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Sad, sad heart...

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Holidays are a dramatic affair.

I wake up, and from that moment I wake up, the mood at that time would decide how I would spend the day. Just like share prices, sometimes it's high.. sometimes its low.

Unfortunately, today is super dooper low.

With a heavy heart, I would like to share with all of you the very heart-wrenching news that as of this morning, Didi is no longer my dog anymore.

I doubt I'd have him back ever again because it is his ex-owners that have taken him back. Yup. They say Fate decides who (and which dog) will cross your path, so I guess the Fate between me and Didi has finally ended after these 4 short months.

What am I saying, of course I DO like that dog! Sure I admit I do badmouth about him all the time but that's only because dogs can't read and he doesn't even know what the hell is a blog to begin with!

Woke up in the morning and bathed and got dressed to go meet Xiang. Came down and saw his entire family. I mean Didi's ex-family. We are related as Didi's owner is my mother's cousin.

So my grandaunt (aka mother's cousin's mother) asked me in Hokkien "Can I take back Didi?" With a smile, I said to the elderly lady "Can! Can!"

Hello! Early in the morning and I get asked a question like that! I was 100000000% sure she meant it as a joke. But she blardy didn't!

If I had known she was serious, my reply to that same question would be a loud high-pitched shriek and then swoop Didi up into my arms, run all the way up to my room, slam the door and padlock it. Then I would move every furniture in my room against the door to make sure no one could barge in.

Of course I'm just kidding. On the logical side, Didi was THEIR dog after all. We would have never got to know that stupidly angelic dog that was the apple of EVERYONE'S eye (except my ahgong).

Wipe your tears, everyone. Maybe only mine. Life must move on. Here's a last photo of that idiot who likes to wipe his mouth on the bedsheets.

PS: Yes. Every minute I am hoping that Didi will miss us so much and wouldn't stop whining and crying and screaming so that they will send him back.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:01 pm

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Lighter stuffs

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Woke up wee early in the morning at 11.30am. Feeling fantastic and very proud of myself that I can be considered to have waken up 'in the morning' instead of afternoon as usual.

Moreover, I had slept at 4am. My body is starting to reject sleep because I had slept too much like for 12 hours or more per day. So, although my eyes are feeling very 'cold' and sore and a check with my mirror told me that I am having beady eyes today, I am feeling absolutely FANTASTIC and hyperactive.

As such, I shall blog right now. Ooh, time check! It's only 12pm! We have just entered afternoon! Woot!!

I have this stupid irritating blogging habit. I talk so much until sometimes I forgot what I wanted to begin this post with.

Oh my goodness. I am SO IN LOVE with Lord Of The Rings (not only Legolas). Could someone lend me the book or something (I think my bro has the book, but I'm far too shy to borrow from him *guffaws*)

I like that song. Um, it was quite INpopular a few years back. I only know one line: "Always look on the bright.. side.. of life... *whistles*"

Which reminds me of a pattern I had observed. Couples always quarrel especially during the period when the girl has PMS (Pre-Menstrual Stage).

For the 1000th time in my life, I shall repeat myself: Guys will NEVER understand how PMS can affect a girl. They will never understand how girls can just wake up in the morning and feel shitty that day and as a result get on your nerves, act sarcastic with you, be so unreasonable and do so much horrible things that sometimes the guy just step back and "Whoa! Why did I even jio this girl in the first place."

WAHA! Too bad idiot! You're trapped! Forever! You can't live without her! Nor can you live with her! MUAHAHAHA. Just kidding. (If your solution to the above problem was to "break up lor!" don't let me hear that because I will give you a hearty whack on the face. As Fel has said these wise words: Never give up on a relationship so easily)

Seriously, girls can't control it nor fortell it either. And the calendar is the only way that they know their foul mood is caused by PMS and not the wrong brand of mascara that spoils their mood.

Besides, guys, LOOK ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE. Your girl having PMS means that she is perfectly normal and.. hmm.. is not pregnant (lol!) irregardless of whether it is YOUR child or SOMEONE ELSE'S child (which is 1000000x worse!).

In fact, I once had a net friend who claimed that he is marrying this pregnant girl and the baby wasn't even HIS! Obviously I did not believe the story but in today's world, you never know if such cases REALLY DO exist!!!

He claims he liked the girl alot. Even showed me some pictures (of which I believe could have been doctored). And the baby inside her stomach (actually is inside the womb, I KNOW!) actually belonged to the girl's ex who ran away after knowing about the unborn child.

This net friend of mine was considered a net buddy as the group of us had known each other for almost 2 years (before the channel closed down).

He had been telling us how he had liked the girl so much and how she rejected him to go stead with another guy (And then subsequently that guy made the girl pregnant and girl came running back into the arms of my friend). Think the baby was eventually called Sky and I was so blardy jealous that he had such a nice name.

My first thought: That girl is a slut and can be considered WORSE than a third party whom I hate so much.

You pregnant you somemore go marry my friend? I seriously hope this 'story' is not true.

Please please please let it NOT be true!

Somehow, this weirdly reminds me of a time when my girlfriends and I had gathered around gossiping and chit-chatting. Well, then someone popped the question of how many abs you would want your future guy to have. Some wanted 8, some wanted this, some wanted that.

I forgot my answer. But I swear I didn't say 8!

But to think back, I realised what an awkward question it was.

There we are, a bunch of girls deciding how many 'mouse' must our future boyfriend have yet we ourselves don't even bother to train our own abs.

Yes. Sometimes girls are pretty selfish I'd have to admit.

I once told Xiang: "I do sit up everyday you know?"

He gave me The People's Brow

I said: "I do ONE every morning when I wake up and sit up on my bed."

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:00 pm

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Voodoo Doll!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

That's it! Anyone going to Thailand care to bring me back some real-looking voodoo dolls from that Chatuchak shop??? Please?

There is somebody whom I am so going to put a curse on. In fact, I have decided that the first abuse I will set upon the poor doll would be to squash it under one of the stands of the fridge!

Remember that jerk/asshole/all-the-bad-names that I was scolding in my second previous blog entry?

Ya. The one that got me down all the way to Lakeside then told me that someone else had offered him $740 and he is NOT dealing with us? An idiot could also tell that he wants us to raise the price higher since we came ALL THE WAY from Tampines and it would be such a disappointment to go back empty-handed. Of course I fugging chose to go back empty-handed because thank GOODNESS I got a blog that I can rant and rave my frustrations at!

Ooh and I want to clarify some details. He's from hardware zone's Classifieds. Not Yahoo's. His username is ********99 (hint: the ******** stands for a usually green slow moving animal with a shell on the back. Wa! Such an obvious hint! LOL) although I hardly have friends finding successful deals on hardwarezone, but I guess putting it here would act as some sort of 'warning' for all the rest of you.

Ya. Apparently, I still think there was a small glimmer of hope for that jerk you know. I mean, maybe he REALLY had another offer of $740 awaiting him? Let's admit it really IS part of human to want to deal with someone who is willing to pay you much higher money.

Oh but life.. as it is.. is cruel. And humans.. as they are.. contains some fuckers around. He lied. Because EARLY THIS MORNING at 2am, he posted another advertisement for his S700i. The selling price stated by him was $720.


Boy did I really feel like sending an email/sms to that asshole and say "Hey, I got a PERFECT PERFECT OF ALL PERFECT condition and unfilled warranty S700i for almost $100 lesser than yours!"

I bet that idiot who offered him $740 had either played him out, or he was really intending to play US out by tricking us all the way to Lakeside and try to sell his phone to us at even higher price.

What the fuck. LAKESIDE LEH! I shall implore the phrase that my dad always scolds slow drivers in hokkien "Knn! Why don't they just go and die!" Self-collect at his area still dare to come and sell so expensive.

I hope he drops his phone five times today and has scratches all over to the point that even if he sells $600 NOBODY would want to buy from him!

Might blog again tonight. See if my mood has improved. Anyone has voodoo doll? *blinks innocently*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:39 pm

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Your suggestions?

Monday, March 28, 2005

It has finally come to light.. that my beautiful email address mysmellypillow hosted by the kind and godly hotmail people, sounds absolutely outrageous and childish and ridiculously INAPPROPRIATE to add it to my future resume or to ask future colleagues to email me at that sort of address.

