.

What's up these days man! The world coming to an end already or something? Why's everyone experiencing the same thing? IT'S A CONSPIRACY!

I don't know why but in my opinion everyone's been affected by one of the above stated problems.

Especially about the sunburn part. How on earth did Cindy get sunburn today? It's not like she went Sentosa. Oh no, that is the wrong word. Don't forget I'm like some rain charm. If I said I'm going to Sentosa, it will definitely rain on that day that I'm going.

Don't believe, I'd prove it to you.


Now we sit back and wait to see if it rains tomorrow......

Back to my sunburn. I couldn't figured out how the hell I got it since today was an ordinary schooling day. But, my only direct contact with the sun, get this: was in the car on the way to school. Yes, jaws can drop on the floor now. Like HUH? How the hell!? Why the hell?! Maybe I stay further away from the school than I can ever imagine, which is why the sunburn was possible.

Super fast topic-changer in action!


After school I had dinner at home before going to Pet's Station (PS: They're looking for retail assistant!! I start school then they come and look for retail assistant. This is the second conspiracy I've spotted for today!

Bought deworm tablets for the 3 dogs. . . um, basically force the tablet down the dog's throat and then when you see them crapping, you can see worms among their faeces. It's pretty cool actually, if you look at it from another angle.

The pills are eaten I think on one pill per 5kg (dog's weight!).

Dad should have made his life easier by wrapping the pills up in bread and throwing it into the air so Kilo would catch it. After all, Mr. Dumb Dog had like almost 7 pills to swallow!

The thing about Kilo and bread is, when you throw it into the air and he expertly catches it in his mouth (provided your throwing skills is good), he would gulp down the bread without chewing AT ALL. That's how scary it is. Thank goodness I'm not a piece of bread.

Didi was simpler. One and a half tablet served with a piece of bread. He ate it elegantly and then chased after my dad because he wanted more.

Chubby (this is the part where Xiang shakes his head), is the more pampered one. Partly my doing, I regretfully admit. His bread that wrapped the single one pill, had to be coated with a layer of peanut butter. This made Didi crazy. You could see a flash of jealousy, pain, and anger in his eyes. But hey, I did feed part of peanut butter bread to Didi, so shut up about me not being fair bla bla bla...

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:36 am

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My Dear Ah Gong...

Monday, June 20, 2005

As I was typing yesterday's post, my mind was in a wonderful whirl. There were so many things I wanted to write but my fingers aren't moving fast enough to type everything all down.

Such a pity. I wished I had four hands instead. And 2 computer keyboards.

Remember I blogged the other day about bringing my grandmother to Toa Payoh polyclinic for her checkup?

After her blood test results were out (damn the waiting waiting waiting), we were sitting outside (for about 1 hour 15min) waiting for the doctor.

My grandfather was restless. Heck, he's ALWAYS restless. He's just like this super young kid and you got to take care of him and makes sure he does not do stupid things. The only difference however, between him and a kid would be his looks as well as HIS DRIVING LICENSE. That's what got us to the polyclinic.

Like I remember when we were going to Bangkok with the rest of the family. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, my grandparents and my parents. My grandpa was very excited since he seldom get to go to the airport.

We brought out all our digicams to take a group shot and stopped a kind stranger to take a picture of all of us. Turned around, Ah Gong was gone. Panic. But soon found him squatting beside the potted plants at the airport.

"Ah Gong! Come! Take photo!" We all shouted. He loves taking photos and hurriedly joined us. After thanking the stranger and getting our camera back, I noticed my grandma scratching his head (yes, he really was, cliche as it sounds).

"Where is my jacket?" he said. It wasn't expensive nor was it branded, but after all it was made of wool and was just about the best thing to keep him warm, considering the fact that he was very afraid of air-conditioned places. My Ah Ma is the exact opposite. She LOVES and ADORES coldness. They sleep together and can argue back and forth through the night on whether the fan should be turned on or off.

We never found it.

It only requires you to take him out for an hour and you will realise how often he can get himself lost. You may think it's hilarious, oh yes it is sometimes, but when you are like busy checking in/out of hotel or buying food, he chooses to make himself disappear.

What was worst, although Ah Gong is rather tall and you could try tip-toeing to catch him among the crowd, he has this absolutely weird habit of squatting down on the floor so no matter how you jump, walk on stilts, or tip-toe, you will never be able to see him. You'd have to get into a low position with your stomach on the floor and do the commando stance of crawling towards him amidst the legs that are side-stepping all over you.

In order to make it more convenient, we also considered the option of putting an alarm on him. Or a key-finder equipment (from the Ben Stiller/ Jennifer Aniston movie 'Along Came Polly') where the beep gets louder and more persistent if you are near the item you are trying to search for.

Wa! I severely side-tracked. I was talking about the hospital but the floods of tour memories just came flooding back to me that I just had to type it all down.

Martha, Ah Ma and I were sitting outside the doc's room with alot of people. We were waiting for our turn but frustrating enough, alot of ah sohs keep cutting queue. I don't have any bad opinions against ah sohs except for that particular day when they kept trying to cut queue.

I was on the verge of blowing my top, marching into the doctor's room and KINDLY REQUESTING that the doctor stop serving those who cut queue, or, if he appears innocent, recommend that he check queue numbers before serving the patient.

Just as I was sitting in the very uncomfortable chair outside the doctor's room, I realised something.

Ah Gong was missing.

Why am I not surprised?

Why am I NOT surprised?

Oh well, the polyclinic is so small, he wouldn't have wandered far. Even if he did, he would still be able to make his way back to us. He knew we were visitin the doctor in Room 41.

15 minutes later after coffee and a cigarette for him, he walked back into the waiting area. I lifted my hand to wave at him. Wave.. is an understatement. I was vigorously swinging my arms in the air while moving the piece of paper that is the blood test results as fast as possible.

Too fast, I guess, for he didn't see me. His eyes looked past me and he stared at the doors where the different doctors were situated in.

To my horror, he walked towards Room 41... and disappeared inside.

I was shocked. Stunned. Was I suppose to go after him or something? But I don't want to be perceived as one of those stupid wankers that always cut the doctor's queue!

I was still contemplating my next move when my Ah Gong reappeared from the doc's room, apparently chased out by the doctor. I hope the patient that was currently inside the room was not having some form of body examination or something otherwise it would be utterly embarrassing!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:37 pm

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Time for homework.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

New song stuck in my head! View video here. GREATLY RECOMMENDED for de-stressing.

Sunday is a time for rest. Sunday is Family Day. Sunday, itself, is already an excuse to stay home and not do anything at all.

For me, Sunday is homework day. I do not look forward to this day since Sunday meant that I cannot procrastinate anymore and make lame excuses that I can always do my homework 'later'.