However, my brain has failed me in coming up with new suggestions for a new good email address.

Being currently OBSESSED with Lord of the Rings, I am oh-so tempted to put legolas_rule_my_world@hotmail.com.

Of course if I had really done that then it would not have made a difference at all with the smelly pillow address.

This leaves me with absolutely no choice except to outsource to every single reader out there. Any of you got better suggestions that is easily remembered?

Recognition would be awarded to winner as I will dedicate the extremely precious ONE DAY'S blog entry to act as an autobiography/photo-gallery of that person whose suggestion is chosen.

Discovery of the day: Kilo is addicted to Coke. Always Coca-Cola.. ahhhhhhh!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:56 pm

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Great day!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The day started great today. I visited a dog and fish farms at Jalan Kayu with my parents and Xiang.

Seeing so much animals everywhere really made me happy!

Pictures shall dominate today's entry!!!

Look carefully at the eye of the horse and you will notice that he has a beyond-all-hope eye cataract. Poor thing. But it was still quite friendly although you can see that the poor dear is visibly irritated by that peacock-cum-dinosaur-looking bird thing beside it. Mum says its a female peacock. And then she pointed at the goat and said "Cindy, that's a billy goat." as if I'm some 3 year old kid who has not seen one in her entire life.

"I know that's a goat Ma!" I said, loud enough for all to hear since she told me so loudly it's a goat.

Then I called that peacock-cum-dinosaur-looking bird thing over by pretending there's food in my hand. Dad warned me that he'd peck at me so I stood further away while the bird was aiming to peck at my dad's ear.

Then someone brought their Jack Russel Terrier puppy to the farm.. and I was very amused as it tried to chase the chickens. However, inside my heart, I was thanking everyone and everything in the world for NOT bringing Kilo to that place or else he would hunt down every chicken since Labradors are known for their Retrieving habits.

Did I mention, they had swans and ducks and.. male chickens with afro hairstyles. Yes, I said MALE CHICKENS because if I had used the other word, alot of you would giggle. On second thought, maybe those afro feathery creatures are actually male turkeys?? I don't know. My mum didn't TELL me what on earth is it. But you'd definitely notice it when you get there.

What a lovely mini Doberman Pinscher. According to my dad, the owner, affectionately referred to as 'Ah Pek', also has a adult full-grown Doberman that I do not wish to meet. So meeting the puppy would be quite enough for me. There was another dog that looked like a white german shepherd (it is not, but looks like, cos I have no idea what breed is it) that is sleeping under a fish tank (yes, it really is), with another white cat chilling out beside it.

If you have noticed, the ears of the baby Doberman is quite blurred. The cutey-pie was astonished upon seeing my phone. I was talking to it non-stop ("Hi little handsome darling, look here, don't move alright? keep still, jie jie take a hpoto")while taking a few photos, all of which the EARS are blurred. That's because everytime he heard the camera shutter sound, he would tilt his head to the side. That's one absolutely cute reaction that dogs have whenever they encounter something/someone strange or weird noises.

I would have pinched the cheeks of the dog if firstly, it had not been a Doberman, and secondly, if it had more baby fats accumulating at his cheek areas.

This is the white cat with gorgeous blue eyes, hanging out with the white dog sleeping under the fish tanks. I took a picture of it because it so reminded me of Snowy, my first cat, which was given away when we had to move to that dreaded house in Boon Teck Road.

Except for my wonderful neighbours at Boon Teck Tower, staying there was a real horrible experience (because there were quite a few adults, one lady in particular, whom I was pretty sure would throw Chubby down from the high storeys if she had the chance to).

Why horrible experience? While, when my great grandmother died there (after we had moved in for approximately four months), we had to bring her body down to the funeral wake held at the roadside.

... Lo and behold! I was exposed to the Chinese tradition. They didn't dare to take the lift because it was said that the spirit would be trailing the body or something and.. um.. the lift is too fast for the spirit to catch up? (Not sure if I had remembered it correctly)

So 20 storeys, we carried her down. It wasn't so difficult except for the fact that we had to prevent the body from slipping down the stretcher because we were moving DOWNwards.

Wa, why did I move away so far from my topic of the day!!!!

Coming back to the title of Great Day. As far as I'm concerned, Life never has a 100% perfect great day for anyone. A stupid mistake of mine led to a whole upsized cup of Coke from Macdonald's spill all over the car. My mood was so dampened and affected by it I started blaming everyone. Started to blame Mum for braking so hard that the cup fell, started blaming Xiang for passing the Coke to me.

Basically being a very stupid horrible unreasonable person. I'm so sorry dear dear!!!!! Cincin will treat you to the next roti prata meal alright? <-- Yes, cheapskate I know! What you expect? Abalone??

Finally to end today's blog, and making it a really really long entry (as usual), I shall give all a very brief update of what each of my dogs have been up to.

As all of you know.. Kilo is kept outside the house. Well, let's just say he's still trying to figure out a way to open the wooden door (he has already mastered The Art of Metal Gate Opening).

Whereas for our handsome and popular Didi Lim is totally engrossed with removing every strand of his leg hair because he realises that it is making him fall off the stairs and roll down.

Chubby has found a new best friend...Dada!!
(Dada: A panda softoy that I bought back from China last year).

That's all folks! Enjoy your holidays! Marketing rule.. totally!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:44 pm

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The day my aeroplane flew away...

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I am uncontactable for today and half of tomorrow my dearest of all dearest buddies.

Yes. I sold my phone. The so-called godly 6630, whose only fault would be that it does not have a radio. Radio IS vital especially when you live as far away from your school as me.

Yup. My next phone will come with a radio!!!! Hell yea!

I thought by selling my phone this early afternoon for a good price at a very nice handphone shop located at Outram, I could get my next handphone set by tonight.

Turned out to be wrong. Very wrong.

Xiang had browsed through Yahoo Classifieds on my behalf looking for a new phone when we came across an advertisement by a handphone shop located in Tampines. They claimed that they have a secondhand S700i that is in A1 grade condition. The price was rather reasonable, and the warranty was unfilled, so we decided to call the handphone number listed in the ad to bargain the price abit.

The lady absolutely refused to talk about the price, stubbornly insisting that we go down to the shop and take a look at her phone condition before we even talk about the price. "You don't come down, how you know my condition is worth $650 or $700? Don't talk about the price first lah! Just come down and take a look!" She repeated the same phrase over and over again.

I was pissed. Irritated. Why can't talk about the price. I tried to explain to her that I am a poor non-working student on a very tight budget but this rude lady (who has this raspy voice as if she just woke up) interrupted me halfway and insisted again and again that we go down to the shop to see for ourself.

Ok fine! I said I'd consider and put down the phone. But I was fuming. Xiang called again using his house number. To no avail either. She repeated that stupid same phrase to him.

I said "I will NEVER buy from her unless her S700i is the only set left in the whole wide freaking world!!!!".

Three hours later, I was in my dad's car on the way down to the shop located at Tampines Street 23.

Less than 10 minutes later, I left the shop, dejected. Feeling extremely cheated and disappointed with the phone's condition. Ok, it was not badly scratched, but A SCRATCH IS STILL A SCRATCH. You can say that them boasting about the A1 grade condition was just a blatant lie. Pui! I will never go back again!

And then I was on the way home from Tampines when we found another deal by another buyer. Agreed to let go the phone to us at the same price as offered by the shop, so we happily made our way down... all the way to THE OTHER SIDE OF SINGAPORE. Lakeside.

Upon finally reaching, and thankfully, not losing our way at all at such a strange part of Singapore that we hardly go to, the car had just pulled into the waiting area of the MRT station when we received a call by the owner.

This jerk of a owner then proceeded to tell us that he would NOT BE SELLING US because another person offered him $40 higher. YEA RIGHT you fucker you! We came all the way from Tampines all the way to your darling Lakeside then you fucking tell us that you are turning us down! It's not about the money you fucking idiot! It's about etiquette! You are so god damn lucky that I didn't get to see your face.. OR ELSE!!!