Because Monday is Calculus tutorial and there is no way I can get past the tutorial in peace without having my homework done.

And suddenly before I know it, they told me it was my grandaunt's birthday. Yea, talk about being the good girl. No one bothered to tell me earlier since it was assumed that I am going. I am ALWAYS there all the time, year after year, come rain or shine. Like.. I would soooo appreciate if someone could tell me earlier.

I wouldn't have found out that it was today had it not been Joshua, my cousin, who suddenly asked whether I was attending. I should correct that sentence. He was the only one who bothered to ask. I'm like closest to only Weishan, Josh and Jack among all my cousins.

Talking about my cousins, brings me back to this particular cousin of mine. She's like my second youngest cousin when you consider both my paternal and maternal sides. Her name is Germaine. I wonder if she'd ever read this but Jack, DON't LET HER!

When she was like superly young, I had accidnetally knocked her head against the wall. . .

Yea, please, everyone who reads this, don't let Cindy go near babies. She's dangerous.

It was PURELY accidentally. Allow me to emphasize PURELY. She was like lying against the cushions on the bed. There was no bed headboard you see, so it was just a wall. She was so tiny that she was sliding off the pillows. I thought since I was the oldest one in the room at that time, it was my duty to make her sit upstraight. So I crawled over to the bed and carried her, and, in a way, threw her against the pillows.

Oops. I missed. She banged the wall instead. Ouch! She wouldn't stop crying and Flor, Jack's maid at that point in time, came rushing into the room. I was dumbfounded. What the hell happened?

Jack who saw everything was like "You banged her against the wall man! You threw her against the wall!!!"

I refused to believe it, but judging by the volume that she was wailing and crying, it was undoubtedly true that I DID hit her head against the wall.

In case you are wondering whether there were any 'after-effects' after she was knocked, well, she's currently I think primary 5 this year. Doing fine. If there was anything that knock had done to her was to only give her a mighty bump on her head that's all *sighs with relief*.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:47 pm

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Went out with full intent of accomplishing the phrase "Shop till you drop".

In the end, the only thing I spent on was food. Not great food, but food court and pasar malam food.

I went to Marina Square too. They did some major image overhaul for the place. It isn't 100 percent completed yet. I recommend you go check the place out in a few more months' time. I had to walk 'like a dog', as Xiang described, to get INTO Marina Square from CityLink as they blocked out most parts of the building due to renovation.

And when I say you have to walk alot.. I really mean you have to walk ALOT. But you can see from the places that were already renovated, that the place is going to make it big in the near future. Well, at least on the aesthetics side it is.

If you can even read up to this part of my blog, I congratulate you. I have run out of stupid remarks to make about everything and anything since today is such a pathetically normal day!

Except for in the morning. The dogs were supposed to bathe early this afternoon. They did. Chubby was the last. Chubby is ALWAYS the last to bathe. He's like a cat. Cats HATE water. Chubby HATES water. Therefore Chubby is a cat. Sounds like primary school science answer *shrugs*. Oh well.....

So as I was saying, we bathe the dogs outside in the very small patch of grass that I wouldn't dare call a garden. It was Chubby's turn. I was leaving the house to go fulfill my obligation of Shop Till I Drop. Martha caught him and, my guess was, she threw him into the tub to totally prevent him from getting out at all.

Wrong move. His hatred for water must have given him superpower strengths, for in the blink of an eye, he had already jumped out of the tub and was running back into the house (he could squeeze through the door grilles, mind you).

Martha ran into the house after him. And you know something? The tub was already filled with water when she put Chubby inside it. Thus, when Chubby was making his little escapade, he left a trail of water all over.

He ran into the living room, got onto the blardy carpet, and hid under the coffee table, snarling and growling at anyone who stuck their hands under the table to touch him.

Except for me, of course. I had to literally drag him out by his two front paws and carry him. To make a long story short, Martha eventually got him back into the tub, only to have him escape, again.

This time he was smarter. He hid under the car instead. Not exactly a good idea since my dad was going to use the car to fetch me out. After lots of tempting with multiple types of foods etc that got Didi and Kilo climbing over each other to get to it, Chubby was still absolutely reluctant to leave his hiding place.

Finally, half a hour later as we got into the car, Chubby ran out and tried to get into the car with us to hitch a ride out of the house.

That was how we finally caught him.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:45 pm

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And She Will Be Loved... (again!)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Can someone explain why among all the songs that we have listened to hundreds and thousands of times, we just cannot get sick of this particular composition by Maroon 5?

This song kicks a$$!!!!!

I have made an important discovery today. Some genius managed to sum up all 3 of the LOTR movies into a 90 second trailer.

It's not done up in a graphically attractive way but who cares. The story is 'there' (So is my favourite Legolas). Well, almost all there. But it's so summarised that those who haven't watched it wouldn't have a damn as to what is going on.

I didn't go to lecture today. Instead woke up and by 9am I was with ahgong, ahma and Martha at Toa Payoh's polyclinic.

We thought we could beat the crowd and skip the long waiting part. I repeat: We thought. Turned out we didn't. It was waaay past my normal lunchtime by the time I reached home. Already too late to turn up for lecture (not like I had woken up with the intention of going anyway).

My friends then sms-ed me with the great news that today's lecture topic was actually an exam topic (thanks CK!). I was slapping my forehead when I read that particular SMS. Great. Why is it that I always choose to NOT go to classes at the RIGHT time?

The waiting was really annoying. The next time I'm there I'd will make sure I will borrow/loan/rob/rent a Sony PSP to accompany me while waiting to see the doctor *smiles at TP Marketing seniors*.

Thank goodness my grandmother was there for a checkup. She wasn't there because she was awfully sick. I cannot imagine. If you rewind the time back to where I had dengue, and you expect me to wait like this for hours in stupid plastic uncomfortable chairs, I would suggest you buy me a coffin instead. At least the insides of coffins are padded. I bet there's even a pillow to boot.

Hmmpf! Talking about dengue fever. I was in Secondary 1 when I got 'blessed' with a bout of dengue. It was crap I tell you. You have this sensitive headache that weighs you down. Loud sounds (maybe like carhorns or something) can make you wince in pain. Even when you walk, you have to do it gently otherwise you feel that your head is throbbing badly with pain.

I remembered the second time I went back to the same doc when my fever hadn't subside after 2 days. The doc told my mum he didn't think I had dengue. I understand why he don't think so. I was living on the 20th and 21st floor for goodness sake! That must have been a really powerful mosquito or really pure bad luck!