Waste my time, waste Xiang's time, waste my Mum's time, waste the car battery and petrol, make my three dogs miss the three of us while we were away from home. I ought to sue the pants off you!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:05 am

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Am I the only one to notice:

1) Newater. It's killing everything. Heck, I think even my marimo is NOT growing anymore. But thankfully it's not dying either. And somehow extremely strong chemicals have been added into our tapwater or something. Some of my dad's discus fishes have died few hours after the tank water has been changed.

2) Celeste Chong went for plastic surgery. It is kinda obvious. But somehow no one seems to have noticed it except me!!! Look at her eyes! She didn't used to have such THICK double eyelids. She didn't use to have such thick lips! And goodness, what happened to her hair!!!??

3) Didi is the fiercest dog ever. Finally yesterday, he attacked Chubby and bit Chubby's tail. No blood. And Chubby's tail is still intact. It had better be or the first thing I would have done is to send Didi to the vet to have him put down to sleep!

4) Legolas is SO cute. Yes. I am a laggard. So many years have passed and I am only JUST beginning to fall in love with this cute elf guy. Take note, I am only head-over-heels in love with Legolas, NOT Orlando Bloom.

5) Lamest of all lamest ending for my favourite Korean drama, Glass Shoes.

I think all of you more or less know the storyline of Glass Shoes. I was so looking forward to a very sweet Happily Ever After ending of the drama. But it was not to come. :(

I ended up crying throughout the whole show.

Remember that gangster guy who is head over heels in love with Shanyu? (Yes, Shanyu, the real sister. She was finally acknowledged near to the end). He finally got to married Shanyu in the very last episode.

If, like me, you are an ardent fan of Glass Shoes, you would have noticed all the extremely sweet things this gangster guy, Zhexiong, had done for Shanyu.

Shanyu had earlier damaged some goods at her first workplace. Zhexiong went to this gangster chief (some old man who is actually kind at heart although he's a gangster leader), to borrow I think quite a large amount of money just so that Shanyu could pay the employer back for the loss.

So sweet!

And then Shanyu was so mad at Zhexiong because in order to 'repay' the gangster chief, Zhexiong had to work under him as one of man. Beat people up, protect their turf etc etc. Basically all the crappy work that small fry gangsters had to do. But if Zhexiong was considered lucky in any part of the show, it would be that he is a good fighter. Thus he soon became a 'favourite' with the gangster chief who was very impressed by his guts, as well as his love for Shanyu that made him borrow the money. When gangster chief got to know Shanyu better, he started to understand why Zhexiong is so infatuated with her.

Shanyu told him to quit being a gangster and to get a driving license so that it would be easier for him to get a job. He did.

Shanyu then told him to get a decent job. He, being the foolish guy in love said "If I get a job will you be with me?" She gave him an irritated "F**K-off!!" look and walked away, but he was still grinning to himself.

Aiya, this is getting naggy. Basically this guy is very sweet towards her. Shanyu is not a cold-hearted girl you know. She has EYES and she CAN SEE all that he had done in a bid to make her happy and she greatly appreciates it. But somehow this stupid Shanyu just couldn't get Zhang Zaihe out of her mind (Zhang Zaihe is her sister's fiance, that's why).

Ok. Now I shall officially touch on the final episode. Are you sleeping already??? Never mind. Since I've nagged so much I shall nag till the end.

Zhexiong was thinking of ways and means to propose to Shanyu. He had waited outside Shanyu's new home and was, as all dramas always shown, practising different lines that he would say to Shanyu when proposing to her. Who knows Shanyu walked behind him. They greeted each other, and she suddenly asked whether he wants to get married with her. It shocked him out of his life but of course he agreed (this part is like OH-SO-SWEET!).

Meanwhile Shanyu's aunt was extremely furious. I am referring to the rich newly-acknowledged Aunt, who is some preppy old lady very engrossed with social status etc etc.

Preppy aunt was concerned because she is afraid their family would be make a laughing stock if other people find out that Shanyu used to have a relationship with Taixi's fiance, Zhang Zaihe, also her brother-in-law-to-be. At first, Preppy aunt also objected to Zhexiong and Shanyu's marriage since Zhexiong isn't some grandson of a respectable/reputable/rich family. But she finally gave in when she realised that if Shanyu don't marry another guy soon, she might not be able to get Zaihe out of her mind.

She then told Zhexiong straight in his face, saying "If I told you Shanyu is actually using you. She wants to get married to you to forget Zaihe, would you still be willing to marry her? If you are still willing, then I will not object to the marriage." Zhexiong at first was quite devastated. But he managed to get over it (the power of love!!).

AIYA.. cut out all that crap. Zhexiong had made some enemies when he was a gangster. He had punched another gangster boss and disfigured him on the cheek. So this ass was extremely pissed and vowed to take revenge.

This revenge was finally taken on Zhexiong's wedding day. Fake sister (the one who used Shanyu's identity and lied to the rich family) also paid that same gangster ass to 'get rid of' Shanyu on her wedding day.

Bride went missing while the entire family and groom was waiting for her at church. Zhexiong received a phone call from the gangster, asking him to go 'collect his bride' alone or else they would kill her. Stupidly he went all on his own. His own gangster boss who was also at the church, vowed to safely bring back both bride and groom, and they rushed down too. This is one of the stupid part. They rushed down. But until at night they haven't even arrived yet.

Zhexiong got outnumbered and was badly beaten up. I mentioned before that he's a great fighter right? Well, he managed to finally wipe out all of them but got stabbed at the very end. He fainted. Woke up, it was at night already (HIS BOSS HAVEN'T REACHED THE DAMN WAREHOUSE YET AND I WONDERED WHY!). Opened the door to the warehouse to let out Shanyu. Collapsed in her arms and died *cries non-stop*.

I was almost sure that the ending was written by a totally different author. Damn it. Why must Zhexiong die! Why!!!!!!!

Hey, let me add a pic of them here

End of Notice list.

I'm looking for a job. Best is if it is in a pet shop since I figure that the countless dog books I have read in TP's library really helped me ALOT in a career with dogs in future. Oh.. not my future. I mean during my school holidays. Anyone has lobang for it?

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:17 pm

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Years go by...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It's amazing to think how far me and Xiang came along. 2 horribly stupendously stubborn ox sticking together side by side through thick and thin. From Diablo's Lord of Destruction to Neopets, to Muffin, to his late grandmother's curry that we both devoured and had diarrhoea and didn't turn up for school the next day.

On this ordinary non-anniversary day... It's been 2 years 3 months and 23 days. Why of all days and of all blog entries am I writing about us? Well, come to think of it, I have never officially mentioned my Significant Other / Better Half / Stupid Boyfriend.

Ok, maybe you could also say I am writing about him just because his computer finally got repaired and he can come online and read my blog *waves at Xiang!!*.

Back to the main topic. 2 years maybe nothing to some of you I know, who have been together for like, since primary school? Ok, maybe like 5 years. But remember, the people I know are mostly around my age which is probably 19 years or so. Which meahs 5 years ago when this couple got together, they were only secondary 2.

I also want to say that, very importantly, there is nothing to be ashamed of when you are single. We are still.. um.. considerably young. The government (or the SDU) are not hot on our heels trying to get us hitched and married and give birth to MANY MANY babies!

Ya, single. There is nothing wrong with it. Nothing paiseh about it. The only difference between the Singles and those who are attached is that Valentine's Day to them is sort of like a Friendship Day where you go out with your friends and camp at Fort Canning to catch naughty couples in action. . . .

OOpz!! Did I just say that? I didn't do that when I was single ok! TRA LA LA LA.. (Hey, seriously I didn't. The worst thing me and Xclusives came across was this couple having sex in the taxi, and.. oh! Yea, two.. um.. 'suckers' having an affair in the cemetery and actually TELLING us!!!)

Why the hell am I always talking OFF the topic! If there was any advice I can give to anyone, that is, please please please don't get attached unless you are very sure it is Mr. Right or Miss. Right!!! I hate it when people change their steadys as if they are changing their underwear. It shows what a 'anyhow' person you are.

Finding a steady is the equivilant of finding a potential life partner for yourself. If you don't know what you want, then don't go try for the heck of it. If you want a boyfriend who has a credit card, is rich, and has his own car, then wait until you are old enough and when at an age where it is POSSIBLE that a guy could own such stuffs, then get together with him. Or if you want a shortcut, just get a rich old man. Whoever that guy is, make sure he is single and please please don't snatch people's boyfriend/husbands. That is the most fucked up thing to do.