But I kinda disliked that dude for my parents had to persuade him to take my blood sample for lab tests, otherwise he wouldn't even go to the extent. I know why soon after that; of all the people who had ever drawn blood from my arm, he was the worst. I could have sworn there was this little tad bit of shivering from his hands as the needle was drawing blood out.

Fast forward. Admitted to Tan Tock Seng. Or rather, TRIED to. There were no available beds except for those at CDC. My mother was totally against it since my immune systems were taking a holiday and the name CDC stands for COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Centre.

So the very kind staffs at TTS told us to wait abit while they check with other hospitals if they had spare beds. I remembered that day clearly. I thought I was going to die. The worse thing was we had to wait like 4-5 hours for them to blardy check with other hospitals for availability of beds. DUH! How many hospitals does Singapore have?

And during that 4-5 hours, they wouldn't let me have a stretcher or some pathetic thing where I can lie down and sleep while waiting. For fug's sake! They wouldn't even lend me a blanket! Mum explains that they were afraid we would make off without returning the blanket to them. I was so mad, and sick, and angry, I wished I would just drop down dead in the hospital lobby and ruin their reputation and get them all into sh*t sooooo deep that they have to waddle neck-deep inside it. Ewww.. disgusting thought!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:42 pm

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

This is CK, Janet and I after lecture today.

Apparently, CK's hands were not cut out to be a photographer's. Forgive the cameraman. He is much better at babysitting Imelda, his darling little princess, his newborn niece.

All babies look alike to me, you know. If.. IF.. I were to give birth one day (I haven't decided whether I want kids in the first place or not), I think I won't be able to recognise my own. Embarrassing but factual.

What goes around comes around they say.

A classmate called me on the phone wanting to pass me a stack of surveys. My group, of ALL groups, was the 'suay' one who is doing the 'sai gang' (aka sh*t work) of typing in all the raw data of the survey into this programme called SPSS.

Oh and why on earth did we volunteer to do the sh*t work? Well, we didn't. When teacher was asking which group was willing to volunteer to do compilation, Lena happened to be stretching her arms into the air. What bad luck. Hey but I don't blame her. We could hone our SPSS skills by 'volunteering'.

So I was on the phone arranging with this classmate regarding where we can meet etc to get the surveys from him, when someone tapped me from behind.

Oooh, so it was Mr. Hint of Insanity (more popularly known as Junwei). I remembered he was supposed to get beaten up over something he had said or done. I'm not sure what, but just started whacking him anyway with my very precious Sales Management notes while balancing my phone on my shoulder.

Thankfully, unlike my old days in Bendemeer Secondary, the notes did not get 'unbinded' and fly into the wind landing all over the place. Junwei finally fled away from me after deciding that I'm a nutcase. He did so by jumping over a bush. Yes he did. Jumped over a bush. CK was very entertained as he watched on.

Yea, now I've learnt a lesson. Never to beat up a friend. Because after that, we went to Janet's house. Yes, to see her little darling Haku again. Oh yea I've got another picture of Haku to show all of you:

We played with her PS2. Fun dope!

While concentrating on Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly, Shaozong suddenly threw my phone at me. I wanted to glare at him but I just couldn't take my eyes off the TV screen. He was trying to tell me that Haku attacked my phone.

With him being a puppy at all, I didn't think the damage could be worse. I was wrong. One of his fatal bite penetrated through my protector sticker. I wasn't sure if my screen itself was damaged. I don't want to have to peel off the whole thing and check.

It'd be disappointing and heartbreaking to find that the original screen was damaged. Oh and right behind my handphone there were a few teeth marks.

Never underestimate a puppy! NEVER! Today is a one in a million I Hate Puppies Day. Just for today. And right now 'today' has only 1 hour and 5 minutes left.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:55 pm

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So heng!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Singaporean undergrad recently got acquitted.

She was arrested, I don't know when, after she had thrown her newborn baby down the rubbish chute (or so news reports claimed). She lives on the eighteenth floor if I'm not wrong.

At first I felt pity for her. Not married, her boyfriend (my guess) probably would have left her upon finding out about the pregnancy.

You must be thinking, what the hell!? Got acquitted after throwing a bloody (pun unintended) baby all the way down from 18 storeys causing it to die!!!!

My exact reaction too. But it was after an autopsy that it was finally discovered that it had been a stillborn. It was not even fully developed yet, thus they call it by the very chim name of foetus (and a 5 month old one at that!). From point of view of the medical world, it was unclear whether a foetus could well survive and develop into a baby. For her case it obviously DID NOT.

Thus, baby was born dead, she decided to throw it away.

She cannot, did not abort the .. thing in her womb. I don't know what to call it since it is underdeveloped and cannot be rightfully termed as a 'baby'. Hmm, makes me wonder if she even KNOWS she's pregnant in the first place?

Thus we can say that she did not intentionally kill the baby. What would a flustered teenager do when a foetus suddenly drops at her feet in a bloody mess. She did what, I believe, most teenage girls would do. She threw it away.

Wouldn't you? Or would you prefer to leave that bloody mess on the floor until someone stumbles upon or trips over it?

Yea, maybe the foetus should have been given some proper burial. But it is so small, so tiny, so... I don't know what. Besides, if I'm not wrong foetuses are all thrown away for abortion cases right? This one is already born dead in the first place, what makes it so special that it has to be 'kept'?

Like.. duh! You want to keep it in a glass bottle or something? For those of you who are nodding your head about the glass bottle idea, go to Chatuchak and buy yourself one jug of it. They have the fake softoy version that looks equally (if not, MORE) spooky.

This led me to recall a secondary school incident.

I remembered during debates there was this one team, the eventual CHAMPION team of that year, who beat us at the semi-finals. We were hopping mad. As the opponent team made their closing speech, they mentioned that our INFERTILE argument was something something something.

I didn't hear the rest of her speech. She called our argument infertile. Sure we might be a newbie school to the debate competition (so are they, I must add), but they called our argument INFERTILE. It's like WTF!

What an insult! But the reaction that followed was pretty interesting to watch for the rest of the audience, I guess.

Mine was probably the most normal reaction with my eyes widening till you can see alot of whites, and my jaws lying down on the floor. Moreover, the floor was carpetted. To absorb my saliva, I guess. And no, I was not drooling over some cute opponent since the one talking is a girl.

I turned around to look at my teamates who were all sitting on my right.

Hwee Liang's face (I wonder where is that dude now?) was much different. He looked at the girl with the corner of his eyes and gave a smirk. Having being teamates, and having, for the past few weeks, eat sleep work shit scream scold cry hug together with the rest of the debates society, I knew that looked on his face meant that the opponent should just shut up and fug off.

I shifted my gaze and looked at Val instead. She gripped my hand so tight I thought I heard a bone break. By the way Val, since you're home on MC I reckon thinking of that day would bring some 'fire' back into your life.

Her face was contorted but that facial expression to me shows that she is saying to herself in her mind: Oohhhh I am sooooo gonna kill that b*tch!

Let's face it! We're all fellow debaters, no matter which school we are from. We work hard to do our school proud. We stay back late every day to train, train, research, research, train etc etc... There is no need to hurl that kind of insult at us. I'm extremely glad that when it was time to announce the results, the main judge made it a point to look at our opponents while saying to the rest of the room that 'you should never ever call someone's argument infertile'.

I loved that judge that very day, though now I forgot how he/she looks like. Hell, I even forgot the gender.

We lost that match.

But you know what's worst?

We lost that match..... AND got insulted.

But the very worst part was seeing that very same team on stage again, competing in the Finals.

And then seeing them win that fight and get the trophy (I left before that happened).

I won an award that day too so I got to get up on the stage. I wished that blardy never fugging happened. As I received the award, I thought the medallion was GLUED to the box. Let's just say I was wrong.

As I spun around on my heels to walk down the steps, the medal just FUCKING ROLLED off, landed on the floor, and then again FUCKING ROLLED DOWN THE STEPS with me chasing after it. Inevidently, I let out an uncontrollably loud: "OH SHIT!". Not very polite, I suppose.

When I finally got hold of that goddamn thing, my face was as red as an apple. Whose wouldn't? So many people were laughing and as I walked back to my dearest of all dearest ELDDS members, they were loyally trying to cover up their school badge to pretend that I'm from a different school. Thank you guys!

But then all this is part of life I guess. The fun times when we chose one (or two) unfortunate person during our debates brain-storming sessions to go out and buy food for the rest of the group. The hard part wasn't going out to buy food. It was bringing back ALL THE FOOD for so many people.

Then there were the times when we all cried together when we lost the match, such as the one I mentioned above. Infertile. :( Infertile! They called us infertile!

THIS MEANS WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(PS: I remember how they look like. I think Hwee Liang should be able to recall their names. And I'm THAT damn sure Val has long ago memorised BOTH their names and their faces.)

Talking about war.. I AM GLAD ... that some organisations/people do appreciate what the American soldiers are doing for the rest of the world in Iraq.

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CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:59 pm

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Why am I blogging now?

Monday, June 13, 2005

Oh look!

It's exactly 10.01am!

It's a Monday!

And on Mondays Cindy has her favourite Calculus tutorial from 9 - 11am. No I'm not kidding when I said it's my favourite. I think it's like the only class that I pay so much attention to. The other tutorials are just there for the heck of discussing projects. I like this arrangement of using project time to really discuss because at least the teachers are there to answer your query on the spot.

Do you know in the past whenever we have to discuss our project OUTSIDE of tutorials, we are bound to knock ourselves into some super duper mystifying big unsolvable questions and we would dash madly like headless chickens to the teacher's room to ask for the answer. The stupifying thing was that the teacher IS NEVER at their desk.

Everytime at the end of the semester when the teachers are asking for feedback, I will always always, always state about them giving us time to discuss project in tutorials. It seems like my feedback is taking effect. Now that's one thing I love about the school.

Ok. Back to why I did not go today. I wasn't sick or anything. Even if I was, I'd still turn up. Like DUH! It's a 2 hour lesson only and I can go home after that! Why shouldn't I turn up?

I treasure short hours the most (hate Wednesdays. Absolutely HATE Wednesdays).

But, it was at 8AM when my mother asked me whether I wanted to leave for school already. I'm like "Are you kidding? Still so early."

She should have told me she wanted to go to the bank before that but oh, she didn't.

8.15AM: Left the house before Mum told me she needed to go to the bank.

8.30AM: Bank finally opens.

8.31AM: Waited in car till Mum comes back.

8.45AM: Mum finally comes back.

8.47AM: Freaks out. Sure to be late for lesson. How the hell do you FLY from Hougang to Tampines within 13 minutes absolutely stumps me.

8.48AM: Calls Lena to ask if there is project meeting today.

8.49AM: She did not pick up.

8.51AM: Call Gary.

8.52AM: He picked up. Explained situation and decision of not to go school.

8.55AM: Lena called back. Said Peizhen is not turning up for Calculus either. Wonder if they will start to suspect that I was secretly meeting her to go shopping (just kidding!).

9.05AM: Mysteriously ended up in a carpark near Junwei's house. Mum said that since I am not turning up for school she may as well top up the car's cash card (-.-").

9.06AM: We walked back to car; She forgot to take out the cash card from IU.

9.07AM: We can't find a 7-Eleven to top up cashcard. Called Junwei immediately to ask him for nearest branch which he said (something along the lines of) verrrry far.

9.13AM: Thankfully, we found AXS Machine at a ulu-fied provision shop.

9.15AM: Mum realise she didn't take out her wallet from the car so had to walk allll the way back to get it.

We reached home and as the car pulled in, I stayed hidden in the car while my mother got out with the three dogs throwing a welcome party at her feet. They expected me to be 'gone' since my mother often fetched me to school every boring stupid horrifying Monday morning.

Yes. I was hiding in the car like a fugitive when I took that picture. I started whistling and talking to myself in the car like a loony seeing which of the three dogs would be the first to find me. I should have made it more specific. Find is too general. I should have classified it as 1st to See. 1st to Hear. 1st to Welcome Me Back.

That would be clearer.

The very first one who saw me in the car taking photo of them was actually Didi. He was so happy and wagging his tail so hard his entire butt was shaking. Didi was no longer overweight like he used to be. He'd lost almost 2-3 kg and looks-wise had slimmed down considerably.

But the way his fur was, it made him as if he had a very.. prominent butt.

No picture could capture that essence of joy in his eyes. I felt like some war hero who had finally come home after some grand accomplishment. Such joy, such happiness. I felt it all through my dogs.

I've digressed. Back to main point. Didi was the only one who saw me. Chubby was partially blind. Kilo couldn't be bothered to look around.

So as I've just mentioned. I was whistling to myself when I caught a reaction from Kilo.

He turned his head quickly towards the car I was in. When he did so, his ears flew up. It was so funny I laughed, and quickly shut up before he hears me.

Too late. He did. He walked around the car inspecting it. Trying to peer (unsuccessfully) into the car.

I got him there with a very nice pose through the rear mirror of the car. I so can't wait for a 2.5megapix handphone camera to come up. I'd change my S700i without secondthoughts. This way I can take so much more photos to upload and share with all of you. Gawd, someone save me! Tell me why Kilo is so cute!

Since he found me I might as well make it more obvious. I tapped the window. He saw me now for sure.

Tail wagging madly. Gosh he's so super cute.