If you're my friend, or worse, my GOOD friend, then please don't tell me that your guy has another girlfriend or worse, has a wife already!

There is NOTHING fugging wrong with being single!! I mean, there were a few very memorable occasions in secondary school where my friends actually told me "Hey, do you know XXX actually asked me whether you are a lesbian?"

That was when it HIT me that 'Hey! I need to get myself a 'public' boyfriend because people are starting to think that way!!!" Those happened between secondary 2-3. Now that I have come across and well, in a way, 'matured' from these events, my advice if such stupid things happen to you is don't give a *toot* to what people think. As long as you are clear that you are not (even if you are lesbian there is probably nothing or limited extent you can do about it).

Now the above part is to pacify those who are single and whom I am afraid would lament non-stop and think that I am just another of their blogger friends who are writing about lovey dovey romantic stuffs.

I've heard a friend of mine (I forgot who) said that when a relationship lasts more than 2 years, it is not love. It is habit.

Of course, after these times, most of the romance in the relationship had died of. It's like a flame on the candle. Can't last forever. Except of course, the usual PREDICTABLE romantic moments that happen on anniversaries and Valentine's Day. What happen to the romance on ORDINARY days? I don't know. Kudos to Rahim's mum again for her theory.

Reflecting back on my relationship with Xiang, I have decided to just talk about the three most frequently asked question in our relationship. Ya. The FAQ between me and Xiang.

Question 1:

Do you love me?

This is a classic, I tell you! 2 years odd into our relationship and I am still asking him this question every other day. Actually, I'm still asking him everyday.

You could see the deteriorating answer that he makes to this question.

His answers:

Within 1st year: "Of course I do, my dear!!"
*looks into my eyes with utmost sincerity* (I then melted into a puddle of water)

1st - 2nd year: "Yes I do!!"
*looks mildly hurt by my question yet you can see that he is slightly irritated by my constant questioning*

2nd year onwards: *Xiang screams* HOW MANY F****** TIMES DO YOU WANT ME TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION!

Question 2:

Am I fat?

Now my dearest readers, I'm not asking you to answer that question. But, this is a question that I believe every girl asks their friends, not only their boyfriends.

Sometimes this question can be further divided into "Does this shirt make me look fat?" or "Do you think I've put on alot of weight recently?".

His answer:

Within 1st year: "Not at all! You're so skinny! In fact you need to eat more!" *pinches my arm* and appears truly concerned*

1st - 2nd year: "No!"
*giving a nonchalant look*

2nd year onwards: "I don't know"
*walks off to do some other things*

Question 3:

Where are you?

This question is often thrown both ways. We're both always late somehow or another. The rage, the ferocity of which this question is asked never fails to make us quarrel when we finally meet up at the designated meeting place.

Hmm... I think I typed alot for today's post. So shall end here. Thanks for reading this entire long/naggy entry!!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:17 pm

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Change of skin

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Yes! Again! Just a reminder guys, tonight is THE LAST EPISODE of Glass Shoes. YOU HAVE JUST GOT TO WATCH IT! If you're an avid fan and you can totally forget about it, I, on behalf of everything alive, will give you one VERY tight slap! *PIAK*

I'm changing my blog skin to one that is much cuter. :D You'd get to see it later. As time goes by, I will um.. 'integrate' my dogs photos in too. Meanwhile, when you check back much later to 'kaypo' my new skin, please do not be alarmed to see messed up links all over the place.

I LoVe GlaSS ShOEs!!!!!!!! Mmmmwaaaaaa *kisses her TV*

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 7:52 pm

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Foul Mood

Monday, March 21, 2005

In an extremely *toooooot* mood today.

And then I chanced upon a piece of paper that I was scribbling down while gossiping with Valerie on the phone many years ago that lifted my spirits.

It was on a rotten piece of Bendemeer Secondary foolscap paper. Numbering from 1 to 31, it was a list of expectations. Kind of like, the things we will look at when searching for a boyfriend.

Now, let us regard Xiang as NON-EXISTENT as I type down the different criterias.

This is just my personal list, but however, being older now, things have changed. But I guess certain criterias can be considered to be 'general'.. and applies to MOST of the girls I know.

Here goes:

Name: (Almost) Every Teenage Girl!!!
Subject: The 31 Commandments


2. Caring (orrrhhhhhhh...)

3. Extremely Sensitive (to everything a girl wants :D)

4. Chinese (Ya. This criteria is abit racist I know.)

5. Nice hands (Which means NO LONG FINGERNAILS!)

6. Feeling must be right (No Tom/Dick/Harry anyhow)

7. Nice eyes (Just one specific facial criteria,hehe)

8. Nice hair (I've seen guys on public transport with BLEARGH hair...)

9. Good sense of dressing (that doesn't mean EXPENSIVE. Ask any TP-ian!)

10. Quite tanned (Don't want a white chicken)

11. Well-shaved (somehow, thick and coarse facial hair doesn't turn me on)

12. No vulgarities! (No !@##@$$-ing)

13. No smoking (need I say more?)

14. Reasonable (if not, good) english, don't expect us to communicate in dialect!

15. Not computer or CS geek (maybe it's time to change this criteria, hehe!)

16. Love dogs. Preferably HAVE ONE! (woof woof!! *wag tail*)

17. Must not ogle at girls (I know people always say there is something wrong with a guy if he doesn't look at girls. Alright. So?)

18. Must not flirt (AR BO THEN!?)

19. Must have handphone! (Easier to contact. Maybe it shall be further emphasized that phone must have 3G to allow video calls so that I can do my unreasonable random/sudden spot-checks ;) )

20. Must be taller than me (Ya. But guess such a criteria is not that important anymore since I'm not very tall either)

21. Must be sweet (when they're trying to woo you of course they are! What am I saying... DUH!? Try being him together for the next 5 years and then this will be on your criteria list!)

22. Buy flowers (This criteria is not important anymore. After all it ONLY happens on Valentine's Day doesn't it? ZZZ.. Rahim's mum rox!)

23. Must NOT remember anniversaries (weirdest of all weird criteria of a boyfriend. But that was because I personally DID NOT want to spend $ on buying stupid soapy anniversary gifts)

24. No drugs (what? You think I would get a guy who do drugs? I would rather he spend his $ on me instead baby!)

25. Must fit into my group of friends (Do I still need to RE-iterate this point?)

26. Cannot be stuck-up (I've met one too many arrogant SOBs thank you!)

27. No sissy-like behaviour (maybe just a BIT would be sufficient and cute and entertaining)

28. Broad shoulders (I hate my own overly broad shoulders but those are from my genes and I can't do a thing about them. But what I CAN do is to find a guy with equally broad shoulders! Turned out I DID! Hehe!)

29. Cannot over-estimate himself (Um.. like for example think that I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HIM!)

30. Be sporting (Go sky-dive when I ask him to. Go roller-blade together when I ask him to. Go walk my dog.. actually DOGS.. with me when I ask him to)

31. Is a pig-lover (HOW THE HELL would I know every single criteria that I had written down so many years ago!!)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:24 pm

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Sharing time

Did you guys catch the first part of Fellowship of the ring (LOTR) on Channel 5 just now? Part II will be screened on Monday. At 7.30pm if I'm not wrong. Meanwhile let's enjoy staring and drooling at Legolas.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 12:20 am

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Colgate Wonders!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yea. I could almost swear that it had thoroughly dried out Queen pimple although the red mark is still there. At least it doesn't hurt so much anymore.

Went rollerblading at East Coast today with a couple of buddies: Val, Honey, Wendy, Wu Gui Tang, Darius, Yangzong, Xiang.

What a tiring day. Photos will be uploaded. Soon, I hope. Haha.

After blading, we went to the pet shop to take a look at the animals. We almost made an impulsive purchase. Xiang wanted to get me a rabbit. I have ALWAYS wanted a rabbit (Miffy :D). White one. With the mouth like a cross. Hahaha. Kidding about the Miffy thing, but I really always wanted a rabbit.

And if you think that was a horribly impulsive thing to do, I will agree with you. Until Val walked towards me and Xiang while we were staring at the rabbits, and asked us: "Hey, how much do you think is the Chihuahua?" Or some question that directly gave us the signs that she wanted a dog. I thought my ears weren't working well.