Since I had nothing to do for pretty much the rest of the day, I decided to go exercise. When I say exercise, I mean taking my dogs for a walk. In order to take some photos, Mum had to hold Didi and Kilo while Chubby has free reign since he naturally stays close to us.

There's a difference between grateful loyal dog to I-Run-Out-And-Don't-Turn-Back dog.

The result was not so good. Mum ended up getting dragged all over the place. It was quite an amusing sight if not for the scolding I received afterwards.

Finally after all the dogs poo-ed, we went home happily.

PS: Chubby vomited after that. I guess it was cos of the Ferrero Rocher I fed him. Damn it! It's not cheap! I calculated. I bought a box of 30 and by the time I divided every sh*t, each piece of Ferrero costs like 48 cents!!!!! And Chubby puked it out!!!! :(

If there were any form of consolation, it would be that I had to rush off in the midst of my favourite TV programe (America's Funniest Home Video) and cheong him to the toilet holding him over the sink and rubbing his back to comfort him while he presses his paws onto my tube colgate on the sink and pukes.

Just to satisfy your curiousity, the puke was yellow.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:01 am

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Where's everyone?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ajahn Brahmavamso. Everyone has a date with him. My parents went to his talk and I was left alone. Imagine Home Alone scenario. My aunts and uncles all went. Except on different dates.

My paternal second aunt went to his talk which was on Friday. My first uncle (on the maternal side) went with him to Bangkok on Saturday (1 day chanting trip) in which he said a rainbow appeared as they were chanting and he even video-taped the whole thing down.

Anyway, second aunt was relating parts of the talk to me where Ajahn Brahmavamso was talking about something that happened in Guantanamo Prison. Someone (some say are the detainees, some say it's the American soldiers) had actually flushed a Quran down the toilet, causing outrage in the Muslim community.

So he asked, if it was not the Quran, but a Sutra that was flushed down the toilet, how would you react? He was expecting strong answers I guess since presumably most of those who attended were Buddhists/Taoists.

My aunt answered him straight: I'd call the plumber. As my aunt was explaining the talk to me until she got to the flush sutra part, I was thinking of how I was going to wring that flusher's neck.

But of course, 'Uncle' Ajahn, being one who has meditated so much and thought about worldly matters in another way different from us ($$$$$$), he asked why should we get angry?

The Sutra/Quran is only a messenger. Something that contains words. It's the meaning behind the words that are important, so why should we get so upset and mad (and murderous)?

Maybe just for today, for today's wonderful-looking perfect weather Sunday (of which I am sure would have definitely rained if I declared that I am going to Sentosa), we should all sit back and relax in our foldable suntanning deck chairs with a cup of orange juice, a bottle suntan lotion. Make sure no dogs are with you (think hotdogs).


And Smile.

I haven't talked about Oscar for a darn blardy long time already. I'm starting to thik that he's stopped growing. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for that. If he continues to grow as fast as he used to a year back, I have no doubt that I would have to throw him into the pond with the carps. Which is not good because I already have a fighting fish, a Bala Shark inside. Oscar would ruin the whole nice vegetarian ecological system there.

I have no doubt about his hunting abilities. He would take on a 4kg carp that is almost 10x his size should he feel hungry enough to do so.

It's quite scary to see Oscar nowadays. He's very happy of course. Clean water, good food (choice of turtle pellets, live fish or blood worms). But he wasn't as lazy as he used to be. He would only go after the live fishes if he felt that they were abit slow or not paying attention.

The other day when I was observing him, he was chasing after them with this look of intense concentration so visible on his face it was almost scary.

No doubt this little guy (actually not little anymore) is going to grow up to become a dangerous predator. Ai.. ran out of things to talk about already.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:43 pm

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1 Wife... 2 TV... 3 Dogs...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

An employee of my dad's company got into some deep sh*t with the law. It's something to do with drunk driving. Heck, why is everyone getting into court/trouble/hospital/coffins because of drunk driving!

My dad went to court with him because the poor dude would need someone to bail him out after the court appearance, drilling, trauma, grieve, and possibility of my dad firing him if he lands in jail (which I guess he most probably would, no offense).

Now we've always heard of bailing bailing bailing.

You bring the cash, you pay, that person gets out. If person appears for the next court hearing, you get your cash back. If not, then God Bless You! Kiss farewell to your money.

Now that was what I THOUGHT would happen. That is what I'm sure most of you think happens since we never get much further details.

But what actually happened was Dad forget to bring cash (lol). You don't expect someone to carry a whole briefcase of notes and when paying bail, slam that suitcase on the table and open it up and eye the official grimly.

That's like some low grade Hong Kong gangster movie.

Apparently the very efficient bailing system in Singapore does not call for cash. You can choose to have your bank account frozen (if bail amount is very high), or you can do what my father did.

List down your possessions that will be confiscated from you should that person not appear again for the next court session.

I was like "Huh?!?" when I heard about it. "What items did you put down?" I asked out of curiousity, but inside me I was so wishing that Dad didn't put any of the dogs down, not like they're worth alot but they mean the world to me.

"Don't worry, we'd just have no TV to watch." My dad replied. I had to correct him. I could still watch TV from my room since he hadn't added that down. He should have though. There are already problems with my current TV. The sound goes awry all of a sudden, but though it lasts for all of 3 seconds, 3 seconds is enough for you to mix some very important speech when you are watching your favourite television drama, called Lost.

Apparently the plasma and the lcd tv was what he listed down on the declaration form. It's hilarious. You can put down like that?

He should have put more valuable things like:

- The spoilt TV set in my daughter's room.
- My daughter's entire Miffy collection.
- Anything that has anything to do with LOTR that belongs to my daughter.

(etc etc)

Those are what I call priceless. Why is the TV set in my room priceless? You can not imagine your anger/frustration when you miss some important words from Lost while watching it eagerly. Yet with the stupid disruption that makes the TV resemble a growling dog for 3 seconds, you cannot afford to whack the TV upside-down either, because you're afraid the TV might 'throw a tantrum' and end up not working at all.

You'd have to miss a few more precious seconds of Lost when you try to run all the way to the living room to catch it. But then you realise to your horror that (let's say) the items Dad had placed down had already been confiscated. There is no more TV in the living room!

Run to parents' room. Oh! Their lcd is gone too! Oh shit! What to do!!!? What to do!?!?

It is then you remember that you have someone called a brother.

Not like I talk to him alot. I think I talk to Chubby more than to my brother. In fact, when was the last time I talked to my own bro? No no, when was the last time I even SAW him? Don't get me wrong. We live under the same roof and our rooms are just beside each other.

Ok I think I remembered. The last time I saw him was last month.

Back to Lost. Watching it halfway, Bro comes home. "Get the fug out of my room!!!!" he shouts. Ok, run back to my room, takes wallet, flags a cab and pleads with cabdriver to fly all the way to Xiang's house.

By then, Lost finishes since it is only aired for A PATHETIC ONE HOUR and only ONCE EVERY WEEK!

That is why it's priceless.

And I'd show you another thing that is priceless. A clean and white Chubby.

I mean it. It's so difficult to make him bathe, whenever he does so (and I mean go through the proper bath ritual including a very good scrub!), it is so rare that it is considered a miracle.

This is his grumpy face after tug-of-war, hide-and-seek and catching. If this dog was literate, I'm pretty sure one of the books he had read will be Sun Tzu's Art of War.

He gets happier as his fur starts to dry up. And a whole lot cutier too!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:29 pm

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Did you get Lost last night?

Friday, June 10, 2005

How could anyone in the world NOT catch Lost at 10pm on Channel 5 last night?

Glass Slippers (that Korean drama) is farrrrr over. I have decided to get my life on and now I chance upon the next Show Of My Life: Lost.

It's like a Survivor spin-off except (thank gawd) this is NOT a reality TV. A plane meets super duper severe turbulence, nose-dives, breaks into two with one part here of the island and one part there.

The survivors wake up to find themselves amid wreckages and plenty of dead bodies.

These survivors are those sitting at the Economy class side of the plane. Watching how the plane go down (as well as the passengers' reaction to it) I could almost feel that I was one of them. Sheesh, I think for a pretty loooong time I will not even want to go anywhere that requires me to travel on a plane.

I was being a tad bit realistic today, eagerly going to everyone and asking "Did you watch Lost last night?"

If the answer was greeted with a enthusiastic "Yes!" I would rattle on and on with that person. If that person said "No." with a I-couldn't-care-less-attitude, I would generally not talk to that person for the rest of the week. However, the Most Irritating Person Award for today goes to Mr. Ong Shaozong, who not only said "No." but also continued "but since you like it I will all the more avoid that show."

Unfortunately, the lecturer today (I don't dare to type the name out in case it comes out in some internet search engine resutls) was suffering from severe PMS and so I decided to not to anything rash.

This is a short interruption message that I decided to type suddenly over here. I would like to thank the person responsible for inventing Ferroro Rocher chocolates. Thank you!

So many little things happening today. As I want to blog with regards to chronological order, I shall start from last night.

Mum was lying on the bed lazily watching TV while I was sleeping near her feet. Didi walked beside and looked up at her from the floor with those brown hazelnut eyes of his. Mum stuck out her hand and scratched his forehead repeatedly.

I challenged my mother and told her let's try and see who Didi prefers more to scratch his head. Saying so, I whistled to Didi and proceeded to roll myself over to reach to the edge of the bed and stick out my hand and scratch the dog should he decide to walk over to my side.

Bad idea. I am referring to the rolling part. Apparently I should have estimated the length of the bed before rolling and before I could catch my breath, I plopped down onto the floor.

There were stars flying around my head man, considering that as I rolled over the last thing I saw were the ceiling lights before falling. Suddenly I was surrounded by two dogs who thought I had done it on purpose to get onto the floor and accompany them. They wagged their tails and lay down next to me to show that they appreciated my thoughtfulness.

That is why, ladies and gentlemen, that's the best thing about dogs. No matter what you had just done, they never think that you are stupid because to them you are the most intelligent and best owner. Not to mention that my Mum who witnessed everything was laughing her head off.

Fast forward to today June 10th 2005.

Do you know every polytechnic in Singapore (I think it's every), has made it a compulsory requirement that you must in your entire 3 year poly life, attend at least TWO National Education related forums/talks in order to graduate?

Forcing students to turn up for talks that don't really interest them. What more interesting ideas could they think up of?

I am talking about this bitterly because today, instead of going home at the very early timing of 2pm, I had to stay back till 5pm for my last NE talk in order to satisfy the above said requirement.

If that is bad, think about the stupid small little tiny chair of the TCC convention hall. It's even smaller than a pathetic cinema seat! Hmmpf! Probably even HALF of a cinema seat! For almost 2 hours I was fidgeting uncontrollably from spasms because the blood circulation in my butt was cut off and it became numb like a thousand ants were biting it.

And that isn't the worst. Upon getting up to my numb feet and dragging them towards the door, there was a super long queue as everyone scanned their matrice card in order to prove to the blardy education institute that "HEY WE FUGGING DID ATTEND THE NE TALK TO FULFILL THAT NEEDLESS POINTLESS STUPID REQUIREMENT!"

I know I'm contradicting myself. One moment I'm praising TP up to the skies, the next I'm criticising and damning it to hell. Everyone, let me remind you that I am the POTENTIAL author to the future bestseller book: My Love-Hate Relationship with Temasek Polytechnic.

After FINALLY scanning my matrice card and getting out, I realise the very considerate school had remembered that we students are humans too and we get hungry. They had prepared buffet for us. But then again, there were THOUSANDS of students all over and it wasn't easy to queue up for food.

I decided to skip it and opted for home-cooked dinner that was awaiting me when I get home. Realised that there were many students dressed in some very smart-looking shirts. Must be people from some organisation that makes sure that students eat their fill, I thought. But no, they were those ushers who were asking students to use another longer exit to get out.

Oh no, how could I forget. Today JJ (Ling Jun Jie, as he is better known in Chinese) is coming to our school to perform in TCC. We had to route a long way to walk out instead of directly getting out of there.

All of a sudden, I caught a glimpse of Karen as one of those ushers. I thought maybe being an old friend I would be given an exemption from such stupid human traffic rules.

So I called her name and pouted and gave her the I-am-gonna-cry-unless-you-let-me-have-my-way look.

"Cindy!" She shouted, her eyes lighting up with recognition. But she frowned when she saw the look I was giving her stepped towards me and said "Sorry la, have to walk the other way ok? Everyone has to walk the other way also."

She then personally maneuvered me towards the direction of the alternate exit and gave me a push. If it was not so crowded just now I think she might even have given me a slap in the butt for daring to even ask her for that favour. Thank goodness she didn't. Well, maybe she did but I didn't know. My butt was numb from seating so long, remember?

Hurriedly I took the bus home. It was surprisingly NOT crowded considering that it was 4+ in the evening almost 5pm. I thought there were many slackers who would give themselves an early break from work but I was proved wrong. So Singapore, I finally know that you are a very hardworking bunch!

But encountered a tiny weeny problem. As I walked down from the overhead bridge to get home, I had to do a ballerina jump across this:

There might be something dead or rotting among those branches. Inconsiderate person! Whatever you killed please dispose of it properly! (Just kidding)

Ok, it's now 6.30pm. There's America's Funniest Home Videos on Channel 5 right now. I've already prepared all my snacks for a very fun and enjoyable half an hour!