(Just so you curious folks will know, she didn't get ANY dog after that. It was just a casual question at that time. Hell, that petshop was waaaaaaaay overpriced. Thanks to Paris Hilton and Britney, Chihuahuas price have skyrocketed to almost 200% I think. Which probably also mean that the number of abandoned Chihuahuas over the next few months is also going to increase.)

Before ending off, I have a little joke to share that I found on an internet forum.

A naked girl boards the taxi. The driver could not stop looking at her.

Girl: "What?! Naked girl never see before is it?"

Driver: "See before. But was just wondering where you keep the money for the taxi fare."

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:14 pm

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Happy Birthday Shufang!

Before I upload photos of our forevery beautiful Ahma of R10, lemme add a photo of Kilo, with his best impersonation of a sausage dog.

All I have to do is to learn how to make his ears stand up so that he can look like a Welsh Corgi aka sausage dog *waves to Junwei!*

Next. The object of desire, importance ranking in #2 (#1 is birthday girl), is, of course... THE BIRTHDAY CAKE!

Why is it the object of desire? SEE for yourself where everyone's eyes are on..

And yes, that's our birthday girl in red, smiling happily at the many thousands of (handphone) cameras that are taking her photo.

And as best as I could, without bothering to stand up, I took a photo with my magnificient 6630, of everyone that turned up. Ok, so the end result was quite a failure, but at least majority of those who turned up had their faces somewhere in the pic.

After which, it was a little past 12 and everyone decided to watch soccer at The Terrace. A lounge residing in the same building behind the Conrad hotel. Politely, we asked if it was possible that we sit at their seats and watch the soccer match without having to purchase any food/drinks.

And politely, they replied that sure, but we each had to pay $15 just to sit on their precious chair which I guess must have been made of rattan from the great beanstalk in the Jack and the Beanstalk story, and then subsequently sprinkled with gold dust. Why on earth so expensive!!!!

I now realise that the last place on earth to watch a soccer match where you have to buy their drinks is AT A HOTEL. Damnit. A pathetic glass of fruit juice costs S$12.50! What the hell! At least I could enjoy MUCH CHEAPER food at Sol Twin Hotel back in Bangkok!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:14 am

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Belated-ly uploaded photo. R5 girls & our associates ;) Posted by Hello
From left: Wanyin, Manda, Jenny, Queenie, Yin, Shufang, Me.
PS: The one right behind with arms wide open is birthday girl, Meimei

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 2:45 pm

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It's 1.23pm right now.

I am meeting up with long-time-no-see R10 buddies at 6pm. And Queen of Pimple is still there, red and commanding as ever.

Thus, since 3 days of Super Strong Oxy is not helping, I have decided to use the age-old traditional method of treating pimples. No! Not squeezing it! Putting toothpaste on it. One small little bitsy problem is.. The toothpaste I'm using is the triple action one. It is in THREE colours (blue,green,white). I feel like I just did some camou art on my face.

Queen is not those pus-filled pimple. It is just a red area of skin on my cheek... The kind that has this warning sign written all over saying 'THERE IS ABOUT TO BE A BIIIIIG PIMPLE HERE!'

The weather rocked big-time in Jiu Zhai Gou. Yea, my trip to China at the end of last year. The one that I gone through with all of you my day-by-day happenings.

The weather is SOOO cold, and so dry, that it was an impossible climate for pimples to sprout on your face.

But, since it is incredibly dry, your face ends up cracking. Till now, I can't decide which is worse; skin crack or painful pimples. Mind you, when your skin cracks, it is equally, if not MORE painful than a 'painful pimple'.

I had it crack at the lips right at the side. My aunts and mum panicked. If you don't apply moisturizer/oil religiously to it, when we get back to Singapore, it will heal, but will leave a scar. A scar on a girl's face is unimaginable to my family (allow me to relish the fact that I one out of the two 'princess' in the family.. wahaha!!).

Hai.. now it got me thinking back of all those scenery in Jiu Zhai Gou. Honestly, the weather is one dampening factor. Because it is so cold all the time, you never really had the chance to open your eyes to really enjoy the view. Yea, it is sort of our stupid fault for going to the beautiful place during winter time.

To tell you the truth, when I came back and uploaded the photos to my blog, I myself was so amazed at how beautiful everything actually is. SO beautiful that it look so fake, like some computer animated graphic made to be printed on postcards.

How I miss that place so much. I told my mum about it. She said "why not let's go back?"... "NO THANK YOU!".. However nice a place maybe, I have to remind you that the FOOD is.. .. UNIMAGINABLE. Call me a pampered Singaporean, but at least I survived that 10 long days in China eating the same food over and over again!

I'm going to eat now before I run out of time. Will blog again tonight. Tata!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:23 pm

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I hate Pimple(s)!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Hmm.. My face is getting outrageous lately. I have pimples popping out everywhere. And I thought they are suppose to break out when the concerned individual is going through STRESS.

Yes. STRESS. Something that occurs all the time when all of us in Marketing were still rushing for projects. Now that we have handed all the crap up, and that we have also started our holidays, here comes the best part: Pimples outbreak.



I got my 3G sim card from Singtel today. I didn't even dare to get off the car. Xiang had to collect it on my behalf while I waited in the vehicle with my parents like some super dooper spoilt brat of a girlfriend.

Yes. Because of the pimple. I shall name it the QUEEN of all pimples. Don't ask me how I know it is female. I JUST DO because it gave me subtle hints that it does have PMS as well (turnning a flaring red when I apply the super strong Oxy pimple cream on it, and then becoming very obvious whenever there are visitors around).

Of course, being QUEEN of all pimples, the stupid gigantic pimple came along with its slaves and attendants and the loyal court subjects, aka little pimples here and there.

And right now, I would like to wish a good buddy of mine a Happy (1 day) Belated Birthday!!!

To the very idiotic but steady pom pee pee Mr. Kan Guang Yuan who hates my spectacles to the core. And of course, another Happy (approaching) Birthday to the forever beautiful and thoughtful Yeo Shufang aka ahma.

I apologise for this abrupt end to today's blog entry (actually I always end abruptly like that), but Chubby had just poo-ed in my mum's balcony. . . and it's dairrhoea.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 9:18 pm

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Sign Petition!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

First things first. For all Poly students, please click on the URL below that will bring you to a petition regarding bus fares. JC students can pay 45 cents yet Poly students have to pay almost adult fare. Alright, maybe it's 3 cents cheaper than the normal adult fare.


Yes. With that said. I want to talk about the blardy incident that happened last, last night.

I've always read that dogs were like psychic or something. They are able to predict when their owner is about to have a fit. You know.. when you experience spasms that make you foam at the mouth? As such, some dogs are trained, to follow their owner forever till their dying day. Maybe it's the weird heartbeat rhythym that the dogs can hear. Or maybe the sudden change in their owner's temperature. Aiya, whatever it is, the dogs just know lah ok?

But, hey, fits are terrible. Their owners can die from it, even indirectly. Imagine, a simple action such as crossing the street halfway, and then you lie down on the floor due to fit, and a car rolls over you. Yucks.

I didn't know that dogs are even aware of simple things such as nose bleeding, as Chubby has proved to me. The little prince made stupid noises non-stop at 3am, put his paws at the edge of the bed and demanded to be carried up so that he could sleep with me.

I woke up and with great reluctance, lifted the little royal darling onto my bed, and plomped my head back, not knowing that Chubby was warning me about something.

Ooooh.. mucus started flowing out. Or so I thought. Just to make sure that it is not blood, I turned out my cordless phone light and shined it at my hand that had.. ok.. i admit, wipe away the sudden 'mucus' that flowed out of my nose.

Now, ANOTHER lesson I had learnt. Blue light cannot reflect blood.. or mucus. Thinking there was no bleeding, I switched off the beautiful blue light of the cordless and laid down again. Hmmm, mucus was still coming out.

Now decided to take my godly almighty but radio-less 6630 with its WHITE light. Shone it onto my hand... and fainted from the sight of the blood.

Let us rewind back to the other lesson I had learnt from the bloody keyboard. Never faint until you have cleaned up the blood on the phone. Good night!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:53 pm

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Holiday day-dreaming..

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Throughout the hectic lifestyle of the average student, holidays ought to be the only time where we can always day-dream, and in the process.. daydream in a rather productive manner.

Ok, so it's true that during schooling we do daydream, but those are just like, really staring into space and thinking of nothing in particular. But in the holidays, it's different. Daydreaming really leads you to recall some stupid thing that had happened at some point in time.

*Daydreaming music*

I told all of you before that I hate my ears. Sure you have heard of people who have ultra-sensitive skin, but for me, it's ultra-sensitive ears.

I cannot pierce my ears at this old age because it will almost definitely get infected. My original ear piercings were done when I was barely five, and according to what I've read on the internet from different sources, the younger you pierce, the faster it heals.

However, with ear piercings being so cheap nowadays, it was almost impossible to not at least try! ... right?

Bravely, I sacrificed $10 for two piercings, one on each side (that eventually both got infected, RIP). But no, things simply didn't progress that simply.

With any types of infection, there is always this stupid irritating itchy feeling right?

One day, brainless Cindy was eagerly typing in front of her computer (alright, projectmates, stop imagining!!!) when her ear felt itchy.

Thinking nothing of it, she fiddled with the ear sticks in her yet-to-heal piercing, turning the ear stick around and around, and then typing when her online buddies replied her.

Finally, when her brains flew back to her head, she looked down at her what-used-to-be very clean keyboard, and was extremely horrified to find traces of blood all over. Fingerprints of blood all over her keyboard. Very alike to those crime/murder scenes you see on TV.

The most important lesson I had learnt from this incident is... NEVER procrastinate when it comes to wiping blood off any type of surface. Cleaning off dry blood is a tedious and time-consuming chore!

After which Xiang came along and gave me a pure black keyboard. So people, NOW YOU KNOW THE STORY!

Which reminds me of another bloody incident that happened last night. My nose bled again. Oh, and by the way do you know that the last time my nose bled, I actually stained Mr. Mogu's ass with it. Ok, not his ass, but his thigh. Um.. Mr. Mogu is a birthday present from some of my TP mates, and he's a DOG. A TOY DOG MIND YOU!

Ok ok, back to last night's incident. Damn.. Glass Shoes has started. Am I suppose to continue typing or what???...

ARGH! Heck! I'd tell you another day! In the next post! Promise~! I LOVE GLASS SHOES!!!!! WOOOOOOOT..!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:21 pm

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My dear Ah Gong. . .

Monday, March 14, 2005

Um.. yea, actually what I got was a 6630. Yup. ANOTHER Nokia. And this phone is staying with me for a really LONG time. I promise! Especially when I consider the fact that I want more new shoes, more new bags etc etc. (Given up on Porter)

Anywya, except that the phone is bulky and it has no radio, I can't really find much faults with it.

So today, I woke up early in the wee hours of the afternoon to cook instant noodles as my brunch.

My grandfather was hungry too, so he asked me to cook half a packet for him.

I was really stressed. I had never cooked anything for my ah gong to eat. Moreover, my grandfather is ONE food critic! He could taste a food and tell what sort of ingredients were put in it and whether those ingredients were fresh etc, whereas my grandma is one VERY talented cook! What a match made in heaven (actually I think they call it 'fixed marriage' in the olden days)!

Just last month I cooked my first dish for my grandma to eat. Porridge with minced meat. A simple affair but my grandmother's version makes even my dogs drool. Just by the mere smell. It may sound absolutely stupid right? I mean, how good can porridge smell? Well, with my grandma around, the answer is: VERY good.

I didn't exactly cooked for her to eat. I was having a rather upset stomach so decided on something light. With my grandma sitting behind me as I cooked at the stove, I was sweating non-stop at the stress she had invisibly exerted on me, and also because, as I have mentioned, I was in great pain all thanks to my weak stomach!

I just gave her one miserable spoonful after scooping out the piping hot porridge from the baby pot. As the spoon was traveling to her mouth, I immediately tasted abit with my finger (and burnt it in the process). Yucks.

"More soya sauce and it will be perfect!" my grandma said in Hokkien. I thought to myself: It is FAR from perfect!

Cut the crap! Fast forward to today. Ah Gong tested my instant-noodle-cooking skills. He said it was good. The truth started to come to light; that my grandparents were great liars.

However, in the end, my ahgong retracted his claim. He said it doesn't taste good because the noodles were too .. I forgot what was that word. But it meant hard to chew. Well, that should be one forgivable point for me because he had no teeth. And to cook noodles for a toothless person is a really really daunting task.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 4:51 pm

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Phone is back

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Can call me already. No prank calls please. Yay! Let me upload the first photo I took! Check it out baby, it's 1.3 megapix!!!

Isn't it SO clear! Omg! I've never owned such a clear hp camera pic before, so excuse me for my astonishment. It's HEAVEN compared to that stupid K700i's standard (PS: I did not get S700i partly due to me swearing in front of all my projectmates that I had had enough of SE phones for the rest of my life).

To The Exclusives: Sunday night we'd be keeping vigil at Val's place. Time to seriously get some chocolates. You need more energy sis, take GOOD care and don't tire yourself out k? Somehow know that you'd be reading this at some point in time. By the way, yes, I still SUCK big time at consoling people. So.. ya..

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 1:37 am

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Don't Call Me!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Right. I just sold my handphone. I didn't expect the person to contact me that fast. Moreover she seemed as if she needed my phone so urgently, so I figured.. what the heck, just sell. Thus, I am phoneless.

Thankfully, my recent investment in a cordless phone has proved fruitful. You can all now contact me at my room phone number (check out my msn nick!). If you don't know my room number then bless you. Don't expect me to publish it over here. My hp number has enough prank calls as it is, thank you very much.

I was reminded of an accident very long ago that I had witnessed.

There was this stupid Mercedes driver. Without any signals, he just cut into this lane right in front of Car A. Car A swerved and hit the railings. Thank God the Singapore government did not scrimp and save on the building materials, otherwise Car A surely would have plunged. We were on the highway in the middle of the 'sea', on Benjamin Sheares bridge.

What a horrid driver! And you know what? After Car A swerved and hit the side of the bridge, the Mercedes driver had the cheek to stop and turn around to look at the car, before driving off and minding his own business as if it is not his fault at all!!

I was still a kid then, but I remember everything so clearly. Especially when Car A driver and passengers got out of the car to survey the damage. Driver was some not-very-young-but-not-very-old guy. His other passengers? His young wife, carrying a red-looking newborn child. Judging by the clothes she was wearing, I presume they were on their way home from the hospital.

Finally, a concluding sentence: Why is it that people like Mr. Mercedes can get their driving license whereas Careful Cindy can't? I promise to drive slowly and LESS recklessly in such a way that I will cause a traffic jam wherever I go. Just grant me my license... pretty plsssssss!!

Next. I got my skate scooter today. Finally. After months and months of waiting. It's not really mine. I just loaned it from Xiang. My main goal right now is to fool around and do a couple of stunts. Actually, it just involves teaching Chubby to balance on it. Chubby is absolutely fascinated with it. He is fascinated with everything that can transport him around the house. I once had a skateboard and he was always lying down on it and looking at you with his puppy eyes, begging you to push the skateboard around the house with him on it.

It's a really cute sight! So, come Monday, when my groupmates are coming over for a mini get-together to celebrate Marketing's holidays (YAY!), I think Chubby's going to be so in love with the basket that Sharon and Cheryl is bringing over.

Yea. Apparently, as they claim, they are making a basket, with wheels so that they can kidnap Didi back home. However, I feel that Chubby's going to be the one that actually WANTS to stay inside the basket and get pushed around like some baby in the pram.

Talking about Didi. Feeling free, restless and VERY happy (because of the holidays), I decided to give the dogs a good brushing. Now ever since Didi came, he apparently became.. a very happy dog. All you have to do is look and wink or blink at him and he starts wagging his tail like there is no tomorrow.

Which made me learn something new. Have you ever tried combing a dog's tail when it won't stop moving!? It's irritating you know. Ooh.. need sleep! Need sleep!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:51 pm

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Where have you gone?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm a stupid person who does not believe in saving up money. Or rather, I can't. Every single cent given to me will be spent in no time.