Ferrero, Ikan Bilis, Marshmallows, Lexus biscuit and um....toilet roll to wipe my mouth after everything. LOL!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 5:33 pm

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Too Often?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hey, want to ask all of you who check back often: Am I blogging too often?

I don't know whether blogging frequently (unless I'm not in Singapore) is a bad habit or a good habit. I enjoy torturing my brain everyday trying to think of what to write and what to not write.

Sometimes when I am just too tired, too pissed, or can't be bothered, I totally don't blog at all, but that usually only lasts one day and the very next I'm faithfully back to blogging. It's addictive. Like a drug. At least I don't really have to pay (except for electricity and connection charges) and blogging is not illegal, hehe.

I was quite irritated by a new song on Perfect10. Was listening to the wonderful songs that the radio station always play when this Techno-sounding one came on. Gosh it was like someone swung an axe and tried to cut off my head but failed because the axe wasn't sharp enough and my head was hanging loosely by the spinal cord at the back of my neck.

Basically, excruciating pain.

It was not only loud blast of Techno but accompanied by that stupid Vrroooooom Vrrroooom famous online character. The one who tries to imitate the sound of a F1 car. Check out Perfect10's New This Week songs and you will definitely know which one I'm referring to.

Talking about songs reminds me of Madagascar's Move It. Manda bluetooth-ed it to my handphone. I accepted the song transfer and then forgot all about it.

When I heard that stupid Techno-like song on Perfect10, I immediately switched to playing the MP3. And a few minutes later, I think I had a few people sitting near me wondering about my sanity for I was grinning away, on the verge of bursting into laughter.

Because the song playing on my phone was "I like to move it move it (x3).. You like to...." In my brain flashed the image of thousands of squirrels with their hands in the air shouting "MOVE IT!".

Gawd it was a hilarious sight to recall so I can't help my face.

Then the king started singing "Woman physically fit.. physically fit.. physically physically physically fit.." OMG! That almost had me rolling on the floor in laughter. More like BUS floor which isn't very clean to begin with.

Wa, want to talk about cleanliness, I was greatly perturbed by the sight of two packet drinks on Bus 28 today. Some stupid wankers do not have the brains nor consideration to throw away after consuming their drinks ON THE BUS.

Come on! Unless you're not from Singapore, then you must definitely KNOW the rules. You are not suppose to DRINK OR FRIGGING EAT ANYTHING, NOT EVEN M&M CHOCOLATES ON THE FRIGGING BUS!

I have to admit, me myself and I broke the rules one time or another, either eating on the bus or drinking Bubble Tea. But I swear to The Man Upstairs that I have never littered on the frigging SBS bus, always making sure that I get off and throw the frigging empty can/packet/whatever into the dustbin at the bus-stop that I alight.

There are certain exceptions to this though. Like when Xiang and I got together, I realised, to my horror that he was one of those.. um.. well.. wankers who litter on the bus. But I can positively assure you that with my paitence, guidance and positive influence, he no longer does that now *smiles*. LOL!

Let me once again remind you NOT to, and don't harbour the intention of littering on the bus because it's just fugging plain irritating. It's because of those wankers that litter on the bus that made them ban food and drinks onboard. Thank you so much hor, wankers!

Yes. I shall no longer use the f*cker word. I shall use the term "wanker" because although f**k is a word found in the dictionary, so is the word 'wank'. In fact, in the dictionary, wanker is described as describing someone who is detestable. Now aren't these bus litterers DETESTABLE.

LOST IS STARTING TODAY @ 10PM ON CHANNEL 5!!!!!!! Check out Charlie (Dominic Monaghan)...!!! *fanatic scream*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:01 pm

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Bee Borrrrh Beeeee Borrrhhhhh......

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Yea, regarding the previous entry, I took quite a long time to type everything out, but with those photos I had to toy around for some time to wait for an 'inspiration'. Like some kind of story where I can fit all the photos in, otherwise it would be plain boring if I uploaded the whole chunk online and toss it in your face.

And so it's a brand new Wednesday. I won't be in a good mood for all Wednesdays for the rest of the semester, just to let you all know. Wednesday is the only weekday on my timetable where I have to go school for 4 hours straight, and that plain suck.

Waiting for Bus 28 today at the Paya Lebar bus-stop, I saw a horde of civil defence fire engines and.. those motorcycles with water tanks in them (I think) rushing off to somewhere.

I remember I told some of you before that my aspiration would be to be Singapore's first lady president. Hahaha, yea some of you will say who am I, I'm not good enough nor am I anywhere NEAR to anything that resembles like a president. But that's WHY I'm aiming for president and not the post of Prime Minister!

However after 2 months of deciding on Presidentship as my future path, I decided to change. I told some of you (a different group of people now) that I want to work for the Traffic Police. That way I have access to fast cars and immunity towards speeding tickets. Awesome.

But seeing the fire engines today was like some calling. Now, I want to be a driver of a fire engine truck! Beee Borrhhh Beeeee Borrrh.... Wow man! I not only can drive fast, but I can drive big trucks too, while blaring away the alarms at the top of its voice attracting everyone's admiring glances! Ok, maybe not all are admiring. Some are irritated glances.

If there is one thing I learnt from this incident (I'm referring to the horde of emergency vehicles), that is, if your house catches fire, please try your best to make sure that it does not happen during PEAK PERIOD!

You should see how pathetic it was seeing a red chunky vehicle getting stuck in the traffic. No matter how loud the siren screamed and rang, no matter how the red emergency light flashed, it was well and truly STUCK in traffic.

It's true that sometimes you can't really control nor determine whether your house will catch fire or not.

Like my dad's friend.

His house burst into flames (part of the roof, that is) after being struck by lightning. It was not raining so unfortunately there was no water dispelled from above to put out the fire.

Now that is one fire that no amount of fire prevention measures could prevent. It was just plain UNLUCKY.

And then there was a saying that lightning never strikes the same place twice. This reminds me of this Donald Duck cartoon. It was hilarious. It was raining and Donald was having those bad luck days that we all have once in a while.

He was electrocuted by lightning till you could see all the bones inside his body. You get the idea. So he ran from the lightning that electrocuted him non-stop while chasing him. Then someone told him that lightning never strikes the same place twice so he stood still. But got struck non-stop anyway.

Well, it's true lightning never strikes the same place twice (I guess), but in the case of the friend of my Dad, it striked again. Nearby, but also on the roof. And again, his house caught fire. This time the damage was much worse. How bad it was I wasn't sure. Still too young to care.

Such lousy mood am I in right now, I have decided to end off today's post early. Enjoy your beautiful Wednesday people (or rather, what's left of it), and remember, keep smiling, keep yourself safe from anything, and try not to block the way of any big red screaming vehicles that resemble a fire engine (especially so if the driver looks like me).

I now present to you, Kilo's best impersonation of the Scream murderer:

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:29 pm

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Photo Competition! (of the dogs)

Monday, June 06, 2005

*Warning: Long entry!* (PS: Which entry of mine isn't long anyway???)

As a nineteen year old useless teenager who is still living off her parents, I was feeling a little rich today having got my allowance on a beautiful Monday morning.

Ok. I'm kidding.

It's not a beautiful Monday morning. Which fugging blardy Monday MORNING is beautiful? Especially one where you have to get up SO early to get to school for 9am lessons! Not to mention that your school isn't exactly very near your house too! It's almost like traveling halfway around Singapore for *toot*'s sake!

As I was saying, I felt a little rich, and whenever I do, I pamper my dogs. No, unless I have absolutely NO choice I do NOT frequent PLC (Guess what petshop's name that is. Hint: It has alot of branches everywhere).

You won't believe what I bought for my dogs. I had walked into the shop without any intention of walking out with those items either. Hehe...

Milk. Dog milk. More specifically, milk for dogs (and cats too, but since Mr. Meow is not here anymore, oh well). When Mr. Meow was still with me, I had fed her with HL Milk before. She loves it. Unfortunately, so does Chubby.

You should see what a scene. The big boss of all dogs, Mr. Chubby Lim, waiting for Mr. Meow my sweet little orange lady lapping gently at the milk.

It's weird because Chubby seem to always have this sort of respect for Mr. Meow. With her around, he doesn't dare to cross the line. Maybe it has something to do with her natural ability to catch and bring home so many... well.. cockroaches. Unfortunately now that she's not with us anymore, Chubby is the one who calls the shots at my place.

Happily I bought a carton of milk, and 3 breath mints (in the shape of doggy bones in different sizes of course) and walked home.

After the long almost-one-hour journey home, I happily walked towards the gate and opened it with the remote. While crossing the road happily and I admit, a little too fast, I tripped over my own leg, almost fell, found my footing, accidentally stepped onto a tree branch, and then tripped over the tree branch.

Wow, what a mouthful. Try read the above last sentence as fast as possible. Hahaha.

Kilo heard the commotion and lumbered out.

I told him there was food. Showed him the plastic bag. Dogs are IN LOVE with the sound of plastic bags. That's where most yummy snacks come from.

After all the usual commotion and excitement that ensued, I finally took out the long-awaited snacks. The carton of milk and a few bones (2 small 1 big) that is supposed to give my dogs breath as fresh as a mint. Breath mints lah, in other words.

Note from Blogger: It's actually June 7th right now. 11.26pm. It's taken me TWO BLARDY DAYS to type this blog entry. So appreciate and CONTINUE reading. PLEASEEEEEEEEE!! *gives puppy eyes as best as possible, and no I don't need your comments on how it would look like on my tagboard!!*

Basically what I'm trying to beg from you is that you read right to the end, don't make me type so much *toot* for nothing. :D

I was amazed at the dog's reception towards the milk. Watching thousands of cartoons that linked cats with milk, I was quite shocked to see that dogs take to milk that readily too.

You should check out this pic though. It shows how much Kilo is enjoying his milk until he doesn't realise his chain is already slipping over his neck and in front of his silky soft ears!!

In fact, he lapped up the milk and finished it so fast. I gave him very little to test how much he liked it. I didn't want to pour half the carton into his bowl only to find out he hates milk! He ended up trying to push Chubby away so that he could drink Chubby's share.

Daringly I poured more...

And today when Xiang came over, he was so amused by the sight of my dogs drinking milk that he finished the rest of its contents.

But that isn't what I'm going to talk about. According to the title of this post it's Photo Competition baby!!!

Let's bring some action into today's entry with more photos (which means more uploading!! SO TROUBLESOME!!). But in order to keep up the ratings of my blog, here goes man.....

Just in case you will definitely be wondering, the following photos of the dogs are actually taken while they were eating the 'breath mints' bones that I bought for them. It's weird cos they said its mint, but somewhere else on the package it says chicken-flavoured. So is it mint flavour or chicken flavour? Or both?

Oh who cares!? As long as my dog eats it all up.

First and foremost, the very first award that we'd be giving out tonight, ladies and gentleman, would be The Fastest Eater Award. As its title already obviously states, the TFEA award (hey, sounds cool!) belongs to the dog that eats the fastest.

You don't have to know my dogs well enough to know that the only one who eats so fast and doesn't know how to savour his food is..... Kilo Lim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you see it... (green bone near paw!)

Now you don't!!!!

Actually Kilo should be awarded another award. The Most Excited One Award. After he had finished his milk, he just took his breath mint bone and walked off. The problem, however, was that the bone was still inside its plastic packaging.

I had to fight tooth and nail to force him to return the bone to me, tear open the plastic packaging and then gave him the bone. By then, tearing open the packaging was a daunting task for it was covered in Kilo's drool making it very slippery. Ewwwgh, disgusting right?

Next award. Cutest Eater Award. CEA. Wow, sounds like the abbreviation for some government organisation.

This award goes to my favourite of them all, Mr. Chubby Lim.

He's the only one who fully utilises his two paws when it comes to chewing on snacks like bones. Imagine him with furry paws holding the bone.

Well, with Cindy Lim here you don't need to do much imagination you know. I actually got the photo down for all of ya. Hahaha..

Wa, too cute for words. Let's have a few more photos!!!

Yea I know. He really looks like he's smilng at the camera. But you want to know the truth? He's actually laughing at me lah! I had to get down and crawl almost under the table just to get those precious few shots you know! Time for some appreciation!!!!!!!!

Following the award presentation ceremony, Mr. Chubby Lim was asked what were his views regarding his clear-cut victory among one of his most vicious rivals, Mr. Didi Lim.

His reply was:


Third award. Selfless Eater Award.

You absolutely have to give it up to this guy. The thing about my dogs is that once you give them something, it's theirs; you do not get it back without some growling, fighting, threats etc.

But the winner of this award is an exception.

He gives me access to his bone anytime I want. Probably his very high IQ brain told him that humans are not interested in green-looking bone-shaped food.

Presenting to all of you..... Mr. Didi Lim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently his photo poses doesn't seem to have much variations from each other.

The same question posed to Chubby was also asked in an interview with Didi Lim in the Post-Award-Ceremony party.

His reply.. was spookily similar to Chubby's. Yup. He said...

"I'm Proud of it!!!"

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:16 pm

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