But one day, when I was still in primary school, I was clearing my room when I stumbled upon a hidden stash that contain a grand total of $7. Now in case you do not have a good memory, $7 to a very young primary school kid is the same as $100 in the eyes of a teenager. Ok, so maybe you are a rich fug and $100 does not seem big enough to you. Then fine! The next time you see a $100 note on the floor pick it up FOR ME.

So where was I? Oh.. the $7. It was a very pleasant kind of surprise. I did not quite remember when on earth did I keep the money there but, yea, nevertheless, was very glad and proud of myself (because I managed to keep $ there until I forgot all about it, haha).

So after that, a very very extremely bad habit emerged. I was hiding money here and there in the hope that I would 'forget' about it and then eventually chance upon it one day 10 years down the road and would be 'pleasantly surprised' as I was so many years ago with that $7 incident.

No it didn't happen. Fact was, I lost money like that instead. I somehow manage to 'psyco' myself to push it OUT of my brain. As in the knowledge of the whereabouts of the cash.

But keeping money at home isn't simple. Don't you feel this urge to just bring it all out with you whenever you go shopping? Imagine standing outside a shop staring at the item you want and not having enough cash on you (I don't have a card, credit card debit card, whatever crap card). That is one crappy feeling.

So sometimes before I go out, I would dig out all the cash I keep here and there and then bring it all out to spend it. Come home, FORGOT THAT I HAD SPENT THE CASH.. and then one day when I want to buy that stupid new Nokia phone, realise that the cash is missing.

Now it doesn't help that my mother owns a maid agency. Because this means that those 'new girls' who had just reached Singapore would stay at my place for a couple of days (they are not allowed to go employer's house to work until their medical checkup has been cleared). I am not trying to condemn all of them but you have to admit that SOME are thiefs. If they stumble upon the cash, they would take it. But that's just some of them.

So sometimes, because of my malfunctioning brain, I cannot recall whether I was the itchy hand who took the cash, or was it really truly stolen.

Ok, so why am I broaching on this topic today? Well, I just realised I don't know where the hell did I put this big blue $50 note.

Don't tell me $50 is not a large amount. I am absolutely inconsolable. Unless you are magnanimous enough to spare me a blue note from your wallet of which I would be extremely grateful.

Come to think of it, maybe I had squeezed it into my stupid orange keypouch (that was subsequently stolen when I was shopping at Chatuchak). Oh sh*t!!... Fug that asshole who took it!

To end this blog, I shall add in a photo that I had actually uploaded yesterday but this is Sharon's edited version. In order to prove that I am not biase against Didi, I shall add this photo right here. Enjoy.

PS: It's not true about the horny part!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:45 pm

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Only photos today

Monday, March 07, 2005

Nothing much happened. Except for the fact that for the first time in my life throughout my entire education did I come across my own class not turning up for a lesson. Not on purpose, but because we absolutely did not know there was lesson today (Usually it takes only one person to KNOW about the lesson for the whole class to turn up).

It was supposed to be a stupid roleplay of a meeting. We were given a problem scenario and asked to draft out a script. This roleplay was SUPPOSED to take place on Tuesday. But instead, when Cindy had just plopped her butt down on the stupid uncomfortable plastic chair of the library, she received a phonecall telling her that in 10 minutes time it was supposed to be HER group's turn to do the role-play.

My reaction was indescribable. First, our script was not even up, and secondly, we were not even in our formal wear as we were supposed to be. There is a hokkien word to describe how all the group members felt. It's called 'Chua Sai'. If you don't know what I mean, then let's just leave it at that. Hokkien is known to be a very vulgar dialect.

Yes. The members all were chua sai-ing at different parts of Singapore. Me in library, Cheryl probably waiting for her helicopter to chauffeur her to school, Shaozong presumably stuck somewhere in the carpark, Sharon overslept on the bus and missed the stop, Rachel admiring the reservoir's breeze, and Ray sleepwalking on the way to school.

But thankfully, a smart and quick call to all the other leaders of the groups told us that all of them had missed the roleplay too. So, in other words, THE WHOLE CLASS chua sai. HAHAHAHA.. Ok enough of such rubbish. Since it was an entire class, our teacher Mrs. Brown was extremely considerate and forgiving (though I do believe she did cough out blood). We escaped the death sentence and were made to perform our roleplay the very next day (which is tomorrow).

So today for the very first time, we booked a project room in the library. Although what we were supposed to complete was just a roleplay, there were some fun times that we spent posing for the camera. As such, let us now cast the following photos into the limelight of the day!!!!!

Now first and foremost, I would like to warn you about this snack that Ray had bought the other day. Self-claimed limited edition Twisties fizz. But from the view of any Marketing student, it was just to test the reaction of consumers towards this new product. Called some Trial thingy. I can't recall the exact term for it, but yea, such a thing exist.

Some companies are just rich enough to do just that (and apparently the Twisties company is one of those).

Now that was Warning #1.

Now for Warning #2: Never eat in front of Didi and Chubby. They will do anything, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, such as backstabbing each other in order to be THE ONE.... who gets to eat that one piece of food that you bestow upon them

And one more thing that I want to make clear is that, yea, I love Didi. But I just somehow don't love him as much as the other two dogs. You've got to understand. He's the apple in the eyes of EVERYONE. EVERYONE loves Didi. What about my Kilo? What about my Chubby? Everyone knows Didi is guai, Didi is cute, Didi is obedient... Ya lah ya lah, my Chubby not AS obedient, so is my Kilo.. Hey but do you know that Didi was the FIRST ONE to start pee-ing on the two cars? Now both Kilo and Chubby have started that stupid habit because they want to out-pee each other!

Warning #3: Never eat in front of Didi, Chubby and Kilo. If you know what I mean. It's a tough pick as to which one to feed!

Warning #4: Never piss a girl off when she is having PMS. Never. Evidence can be drawn from the two photos below:

And if you think that hurts, what about this:

Shiock right?

It took the a group of 5 people and 15 minutes to scrap him off the wall of the lift.

Alright now, without further ado, the photos that my groupmates were waiting for. Group photos of us in the project room:

(Yay!! No longer in stupid Formal!!)

Oh and one last note to end today's blog: I have learnt that a project room is NOT just a project room. It is a small enclosed space where the entire group runs out of anyone farts because the smell is absolutely UNAVOIDABLE and it is IMPOSSIBLE to pretend that you can't smell it! Heck of a smell!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 8:59 pm

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I hate Porter!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I was in love with this brand called Porter, and with a particular range they call, Black Beauty.

I have someTHING with black bags. Don't you feel black bags rule the world? You can go to anywhere and wear anything and don't care whether the colour clashes because Black is ABSOLUTELY the coolest colour one earth!!! (Ok, so you and I both know it's not. It just matches things very easily, CAN?)

However, there is JUST one problem. The particular bag I like costs $400 ($350 2ndhand). For rich fugs who have too much money to spare, you can get it for me at Surrender, Far East, thank you so much.

Price aside. Muji (Bugis) is having some sort of sales at the tents right outside one of the Bugis MRT entrance/exit. And there, I found one bag that greatly resembles the Porter bag I'm in love with. Except it's of a skinnier version.. and.. hold your breath.. it only costs $30++ after all the stupid discounts.

Which makes you wonder... why is it that you can take a black cloth, thread it abit, throw in two handles, place it in a nicely polished glass display shelf, stick a brand name there.. and give it a ridiculous price tag of $400?

I argued like 10x a day with Xiang over this because he is a mild Porter fanatic. He says "It's the godamn brand lar, ok!??"

I was stupified and absolutely NOT satisfied with the answer.

Because the real answer is... Marketing.

HOW else do you think Louis Vuitton can sell so expensively. I can jolly well take a leather bag, print the word LSY LSY LSY all over it and sell it at some fancy boutiques too! (LSY is my Chinese initial).

Being a Marketing student also means that we all know MOST of the cheapskate and respectable tricks of the trade that retailers employ to SEDUCE us to buy (Yes FYI, I love using the word seduce).

But however, that does not stop us from FALLING for the trick. Hello!? Buy 2 and get 20% off is SO tempting. If you only buy 1, the cashier will also double check with you, repeat the 'buy 2 20% off' policy, and then look at you as if you are insane if you say "Yes! I confirm only want one piece!" (Which was what happened when I shopped today).

So here goes, ladies and gentleman, we shall time and see how long does Cindy take to save up for the Porter bag. Please check back within the next 10 years. I promise to get it! (Can the shops that sell it please stay open till then?)

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:20 pm

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Second Last Week of School

Friday, March 04, 2005

Allow me to say that three words that all TP Marketing students are blessed to be able to say:


Today is the day where we handed up the last project deadline of the semester. And as Ray, Shaozong, Cheryl and I walked out of school through the computer labs, we did the most stupidest thing. We pointed at the people rushing their projects in the lab, threw back our heads, and gave this fake evil laugh that if those people had heard it, they would have rushed out to give us all one tight slap.

After many sleepless nights, many camping to wait for computers, many queueing up for printers, projects were finally over.

Marketing students, we all deserve a pat on our back! *PIAK*

Pat! Not slap! *pat pat*

Ooh, feels like I'm sayang-ing Chubby's head. Haha!

Talking about that, with all due credits to Lemon, I shall steal some jokes from the page Lemon showed me, of something all girls should understand.

Why Dogs Are Better Than Men.
(Not all reasons stated though, I don't have the time to copy/paste/type, and you don't have the attention span, haha)

1. Dogs don't feel threatened by your intelligence

2. Dogs understand what "no!" means

3. Middle-aged dogs don't see the need to abandon you for a younger owner

4. Dogs do not play games with you, except Frisbee (and they never laugh at how you throw)

5. Dogs mean it when they kiss you.

But then again, everyone, we're all mammals, so I absolutely have to admit that there ARE certain points that make dogs and guys alike.

Why Dogs are like Men. (Ya, I know this particular post sounds abit sexist)

1. Both fart shamelessly.

2. Neither of them notice when you get a haircut. :(

Ok ok. In order to leave some 'face' for my male friends, as well as my dearest Xiang, I shall add this part:

Why Men are Better Than Dogs.

1. Men can buy you presents. :)

2. Men don't play with every man they see when you take them for walkies.

3. Dogs have dog breath.. all the time.

Ok. Enough. Today I came home.. RATHER early. Took 23 home with Miao Juan, Karen, Weishan and Siyuen. It was one horrendously crowded bus that crashed with the peak period crowd :( And that's one of the big main reason why I hate going home in the evenings.

I don't mind if I drove to school and it jams all the way home. At least I know I can tune in to Perfect 10. But to squeeze on a stupid bus with alot of people smelling each other armpits is a whole different story altogether! Thank goodness for the company though.

Ok. Reached home, and dumb boy greeted me. Yes, dumb boy aka Kilo Lim. He always brings a smile to my face because of how stupid he looks. He has this permanent frown on his forehead that makes him walk around as if he has this huge question mark floating beside his head.

I decided to thank Kilo for cheering me up whenever I get home from school, I decided to make him smile instead.

After pinching his droopy cheeks for half an hour, I stepped over the now sleeping giant and proceeded into the house. Opened the door and a wonderful sight greeted me:

Didi's reaction is not so entertaining but just look at my darlin little Chubby boy on the right. He's like saying: "Jie jie? Is that you??"

Um.. ya, for your info, I am known as Jie jie to him. Such contradiction because the other dog is called Didi. HAHAHAHA

Since one can NEVER have enough of Chubby's cuteness, here's a closeup:

After carrying him around and covering him with hugs and kisses, I proceeded towards my last victim, the ever so sly, cunning, crafty, scheming dog... Didi!

I just creeped up from behind him and went "BOO!!!"

Somehow, it had a particular effect on his hair

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:21 pm

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

We are F4!!! Posted by Hello

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:32 pm

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PSQ group. Thank Nokia for 1 megapix 7610!!! Posted by Hello

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 11:32 pm

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New blogskin FOUND! YAY!!!!!!!! My favourite SONG!!!!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:50 pm

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Title repaired!

Yes!!! You can view the beautiful title of every blog posting already!!! I have repaired it. But not for long, for I am intending to change the skin (yes, again!) to another one that is more simpler and can accomodate my 'improvements' to it cos I need to insert photos here and there.

I know my groupmates are eagerly waiting for the photos that we took today but I'm sorry to say it probably will only be added up after 12 midnight. I shouldn't have ate the cough mixture because it is making me really drowsy and I hate it. My precious night moments!!!

Yes, Val, I didn't reply to your SMS with regards to you being wasted on a Monday night (I suspect you are related to Garfield somehow) but then that was cos I didn't know what to reply back to you ma. If I type "ic" back to you, do you know that costs a blardy 5 cents? That's like 2.5cents for ONE miserable alphabet!

Nice new glasses you got but I kinda wonder who is the lucky a$$ that picked up your oakleys you forgotten at Sentosa. Haha!

Ok. Photos after 12 midnight! I shall find new skin now!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:18 pm

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Xiang's com is down

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Which explains why I haven't got killed by him for saying that I am going to date another guy.

By the way people, there is NOTHING wrong between me and Xiang. The 'guy' that I said I will date is Chubby. So tell me, is there ANYTHING wrong with dating Chubby? Duh! It's like I date Chubby every night and he spends half the time sh*tting. What's worse is that I got to clean up after him!

Haha, back to my topic of today. Xiang's computer is down. Which means I can write all the bad things I want about him and yet he cannot find out. His motherboard is probably RIP, and so might his RAM too. Bless him.

And if you are worried for me and want me to watch my mouth about what I say lest Xiang's computer gets repaired and he's online reading all this, well, tell you what. I think they call this karma but I have this really godly bro, not 'good friend' kind of bro, but my real blood bro, who is like super talented with computers and he's doing the repairing. Thus, Cindy The Great knows when Xiang's computer will be back home (or maybe not).

Come to think of it, I haven't a bad thing to say about Xiang after all. Maybe I shall badmouth about another person.

And that will be none other than.... Didi! Yes! That stupid dog that all my projectmates like.

Can you believe it? ALL of them fell for Didi's stupid I-am-good-boy scam! From my PSQ groupmates to my A&P groupmates to my CRM groupmates to my .. actually all of my groupmates are the same throughout most of the subjects... so.. haha.

But NO! Didi is not as GOOD BOY as it seems. Sure he's handsome and all but you see for yourselves how he looks like when he growls at my darling Chubby boy. Now Chubby may appear to be fierce and bossy but in truth he has never hurt an ant! In fact, he gets bitten by ants even! So I absolutely hate it when Didi does that. A dog that bites the hand that feeds it is a bad dog. But a dog that wants to bite the owner's favourite dog is A EVEN WORSER dog!

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 10:41 pm

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Home early!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Latest Update at 8.04pm
LET'S ALL CONGRATULATE ME! I SCREWED UP MY BLOG TEMPLATE AND CAN'T GET BACK THE OLD ONE! If you're reading this and it's still the old skin, it's cos I haven't published the new template out yet. Grrrreat. Now I'm going to have to find a new one. XIANG I HATE U! U SAID YOU'D COME! So right now to get back at ya,

I am going on a DATE with ANOTHER GUY!

*takes the newspapers*
Let's go Chubby, time for you to go sh*t!

I'm having PMS (in fact, I have it like 10 times a month) you guys are (almost) ALL JERKS!

For the first time ever since I am back from Bangkok, I am actually home at.. like.. 5++pm! Credits awarded to someone who doesn't want to let everyone know that someone has a car. Janet, I can't wait to see you drive Tigra!! Froggy car! (She told me before it would be green)

I realised something today. I don't know whether it is the pressure of TP students having to constantly change their environment and then go through the process of getting to know new people over and over again that created this tension. It's like every single project group I know is quarreling or arguing at one point or another. Even those that contain my very best friends.

I suck at conflict management, as most of you know. When I sometimes see any of you crying or quarreling, my reaction would be the same. I would stay so blardy quiet and pray that I am invisible to you. In fact, if I could, I would dig a hole in the ground and bury my head.

I don't know how to console people. I don't say anything because sometimes I have to admit that sometimes I don't THINK before I talk. Ended up making some people feel worse. It has happened, that's why I know that I should shut up.

CiiN Sniffed Her Pillow At 6:44 pm

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